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Reasons Why You Should Try Anal Sex

October 29th, 2022 by Naughty Ads
If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve had the thought of trying some butt play. Word on the street goes that it's excruciating, which is entirely misguided. While it’s a mainstream sex play nowadays, there is still a taboo conversation around it, which has probably got you sitting on the fence on whether to try it or not. If your biggest concern is pain, we have hacks such as lube to help you get around it. Altogether, here are some reasons why you should try anal sex. 1.     There are zero chances of pregnancy. Sometimes, the biggest barrier to enjoying sex, especially for women, is the chance of getting pregnant. With anal sex, chances of pregnancy are non-existent since the vagina isn’t involved. There have been concerns that some sperms might swim down to the vagina, but health experts and escorts in Otago completely discredit that. However, just because you can’t get pregnant doesn’t mean you skip protection. There are still chances for STDs and other infections. 2.     Anal orgasms hit different As we all know, the anal cavity is packed with thousands of nerves, making it a super sensitive erogenous zone. The butt is, therefore, a favourite spot to play with if you want some shuttering orgasm. For the ladies yet to experience an orgasm, this is the time to consider some anal. 3.     It gives a chance to introduce new toys As health and sex experts, we don’t recommend rushing from zero to 100 regarding anal sex. If you’re a beginner, we highly recommend you try anal with some beginner toys before jumping into the 9-incher. Things get interesting when you start everything with a toy. We recommend anal toys like beads or butt plugs. This way, you get a chance to try something new with toys, which is quite thrilling. 4.     It Is thrilling The thrill of trying something new, especially in sex, is unparalleled. Trying some anal is an excellent way to keep things exciting and hot. Otago escort services providers recommend combining anal with other things you find alluring during sex. For example, anal and clitoral stimulation. 5.     It’s a good option during periods If you can’t keep calm during your periods, there is always an option for period sex. Period sex can be magnificent (this is discussed later on our blog). However, if you can’t stand it, there is always option B, which is anal sex, which will equally feel great. A footnote We are glad that people are slowly accepting anal sex as part of their bedroom routines. Our advice is you ensure it's well protected and, quite importantly, well lubricated. Check out our blogs for more tips on lubrication. Why would you consider anal sex? Please give us your reasons by commenting on our comment section.
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A Complete Guide to Female Condoms

October 26th, 2022 by Naughty Ads
Generally, there are two types of condoms; internal condoms, commonly known as female condoms, and external condoms, widely known as male condoms. Most people are familiar with male condoms, and quite often, the female ones don’t get the discussion they deserve. The purpose of using protection is to protect yourself against possible pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. The era where using protection was the man's responsibility is long gone. Here is an information pack with all the guides to using female condoms. What are they? Female condoms are a birth control device that forms an entry barrier to sperm and protects against possible sexually transmitted diseases. It comes as a soft pouch that loosely fits in the vaginal cavity. The condom has two rings, one going inside and the other remaining outside the vagina, for its removal after sex. Female condoms are made from plastic, or synthetic latex, although the former has been phased out. The condoms also come with silicon-based lubrication. How do they work? As pointed out earlier, they are a barrier placed inside the vagina. That implies that they prevent pregnancies by preventing contact between sperm and the egg. Like the male condoms, female condoms collect the male ejaculate which is discarded upon removal. Preventing penis-vagina contact also helps prevent the exchange of fluids, which could otherwise lead to infections and diseases. Who can use female condoms? Essentially, female condoms are for women or people with vulva or vagina. A lot of women consider female condoms an effective way of birth control. However, they are not for everyone. As suggested by Hawke’s Bay escorts, here are some reasons that might bar you from using female condoms. 1. If you’re allergic to synthetic latex. Remember, most of these condoms are made from latex, which might be allergic to some people. 2. If you’re not comfortable. Having a bag inside your vagina might make sex a bit uncomfortable. In such a case, we suggest you go for other methods of birth control or protection. 3. If you have any vaginal abnormalities. Vaginal abnormalities might affect the insertion, placement, and positioning of the condoms. In such a case, we highly recommend other methods of protection. How effective are they? Although they are considered effective, they have slightly lower efficacy than male condoms. The effectiveness of female condoms strongly depends on perfect use, which means using them correctly following all the instructions on the packaging. Either way, using female condoms will protect you from pregnancies and STIs. Where to buy them? Finding these in regular outlets might be challenging, but we are glad they are gaining popularity. If the spread of awareness continues, female condoms will be available in every outlet that male one's are. Either way, try out supermarkets, health clinics, chemists, and community health-based organizations. Footnote Generally, female condoms are said to increase sexual pleasure and can be used with oil or water-based lubricants. If used correctly, they can be a great way to protect you and your partner. The best advice we can give is that you follow the packaging guidelines. What do you think about female condoms? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section box. 
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6 reasons why some men absolutely love BBW women

October 24th, 2022 by Naughty Ads
For a long time, petite has been the face of beauty in women. In books, movies, or magazines, men have been obsessed with slim figures. However, not all men fall into the petite-holics group. We have many more men out there obsessed with thick women with curvy figures. Surprised? Don’t be. With the rise of dating sites, the wave is shifting towards the thick BBWs. If you’ve wondered why men love such babes, here are six convincing reasons. 1.     Huge is beautiful There is something beautiful about curvy women. The curves and more curves, paired with unmatched confidence, make them extremely attractive. The shapely figure makes them stand out from their slim counterparts. 2.     Booty and more booty Something must kill a man, and booty does that perfectly. 90% of men are obsessed with butts. Yes, slim women have nicely shaped butts, but there is something more intriguing about some junk in the booty, like in the BBWs. If you don’t turn heads when some big booty passes you, you’re either gay or simply crazy. Thick is the way, and plus-size women are the way. 3.     They are your food buddy Chubby women love food, and grabbing a thick babe automatically gives you an enthusiastic food buddy if you're a foodie. These girls love exploring new food joints and trying new recipes and food combinations. If you love food, getting a chubby girl is a ticket to guilt-free meals. 4.     Chubby women are soft Compared to their slim counterparts, chubby ladies are soft, tender, and generally soft-spoken. Men are masculine and thus prefer being the hard and strong ones in the relationship. To men, holding something round, soft, and voluptuous rather than a slim figure feels better. 5.     They are affectionate Thick girls are like babies. They like feeling affection, which is why they are suckers for long tight hugs, constant cuddles, and any romantic contact. If you’re one of those who love affection, consider getting yourself a fat babe. 6.     The warmth is unmatched Cuddles with a fat girl hit different and cannot be paralleled to cuddles with slim girls. In addition to them being super sexy and attractive, there is immense warmth holding them close. It would be best if you tried putting your hands between their thighs. You’re going to love the heat. Wink! The bottom If you’re wondering where to grab a thick babe, try adult services in Port Augusta. Here you’ll find a collection of the best from all over Australia. If you’re one of the thick babes, be sure there are thousands of men out there who relish what you have. Show off your curves with confidence. Why do you think men love thick women? Please drop a comment on our blog section.
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Simultaneous Orgasms- Expert Tips

October 19th, 2022 by Naughty Ads
Often seen as a miracle, getting simultaneous orgasms with your partner isn’t that complicated. First, simultaneous orgasm is simply when two partners have synced orgasms at the same time or sometimes within moments of one another. There’s a big buzz around simultaneous orgasms; honestly, it is something worth dying for. While it’s unlikely you’ve experienced this, we're here to save you. Here are some expert tips on how you can have synced orgasms. Are there any benefits or simultaneous orgasms? Getting a synced orgasm greatly depends on how you feel before and during sex. If you’re lucky to have one, it has unmatched benefits, the most obvious being that it’s a gratifying and pleasurable experience. In addition, orgasms are perfect stress-busters, improve sleep, and even better skin. Having a synced one with your partner means you enjoy all these benefits as a couple and, in addition, a more solid bond. Pro tips for simultaneous orgasms Here are some tips to help you and your partner get to your big O’s together. 1.     Don’t think about it too much We have couples who approach sex with the pressure of cumming simultaneously. Quite often, it ends with frustrations. Escorts in Southland prefer focusing on the moment and enjoying what their partners have to offer. That way, the feeling is more fulfilling and will likely end up in a toe-curling, perfectly synced orgasm. 2.     Read your partner Getting down this road together is about pleasing your partner as much as they are pleasing you. Given we all have our preferences, we highly recommend taking your time to study your partner, figuring out what makes them reach their edge. On the same note, be an open book, and allow your partner to explore and discover what works for you. When the feeling is mutual, you’ll surely get there together. 3.     Have sex in sync We suggest taking turns pleasing and stimulating each other, as you satisfy each’s needs. When you feel like you’re getting there before your partner, we recommend slowing down and listening to their breathing, which adds to the arousal. Pleasing each other in sync will undoubtedly lead to a better orgasm. 4.     Use some lube Things get better when they are all wet and slippery. While the body has its lubrication mechanism, having some lube around will come a great way in making things better and more intense. This is more so when penetrative sex is involved. The bottom line In as much as a simultaneous orgasm is a rewarding experience, that doesn’t mean it should be the only end goal of sex. Enjoy the moment, please each other, focusing on a mutually fulfilling sexual experience. Have you ever had a simultaneous orgasm? Please tell us what you think through the open blog comment section.
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3 reasons why penis size doesn’t matter

October 17th, 2022 by Naughty Ads
Penis size is a discussion that has interested the sex industry and men for decades, if not centuries. We'd wouldn't be surprised if Adam grappled with the question! We’ve read thousands of blogs and posts on how a woman’s body image is an essential aspect of sex and relationships. But how about men? Do they matter? Does “penis shame” really exist? Do we have men who feel inadequate? One of the most hurtful things to a man is reading on the internet about penis stereotypes and thinking that they're not up to “standard.” Here is some reassurance to the man who has been feeling belittled because of having a “small” member. The following write-up highlights three reasons why size doesn’t matter regarding sex. 1.     What you see in the media is magnified The leading contributor to this size menace is porn videos. These videos have been designed to create an impression that sex should be rough and outrageous, and you need a big D. if you’ve fallen for that, you’re doomed. Porn videos give the wrong impression that the bigger the member, the more she enjoys the sex and that vaginas are never-ending holes. Don’t be fooled by what you see or hear from your screens that taking some pills will grow what you have to a 12 incher. A lot of women don’t like them huge anyways. 2.     There’s more to sex than just penetration Again, porn has made it stick to people’s minds that sex is just penetration. If 100 men are asked what they enjoy about sex, be pretty sure that 90 of them will say, sticking their meat between the buns. While penetration is enjoyable, there is more to sex than it. For many women, a good sex session involves intense kissing, caressing and licking to build up to the moment. To many, penetration is the last thing in their mind. Kiss her, touch her, feel her breasts, talk dirty to her, tug her hair and spank her. Trust us, this counts more than what you’re carrying between your legs. 3.     It’s about how you use it, not how big It measures. There is a common saying that says- it’s not about the ship's size but rather the ocean's motion. Many women confess to meeting men with big wieners but not knowing how to use them. So, if you think women judge good or bad sex based on how big or small the penis is, you’re living in the dark ages. Different sex styles maximize penetration despite how small your penis is. Footnote For all the men who feel inferior because of their size, we guarantee you there’s always more than what you think. The next time you get laid, consider changing your techniques rather than worrying whether your size is enough for her because it doesn’t matter! Do you think size matters? Please tell us through our blog comment section. 
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Tips for giving a hot lap dance

October 16th, 2022 by Naughty Ads
A lap dance is simply an erotic dance performed in the form of sexual moves to arouse the partner. We’ve talked of many ways of improving bland sex life, but we don’t give lap dances the credit they deserve. To flawlessly execute one, you don’t necessarily need to be a professional dancer. No rules dictate how it should be done or what moves to make, but we’ve prepared the following tips to help you make your way around it. Here are tips for giving a hot lap dance. 1.     Find some inspiration If you don’t know where to start, we have loads of content on the internet that will give you an idea. Check out Instagram, YouTube and tiktok for videos of expert dancers doing what they do best. However, remember these are professional dances, so you don’t have to copy exactly what they do. The point is to get an idea of a starting point. 2.     Choose your music. When it comes to lap dancing, music is everything. We suggest you choose a deeply romantic or erotic song that probably your partner likes and will put the two of you into an erotic headspace. A song like Usher’s “Climax” is a perfect example. 3.     Dressing is everything While the idea of a lap dance is erotic, and the first thing that comes to your mind is to wear something erotic and seductive, that is not always the case. We recommend you find something that your partner finds sexy and one that you feel comfortable in. We also recommend two-piece outfits, such as a t-shirt and a short skirt, as they give you more options for striping if that is part of the dance. 4.     Choose a seat with armrests The armrests will act as a handle for you to hold on to as you grind on him, making things easier and more comfortable. 5.     Set an erotic mood Creating an erotic mood before the dance comes a long way to completing the moment. If possible, get some lit candles, but make sure that the room isn’t too dark for your partner not to see. The idea is to show a silhouette. 6.     Could you not make it too long? Ideally, a lap dance shouldn’t take too long. Two songs should be enough, as it is just a stepping stone to more erotic moments. Make it short, but again, not too short. The bottom line You don’t need to attend dance classes to drive them crazy. Allow yourself to be creative. Read blogs and watch videos for more inspiration. Lastly is to remind you not to do what your body can’t handle. Let us know what you think we should add to our list. Our blog comment section is open.
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Four ways to make doggy style even better

October 10th, 2022 by Naughty Ads
Doggy style involves two partners, where one of them, gets to a position on all fours, and then the phallic partner penetrates the kneeling partner from behind. It is a famous style that can get really intense. If you don’t like this style, we seriously advise you to reconsider. The style gives immense and intense penetration, whether with a penis, a finger, or a strap-on dildo. While there is all the hype about doggy, some people get it right, while many others don’t get to enjoy the full thrill that the style has to offer. If you’ve been a doggy fan, here are some tips on how you can make the style even better. 1.     Prop yourself enough Sadly, the traditional doggy style alone doesn’t guarantee an orgasm, especially if the partner being penetrated has a vagina. We recommend throwing in some extra props into the play to make things more intense. For example, pillows or cushions between your knees or joints might make things easier and more comfortable, giving room to feel the pleasure. 2.     Get handsy Again, penetration only might not be enough to get you to your desired level. To make things much easier, the penetrating partner should massage the other partner's genitals from behind. A little handsy attention goes a long way to getting them to the big O. 3.     Add some toys Doggy style is one of the best styles to incorporate a toy. It is easily compatible with both male and female toys. While at it, throw in a strap-on or a vibrator. It might be a bit hard to reach your partner's nipples in this position, which is why we recommend some nipple clamps. Altogether, try to maintain attention on all of your partner's erogenous zones. 4.     Try some oral We all agree that doggy is best for penetration, but have you tried oral with doggy? You will go insane. It is a great position that allows a combination of cunnilingus and penetration, especially if the partner has a vagina. If you’re into rimming, doggy gives you that perfect chance as long as you lube it. 5.     Lube it up. Things feel better when they are all wet and slippery. If you’ve chosen this road, get some water or silicone-based lube. Otherwise, penetration will be painful. 6.     Take it outside your bedroom. Surprisingly, the best of doggy happens outside the bedroom. For example, try doing it in the shower or even on your staircase. The bottom line The only way to enjoy doggy to the fullest is by allowing yourselves to get creative and explore. With a few of our tips, you’re bound for untellable pleasure. What else do you think we should add? Leave us a comment on our blog section below.
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