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Top 5 Items Escorts Should Always Have On Them

October 29th, 2019 by Naughty Ads
At NaughtyAds we care about our Independent Sex Workers and their careers to make sure that they avoid any dramatic or life threatening situations during a booking. We always recommend that our Advertisers create a check list or pack a special bag they take with them to every booking. That way they know they have packed everything they need that is important.If you are new to providing Adult Services in Australia or working as an Escort in Australia, this blog is for you and is our way of welcoming you and helping you prepare you for a career where you can be as naughty (or as nice) as you desire.1. Panties. Jocks. Speedos. Oh My!Whatever tickles your fetish, making sure you always pack a spare pair of underwear is always a good idea. Sex Workers know that sex with clients can get a little dirty (in a good way!) so having a spare pair of jocks, panties, speedos (or leather chaps?) on hand means you can freshen up in the bathroom and be confident after your booking and moving onto th next.Some clients have been known to buy underwear and lingerie for their companions as a sign of appreciation. If the request is to use them during the booking then might be able to trade up by leaving the ones you brought with you after doing the deed and take the new ones home! Otherwise, if you're lucky enough for them to just be a gift make sure to thank the client with an extra special peck on the cheek, perhaps a cheeky wink or blow them a kiss as you walk out the door because you'll want to make this type of thoughtful client a regular.2. Condoms. No Glove = No Love.We are advocates for safe sex and the sexual health and wellbeing of Australian Escorts and Australian Adult Service Providers. Better to be safe than sorry. Your customers may or may not have condoms on them so always make sure you are packing around five to 10 condoms so that you're ready for action!3. Mini Instant Hand Sanitiser and Refresh WipesIf you are obsessed with staying clean and ready for action like us then we recommend you always have a mini hand sanitiser in your bag along with some refresher wipes (wet wipes). You will feel clean and fresh and more comfortable using your own products instead of someone else’s.4. Pepper SprayWe hope you never end up in a situation where you have gone to an Out-call or met with a punter for an In-Call and have to reach for this during a booking; but we highly recommend in your Adult Services profession to always carry pepper spray with you.Pepper Spray is a very effective weapon you can use to defend yourself should a bad situation happen during your booking, just make sure you learn how to use it before you really need to; otherwise you can end up hurting yourself instead.5. Mini Toothbrush and Beauty ProductsWhen you are heading out for an Outcall we always recommend packing a toothbrush with you so you can keep your oral hygiene in good check. Never overdo the makeup and hair but it’s always great to have the most essential items with you when you are visiting a client.If you are driving your own car to a booking you can setup your makeup and hair prep in the front seat, so you can head on in to meet your client without bringing the rest of the magic with you! Then head back to your car and reapply as needed so your naughty secret is well kept.
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Breaking The Myths Of Escorting

October 29th, 2019 by Naughty Ads
The team at NaughtyAds love movies of all genres from romance to sci-fi, crime to horror. We’ve seen a lot of movies portray escorting as a career for people who identify with criminals, which gives the Australian Adult Industry and Sex Workers in Australia a bad image.This is a short post where we debunk some of the myths of escorting for anyone out there who is uncertain about booking an escort or perhaps you are a sex worker with some questions nobody has dared to answer yet. If you thought you'd learned everything that you could possibly know about escorting from Movies or your favourite TV shows then this article will show you a different perspective.Myth #1: Mobsters. Pimps. Drugs. Oh My!Okay, so you’ve probably seen movies and TV shows that use an old image of mobsters and pimps involved in all sorts of criminal activities and invariably there are escorts by their side.As part of the Australian Adult Industry, we often find storylines of escorts and murders or some sort of violent behaviour intertwined in these shows and while it can be true that some escorts will find themselves in shady places; THIS DOES NOT REPRESENT ALL ESCORTS.Are you shocked? Companions and Independent Escorts in Australia lead similar lives to most other people like walking their dogs in the morning, jogging around the park, grabbing a coffee through the Maccas Drive Thru on their way to their office job; sometimes they even go to the grocery store and push a trolley - GASP!Very few are involved in illegal activities or have unsavoury clients.Myth #2: Escorts Will Never Find HappinessIn movies, most companions end up dead or unhappy, however in most cases we like to think back to that classic movie of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, because it is actually possible for escorts more often then not to find happiness and actually end up in beautiful relationships, separating their escorting career from their personal life.Sadness does not prevail in the escorting world; quite the contrary. Escorting is a very profitable business and is a REAL JOB which can allow people to retire in just a couple of years, providing you know how to manage your earnings and don’t go too crazy with high lifestyle expenses.What surprises us is that Hollywood never stumbled across the fact that Sex Workers in Australia and Adult Service Providers in Australia are closer to financial freedom then most people, but perhaps they did not find that interesting or dramatic enough to write that storyline?Myth #3: Escorts Do Not Enjoy Sex.Escorts exist for many different reasons and it’s not true that escorts only work for the money. More often then not Independent Sex Workers in Australia work for the pure satisfaction of seeing their clients happy and making someones day and of course there are the Escorts that have high sex drives and enjoy the liberating and sexual variety that comes with escorting.Shocking (again) isn't it? Many escorts enjoy having sex!Myth #4: Prince Charming Will Be A Punter.We are not going to deny that escort-client romances do happen on occasion. A lot of punters are married and unwilling to leave their spouses but are looking for a little something on the side that might be missing in their relationship.Even if a punter is not romantically committed, by booking an escort they’re signalling the fact that they’re looking to avoid emotional tangles and are just looking to have a little fun and a good time for a short time, not so much a long time.We encourage escorts to have fun with their clients but to never believe in the false hopes that their client will become their lover. Pretty Woman with Julia Roberts is not a true story for every escort; but we will not say that it doesn’t happen - because for some lucky escorts it does.
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4 Foods To Avoid Before Sex With An Australian Escort

October 29th, 2019 by Naughty Ads
At NaughtyAds we know you love hot, naughty and steamy sessions in the bedroom, on the kitchen bench, the back seat or wherever your rendezvous takes you! In this blog we are sharing a list of the Top 4 Foods you should avoid if you want to enjoy the best sex of your life with an Independent Sex Worker in Australia.1. ChilliYou heard it here first: Chill is your enemy. So if you are dreaming of a romantically intimate date with a Male Escort, Female Escort or Transgender Escort in Australia; we suggest you think twice before ordering those spicy tacos .One of the core ingredients in chilli, capsicum and peppers causes heavy sweating.  Whilst you want to enjoy getting hot ands sweaty with your Australian Escort we don't want you to turn into a dripping mess!2. Sweets and LolliesLet’s face it, it is really hard to avoid those Krispy Kreme donuts at Seven Eleven, or those other cheeky sweet treats that are on special at Woolworths and Coles. Everything from cookies to cakes, chocolates to candies; the sugar found in these foods provides only a short burst of energy.So if you want to be wide awake and ready for action, put that piece of cake down and thin about replacing it for of tea or an ernergy drink before your bigr big date with an Australian Escort on NaughtyAds; otherwise you are going to fall tired very quickly with a post sugar crash.Naughty Tip: whole grains, hummus and wheat crackers are a great burst of energy and while they are not sweet; they will give you a hit of energy that won't knock you out before your sexy Australian Escorts arrive.3. Alcohol and CoffeeRelaxation is commonly associated with an alcoholic drinks like a glass of Red or White wine, resulting in people to be more open with their conversation. We recommend you limit yourself to just one or two glasses as we this should give you the right mix of relaxed whilst ensuring your don't fall aslseep in the lap of an Australian Escort (or even worse, during your throw of passion!).Coffee, whilst being a great stimulant can give you bad breath and they make your mouth feel dry so it's not great for planning on a session involving a lot of french kissing (with tongue), so we recommend you stay away from coffee before your booking.4. Fatty Foods, Dairy and Certain VegetablesWe are squeezing a few things together in this final point, however they should be foods to go without if you're a punter looking for a naughty time with an Australian Escort (whether they are a Female Escort, Male Escort or Transgender Escort).Steaks, Burgers, Chips and everything else with a lot of fat will have you feeling tired and bloated so you will want sleep more than sex. Boo…. how boring!Dairy products like milk, cheese or that tub of ice-cream you found too hard to put down earlier this evening, will have your breath and body giving off a sour scent - not sexy.Last, but not least are troublesome foods such as Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Kale and every other bloody green vegetable with leaves. These vegetables can leave you a little gassy and we're pretty certain most Independent Sex Workers won't appreciate this so best to leave these vegetables for another day.By simply avoiding just a few of these foods and drinks you'll ensure you smell (and taste) great for your escort date.
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Avoid Making Mistakes As A New Escort on NaughtyAds

October 29th, 2019 by Naughty Ads
At NaughtyAds we know that mistakes tend to happen because we are human. As humans we aren’t perfect and this is certainly true for escorts everywhere in the world.It’s important to remember not dwell on mistakes for too long and instead try and learn from your experiences both good and bad and ensure that you grow into becoming a better Australian Independent Escort.You will discover in no time ways to not make repeated mistakes; but here is some tips and tricks to avoid unwanted situations (as voted by Escorts on NaughtyAds).1. Screen With CareNarcissism. It’s a thing. And if you have not heard the word before or don't know what it means we suggest you to look up the meaning. There a lot of manipulative, aggressive and controlling men and women in the world; so you want to make sure you avoid having these people as your clients (especially your first!).You want to stay safe, right?In that case, never forget to screen your punters before you decide to meet with them. At the same time make sure that you explain the reasons behind your decision.We recommend you always explain your reason for screening a punter, to the punter directly so you can put them at ease and so they understand they need to respect you as an Independent Escort in Australia or Adult Services Provider in Australia.If a client refuses to follow your simple screening process we recommend that you stop talking to them and start your next conversation with another punter who values your safety.2. Stop The Marathon. No Over-Working!You’re new. You’re excited. You are horny and love sex . You want to accept every booking that comes your way because you want the money or you are looking to explore and experiment and build up your new and loyal clients list.Imagine this: you wake up with a nasty headache, feeling like you're hung over, slightly depressed and exhausted and lacking the energy to eat, to walk or do anything you would normally do.You need to take time out for yourself and maintain a good work life balance. That means taking the time to hit the gym or go shopping, get your nails done or catch a wave at the beach. Whatever outlet you choose for relaxation, we recommend you take care of yourself and your immune system so you don’t break yourself.Your Health should always come first (even if you want to make as much money as possible), because you can do both without risking your livelihood or burning out before you have even started building your career as one of the Independent Sex Workers in Australia here at Naughty Ads.We like to give advice that you should exercise around 3-4 times per week, get around 8 hours of sleep every night, eati healthy foods that are low in carbohydrates and low in sugars, drinking a little less alcohol then you would like to and relax with friends and/or family in your spare time so you can unwind and get back to knowing and respecting yourself.3. Always Be Honest (No Lies)Do you hate it when people lie to you? If you answered yes, then you can be sure the same goes for your clients too. If you are an escort advertising something different to who you are and what you do, get ready punters will find out and notify others through reviews or forums. Best to honest about your look and service offering to ensure the sustainability of your business.Always be honest by including the correct and true details of how you look, how old you are, the type of personality and outfits you can cater to with your punters. If you say you are the girl-next-door type with a flirty side and size 6 body with a bubble butt; you better be the real deal in the flesh when you meet face to face with your client. Otherwise your client will refuse to give you a donation and leave, and may write a negative review on NaughtyAds about their experience for other punters to see (as well as other sex workers).4. Sexual Health In CheckYour body is your money maker so making sure you get regular health checks is very important for Australian Sex Workers and Adult Service Providers in Australia.STD's are no joke. If you get an infection, you will be forced to stop work for up to two weeks and if you continue working and a punter gets sick and can trace it back to you - you can not only lose your Sex Workers License in Australia but you can also get banned from Brothels in Australia too.We recommend for your own safety and sexual health, to always visit your clients with condoms and lubrication. If your client refused to wear a condom (make sure they have covered your travel to and from) and leave if they insist; because no glove equals no love.5. Friends or Lovers? Neither!Starting to get regulars and repeat clients? We are really happy for you! But don't start making assumptions or start putting them in the friend zone. After all, as an escort you are offering companionship in exchange for a financial contribution, because clients seek your talents.So when you are working with your client, consider not over-sharing your life story, or your personal issues or problems, because it's likely they don't have interest helping you move home or fixing the tyre on your car.Experience has also taught us that it is best for Australian Escorts to remember that a client may ask you if you want to be their lover. Perhaps you were too friendly with them on your last booking? Always keep a certain amount of distance to avoid this from happening.6. Get Yourself Repeat PuntersThe key is to show attention to detail. Make sure you always provide a clean and welcoming location for every client encounter. If everything is clean, your clients favourite beverage is close by and you never rush them during their booking; your Punters are going to want to come back for more.Punters of NaughtyAds have commented consistently on how punctual our escorts are and that they really appreciate it especially when providing pleasant outcall experiences for them so please continue to keep up the good work. We also recommend you continue to use the outfits your clients are dreaming of so you can give them the experience they desire most.Caution: if your client gets violent or aggressive with you or they want something from you that you never agreed on before you arrived, we advise you to leave. As an Independent Sex Worker in Australia or Australian Adult Service Provider you are not obligated to work if you are made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Always respect yourself, your health and your boundaries.7. A Short Chat Is A Good ChatOur Australian Escorts have mentioned that some of the punters they experience try to keep them on the phone for a long time, talking dirty to them instead of arranging a booking. Do not fall into this trap because the punter is angling to get something from you at no cost; or is jerking off while they are talking to you (aka. phone sex).Instead, keep your email conversations and telephone calls as short and to the point as you can whilst being as polite and courteous as possible. Of course, when your client becomes a regular you can be as naughty as you like but always remember to leave them wanting more so that keep coming back to you.
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5 Things You Should Know Before Booking An Australian Escort

October 29th, 2019 by Naughty Ads
At NaughtyAds we connect punters just like you with the naughtiest Male Escorts, Trans Escorts and Female Escorts in Australia and we genuinely care about your experience and helping you find Escorts in Australia that are right for you.It’s not that surprising to us at NaughtyAds, considering that despite the world being much more connected with social media, dating apps and swinger parties across the country, people are actually feeling lonelier - that’s because a lot of communication is done behind a screen!Where has the intimacy gone? With the world becoming more and more connected globally behind a screen and at a touch of a button we are seeing people feeling lonelier because there is no human interaction without the buffer of a smartphone or keyboard.Today’s blog is all about helping you find intimacy and companionship with an Australian Escort. We are sharing five tips that you'll find useful so make sure you read these before start browsing some of Australia’s hottest escorts right here on NaughtyAds.1. Escorts are not ProstitutesThere is a big difference between hiring an Independent Escort and a Prostitute. While the road with both Sex Workers generally leads in the same direction (e.g. sex); their approach is very different and it is important that you approach them differently so you start things off on the right foot; and ensure one of the best and most intimate experiences of your life.Prostitution is based on satisfying base desires and is connected to a specific social stigma; whereas Independent Escorts on the other hand are much more concerned with providing the connection that comes with dating, flirting and intimacy. Our Independent Escorts are the ones to contact if you want a nice evening out with someone who takes pride in how the present themselves and are generally highly education with university degrees and can hold intelligent conversation.We have actually heard stories from our Independent Escorts and Adult Service Providers that they have clients who book them just to meet for talking and bonding without having sex!An Independent Escort can be more selective of their clients, filtering out those clients they feel may waste their time or have unreasonable expectations, so expect a stricter code of etiquette when you engage them for their time.We encourage you to be a little more coy about asking for sex from an Independent Escort and put in some effort by flirting with them and genuinely expressing interest; just like you would if you were asking someone out on a date. You will get so much further and have fun along the way!It’s always important to remember that Sex Work is real work and a real profession, so you’ll need to respect that Escorts can deny meeting with you if they think you are not going to respect them so make sure you present yourself well and you'll be enjoying your date in no time.2. Escorts Work Differently In Every StateWhile Adult Service Providers are not prostitutes, they’re still considered sex workers and every state in Australia has different rules regarding sex work with some states requiring the sex worker to hold a license (just like drivers license); so they can jump into bed with you!We recommend you do a little bit of research and make sure you know exactly what you are doing and be comfortable that it is whitn the law and customs of the state you are booking an Independent Sex Worker or Adult Service in Australia before you make the call.3. Learn The Lingo and Your Dreams Will Come True!We touched on earlier how Independent Escorts in Australia approach client booking enquiries with care and a code of etiquette at a level above prostitutes so getting to know the Escort Lingo will actually help you bring your dreams to life especially when you book an escort on NaughtyAds.Chances are you have stumbled across terms INCALL and OUTCALL when looking for an escort who tickles your fancy. In most instances an INCALL means you can meet with the Independent Sex Worker at their address or another location where they will meet you for a booking. An OUTCALL means they will travel and meet with you (be prepared for an increased booking fee and to cover the cost of the Uber or taxi if the distance requires one).Some new terms are starting to pop up online such as A-Level (this means the Independent Sex Worker is open to anal play, which seems to be all the rage in Australia), GFE (short for Girlfriend Experience) and one of the most popular PSE (Porn Star Experience).If you get to know these basic terms above they will make your booking experience so much easier and the Independent Escorts will respect you much more because you know what to ask for and they will feel at ease messaging you back.4. Increasing ad trust at NaughtyAdsAt NaughtyAds we verify the phone number of every Independent Escort account to try to ensure that when you book an escort on our website, you are getting a genuine experience.However, since we brought this point up, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get scammed on other escort directories and even from Adult Service Providers that have taken the time to build a fairly convincing website.When considering to book an Adult Service Provider we urge you to think with your ‘head’ and pay very close attention to details you read so you make the best decision you can possible.Here at NaughtyAds we have introduced REAL CLIENT REVIEWS, where we encourage people who have booked a Male Escort, Female Escort or Transgender Escort on NaughtyAds to give their feedback about their experience. We check these reviews before we publish them to make sure that they are honest and real.5. Finally, Be Naughty and Have Fun!Now that we have shared a little more insight on how to make the most of your Escort Booking experience, all that is left to do is browse Naughty Ads - Australia’s Naughtiest Escorts and Adult Service Providers and make a booking.We know you'll have an amazing time with any of our Independent Escorts, so make sure that you take our advice and call or text them exactly as you would when asking someone out. Remember, they are professionals, so act in a respectful manner and arrive on time.Once you meet your Escort how the day ot night proceeds is up to both (or more) of you. Make sure the communication is clear to ensure everyone is comfortable and can unwind and have a good time.We encourage you to leave a review about your experience on the Escorts profile of the provider you meet This is a discreet and private opportunity for you to say thank you to the Escort. Who knows, you may even want to meet with them again and what a great way to start that great relationship with them by saying thanks!
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How To Get Rid Of A Hickey

October 25th, 2019 by Naughty Ads
At NaughtyAds we genuinely care about helping our advertisers make the most out of their Independent Escorting and Adult Services careers and we completely understand the perils and dramas that come with working in the Adult Industry.Australian Escorts, how many times have you had a passionate kiss with a client which then resulted in unaesthetic hickeys? Chances are you have probably had more than one throughout your career and they are annoying when you need to look fresh for your next client; or perhaps when you (like most Independent Escorts); live that double life and need to keep your Independent Sex Worker career a secret from the rest of the world.Now, some of you might not mind them and even encourage them; but we asked some of our Male Escorts, Female Escorts and Transgender Escorts and they encouraged us to share some advice on how to get rid of a hickey now that Summer is here and wearing a scarf or a cardigan is a little much in our Australian climate; after all why sweat for the wrong reason?Today’s post is all about the tips and tricks to hide these hickeys and give you the confidence to take that next booking, walk into your 9-5 office job with your head held high and know that your naughty little secret is well hidden.1. Gentle MassageWhen our muscles are sore after a hard day’s (or night’s) work nothing is more relaxing as well as soothing; than a massage it’s just like heaven on earth... unless you think differently?Research shows that applying pressure gently to the parts of your body that have proof of your last romp or a little more for those that like a rough tumble in the bedroom (you wild thing!) is the most effective way of curing those hickeys.Alternatively; visiting a professional massage therapist can also help you hit the spot and erase that hickey with the right amount of pressure, so don't be worried about telling them all about what happened - you will not be judged. Massages really do help when they are done right in areas of any muscular injuries because they break the bad blood that has gotten stuck in that one place (which we call hickeys!).How do you massage the hickey away?It’s really easy, if you apply just a slight amount of pressure where you know there is evidence and massage in a circle starting from the middle, then keep that circular motion going all the way around and outwards with a cold compression or a hot one (whatever takes your fancy!). A massage is not for everyone, but if you give this tip a go and it works (or not) let us know below in the comments we’d love to hear how you go.2. Cover Up With MakeupWe know our female escorts love makeup advice and chances are you are already using some amazing concealers and foundation to cover up your hickeys, by looking through their trusted kits and seeing if they can find their favourite makeup magic.You can hide a hickey with some concealer and foundation that is matched to your skin tone, but make sure it is makeup that is used for stage lights, strong enough to hide tattoos or even covering scars - because it will last longer and completely cover without fading.To our Male Escorts and Transgender Escorts - don’t be afraid of grabbing that makeup kit or asking some of your Female Escorts friends to lend a hand or show you a few tricks.Makeup Hint: if you choose a shade lighter than your skin tone it will cover the redness. When you’ve covered everything up, blend it extra well. The hickey will be completely invisible.3. Open Your First Aid Kit (or Vanity)You may already have these in your first aid kit or in your bathroom sink cupboard so check for Vitamin K or Vitamin E Cream. Apply this to your annoying hickey.Peppermint oils and mint-based lotions will also sooth and settle the hickey redness and if you want to reduce the swelling pop an Aspirin or have a coffee; just not at the same time.4. Put Your Creativity To The TestAs Independent Sex Workers we all enjoy getting creative when it comes to our time with our clients as well as making ourselves look absolutely flawless when we are on a date, so getting creative when it comes to covering hickey’s is your next best bet too!So... if it it’s summer and you’ve got a hickey, give a thin (but not see through) scarf a go, wearing your hair down ladies will also work too; but only if you’ve got the length.Is it cold outside? If there is a love bite when it’s cold, throw on your favourite turtleneck, sweater paired with a hoodie; give it a little casual and class at the same time and rock your look.5. How about an Ice Pack or Metal Spoon?If you feel that hickey coming on run to the kitchen and open your freezer. Take out an ice pack or some ice cubes and throw them in a clip-seal bag, wrap it in paper towel or tea towel and place on the area where you need it the most.Ice Pack Hint: you need to do this within 12 hours of finding the problem this will make sure your blood vessels will be fixed up with the quickest healing time possible.We have even tried using a metal spoon on ourselves and it actually works too! So, whatever you choose give your circulation a helping hand.
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