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Lexx Soule

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Name: Lexx Soule
Username: Lexx Soule
User ID: 68865
Twitter: @LSoule4444
Instagram: @lexx_Soule
About Me: Hello, You + me, if it's your fantasy let's add 3. You have come to my page for a reason, and I would love to hear why that be. There is a reason it is called the sex industry, but that does not mean that is all there is to the time of you & me. My name is Lexx Soule. I am a fun, well mannered, polite, caring, young, professional gentleman. With two years of industry experience, I provide a professional & exciting service that will leave you wanting more. While you may love a physically appealing man, I'm going assume everlasting, free flowing, fun, intelligent conversation is also something that you crave. Hopefully I didn't just make an ass out of you and me. Through my developed love of writing and reading I have developed the ability to speak fluently about a wide range of topics, my life journey thus far attributes to my ability to confer about these topics with great depth. Maintaining my health and wellbeing is paramount though, good food & exercising in the forms of martial arts, running, push ups, sit ups & chin ups keep the body you see in top condition. Growing up mostly on the South-East coast of Australia I have had the opportunity to live in multiple cities across the country. This I believe is a luxury, gifting me with perspectives that I would not hold, had I not travelled. Passions of mine include music, fashion, and creative literature. A creative, I have projects within the music industry & am currently writing a fictional piece of literature (more on that to come). What about sex with Lexx?! Let me assure you that it will fill you with mirth and pleasure you in all the right places. We can take it slow, with sensual smells, soft touches, and kisses that linger on the tip of your lips, something you'll always miss. Do you just want fun, playful sex, one where kinky things happen and the outside world doesn't matter, that is a service I would love to cater. Rough, tough, screaming "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck" I can do that too, then we can cuddle and snuggle, just me & you. From companionship to a novelty boyfriend/ girlfriend experience, the services I can offer are boundless. We can go for dinner and a dance, we can adventure earth's surface, maybe we will just stay home and watch the latest that Netflix has to offer. Once I know what it is you like & desire, I will lead the way. Did this spark a sense of curiosity? Do you want to discover more for yourself? Send me an email now and book your 2 HOUR FREE TRIAL TODAY! Warm regards, Lexx Soule. The Perfect Gentleman.

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Posts by Lexx Soule

Why You Should Not Be Embarrassed to Hire An Escort

August 20th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
This blog has been tailored for singles. The complexities as to why someone in a relationship may go outside the relationship and use an escort are for another blog. You want to hire an escort but you have a sense of embarrassment, guilt, and shame attached to the experience. “Why should I have to pay for this?”, “I’m pretty enough to get boys without paying”, “What if someone I know sees me with a known face out provider?”, “What do I tell people?”, “I deserve better than to have to pay for high-quality attention” and probably a range of other thoughts I can’t think of. All of which I would like to say “Thanks”.   Hiring an escort is nothing to be embarrassed about, with decriminalisation moving the industry forward you will start to see a lot more people opting towards the service for a range of different reasons. From what I hear the dating scene is crap right now, and unless you find a good one that shares the same values, and morals as you, and has similar life directions, you are forced to shift through guy after guy, after guy, after guy until you find someone nice to be around, hoping to not be ghosted. Hiring an escort can make dating easy, you have your man that you pay to provide the service that you need and have mutually discussed, and then when your dream guy comes along and sweeps you off your feet you just toss the escort to the side and continue with life. That sounds really harsh, but you have the ability to do so - welcome to the life of an escort. This is a vicarious comment as I haven’t had a client long enough for this to happen, but you have no responsibility to contact us again. However, I would like to say that if you do hire an escort multiple times over a long period and then it’s time to say goodbye, just sending a quick message saying that you no longer wish to see them because you have someone, would go a long way. This is just human nature, if you had paid an escort once a month or once every two months for two years and then just vanished, we would wonder where you have gone. If the escort is a good, honest worker they should respond with joy and wish you all the best. If they’re cheeky and you both have the repour they may ask if the new partner is kinky. Honest goodbyes due to finding your special someone that you do not have to pay should never be a problem for either party.   Should you request a public boyfriend experience where we go shopping, to a day spa, to a bar, bowling, to a restaurant, the cinemas, hiking or anywhere outside of the four walls with a couch, bed, tv and so forth; and you are anxious or concerned about someone else seeing you with a face out escort, just have the open conversation with your escort privately before going out into the world together. Just because I am a face-out escort does not mean I don’t have personal relationships, and we didn’t meet elsewhere. I am fashion stylist. I am a male assistant. I am a holiday inspector. I am a digital marketer. I am dating coach. I’m just a boy toy you met on a dating app. Should the very worst case happen, and someone privately, and negatively brings up the fact that they know who I am and what I do, you can either own up nonchalantly and say you would rather pay for someone good while still looking for Mr right; or tell them that it is none of their business what you do. You can do both at the same time…. *I would like to add that this is just my perspective. You cannot and will not hold me accountable legally for any choices you make. If all you experience is bad dates, ghosting, and lack of connection, what is wrong with paying for a good, high-quality experience & service?   Unfortunately, there are people that associate shame with paying for company, sex, and intimacy, and that is wrong. Usually, it is outside people who have no understanding of the work or have any respect for the providers, clients, or real life. People judge no matter what, and if every single person you meet does not give you the value that you desire then what is wrong with paying for the high-quality company you desire? Sometimes you may have to shift through the bullshit and copycats to find the one for you. This is where I recommend reaching out to your potential provider(s) and asking a few questions to find out if they are the fit for you. Some providers allow social DM’s, some don’t; some providers supply public BF/GF experiences and are willing to be seen in public with clients, some are not; some male clients have 10-inch giants, some have 6-inch Lebanese cucumbers; some use toys, some don’t; some are sensual, some will give you golden showers after walking you on a leash. Finding out the services & boundaries of your potential provider(s) is paramount to a pleasant experience.     Side note. Please be careful if someone is claiming to be a kink provider. I am not the one to say who does and doesn’t supply safe kink spaces as I do not currently involve myself with a lot of community events. Therefore, when I advertise selected kink services in the future I won’t necessarily have the entire community behind me saying “yes we know him very well”. Should you want to be walked on a leash, whipped, receive a golden shower, or experience a roman shower; you need a provider who ensures all the necessary steps to keep you safe mentally, spiritually and physically have been met. The most basic example is if you and a provider are about to begin rope play and the provider does not show you a pair of safety scissors close by, stop immediately!   There will be some providers men & women who will think that what I have just done, and told you to enquire and reach out to potential providers is bad. THAT IS COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT! That is the Western world’s business model of make a decisive decision now. What about the Japanese business model or The Middle Easton business model, where they want to get to know the person they are dealing with first? “We don’t live in those country’s” you say. Do we live in a society that accepts people of all races, religions, and ethnics? If you reply with, “No, racism still exists” we can not have a conversation because you’re either seeking to much attention or too stupid. How are you, the client, supposed to gage if you connect with someone via photos and a biography that every other provider has copied? This is a new generation and a new age of workers and clients. People want connection, people want to feel safe, and people want to feel that you the escort genuinely want to be there and want them, the client, there. As a professional provider I encourage you, the client, to enquire like you would an expensive bed, washing machine, fridge, or a house. WITH A FEW RULES! While this industry is NOT like any other industry, the push for this line of work to be recognised legally and socially as a real job & career means that you (the client) should feel comfortable asking the right questions to find the right provider. When you buy a house does the first message look like this?   *House you found online. Hi Real Estate Agent, Name: Stephanie Roguebottom D.O.B: 10.10.1994 phone number: 0411 316 973 Service: Buying house 28 Smith St, Orange Grove. Will pick up the keys tomorrow at 3pm and pay the asking price of $887,463.74     Do you walk into the mattress store and say. “Hi mattress guy, I would like to buy the most comfortable mattress you have on offer.” Mattress guy shows you the most expensive bed because he wants to make a good sale. The bed is $10,000. You turn to him and say “I’ll take it for $2,500”, the words inside the mind of the seller are “Shut the fuck up, and get out of my store”, while politely telling you “that is not possible, I don’t want to lose my job”.   You want to look through the house first, find out if there is anything you do not like. Pictures can be deceiving and make an ordinary house look great. You want to lay on the mattresses for 5 minutes, you might find the most comfortable mattress for you is only $5,684. While most providers do not offer free trials, asking your questions is the walk through, the short conversation is your 5-minute lay down. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! Be patient and respectful with our responses, we live our own lives, we service other people, and just like you, our time is valuable. Once you make your decision follow the providers booking instructions. For example, mine looks a little like this:   *Email & SMS only. Name: Stephanie Roguebottom D.O.B: 10.10. 1994 Phone number: 0431 622 444 email: Date of booking: 23.08.2024 Time of booking: 10am – 5pm Address of booking: 28 Smith St, Orange Grove Service: Sex, movies, and dinner. ID & portrait photo have been sent, 20% deposit has been paid and I will order the uber for you on the day.             A FEW GENERAL RULES OF THE INDUSTRY! Rule number 1. DO NOT ASK FOR A DISCOUNT! Providers hate this and it sets a bad mood. Unlike the example I gave you previously when buying a mattress, the “shut the fuck up, and get out of my store” will most likely convert into a polite no response. If you have been seeing your provider regularly for several months, let’s say for at least two hours, once a month for six months, and you both have a great business relationship, sure test your negotiation skills and ask for another arrangement. They may say yes, they may say no. If the escort says no do not start insulting them and tell them they are stealing hard working people’s money, or putting them down – why did you pay them for the last six months?  If you negotiate a cheaper price by any margin, smile and thank the provider, and do not tell anyone else. If your friend also sees the same provider but complains about the price and you’re getting it $50 cheaper, shut up and just say you see great value in the price. Rule number 2. Do not change providers after making your initial booking. This is where the value of being decisive should be respected. If you ‘shop around’ and you believe the provider is the one, go with your first intuition. To confirm the booking you are most likely going to have to pay a non-refundable deposit, don’t waste your money and our time by changing your mind after making a decision. Should the experience fail then try the second guy. If all else fails and you still have not found my page, contact Lexx Soule on 0411 316 973 or email He is The Perfect Gentleman.   Rule 3. Be respectful of our time as well. Because we are not expensive beds, washing machines, a fridge, or a house. We are humans that can break beds, put you through a spin cycle, put some ice cubes down your back, and cuddle. We have responsibilities, we have other clients, some providers aren’t full time and have other occupations. If you have multiple questions write your message out in notes and send the message as one, using correct grammar to the best of your ability so that we can understand you.   I’m going to write a whole other blog on some general rules for clients to follow. You will also benefit from following ‘The Good Client Guide’ on Instagram.   With the direction the industry is going you have a right as a client to ask questions to ensure you receive the service you desire. Just be professional, polite, and respectful. There is not a whole lot more to be said about why you should NOT be embarrassed, it’s quite simple when you look around. People want sex, people want intimacy, people want human to human connection, people want companionship. Escorting is the oldest profession in the world. Think about that. Escorts provide the service that you need.   The light of this industry does so much good for it’s workers, who do so much for clients, people, and even some kinky relationships. To be a good escort requires a level of skill, patience, compassion, and genuine appreciation for human kind. We are still human ourselves and in our private lives have hobbies, sexual desires, sexual needs, goals, icks, joys, tribulations, spouses, friends, families, children. Never feel embarrassed to hire someone to give you what you need and desire.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.   0411 316 973
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Escort Directory Reviews

December 1st, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Originally this blog was never intended to be written, however due the inspiration that I had to write ‘Why You Should Not Become An Escort part 2’ – never published; I thought it would be educational to give potentially new providers an insight into how selected platforms operate. Conferring newcomers the ability to make an informed decision about where & how they want to advertise their services. Apart from the layouts, the platforms that I will be discussing within this blog have their own individual identity, services, and tools to help you market your business. The game has changed though! Combining the knowledge of more experienced providers and having my own experiences, becoming an escort is not as simple as putting a profile on these directories and scores of people will flood your inbox. There is a hot debate in the world right now that AI, technology and social media are the best methods of attracting clients; and while there is some truth to this I do also believe that people desire a more personalised, human interaction. This applies to whatever endeavour you are embarking on whether that be fitness, escorting, creativity, publishing, coaching etc. Authenticity is used in the marketing space just as much as AI. My business has not achieved the success that I would have liked it to by now. I have done what I believe to be all the right things: Posted high quality content on social media and promoted myself organically & used paid promotions; provided free value through the form of blogs – this line of work has sparked a love for writing within me; done things others will not e.g. put notes throughout selected shops; try to create a personalised brand; educated myself & others; talked to people who I believe would be interested and benefit from my business; gone out alone to learn & play game; paid the extra’s on escort directories; turned on my available now features for the entire day for multiple weeks; I have even reached out to multiple providers only to be told that my conversational wording is to good – which is ironic because I personally believe that my vocabulary and speech need improving; or I have quite literally heard crickets; I even created Australia’s first packaged erotic experience. As I reflect on what I have achieved and what I have created for myself so far I know that some adjustments need to be made, while also knowing that I am doing a lot of things right. The reason I am telling you all of this is because from all the trial and error that I have done for a modern-day business, I have not achieved the success that I had hoped and expected would have come my way by now. I want to use my methods of trial and error to give nuisance, or potentially nuisance workers an insight into what may or may not work, and to demonstrate that becoming an escort is not as simple as putting your profile on a directory, create some content and wallah you’re a full time lady or gentleman. Like I have previously said, there are possibly some people who enter this industry and have great success from the start, but not everyone has that luck or skill. One person I have talked with said that it took them two years before they had a consistent flow of clientele that allowed them to work as an escort full time. I have seen a number of providers talk about having to find part time jobs. I would also like to add that I am only twenty-six and while I have been told that I have quite a mature personality, and somewhat mature facial features; I do ponder whether my age or appearance to age has had an effect on the slow start to this career. I know that most women will find a thirty-plus year old man or someone who appears to be thirty plus, who looks after themselves more desirable than most twenty something year olds. So if you are like me and have that baby face feature, take care of yourself and be proud of the fact you still look young.  With the decriminalisation of this work you are going to need to do more and more to achieve success. Maybe it’s not do more, but be more. As an escort you are dealing with people of all sorts, sitting at a laptop all day will only get you so far – speaking from experience. You need to enjoy people and the experiences of people to be a high-quality escort. There are going to be more and more people that enter this industry that you are going to have to compete with, good people, high quality men and women that genuinely like people, and have a good, safe, healthy understanding of sex. Like every industry and occupation there is political bullshit, and people that may try to hurt your feelings, or pull you down – tall poppy syndrome is everywhere, and there are plenty of crabs in this industry’s bucket; I have even heard of escorts shaming and putting down other escorts that they have never met or even talked too! if you do that you must be so insecure of your own services. Apparently one worker had a tantrum because of a biography reading similarly to his (Hey Siri, play High School Never End by Bowling For Soup). So if you think becoming an escort will magically make your life better and people will never put you down, disrespect you, treat you poorly, or that those of us working will be better to deal with than your boss, you are unfortunately wrong. The good ones will guide and give advice where we can, but like every other business endeavour there will come a point that we say figure it out yourself or maybe, you’re not cut out for this occupation. While everyone can become whatever they want not everyone should become whatever they want. For example you could become a lawyer but if you hate conflict and arguing being a lawyer may not be the best thing for you; you want to become a professional basketball player at the NBL but you’re 5 foot five, twenty-seven years of age and have never played basketball in your life; you want to become self-employed because you want less responsibility, less work, less stress, and more freedom – hahaha you’re funny. Due to my experiences believe me when I tell you that putting a page on an escort directory, and creating a social media will not always grant you success in this industry. Just because you like sex does not mean you will make a great long term worker. Just because you have a physique like Arnold Schwarzenegger does not mean you are desirable. Learn how to bring value to your clientele. Learn how to be empathetic. Become a better version of yourself. Remember that while you must always respect yourself first and foremost, you are providing a service/ product for someone else, what they want is more important than what you want. While Due to the amount of work that I have done and results that have yielded during my career so far, I am either one of the least desired individuals within the Australian escort scene, or what I am telling you has truth and both male & female providers are not as successful as they may seem. “A wise man learns from his own mistakes, a genius learns from the mistakes of others” – Warren Buffet. These platforms are the best in the business, they have either been really easy to collaborate with, provide incredible services, provided the most clientele & leads, and/ or are very professional.  But like I have already stated multiple times, they may not always guarantee you clients, money, and success. Directory reviews. Scarlet Blue - At the time of writing this Scarlet Blue is the second directory that appears on google when you type ‘Escorts Australia’ into the search engine. They are a top tier directory that is well renowned within the industry from both clients and providers. They are usually the first directory people refer new clients & providers too. I had a conversation with a retired escort some time ago, and when talking to them about how to attain clients they instantly recommended Scarlet Blue. When talking to everyday people about the industry, the two most mentioned sites are Scarlet Blue and Escorts & babes. As you can see the website is clean, professional, and very user friendly. As a provider you have stats on how many people view your profile, you can boost your profile, pay to be on a digital page banner, write blogs, and there is also a forum. Pros - Arguably the most well-known directory in Australia. Clean, professional, very user friendly. Wide range of tools to utilise for your business e.g. profile stats, create special offers, face & tattoo blurring options, escort forum, and write blogs. When I advertised on their website initially they provided me with the most leads. Cons - Payment system, I have found that the payment systems used can be tedious at times. Their blogging system is the worst out of the three directories that provide a blog service. They have a character limit – most of the educational blogs I posted on sites like Naughty Ads & Dakota in one post; take three, four, five, and even six parts to post the entire blog on Scarlet Blue. They have word restrictions – the other two directories do not censor words. I can not edit the text, underline, or bold text any of my literature. No social media presence. Price point is the highest out of the four directories being mentioned. Naughty Ads - From memory the website & business launched shortly after I began my career as a gentleman two & a half years ago. From day one the team have been very easy to work with, communicate with, and have been diligent when a problem arises. They have the best blog posting system, and after exploring their entire website see a lot of potential for their future. They offer a wide range of services and industry information, and provide access to resources for workers who have been poorly treated. Pros - Offers high quality profile stats for providers (profile views, MY social media link clicks, MY contact information clicks). Has given me the most traffic, most contacts, and most leads. Easy to contact and diligent with any issues. THE BEST blog system with their own educational blogs! Best advertising price! Offers a wide range of services and information. Easy website to navigate. They offer clients the ability to rate providers with stars, just like Uber. Apart from the few cons and minor details, I personally believe that Naughty Ads is the best all round sex work site as they cater most things related to sex work (live cams, content creators, body rubs, toys, strippers, even a link to sex machines). They are also listed on the first page of google when you type ‘escorts Australia’ into the search engine. Cons - The ability to create multiple advertising accounts, therefor flooding NA’s pages and looking ‘tacky’. Some of the profiles on the page come across 'dodgy' and illegitimate. Clients must create a client account to write a review. Have not received an abundant number of benefits from using their gems, a few more views & clicks, but not more dollars. No social media presence. Dakota Dice - A great site, have had great conversations with the team when needed, being very professional in conversations. On X they constantly share content and my automated available now’s, and automated ‘New blog’ posts. Unfortunately they have not provided my business a lot of value in terms of revenue. I have not received one client from this page. I have received a handful of empty message templates that are available for clients when they click the contact now links, and one genuine inquiry last week, but no paying clients. There are no stats either so I can't even see if my advertising page has traffic. Pros - Very professional page. it's simple, it's clean, it's easy to navigate, their presentation is classy. Team is professional to work with when you bring professionalism yourself. Good blog system that allows the use of any words, bold text, links, and even allows you to change the size of the text (something no one else does). Has a strong presence on X. Believe is either owned by a current or retired provider. Cons - No stats to track how much traffic is on profiles, and I have not received one client from the website. Instagram is currently private with no posts. Roladex - The newest of all directories. Personally I believe they have hit the nail on the head as far as social media marketing and their presentation. The marketing they provide through X & Instagram is next level for this industry. Their Instagram has an appealing feed that promotes workers from their website, they also use animations & tagging on their stories. Highly active on X, and now they also allow providers the ability to share their BlueSky accounts (new social media) on their Roladex profile. Pros – Their website has that new appeal to it with a great colour scheme and a software interface that makes transitioning from provider to client view feel like a social media. Owned by ‘new’, younger Industry workers aged around thirty years of age. This is great because they are up to date with the times, have some life experience, and are likely to have a high level of enthusiasm about building a good, reputable sex work business and escort directory that has longevity. They are proving this by collaborating with other businesses like KissKill, an Australian lingerie and sleepwear brand. Great social presence and marketing! They promote escorts on X, Instagram, and now allow workers to attach their BlueSky accounts (a new social media); I personally believe that they set the standard as far as social media presence is concerned for escort directories. Currently free. Cons - No stats and no leads as of yet. When you type ‘escorts Australia’ into Google they will not be found on any of the 19 pages. I would like to see this directory create something special & unique. Create their own point of difference other than the colour scheme and social media presence. They don’t have to reinvent the wheel, but be the first to create a car so that we can stop riding horses. Thank you for taking the time to read my review of the four directories that I use to advertise my services as an escort. Should you be an owner or affiliate of these businesses please do not take any of my constructive comments in bad light, I am simply sharing information based on my personal experiences; whether you choose to do anything with the information is totally up to you. Should you want my honest, non-biased, confidential, input, my email is always open ( Maybe I am wrong, I am not always right; but would you agree that you all have a similar or the same mission – to provide an exceptional space for workers to advertise their services and grow their business; a safe space for clients to explore and discover their potentially new fantasies; make money; and move the industry in a positive direction? To all the potentially new providers you now have an insight into what these platforms may be like. Not all escorts advertise themselves on every site, whether this is for branding purposes, some political bullshit, or they are just acquiring enough success from one site already (remember less can sometimes be more). Should you enjoy people; have a good, safe, and healthy knowledge of sex; have a fundamental understanding of human nature and relationship dynamics; and believe you could be an exceptional escort these may be the places to start. Be a business, be a brand, how would you like people to see you? When talking with the directories be polite, be professional – learn how to write an email. Just like any successful entrepreneurial endeavour there is a lot of fun to be had, money to be made, and memories to be created. And just like every other entrepreneurial endeavour you must work, you must learn, and you must grow. Nothing comes easy, and you will fail at something or at some point; maybe it will be physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional. But if you love what you do you will adapt. Everyone can become an escort, not everyone should become an escort. Respect the grind. Thank you for reading, Lexx Soule.
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November 26th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Within the following pages are 10 commandments to guide and aid escorts in providing a better, more professional escorting service to clients. This has been created for entertainment purposes, with a pragmatic approach of aiming to educate current workers and potential new workers on some guidelines that allow you to provide the most professional service to your clients. With two years of industry experience, I have the emotional awareness to understand this is the sex industry, and so how you decide to attract clients is slightly different to your standard business. For example it is commonly known not to have sex with the person you are doing business with, sex workers have sex with people to create business. You probably shouldn’t go out and try to intimately flirt with people to then pitch them your next business venture during pillow talk, but going out to intimately flirt with potential clients is how a sex worker may attract new clients. A digital marketing agency can practically post whatever they like on social media, sex workers are limited – which I agree with to some extent, what irritates me and probably most people is just the inconsistency. Just like in a standard business, sometimes you’re going to need to do something that no one else is willing to do to succeed. Do something that most people will tell you not to, but a lot would secretly enjoy seeing you pull off. You can have a lot of fun as an escort trying to attract new clients, because the aim of the game (at least for me) is to make people feel good, have fun, and escape from the mundane ties of life. Personally, I am willing to be a little more bold, take some risks, willing to be a little different, just to break the cycle of everyone’s day. In a world where everyone is bored, bring something different. And from my perspective so many escorts just look the same, men and woman. People enter the industry, copy and paste a bio, take some sexy photos in the exact same poses, and call it a day expecting the money and clients to just roll in. I’ll be the first to put my hand up and say I was slightly guilty of this in the beginning – in the beginning I wrote an immaculate biography, and went for a professional boudoir photo shoot, and I honestly thought the work was going to be a lot different to what it has been. Since then I have changed my business model a few times, taken some risks, failed, possibly changed someone’s life, and found a deep appreciation for the work that we escorts provide. While sex is the biggest element of this work, sex is so much more than just putting a penis in a vagina. What are you going to do to make people want you? What will make people want to keep you around? If it is just sex & your appearance that you offer you are replaceable unless it is the best sex in the world, your physical beauty will fade and there will be new soon.   As escorts we are working with people, we are working with physical bodies, we are working with emotions, we are working with spirits, we are working with psychological experiences, and both escort & client matter, and we both share our own individual positive and negative memories and future desires. People claim to be bored. People are unsatisfied with their sex lives, their marriages, their jobs, their neighbours, even their pet dog scruffy fucks them off three times a week. Do you understand human nature at a fundamental level? Do you know how to deal with conversations about traumatic experiences? Are you trying to add value to the other person or just me, me, me, me, take, take, take, take. Did you know that different cultures have different values around business, with some cultures putting emphasis on giving more value, to receive more in return. Think ‘the law of reciprocity’. Money does not always equal value, and value does not always cost a large amount of money.       THE 10 COMMANDMENTS TO BE THE BEST ESCORT 1. Do an STI screening regularly If you are regularly having sex and seeing clients. STAY REGULARLY TESTED! While the new decriminalisation laws within applicable states allow workers to work without being tested, I arbitrarily believe that not getting tested can lead to the spread of dieses more easily. Obviously, there may be workers & business owners who disagree with me here, and so please educate me on how not being regularly tested keeps EVERYONE safe. I understand that there was a large amount of people who were anti-vax during the covid-19 pandemic, those who did not want to get vaxxed, and wanted the freedom to make their own choices; so under this premise I understand a provider may exercises their body, their rules. That being said, being vaccinated and being tested are two different things. One is putting a substance into your body, the other is finding out if you have a transmittable disease that needs to be treated. Using covid as an example again, you may have tested positive to the illness so you took the required steps to stay isolated & eliminate the sickness. Just as being tested positive to most STI’s may mean you do not service clients for a limited time while you cure the infection. From all accounts that I talk to about this subject, most STI’s are treatable. At the bare minimum be tested once every three months. DO AN STI SCREENING REGULARLY.   2. Educate yourself on SEX and STI’s Sex is so much more then a penis going into a vagina, learn the skills that make even the most basic vanilla sex fun and lively, it could be as simple as moaning, grunting, and dirty talk during sex. Learn how to entice the masculine and feminine within sex’s that you intend to service. Both you & your clients may get stuck in your thoughts from time to time during a booking, do you know how to bring yourself back to the present. Learning about STI’s is essential to this line of work, there are some stigma’s around STI’s. Obviously no STI is a fun experience and you won’t wear a badge of honour that says, “I have the clap and am proud”. The talk & thought of STI’s can bring on anxiety but a lot of STI’s are treatable and curable today as mentioned above. Learn how to have fun, good sex. Learn how to have safe sex. EDUCATE YOURSELF ON SEX & STI’s. 3. Treat the client how you would like to be treated “My time my rules”, “Their paying me for MY BODY”, “I hate when clients try to milk the most out of a booking” a few of the uncomfortable comments I have come across within this industry. Yes, it is your time, yes it is your body; it is also the clients’ time, the clients’ body, the clients’ money, the clients social & professional risk. If sex work was paying $55.73 an hour do you really think you would still be saying “my body, my time”? Would you even still be a sex worker? Probably not. Go get a standard job and tell your boss that you will work when you want, how you want, because it is your time, your life, your energy. They will say, “Oh, I’m so sorry you’re right. It’s my job, my paycheck, and my position that says you’re now fired. Enjoy your life”. I could imagine that even being an escort for a reputable agency would have similar consequences. Put your ego aside and accept the fact that these clients are paying good money and deserve good treatment. Have your boundaries, stay safe, sane, consensual, and comfortable; should the client behave in a manner that is inappropriate have the conversations that need to be had, and if necessary take the steps to never see them again. I have heard accounts of working men who stay glued to their phone the entire booking, talking to their girlfriend at home. I have heard about men who asked clients to pay a full hour of pay or make another booking just to reassure a client that they (the provider) had a good time. Are you that money hungry that you can not even send a thirty second voice message that says, “Hello gorgeous, thank you for seeing me, you were a wonderful client to spend time with, and I look forward to seeing you again soon”, fuck me! That is a 7.74 second message. There are people generating tenfold the amount of money as you, tenfold more busy then you, add tenfold more value then you and they still have the time of day to reply to fan mail, you as a professional worker have the time to send a TEN SECOND voice message that says, “I had a great time”. I had a client tell me that they hired escorts previously who busted in ten – twenty minutes and then went to sleep for the remaining four hours. That is appalling. TREAT THE CLIENT HOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE TREATED.   4. Your price tag is not your real value Just because you look good for the camera, with an oiled body, edited professional photos; or are a pretty face with big breasts and a perky ass, does not mean you are worth the price you set. Marketing gurus may say otherwise, but you are not always worth that price. It’s just like a coach selling you their $10,000 a month service without a legitimate business behind them. As Culture Kings founder Simon Beard has said, “Coaches are selling their ‘knowledge’ without having built a legitimate business or achieved a great deal of success. Their business model is coaching to help fund their coach”. It’s just like people who see the DJ selling out shows with 10,000 people, jumping up and down, pressing a couple buttons and think I can become a world famous DJ & producer. To be a REAL DJ is hard work. While producing a track is a lot easier than it was ten years ago, are you just dragging and dropping a sound or creating something slightly unique? Are you regurgitating the presentation your coach presented to you or are you creating something completely unique? Only you know. People (men & women) see the price tag of a successful escort, enjoy sex (like everyone), and think that’s for me I’m going to be rich and have lots of sex. You do not need to be the best lay; you do not need to know everything about sex in the beginning; you do not need to be the smartest person or the most attractive. But you do need to genuinely like interacting with people; have a fundamental understanding of human nature and behaviour; be willing to listen, learn, & grow; and understand and enjoy the facts, that there is more to sex & sexuality than a penis filling a hole. Now that Australia is slowly decriminalising sex work you are going to need to do more and more work to be successful. Depending on your target demographic, aspirations & career goals, you are going to have to continuously work on yourself, work on your skills, do emotional work, and possibly travel to see more of the world. I seriously question how the fuck some females enter this industry and instantly start charging $1,500 an hour. I won’t turn this into a political debate, but when an extremist tells me there are pay gaps that men in Australia are paid more because they are men, I simply ask, “Have you looked at the sex industry in Australia?”. Can you speak another language fluently? How good are you at sex? Are you about to give the man the best sex of his life? Do you have a brain? Do you have a point of difference? Your beauty will fade if you do not look after yourself. For men the standard rate is between $300 - $500 an hour, even men who I know for a fact have great sexual skills, a brain on them, and are attractive, would struggle to charge over $1,000 an hour. Conversely there are some males who should not be charging $500 an hour because they do not have any of the hallmarks of being a genuinely good gentleman, their profiles look horrible, they say they are intelligent while half of their sentences are missing words & letters, and they are not adding any value or educating people in anyway shape or form. Having an OF account (OnlyFans) does not mean you are adding value or educating people. Here are two examples of providers who I believe demonstrate value to their price point. Male – Rhys Phillips or Rhys Sensual. He is tall, muscular, an attractive man, in his 30’s, and has a warm social presence. On his TikTok he adds value to the community and clients by sharing his knowledge and experience of sex, and sexuality. His public price ranges from $500 - $800 an hour. Female – Jenna Love. She is not your ‘stereotypical’ hot, blonde, model with big fake tits and thick ass. She is a curvy woman, mature age (36), has strawberry blonde hair, a seductive smile, big natural breasts & a thick ass. She adds immense value to the community through her podcast channel and Instagram reels where she answers questions, and discusses comments that people may make. Her public price starts at $700 an hour. What I believe this demonstrates to clients is that they (Rhys & Jenna) are professionals who know what they are doing and talking about. As a client you are in good, safe hands. They (Rhys & Jenna) have the knowledge to understand and address your individual needs. Due to the nature of this work, I believe that both of these providers price points are equal to the value you receive. They have also been providers for a number of years. Your rate is over $1,000 an hour while you’re making stupid toks, smoking weed all day, snorting your paycheck, and complaining about inflation.  YOUR PRICE TAG IS NOT YOUR VALUE.   5. Self-respect Hold yourself accountable. Set boundaries for yourself. Carry yourself in a way that you can nobly hold your own head high – it’s on your shoulders. Can you look at yourself in the mirror and say, “You are one great person”. This is vitally important for this line of work because to often uneducated people think of us (escorts) as just an object, a piece of meat that steals peoples money, takes advantage of the lonely, or are just cock and pussy whores. And while most sex workers do probably have a stronger interest in sex than most, we are also human and have other interests. Remember this as a provider; you matter, you are a human, you do deserve to feel safe, you deserve to love & be loved. Should a client or a person you are speaking with about the work, make you feel uncomfortable about yourself or your work, remember that you are number one in your own life. If what someone else is saying is not coming from a place intelligence, respect, or is not constructive, then listen to yourself and hold your head high. SELF-RESPECT.   6. Hygiene Some providers have clients shower and use mouth wash prior to the sexual engagement; most providers that I have talked to will do a quick STI screening at the beginning of the sexual interaction. I personally believe the client deserves the same level of hygienic respect. Now because we (the escorts) are the ones providing the services, and the ones supplying the business we do not have to shower in front of the client, nor do we need to let them do an STI screening on us, though if they ask to see your erogenous area, does it really hurt to educate them and demonstrate how they might perform a STI screening when they are with someone else. Depending on your work load will determine whether you shower before & after every single client. Obviously if you are seeing four, five, six clients in one day you may not have a shower before and after every single client. Though a thirty second rinse & re-fresh may not hurt you. For arguments sake let’s say you had one booking for the day; in your booking preparation have a shower, clean yourself, and freshen up. Why does your client not deserve that level of professionalism? Have a shower and give your client the best presentation. For some of us the shower symbolises the transition into our working character. The shower after could be in your own time; or should both you & the client(s) be comfortable, and sharing the water as after care, you could use this time to clean yourselves. I shouldn’t have to explain why showering and cleaning yourself after a sexual experience is good for your hygiene. Other hygienic practices are maintaining oral health and ensuring that you do not have bad breath, seeing a dentist a couple times a year, use mouthwash prior to bookings, do not shower yourself in twenty layers of deodorant and perfume but still smell nice; and while it may not be categorised as hygiene, iron or steam your clothes. Really simple things that tell the client you want to impress them. HYGIENE. 7. Escort directories are not dating sites! Dating apps can be tastefully used to attract clients, but escort directories should not be used to find the love of your life. It’s that simple. This rule is tailored more to nuance providers, as it seems some profiles present themselves as a dating profile more than an escorting business. While most of us offer a GFE & BFE which could entail dating services, it is transactional, it is business. If you are lonely yourself do not put an add on a directory in hopes to find a new wife or husband. ESCORT DIRECTORIES ARE NOT DATING SITES.   8. Learn a self-defence Especially all lady workers. I have heard that some carry pepper spray, some girls know kick boxing. At the very least I personally believe as a woman you want to be able to inflict enough pain that you can escape the danger adequately. Obviously there are a range of things you can do depending on your situation, but be prepared to bite, scratch, poke an eye, break something etc; then leave as fast as you can. Learn Ju Jitsu, Mauy Thai/ Kick boxing, Judo, or Kung Fu. Something that teaches you defence and counter attacks. For the men, learning self-defence is also a recommendation, maybe not so much for problems with clients but for other individuals. I always promote de-escalation with words, “The most successful battles & wars are won without violence” Sun Tzu The Art of War. It is better to know something and never need it than need it and not know it. LEARN A SELF-DEFENCE.   9. Safety first Until the decriminalisation laws were passed I believe sex workers couldn’t even have other sex workers as their ‘safety’ – a common industry term referring to the person we tell our whereabouts too. A simple location and name of the person you are seeing is sufficient enough. This is a worker’s protection, or at the very least the problem solver God forbid the very worst case scenario happen. And while you the client may be the loveliest person in the world, most workers will have the anxious thought in the back of their mind, “What if this person tries to kill me?”. Some of us are sleeping at the rendezvous with our clients that we have just met, it is only normal to think the what ifs. Know your exits. Worst case scenario how do you get out. Be careful of food and drink. You can never be too safe, though you do not want to be over paranoid, you could ruin a genuinely good, fun, experience. Just be aware. SAFETY FIRST.   10.              Make time for yourself and only you As an escort you are constantly fulfilling other peoples desires, needs, and wants. It is vital to take time to do the things your birth identity enjoy doing. Reading a book, planning a high-quality date with your partner or friends, just watching a movie by yourself, sex that is focused on your individual pleasures, exercising etc. Doing something that you thoroughly enjoy and allows you to shut off from the world for a short period. This is vital for highly active providers.  MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF AND ONLY YOU.   This extra rule has been added because I think that it is vital to the growth of this industry. This industry just like the creative industries could move society forward in a positive direction. This requires collaborations and having discussions not arguments about different views and beliefs. Unfortunately there is too much bitching, gossip, he’s right, she has a certificate, that’s wrong because I wouldn’t do that, jealously and a range of other bullshit. Everyone is right. Everyone is perfect. We all take golden shits first thing in the morning.   11.              Do not criticise other workers if you are not prepared to be criticised yourself   Unless you are prepared to hear criticism from others do not criticise the way someone else conducts their business. Your uneducated, emotional, self-righteousness is not wanted. The conversation of sex and sexual education can create hostile conversations, hot debates, and hurt emotions. Just like when discussing religion and politics everyone wants their voice to be heard, they want their beliefs to be the one & only and if you’re not in agreeance with us than you are against us. This mindset does not create growth, it does not move society forward, it does not aid anyone. All it does it create resentment, hate, and emotional arguments. You do not have to agree with everything that everyone says – even those you look up to. I love the work of Jordan Peterson he is an intelligent man, but still disagree with him from time to time. I think that males do need to swallow the red pill and stop being little sissy’s, accept responsibility, be more accountable, and learn to be a better role model, though I do not agree with the red pill movement that woman should not have any rights and men should be total dictators. Feminism is great, woman should be allowed to work, excel and even build companies if they so wish, there should not be a pay gap just because she is female and he male – though someone working a retail job should NOT be earning the same as someone laying roof sheets on houses all day or a surgeon saving lives; woman should be allowed to vote, if she wants to grow hair on her legs so be it – The book ‘She Doesn’t owe you pretty by Florence Given’ explains this perfectly; woman are human! Though I believe that extreme feminist’s hurt society just as much as the red pill movement. I support the LGBT and believe gay people should have a right to get married, and raise a child if they are fit to be a parent – there are heterosexual parents that fail at this miserably, so who is to say a sound educated gay couple can not raise a decent adult. Though your 10+ genders can shove it! It is one thing to have a view that is opposite to someone and expressing your personal beliefs. Differences allow for growth. But if you are going to publicly or privately share your belief or thoughts, bring facts & intelligence, not emotions.   Let’s look at a good example where I constructively criticised someone within the sex industry. Bonnie Blue. A female worker who is under public scrutiny within the sex industry at the moment. When she posted the video of her & a friend walking down a main city street holding signs saying, “Shag for free” with families and children walking past I criticised her, making a comment on her video. While I am in full support of making sex less taboo, and creating better sexual education around the world, that is not the way or place to do it. Great content idea, wrong place. I did my best not to appear emotional and just state a fact that children & families do not want or NEED to see that as they walk the street in the middle of the day. I also disagree with her schoolies skits where she has sex with barely legal schoolies to create content, yes they are eighteen and of age to make their own choices such as: have sex, drink, smoke, go out to clubs, vote; now being seen as adults, but 98% of them still have no fucking clue what life is. Even at twenty-six myself I have no fucking clue what this great big, complexation of life is. This all being said, I also agree with what some of Bonnie talks about, and also think that some of her other content is pure gold. When she says that women need to put out more for their husbands I understand her point of view. I’m not about to speak about this at length because her viewpoint creates a very deep, complex discussion that involves sexual education, responsibilities from those involved, and males also becoming more accountable and accepting responsibility. Why would a woman put out for her husband if he has let himself go and is not as sexy as he once was? Why would a woman put out if the man is not creating the desired environment? Why would a man create the environment if he doesn’t believe his woman will EVER give him anything in return? Maybe he thinks because his woman has become lethargic with her life, he can be lethargic with his life? Bonnie’s view point for this particular issue opens a very big and necessary relationship conversation. I also think that the content where she spontaneously put her location online and says to come have sex with her for five minutes is ingenious. Providing she upholds a strict age restriction and checks all ID’s, provides the release forms for people to sign, all parties are consensual, and not related; this content is pure gold. She is a hot, blonde, British bombshell, with the confidence to match. she knows she is hot and she has the confidence to do what a lot of industry workers would not. I would enjoy seeing this spontaneous location content become something more, she had a line of men outside the rendezvous! She could create the sex industry edition of ‘The Amazing Race’. Have people travel around different parts of a city or even the world with hidden clues as to where to travel next, and at the end they have the reward of her graciousness. She could use the different locations to educate people on the history of sex, and the sex industry; or even her own kinky adventures throughout life. For example, one of the hidden clues could be hidden at the first park she had sex in (I hope my assumption is not making an ass out of you & me), what a way to tease and excite those who are playing the race.   Above is an example of constructive criticism within this industry. A lot of people within the industry, particularly within Australia hate Bonnie for the content she has made, especially the schoolies content, and last I heard she is banned from entering Australia. Before you decide to send me hate mail for also conferring Bonnie credit for her good quality content I want you to look at the phone you have, do you have an Iphone? Apple was known to make its original products from child slaves. Do you own a pair of Nike shoes? Nike was under scrutiny years ago for making their products through sweat shops. Do you have a channel bag? Apparently one of their most popular bags is produced for $80 and sold for $3,000! Do you own Balenciaga? Recently they went under scrutiny for a very bad campaign. There are many more examples of brands that either have bad practices and/ or a poor culture behind closed doors, and you still support them. Last I checked you do not NEED the newest Iphone to survive, buy a cheap touch phone that allows you text & calls, and tell your friends & clients to contact you via SMS or calls. You do not NEED a $5,000 bag, there are plenty of bags that serve the exact same purpose and look just as cute for a fraction of the price. There is a meme of a girl sitting with a mac computer that has a sticker saying fuck capitalism, while she has either a branded bag or clothing, and is drinking a large Starbucks coffee – I hope I do not need to explain every contradiction. So while I stand by the rest of industry that does not condone some of Bonnies actions, I also believe that she can use this experience to learn, grow, and create better more suitable sex content.   Different views create growth. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISM creates growth. Your uneducated emotional overreaction does nothing but make the person your criticising want to continue, especially if you are not in a position that they are trying attain themselves. You are not a perfect saint yourself.   DO NOT CRITICISE OTHER WORKERS IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO BE CRITICISED YOURSELF. THE 10 COMMANDMENTS TO BE THE BEST ESCORT   Thank you for reading, Lexx Soule.
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November 24th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
So you want to hire an escort for sex, companionship, to be arm candy, to travel with, to play video games with – that’s an expensive game; or a wide range of other personal reasons. Welcome to the sex industry, and in particular welcome to the escorting side of the industry. Escorts are a great option to hire for several reasons, ranging from a rebound from a shitty ex to losing your virginity within a safe, professional and hopefully educational environment. From just accompanying you for a dinner, to travelling with you afar. From joining a kinky couple to exploring a singles wild side. From joining the lonely old lady to the ever busy business man. Escorts see it all. There is not a lot that could surprise full time escorts. Something that seems to be an issue is an understanding of what we escorts expect from clients as far as behaviour and standards are concerned. There are sights, pages, and forums that do cover a lot of what I am about to discuss; though with the growing interest of escorts, and the decriminalisation of sex work in Australia this type of information can never be overstated. We (escorts) are a business. We are humans. We have behaviours and expectations to upheld. And so do you the clients. These 10 commandments are guidelines to being the best client you can be, every escort runs their business slightly different, every escort is their own individual person, and what you are about to read are guidelines that most escorts would probably agree with. Bring your best self to the bookings and you give yourself the best chance at receiving the best service that, that escort can offer.   The 10 commandments to being the best client     1. DO NOT ASK FOR DISCOUNTS While you may think that because in previous blogs I have mentioned that you should enquire about a providers service by asking respectful, thoughtful questions as you would when buying a washing machine, fridge or great bed; that you can ask for discounts the same you would for these products. This is unfortunately not the case. Because while we do provide a service, and we are a ‘product’ we are also a human. And our services are much different. Should you be seeing your provider on a regular basis – at least once a month for a minimum of 6 months, then sure you could negotiate a discounted price with your provider. We have a better understanding of who you are, how you will treat us, and the services you desire; you are also demonstrating a higher level of commitment to our business. This is not a guarantor message that you will ever receive a discount from any provider, just some words of advice for those who ask for discounts in life. Should you be asking for a discount on your first interaction you will irritate your provider which in turn leads to a less pleasant experience for you. Like I said, you may walk into a homewares & kitchen store and ask for a discount on a fridge, even working escorts have done this. Trying to bargain and learn how to negotiate within life is a great skill, timing is a key element in negotiating. Commit to your provider regularly before asking for a discount, that is the nature of this game. Do not chuck a tantrum if they say, “No discounts”. That is their business and obviously if you have been paying them for the last few months they must have something you like.   DO NOT ASK FOR DISCOUNTS.    2. DO NOT SEND TIME WASTING MESSAGES This is an occupation for us; and while we do have empathy and genuine care for you, your life, and your difficulties we do not want to be called in the middle of the day to ‘chat’, we do not want to be updated about your troubled marriage, your annoying kids, the dog that just won’t shut up because it has dementia at the ripe old age of sixteen. We too have our own difficulties, wives, husbands, friends and family members needing things from us. This is a transaction. This is business.  All this being said, there are some providers – I can’t be the only one; who have platonic conversations with clients and potential clients online from time to time. At the time of writing this I allow people to DM me through social media, and all that I confer with, understand to stay patient with my replies. Sometimes I am free for a ten-minute conversation, other times that same conversation may be prolonged out over a few days. For me, replying to DM’s is no different to the entrepreneurs who respond to emails of fans. Other examples of time-wasting messages are, “How much do you charge”, shows you have done no due diligence. “Hi hru”. “Do you offer discounts”, explained previously. “Have you got any plans this weekend”, and/ or stringing the conversation on like you are willing to make a booking, with no real intention of making a booking. Genuine questions like, “What exactly is xyz service?”, “I really want to do abc, is this a service you are willing to provide?”, that contribute to the progress of the booking either happening or not, are acceptable.   DO NOT SEND TIME WASTING MESSAGES. 3.  PAY YOUR DEPOSIT! Personally I have never had this problem, but it does seem to be a common issue amongst female providers. The potential male clients will show interest, ask good questions, send reasonable photos of themselves. Though the second the conversation of a deposit is made they ghost the girl. THIS IS TIME WASTING TO A T! If you are a potentially new male client reading this blog, or any potentially new client at all; understand that some workers will ask you to pay a non-refundable deposit. Each worker has a different rate, and policy around their deposits. Most will let you change dates once if an emergency is to arise, others will make you pay the deposit again. These deposits are to prevent you from wasting our time. When you make a booking with us we schedule that time slot for work, you cancelling is an inconvenience to us and our schedule. Imagine if your boss was to ask you to work, you then decline a friend’s invitation to do something fun because of your work commitment, then the boss rings and says, “Cancel that day, I don’t need you”. You than ring your friend to say you can join them, only to find out that the activity is now full. Maybe you are the boss and own a company, imagine you have a business meeting with another company but then they just pull out for no reason at all, I know for a fact that most of you who own a business would feel annoyed. Things do happen and if the owner of the other company rang and said we have to reschedule the meeting my partner just died; an empathetic, compassionate business person would understand. Do you see what I am saying here. I also understand that some clients may want to pay the full amount in cash. Explain this to the provider and they can make the adult choice for their business. Again, if they say the deposit must be paid prior to the engagement, do not throw a tantrum, and either pay the deposit or just wish them a good day.   PAY YOUR DEPOSIT. 4. NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER APPROACH A PROVIDER IN GENERAL DAY TO DAY LIFE! We have private lives, we have family & friends, some providers are closed face, some providers have other occupations, we may be with another client. Just as you would hate our wives, husbands, and friends approaching you & I when we are together; we do not want you approaching us when we are out and about. Please do not take it personal, you may be our favourite client, there is just one hundred and one reasons why a provider does not want you to walk up to them in public and start a conversation. Now look you’re human, I’m human; through the great serendipity of this world we might be standing at a same café at the exact same time, next to each other. Should a provider be appearing alone in line I personally do not see any harm in starting a PLATONIC conversation with a STRANGER. “Oh wow, you’re a handsome young man”, “You have pretty shoes”, “I like your hair, did you get it cut recently?” small little compliments that DO NOT REVEAL anything about us, and allow us providers to remain ‘unseen’. Should we answer with short answers, or seem uninterested in the conversation do not take it personally. We may be with a client you can not see, we may be on our way to a client, we may just not want to engage in conversation. Should the provider return friendly conversation do not reveal the fact that you & they have a private escort, client relationship. Do not ask if you can make a booking. Do not ask us when we are free next. Keep it simple, talk about your day, the shoes that caught your attention, maybe an event that is on, the coffee shop that you are currently at.   NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER APPROACH A PROVIDER IN GENERAL DAY TO DAY LIFE!   5.  Hygiene Unless you have made prior arrangements to see the provider in dirty, old, sweaty clothes; please present yourself respectfully and hygienically. Clean clothes, clean body, oral care. Really simple basic things that you should be doing before any date. Some providers may still ask you to shower again, and to use the mouthwash they supply, do not argue or complain, it’s part of the process for most providers. If you are intending to have a sexual booking with kissing; brush your teeth a few hours before that experience, not directly before. As I have recently learnt myself, brushing your teeth can cause micro cuts, which can lead to transmission of dieses more easily. Experienced providers will have a good gauge whether you are clean or not and sometimes may begin the booking without asking you to shower. Again, do not argue with the provider or make a fuss over it, just do as they ask. HYGIENE.   6. Sobriety Please do not arrive to the bookings overly intoxicated. This includes but is not limited to being drunk, being high on meth, cocaine, copious amounts of weed, LSD, mushrooms etc. Some of you have probably just read a couple of those substance and thought, “What the fuck, here comes the fun police”, and look there is a reason that sex is the first word in ‘sex, drugs, rock & roll’, and if you have followed me for a while you know a little about my story – a couple bongs or a doobie never hurt; when times are desperate a Coca-Cola can works wonders (stoners will understand); I have been known to bake the best brownies; I’m a ‘bad boy’ and partied over my years. I have disassociated myself with that lifestyle, though I’m not a prudish saint. As a professional though I highly recommend being sober for bookings with escorts. We need you to be cognitive for one hundred and one reasons, and apart from weed, those other drugs have the potential to have some seriously negative side effects, especially if you lose control. Being with someone stuck in an unstable psychosis is dangerous and scary.   A little while ago I had a client who was a heavy alcoholic, and I did not find this out until I arrived. For the most part she was a lovely lady and quite attractive. We had relatively normal conversations, her texting was completely normal, she was cognitive, she was able to clearly consent and communicate. Though when things became a little uncomfortable for me and I said that I had to leave I was aggressively told that I was a bad person, and to fuck off. She then later apologised and asked to see me again, I agreed providing she had a glass of water for every glass of vodka she had. She was a good girl. The reason I am telling this story is for two reasons; (1) the educational purpose of workers, (2) to educate clients on the risks. A lot of people within this world (earth) use substances, smoke cigarettes, and have vices; either as copying mechanisms, stress relief, or an escape from their reality. As a provider you need to be aware of this and make your own judgements for your own self about whether or not you service people with such vices. Some workers do not, some do. Let’s imagine that my client was a cocaine addict or ice addict and when I said I was uncomfortable and was leaving, she became violent instead of verbal. While drunks & alcoholics can be equally violent & dangerous, from my experiences they are a little less coordinated than those on substances like cocaine and ice. If you know anything about those two drugs you will know what I am talking about. Should you be a client using these substances you put yourself at risk when hiring escorts. What if you hired a bad person who was selling themselves as an escort, you pass out drunk, wake up and all your valuables are gone. That would be horrible! SOBRIETY. 7.  Treat the escort how you want to be treated Would you like an irritated, miserable, arrogant provider? And not in the consensual way where you’ve asked for a spanking and dirty words. The kind that complains and nags about everything you do wrong, the kind that sits on their phone the entire time, the kind that says I’m going to pleasure you for fours but then jack hammers you for ten minutes. Would you like your escort arriving to a booking stoned off their face & drunk? 95% of clients answered no to that last question. So, we (escorts) need you not to be an irritated, miserable, arrogant client. Just some basic respect really. No man whore/ slut shaming! No trying to cut the bill! No taking videos & photos without our consent! Do not threaten our identities if we are closed face! I don’t know what’s worse, man whore/ slut shaming; or the fact that you are willing to pay for a man whore/ slut in the first place….. Should the escort not live up to your expectation, that is unfortunate, do not see them again. This is why if it is your first time hiring someone, I recommend only paying for two hours. Two hours allows a comfortable amount of time to become acquainted and settle the nerves with conversation and a massage, the sex, and the aftercare. Should you just desire companionship for the first booking, two hours is a great time to have a good conversation and gauge whether or not the escort is someone you could spend time with. Sometimes escorts are like an expensive brand of shoes, they look great, but they just don’t fit your foot or give you blisters. Should you have the spare cash and intend to have a long term relationship, then a longer eight hour booking would be the best booking length for first time interactions because you will develop a strong sense of whether the escort you hired is the right escort for you.   TREAT THE ESCORT HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED.    8. Be punctual Should the booking time be arranged for 7:00pm, be at the rendezvous at 7:00pm. if it’s a hotel booking and you’re waiting in your room not the lobby, I would say that is acceptable. Do not make the escort wait in the lobby for hours on end. There are very rare cases where for whatever reason the booking is delayed, simply contact the provider as soon as you know there will be a delay, apologies and give them an eta. The provider may at their full disclosure decline the booking and leave, or ask for a waiting fee/ extension. This is where showing the provider respect with your initial enquiry and messages is important; should you have sent all the information the escort asks for, a clear photo (if they request one), and paid your deposit you will most likely have an escort more willing to wait for you. Should you have complained, nagged and tried to cut the fees the worker will be irritated and be less inclined to stay. If you leave the provider waiting longer then fifteen minutes without an update and information regarding your whereabouts, they have every right to leave the rendezvous and keep the deposit. My rule after my one incident became if you are more than fifteen minutes late to the rendezvous without a legitimate reason, I will be excusing myself. You would be irritated if your escort arrived late. Escorts become irritated when you arrive late. WE ARE NOT SLAVES!   BE PUNCTUAL.    9. We do not want to date you Genuinely good escorts, that enjoy their work adore their clients, we have a deep-rooted empathy, we enjoy making you smile, we enjoy giving you a space to adventure your sexuality and so much more. What we are giving you though is a fantasy, or at least the very best version of ourselves. We are not Tinder, we are not eHarmony, we are escorts. We are not going to stop doing this line of work to be with you; we aren’t lonely and depressed; we have our own sexual, intimate, psychological needs; We have things that we do not show. Thankfully I haven’t had to face this scenario yet, talking to some female providers apparently it is quite common. How would you be able to handle the fact that we will continue to do this work? You are not going to ‘save’ us. We do not need ‘saving’ – well most of us don’t. Save yourself the stress, strain, and sanity, and leave this as an escort client relationship Have you experienced family troubles, relationship troubles, employment troubles or any other troubles? Fun fact. We escorts have those things too. We may not talk about them like you, which you need to respect if we choose not to, as we do you. But surprise, surprise we too take the rubbish out, go to the toilet, have a family that is nagging us, a friendship circle that need us, and a range of other normal life things. Escorts are either a fantasy character or our very best selves. Not your lifelong partner.   WE DO NOT WANT TO DATE YOU.   10.              Educate yourself Educate yourself on sex work, escorting and STI’s. doing this will aid you in being respectful of what we do and the services we provide. Instagram pages like ‘The Good Client Guide’ provide a great stepping stone for the education clients need - You do not need to be an expert, you just need to demonstrate to us providers that you care enough about the experience to learn. You care enough about the business relationship that we share, that you will make us feel safe. Demonstrate to us that you value us. Demonstrate that you genuinely want us to be there. Demonstrate to us that you are looking at a person, and an individual not just a novelty sex doll. You can be quirky, you can be yourself, you can be different, just be your best self, your most well-mannered self – saying please, thank you, bless you, pardon me goes a long way. Even my alcoholic client mentioned earlier had great manners. Most professional escorts accept & welcome your differences, you are you; we just also want to be treated like a person too. When you educate yourself on sex work, escorting, being a client, STI’s, and sex as a whole, you will theoretically behave in a much more appropriate manner with your escort. You will begin to see the importance of this work, and how we are not just objects of penetration. We too want to feel like we actually matter, and that we are adding value to someone else’s life. Begin educating yourself on sex, sex work, consent, STI’s, and human nature to help bring your best self to the booking, giving yourself the best chance at a good time.   EDUCATE YOURSELF.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E12 (Monica)

November 19th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting my website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 12 (Monica), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “You’re such a well-behaved girl Monica, you adore submitting to my whim don’t you!” Lexx rhetorically asks, receiving a submissive glare from Monica’s eyes coupled with the most gentle of affirming nods. Lexx (28) stands before his submissive twenty-three-year-old client wearing only his long silver & grey checked dress pants; Monica kneels on both knees wearing Lexx’s favourite pink lingerie set – a laced two-piece pink bra & knickers, with orange flowers embroided over the most private of the erogenous zones (nipples & vagina). With a firm two finger grip of grace Lexx supports his clients chin, keeping her nuzzle upright towards his dominant stare – a leader showing his follower who is in charge. “Once you do all that I ask of you today, you will be rewarded with cuddles, body tickles, ice-cream, and all that you need to feel like the pretty princess that you are. Do you understand?” “Yes” she gently replies. “Sorry I did not hear that?” Monica had forgotten how she was supposed to refer to Lexx. Monica has been hiring Lexx for a little over one year now, initially seeing him for her virginity to be taken away. She comes from a wealthy background and so money was no problem for the innocent girl when she desired re-hiring. With the large portion of males in her life just trying to score a few baskets she felt that seeing a professional would preserve her and prevent any damage from being done – gaining assistance from her older sister (35) to help find the right escort for her. From the moment Monica laid eyes on Lexx she felt warm, comfortable, and safe; though she could see the aura of a bad boy hiding inside of him, someone who was not meek, but a candid leader. Their first encounter was just a meal at a local lunch bar in Ascot, Brisbane; conferring about what Monica hopes to achieve from hiring Lexx and seeing if he is a good long term fit for her needs – Monicas’ older sister & boyfriend doing their due diligence unbeknownst to Lexx. Now one year later, Monica wishes to explore other realms of sex outside of vanilla, slow & sensual and the basic toys; she wants to submit to a top. Being the first time, the pair share a dominant & submissive bedroom space things are taken slowly.   “Sorry…. Yes sir” Monica correcting herself and silently pleading with Lexx’s soul through his eyes. Lexx Squats down to her eye level while maintaining his alluring stare, he wants his client’s soul, he wants to lift her spirit to places unknown to her – a soft ‘daddy’ style of domination. “Good girl Monica. Good Girl” Lexx seals the compliment with an ardent kiss that could melt a million hearts. Swiftly Lexx shoots back up to the standing position, and forces Monica’s face into his fabric covered crouch, using his right hand and hips to rub the growing piece and aphroditic face together. “You will do as you are instructed today! You will do everything I ask in order to please this cock! You will be my little slut today! Do you understand Monica?” Lexx’s tone strong, firm, but soothing at the same time. “Yes sir” Monicas’ tone not showing Lexx the enthusiasm he needs to hear. “Please answer me again Monica. Do. You. Understand. Monica?!” his tone more domineering the second time as his continues grinding his crouch against the client’s face. “Yes sir!” Monica emotes enthusiastically. “Good girl!” Lexx releases the candid pressure of his hand, setting Monica’s head free. Without hesitation she intuitively knows what to do next, rushing her hands to the button and zip, peeling Lexx’s lascivious banana out of its’ skin. While living out her hazy dream she stares at the thick seven inches by six inches of gold, stroking it softly & slowly, why rush something so delicious – both with a luscious state of mind for each other.   *Audio affects (Blowjob sounds. Male moans).   Lexx picks up his lean size ten client from the ground and lays her onto the spacious kitchen bench, fetching a pillow from the couch for her back to rest against the wall. Viciously pulling Monica’s cute lingerie from her hips and shovelling it into her mouth; proceeding to devour the luring, melting, pleasure calling flower. Cream leaks from the glorious hole and into Lexx’s warm, luscious mouth. Monica confers Lexx another delicious pussy by following his booking preparation instructions: A medical certificate, cinnamon, pineapple, plenty of water, and lots of fruit. She is a non-smoker which also aids with the taste of her wetness – A+ treatment for an A+ client. The come just flows down Lexx’s throat, “You have such delicious pussy young lady!” Lexx compliments with his full mouth of luscious, lascivious, juicy papaya. “God damn I love when women give me good tasting pussy. I’ll eat that shit all day!” are the type of thoughts running through this hungry boy’s mind. Lexx has his index, and middle finger slightly bent upwards while he scoops come out of the deepest parts of his client’s hole, a consistent good rhythm simultaneously merging with the sucking and licking motions of Lexx’s oral pleasure.   *Audio effects (Oral and fingering).   “Get down. NOW!” Lexx pulls himself away, clicking to the floor where he stood. He retrieves water from the bar fridge, opening and offering the first sips to his gorgeous client before he finishes the bottle. He encourages his client to join him in a quick two-minute stretch, before they continue copulating. Bending her over the bench and manoeuvring the pillow to a prime position for his clients’ face, he has the dominant ability of holding both her hands behind her back while he can fill her physical, spiritual, and emotional desires.   *Audio affects (Sex claps. Female/ male moans).   Thank you for reading, L.Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E11 (Dorothy & Jacob)

November 12th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting my website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 11 (Dorothy & Jacob), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “Good to meet you again Lexx. Dorothy is just finishing getting ready. Would you like a beer or anything while we wait?” Jacobs’ hospitality cordial. Lexx declines the offer, before the pair take a seat adjacent to each other on the couch – waiting for the sweet treat. The five star hotel room has been set perfectly; lamp lights illuminate the room with a bodacious energy, a blood orange & sandal wood candle augments the room with the desired chemistry, with light jazz house tunes meditating their minds’ sexually. As the pair sit on the three-seater grey, cushioned couch Lexx is alluded to the two STI medical certificates & envelop of cash. After certifying the certificates and counting the money Lexx sits back into the couch and acquaints with Jacob about how life has been, and an overview of what Jacob & Dorothy are expecting from the service tonight. Jacob & Dorothy have been happily married for ten years; they use a selection of male escorts to explore their adult fun due to the negative experiences they faced when they originally tried to join the kink community. They never felt that they fit the community ‘standards’, they hated the political bullshit that went on, and multiple figures tried to exclusively break the boundaries of the pair. They nearly gave up on having any kinky fun until they found Lexx, who introduced them to other providers that he vouched for, and since then have had a world of fun privately & professionally. Jacob is a bi-sexual thirty-three-year-old man, Dorothy is a straight thirty-five year old women. Both just your ‘normal’ happy, healthy, married couple with kids. “Are you ready?” a noise echoes from the bedroom door open ajar. “Are you ready?” Jacobs looks to Lexx with excitement, Lexx grins cheekily and smiles, eager to see how the meal will be presented tonight. “She bought a new set for us today, I’ve already seen it; you’re going to love it!” Jacobs’ excitement grows. Jacob does not identify as a cuck and in fact is quite the opposite, Dorothy defends this too. Just like Lexx, Jacob enjoys seeing a woman be devoured by two men. Dorothy seductively graces the hair conditioned carpet floor with her soft steps, finishing the cat walk in front of her two toys. A thin girl (size 8) with three-hundred and twenty cc breasts, a small tushy, pale white skin, and brunette hair, stands in the power position – hip extended to the left, hands placed on the small of her back. Her body covered with an all-white lace silhouette that has orange, pink, and green flowers patterned over the lascivious fabric. “Do you boys like what you see?” Dorothy begs to ask; “I think I like it more then the first time” Jacob flirts; “You look very sexy Dorothy” Lexx compliments. Dorothy lowers herself down onto the carpeted floor and runs her hands up the inner thighs of her men, teasing them into sexual desire. While unbuttoning her husband’s shirt Lexx begins unbuttoning his, however, he is met with an instructive “Wait!”, Dorothy wants to undress both of her men. Once the undressing is done Dorothy sits between the two men and begins stroking their lascivious logs. The two men take as they want, kissing at the woman’s neck, rubbing her clit, removing her hands from their cocks and practicing dominant play by putting her hands behind her back – Dorothy loves to surrender to multiple men. The first position that the pair exercise is a spit variant that has Jacob receiving the blowjob, while Lexx penetrates Dorothy from behind. The sex is casual and fun.   *Audio effects (Blowjob. Thrusts. Claps. Moans.)   Lexx leaves the interaction by sitting on the back rest of the couch and stroking his cock while the couple copulate – focusing on his breathing and staying present. The couple then manoeuvre themselves into the cowgirl position directly next to Lexx; the riding is nothing strenuous, just good casual fun sex. With Jacob paying for the added oral service Lexx dips his balls into Jacobs’ mouth while his wife Dorothy sucks on Lexx’s piece tenderly. Jacob licks and sucks on Lexx’s balls while Dorothy places her warm, saliva filled mouth around Lexx’s thick cock, simultaneously holding & massaging the gold. “This is so bad, but I love having my husband watch me suck another man’s dick” Dorothys’ mind paces. The trio continue this position for about five minutes before Lexx begins to cramp and needs a quick stretch.   *Audio effects. (Blowjob. Thrusts. Claps. Moans.)   Returning with water for the couple Lexx takes a moment to stretch and limber his body, while the pair enjoy their drinks. “You look so hot in that lingerie Dorothy!” Lexx flirts again as he takes his seat at the opposite end to which he sat before. “Thank you” are the manners he receives in return. The lady enjoys riding stallions, so onto Lexx’s cock she hops, again nothing crazy and intense, just fun, casual sex – with a kinky twist. Jacob lays down on the ground, head underneath his wife’s pussy and begins massaging Lexx’s balls. Juice oozes’ from his wife’s pussy onto his face, the inner lipped labia a beautiful site; even better when it’s dropping liquid onto it’s owners face with balls dangling from it – a site that would turn on any bi-sexual husband. Tonight’s four hour booking quite simple, with the trio doing the basic things casually all night long, adding fun kinky acts to keep the night spicy.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E10 (Bianca)

November 6th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting my website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 10 (Bianca), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “Oh my gosh, I’m so nervous but excited at the same time!” Bianca emotes like a bride on her wedding day. “You have nothing to worry about” Lexx confers confidently as he holds his thirty-four-year-old client close to him. “You’ll protect me if there are assholes right?” Bianca looks across to her escort with an eager expression of excitement, trusting Lexx will lead the way with this kinky experience. “I’ve wanted to do this for so long!” Bianca continues as the woman behind the service desk asks the pair to come forward. “Just two tickets please” Lexx requests politely, “two tickets for the cinema. That will be sixty dollars please……… Thank you” Lexx pays for the tickets, receives the compulsory instructions & rules of the viewing and then leads his client to the room of kinky fun! Bianca’s nerves are evident as she grips Lexx’s arm tighter then a chimp; the doors open and to both their fortunes the screening today is relatively quiet; one man is in the back corner stroking his attractively large cock; two other men are sitting a couple seats away adjacently; and in the front row are a man & women that are just kindling and what appears to be fondling with each other lightly. On the screen is a threesome of two females and one male, and the smell is relatively clean considering this is a place of daily masturbation.   *Audio sounds (Porn).   Lexx leads his client to the middle row where a doubles couch is situated – the perfect position in the room. Bianca can see the other couple and knows that the people in the back row can see her, after all she has informed Lexx of her desire to be watched by a stranger while being fucked. Should she become comfortable enough Bianca has asked Lexx to let other men masturbate & ejaculate on her big fake tits. Like a traditional movie date Lexx caresses Bianca by placing his arm around her shoulder, he strokes her arms & legs, helping ease the nerves of being in an adult cinema with porn on the big screen & five other people sexually pleasing themselves. A couple minutes into the viewing the female from the front row crouches on the couch, extending her ass cheeks past the short, easy access summer dress that she wears. “HOLY FUCK. I CAN’T BELIEVE WE’RE DOING THIS. I’M IN AN ADULT CINEMA WATCHING A GIRL SUCK A MANS COCK. PORN ON THE BIG SCREEN. AND SOON I AM GOING TO HAVE LEXX FUCK ME IN FRONT OF EVERYONE HERE” Biancas’ mind races. “Can I please just stroke your cock first, I’m still very nervous”. Lexx kisses Bianca just above the ear lobe and whispers his answer into her ear, “Of Course, our tickets last all day, we can stay as long or as short as you like, come & go as we please. You are safe”. Lexx nuzzles his clients’ neck which naturally encourages Bianca to sink into his arm more; she slides her hand up his shorts and begins bulging his log. Five minutes later Lexx & Bianca watch as the guy from the corner approaches the couple at the front, he bends down behind the back rest next to the mans head, they exchange words before he moves to the front of the couple for what looks to be a little size & health screening, the seated male nods and hands the new comer a condom; the condom is fitted and then put to work.   *Audio sounds (M/F moans. Group sex. echoes).   The new comer begins fucking the woman from behind while she continues sucking on her man’s cock; bodacious moans augment the room loudly as the trio ignite the sexual desire in the room. Bianca turns to look at the other two men to see them stroking theirs cocks; she turns her attention back to the trio where she stares, she ponders, and begins pleasuring herself lightly; beginning with her nipples, before uncontrollably gliding her hand down to her tingling pussy. She stares at Lexx’s throbbing cock unaware that Lexx has been watching her the whole time. With a very gentle (almost undetectable) push Lexx guides his clients head down to his crouch; and with no resistance she fills her mouth with Lexx’s dick – moaning as she swallows every inch of meat. Five minutes later she has become completely aroused and submerged in the experience, conferring Lexx to begin cunnilingus on the couch. *Audio sounds (M/F moans. Blowjob followed by Fingering & cunnilingus). “Holy fuck! I am being licked out by an escort in an adult cinema with people watching. I’m doing it. It feels so dirty. It feels so good” are the thoughts racing through Biancas’ mind as she has her pussy fingered and clit stimulated with a warm, wet tongue. She feels like a dirty whore, but she feels like a new woman; a kinky, sexy, goddess. “Shall we go to the next level?” Lexx asks; Bianca nervously nods in agreement. With her nerves in mind Lexx opts to keep her in missionary position to start with, that way she is slightly out of sight but still visually seen as a public sex whore. Two minutes into the penetration the men from the back of the room come up to Lexx and Bianca and ask if they can join the fun; Lexx respectfully sizes them, not for the penises but to say if you break the boundaries I break you! He then asks his client what she would like, she puts both hands into available spaces as a gesture for a hand job. Lexx leans down kisses his client with passion before leaning back upright and continuing his penetration and observations of the room.   *Audio sounds (M/F Moans echoing. Thrusts. Background porn).   Lexx & Bianca stay in the cinema for another hour, with another couple entering the kinky fuck room and joining both parties. At the conclusion the three women in the room get on their knees and press their tits up for the men to ejaculate on, a sticky, warm, milky mess. Lexx takes his client back to their hotel for a long hot shower and comforting cuddles.   Thank you for reading, L.Soule.
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Let's Just Copulate

November 3rd, 2024 by Lexx Soule
This has been written from a heterosexual point of view, but if you’re not a prude and float another direction you’ll get the deal.   Okay you’ve made it. We’ve trecked through the depths of the kinksters and some of their more extreme pleasures. We’ve talked to the love birds about how you could enjoy real, deep, love making and a brief insight into the REAL origin of tantric sex and it’s significance. But what about plain old vanilla sex, the good creamy Blue Ribbon stuff that started this gangster shit. What defines vanilla sex? Is vanilla sex really a thing of the past, left for the over forty’s? Are toys classified as vanilla? How long should a vanilla sex session go for? What if I want chocolate Ice-cream but with the simple pleasures, is that still vanilla? Good vanilla sex can never be underrated. Good vanilla sex is fun. Good vanilla sex can incorporate practices & things you learn from BDSM & sacred sex, to create the best, creamiest, tub of ice-cream you ever taste. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Vanilla sex! HOW GOOD IS GOOD VANILLA SEX! Those twenty minute quickies in the car; that morning sex where side cuddles just somehow end up with a cock sliding into a waterfall; that goodnight kiss that just lingers a second longer than anticipated and has the man now ploughing his meat into her for thirty minutes before bed. Let’s be real, vanilla sex is probably the most practical form of sex to have, to become good at, and enjoy. Vanilla sex is great and I believe due to it’s fundamental basis within the world of sex, it needs to be continually enjoyed even as you journey and explore other avenues of sexual fun. Some of you may be reading the, ‘To become good at’ and think to yourself, “How can you not be good at vanilla sex, it’s the easiest form of sex”, there are learnable skills required to be good or even great at vanilla sex. When you educate yourself on the topic of sex and the subjects around sex you will learn that the skills & techniques to have good vanilla sex are very simple; breath work, how sexually active you are, diet, and mindset. Your relationship to sex will determine how much effort, time and practice needs to go into developing the skills required to have good vanilla sex if this is an area you believe needs improving.       Before we had ‘120 days of Sodom’, and ’50 Shades of Grey’; before the idea of sacred sex was popular, and tantric sex was practiced; we had just plain old vanilla sex - and it doesn’t take Einstein to figure that one out. Just about every animal has their own version of sex to reproduce, and we are in fact our own species of animal. Even as a man of faith, I do believe science a little more when it comes to our evolutionary history and the facts that we have evolved as the superior animal species. So, what was sex in the beginning? I can imagine that in the beginning our male species would pull their willies out and put it inside of the thing we now call a vagina, transcending his genes onto the next stage of life. Side thought; how did the first species of any animals including homosapians know that putting a willy inside of the vagina would create a baby; could you imagine being the very first thing ever to realise that putting a pee pee inside of a hole generates another thing, mind blowing. You would honestly feel like a magician. Imagine being the very first woman to go into labor or give birth, poor woman, probably died. Back to the educational conversation. There was no tying someone from the ceiling and filling every hole; there was no, “Let’s sit and tell each other how beautiful our bodies are while we make slow love in each other’s laps for twenty minutes”; there may have been some level of primal intimacy just like chimpanzees and other animals have, but I would argue that it all began with just plain old vanilla sex on a rock. Obviously over time the way in which we have sex, the way we view sex, the reasons we have sex, and the meaning of sex has changed. Sex used to be for reproduction only; now is a form of leisurely pleasure, deep spiritual bonding, and primal releases. When sex was for reproduction purposes only you did not need to know how to control your breath; you did not necessarily need to know about hydration; you did not need to know what positions gave the woman the most pleasure, or which positions allow the man more control of his ejaculation; you did not need to know other little tricks that make positions like missionary the most incredible position in the world – I could do missionary & the pretzel all day and not get bored. As former industry professional Stirling Cooper has pointed out, the only purpose of sex at the beginning of time was for reproduction. The male needed to put your penis inside of her vagina and ejaculate as fast as possible. Now with sex being the phenomena that it is, even vanilla sex has a certain level of skill to it. So let’s talk about how we can turn Home brand vanilla sex, into a Blue Ribbon tub. Australian ice cream joke. Prioritising your health goes a long way with any sexual encounter, a long way! So just doing the basics of health will make a vanilla encounter that much creamer. Things like staying hydrated, stretching throughout the day, consuming fruits like; watermelon, mango, blueberries, strawberries, and banana’s; these fruits give you energy and help you taste better as well. Watermelon has been linked to helping men have harder erections, mango has been linked to making you hornier, blue berries are a great antioxidant, and banana’s have long been known as the energy bar of the natural world. Pretty basic stuff right. Do some form of exercise; you do not need to have six pack abs or look like a super model - that would be obnoxious and ignorant; but getting out and moving the body does great things for the chemicals within your brain. I’m not a science geek like some of the people I follow but it has commonly been known that exercising generally makes people have more libido and a higher sex drive. Go for a twenty-minute walk a few times a week, or do some yoga, maybe take up that dance class you have always wanted to do; something that gets the body moving and heart pumping. All of these simple things go a long way in enjoying normal sex. If you have explored or intend to explore the realms of BDSM & Tantric/ sacred sex you will learn very quickly that stretching, breathing, and staying consciously aware of yourself are vital practices for a positive experience. I have mentioned all of this throughout the last couple months in my sexual education blogs. Before you are hog tied from the ceiling it is usually safe practice to stretch your muscles first, you’re going to need it. Stretching before engaging in sexual intercourse is apart of the stress removal process of tantric/ sacred sex. Apparently we need to breathe to continuously supply our body with oxygen, so learning to control our breathing is probably very important for good sex too. Go outside and enjoy the sun for a little while. All these basic things that promote great health are going to aid you in having great vanilla sex. Vanilla sex is just sex, just as good health is good health.   Put away the porn. We have already spoken about this during the blog ‘Sacred Sex’, and while porn has it’s place and some people have control of their vice, there are an awful lot that do not. If you’re watching extremely graphic porn videos like gangbangs or reverse gangbangs, extreme BDSM, fantasies that are unrealistic you are going to struggle being aroused when you have a real person in front of you wanting the most simple thing – or for some men becoming hyper aroused when you have a real human experience and finish too quickly. And if you are anything like what I was like when I consumed porn, you enjoy seeing someone attractive on your screen. If you are constantly masturbating to these hyper attractive woman, and hyper attractive men you may struggle with a range of different sexual complications when in the company of a real person who looks nothing like your last three-hundred-and-sixty solo orgasms. If you as a woman have been using a high intensity vibrator regularly on your clit and inside your vagina for a number of years, there is a high likelihood that you will struggle to become aroused from the physical touch of a real person. If you have been masturbating to ten out of ten ‘super models’ with giant, perfectly symmetrical tits, a perfect ass, tight waist, and tanned skin for the last God knows how long; and you then have an experience with a girl who may be a little thicker, one breast is slightly bigger than the other, and she has a couple scars, you may struggle to become erect. Maybe you’re a quick releaser and just need to masturbate for thirty seconds to have that post nut clarity after work, there is a high liklihood your practice will be preached and your thirty seconds will repeat itself in the bedroom. Quite recently I mentioned that I consume porn for training purposes; I have exercises that I do to increase various strengths, muscles, and sizes around my erogenous zone, and because I do not have a partner that I am regularly sexual with in my personal life porn is the easiest option when in need. Though as I edit this blog I am now two weeks without consuming any porn for such purposes, I simply use the power of my imagination. Due to my diet and daily supplements, I can maintain a healthy erection – if not, a stronger erection when training. I went clean from porn for about two & half, three years and during this process did not masturbate at all. I was dating someone for most of the time, and when I was not dating anyone I was not highly active. I can tell you firsthand about the problems associated with the over consumption of porn, the effect porn has on our brains and mindsets, and the effect it has on your relationships. If you have a partner(s), I now personally believe there is no reason anyone within the relationship should be consuming porn, while also having the broader view as to how & why the snake is eating it’s own tale. Put the porn down, learn how to excite, entice, seduce, romance, ravage, make love over a number of days, and fuck until you can’t fuck no more. Okay, the dad advice is out of the way now.   Even during vanilla sex you can practice a range of different things to enhance the experience. As a woman you could moan deeply, as your man grunts. Nibble on your partner’s earlobe while you are body to body. Whisper dirty things in your partner’s ear (personal favourite). Learn how to pull & grab hair correctly. Learn how to hold someone’s throat correctly. Adjust the pace. Add a pillow. As the man you’re probably accustomed to doing most of the thrusting, let your woman move her hips and do some work from time to time. Learn to enjoy the sight of a sexy human giving you, or receiving your pleasure while staying in one continual position for five, ten, fifteen minutes. There are like ten variations of missionary off the top of my head, and there is an entire body to learn about and explore. We live in a time of such short attention spans that we become bored easily and crave ‘the new’ too intensely, everything was yesterday and tomorrow can’t come soon enough. At the same time everything has already happened. Look at fashion for example, nothing really goes out of style, it’s just the season that our phones and social media tell us it is. And while I understand there have always been ‘trends’, we live in a time where you can make the fashion of two seasons ago, your thing of today. This is the beauty and the art of vanilla sex; learning to do the timeless well and just keep things simple. Why change positions if it feels good for the both of you. Who is to say that you can’t stay in one position for twenty minutes if it feels great and no one is cramping. Obviously doing the exact same four positions in the exact same sequence, with the exact same intensity, every. Single. Time. You copulate. Will be boring. Learn a little sexual & emotional intelligence. For a lot of people, virgins, and those who may not have a large experience of sex; vanilla sex still requires you to put in work, vanilla sex still requires you to learn, but vanilla sex is just sex, and sex that doesn’t need extravagant thinking or copious amounts of time. When you get past the need to come all the time you can have five to ten-minute quickies at your convenience which build up the sexual tension and eventually, and theoretically give you the orgasm you desire. You’re practicing sexual transmutation and delayed ejaculation, do you remember the XXL balloon analogy I used in the ‘Sacred Sex’ blog. If you struggle to have even a two-minute quickie then there are exercises and things that you can do to improve. As the man the first thing you will need to assess is how quickly you ejaculate when you watch porn. If you are fixing your ‘needs’ with a one-minute quick fix and then struggling to last thirty-seconds in the bedroom that will most likely be a serious factor. At the conclusion of this blog I will link some of the professionals that I have learnt from to aid in the skills to be a better in the bedroom. Read their work, contact them, and enrich your sex life. I understand and empathise with the fact that there are still complications for some people that prevent them from being able to enjoy plain old sex, and unless there is a medical interference, it shouldn’t be like that. To experience a good twenty minutes of simple vanilla sex should not be a commodity. Start slow, control your breathing, wear a condom, use some lube if need be   Most of my sexual experiences in life so far have been quite vanilla. Yes I’ve had sex in an adult cinema; jerked my cock for a sexting session for an entire day while on a trade site – obviously in privacy; I’ve had sex at a workplace with the bosses daughter; had a couple one night encounters; carried out a handful of BDSM scenes; practiced creating a multi hour tantric experience; received a blowjob in a festival cubical; I’ve masturbated into my hand and then rubbed them together; I’ve licked up my own seaman off tits and swallowed it – multiple times; I have drank female come straight from the pussy like you drink water straight out of a tap; and I’ve had sex with a woman while she was on her period. Compared to some people who made all of this happen the first week they lost their virginity - that’s an exaggeration obviously; I am quite tame. Then you have the other side of the spectrum where a lot of people have never even imagined half of what I just told you and think that I am the kinkiest, most wild person in the world. What I’m getting at here is that just because you have not mastered Shabari rope, or never had extremely kinky fuck fests, or never had deep, powerful, sacred sex sessions, does not mean you’re missing out. Maybe you do have your own personal kinky experiences and styles of love making that you wish to explore, and that is also what I would like to discursively elaborate here. If you want to experience being anal fucked by a foot that is completely normal. If you want to give a man a rim job (lick his asshole) that’s completely normal. You thoroughly enjoy sitting on someone’s lap holding them and slowly grinding yourself back and forth, that is completely normal. You want to use balloons for a range of different things that’s normal. I had a conversation with a girl who wanted to have sex in a bathtub while being covered in canned spaghetti. That’s normal. And what I mean by normal is that it is okay to want to try something a little different, a little out of the ordinary, what some may very well call strange. You might find their naughty pleasure strange and would never dream of trying it. And that’s part of our job as escorts, to help provide people with a safe space to explore those kinky & sacred experiences. Not all escorts will provide the experience you want though, some may not feel comfortable providing that service or have the tools to provide that experience in a safe and enjoyable way. The main point I am trying to make here is that just having sex, normal plain old sex, is what most people have, and it is really fun when you put the simple action steps into practice and become sexual & emotionally intelligent.   I have not explored as much as I would like within the world of kink & tantra. and truthfully, while there is a lot I want to explore, I am quite demure with wanting to explore those worlds of sex. I’ve said this previously, “Within the world of kink & sex in general, you do not need to try everything to know if you like it”. I am only twenty-six though. And so, if you are for arguments sake over thirty-five and had a dull or non-existent sex life except for the time you created your three spoilt little humans, you’re probably going to want to explore as much sex as sexually possible. The only time you felt genuinely sexy was the one minute that he made you a balloon for nine months; and if you’re a man reading this, the only time you felt like the man your woman actually wanted, was those one, two, or three times she sucked your cock without you asking while you were up late watching NCIS or something, she was horny and you thought fuck it why not. Me only being twenty-six I have plenty of years to explore, and so I am relatively demure within my personal sex life. Over my time of personally talking with experienced kinksters and people who have practiced sacred sex (however few that may be), there are a lot that say they will never go back, while an awful lot (usually the more sexually mature) express how much they enjoy getting back to vanilla sex. Because when you dive into different types of BDSM & kink, and sacred/ tantric sex you learn about all the elements that make a vanilla session good: Breath work, the importance of stretching, the importance of hydration, the importance of communication, how to lead & how to follow, learning to slow things down and take a break. When you develop the skills to have good vanilla sex, and are frequently having sex, you will learn that you don’t have to think too much, you just have fun with what you are feeling in the moment, there are no huge expectations like with a BDSM scene where you’re expecting to have your entire body sweat, bleed and shake. You’re not expecting to transcend to a place out of this world like with tantric practices. It’s just sex that feels good. You can enjoy the sexiness of your partner, you can enjoy giving & receiving pleasure, and you just get to enjoy plain old normal Blue-Ribbon sex. The reason I believe some people say that once you go kinky or sacred you will never go back is because you could have one huge sexual session for multiple hours and be sexually satisfied for a week, two weeks, or even a month, compared to say having thirty minutes of sex five times in one week. And just like the porn you may consume, when you increase the intensity, or discover something nuance, it can be difficult to go back to the previous content you consumed; If you started with simple lesbian porn but now consume BDSM orgies where two girls are ten guys whores, you may find it difficult to go back to the videos you started with. So if you progress from vanilla sex into say sacred, deep love making, passionate sex, you could quite easily struggle to find as much pleasure in normal vanilla sex. But I beg the question for all those kinksters & sacred sex people; do you never wake up in the morning next to your partner and just want twenty minutes of cock or pussy? Without it being set as a task like in some BDSM dynamics, would you (the reader) enjoy having your pussy eaten in the morning because your man just wants to lick your lips for a couple of minutes; would you enjoy waking your man up with a warm mouth wrapping itself around his succulent cock; would you as a man enjoy your woman making you a rock and then riding you for five minutes. Neither of you may even come. Should you have read my blog ‘Sacred Sex’ you would know sexual retention is incredible for both men & women. If you shared five minutes of sex and then left each other to get ready for your days, you would have the best built up sexual energy all day. If you were in a monogamous relationship, loyal, and having that type of morning, you would both be thinking about each other all day long while also having this controlled, positive sexual energy storing inside of you. You may even continue your playful regime as you get ready for the day; a couple thrusts in the shower, a blow job while your girl is on the toilet, eating some pussy while she brushes her teeth, you get the deal. Obviously some major circumstances may come into effect during the day that kill your sex drive, but based on my own experiences unless it’s catastrophic or something serious you two will most likely find that sex will continue. And obviously this is where if something serious does present itself you show each other that you care about each other, through communication and emotional intelligence for the situation; if you were going to spend the time having sex you have the time to have an ear or a hug. It can be daunting to explore, experiment, learn about, and experience sacred sex or kinky sex when you read things that say once you experience ‘this’ you won’t want to go back, but I just don’t believe that to be entirely true. Because vanilla sex, is the core ingredient to all sexual practices, and is the foundation of sexual education. When you learn about the world of kink & sacred sex, and learn the values that should be taught within these practices, the skills and techniques to provide fun forms of adult play, your sexual awareness and sexual intelligence increases. Without plain old vanilla sex you would not have kinky & sacred sex. Just how if no one learnt how to make a rhythm using strings or keys, we would not have DJ’s, rappers, and potentially singers.   As you explore the world of sex, become more sexually educated and more sexually intelligent; I believe you will enjoy vanilla sex. It is the foundation of all sexual realms. Without vanilla sex we would not have kinky sex, BDSM sex, or tantric sex. Sometimes within the sex world I think vanilla sex receives a bad, banal, or ‘too old’ reputation; if it isn’t a ten person orgy; if I’m not screaming for my life; if I’m not being at one with mind, body, emotions, and soul than it’s not even fun. Just imagine if every single couple in the world woke up with ten minutes of fun, vanilla sex every morning. Not looking at it like a chore, not saying “your turn to eat me out, I sucked your dick yesterday”, not concerned with the orgasm, but just finding ten minutes to enjoy your partner(s) every morning. In a perfect world that would probably be one of the biggest steps in lowering the divorce rate, improving marriages, and make people a whole lot happier. While I may be an escort and thoroughly enjoy being an escort, there are far more benefits that come from lower divorce rates; happy and fulfilled relationships & marriages; sexually satisfied people; than a paycheck that supports higher divorce rates, and unsexually satisfied people.  As an escort most of the sex that I have had and that I offer is vanilla sex. While I can bring toys like vibrators, dildos, and whips into the session; while I offer a POV film styled porn experience; I can and am willing to create a BDSM scene; most of the sex I have had is tame sex. Yes I’ve had a couple threesomes, but even they were relatively tame. Even one client that I failed just wanted good normal sex. Most couples that inquired just want vanilla sex but with a third.   Vanilla sex is underrated at times and that is unfortunate. When people say, “It’s just sex” that are referring to vanilla sex. At least I hope anyway. And it is just sex, because whether you like it or not the only reason you are reading these words is because a penis created sperm that went inside of an egg and morphed into your existence. Vanilla sex has been here since the dawn on man kind. It’s just good, fun, sex. Maybe I’m really just that old of a soul. I like the simple things. I do like extravagant things; fast cars; suits that make people say, “Damn, he’s fucking hot!”; the idea of being jacked; I like hard kinky fucked up sex; I love deep, soulful, passionate, love making. I also enjoy a simple good campfire; I like Suzuki swifts and a simple Sudan that’s comfortable; I love a good book and tea; I like doing sweet fuck all and eating a bag of chips while I watch a movie; and I like good vanilla, blue ribbon sex. What about you? Do you like just good plain old vanilla sex? Comment below.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule. Mobile: 0411 316 973 Email:
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November 2nd, 2024 by Lexx Soule
The power to make love which man alone possess distinguishes him from the rest of the animal species. However, When he misuses this unique creative gift he taps back into his animal past into the mechanical animal drive, and masturbates or mates without love. He is then unhappy. ~ Barry Long Tantric teacher   Orgasm sets in motion a cascade of programmed neurochemical events, which may continue for approximately two weeks. They change how we feel and perceive the world around us, especially our partners. ~ Marina Robinson   Temptation is fire. Triumph over temptation is light ~ Samael Aun Woer   Making love is like inflating a ballon. Having an orgasm is like popping the balloon. But if you finish without an orgasm, you are like a balloon that takes several days to gradually deflate. Leaving you much longer to enjoy that inflated feeling. ~ Testimony from the book ‘Cupid Poisoned arrow’   Today’s blog we will be discussing Tantric/ sacred sex. Educating you on some of the basics around sacred sex, some of the misconceptions, what sexual energy is, and what a sacred sex session may look like. At the conclusion of this blog will be a small list of videos and books that I have consolidated with previous knowledge and experience to write this blog. I highly recommend having some fun and creating your own little research project, before creating a beautiful tantric/ sacred sex session with an intimate partner. Just like with the subject of BDSM, tantric/ sacred sex is a powerful form of sexual intercourse. Do not be confused between TANTRA & tantric sex they are two separate things. As we will discuss in small detail TANTRA is an ancient Indian religion and spiritual way of life that stems from Buddhist & Hinduist beliefs; Tantric/ sacred sex is a very deep form of love making that if done correctly - or incorrectly; will pair the souls together. While Tantra and tantric/ sacred sex are two completely different things, the two are also closely tied together. Without being a guru or certified practitioner of Tantra and tantric/ sacred sex, I may not always phrase everything correctly. I am an entry level student of this practice and so the information is just of a general nature around the subject of Tantra and tantric/ sacred sex. This blog has been written and interpreted from a male heterosexual view.   If you think BDSM is the perfect escape for narcissists to release their tendencies to control, manipulate, and abuse someone. Wait until you realise the strength of real, deep, pure love that tantric love making, and sacred sex can bring. The depth and power that is found within tantric sex & sacred sex is extremely alluring! It is love, it is powerful! Obviously if you have any prior knowledge of real tantric/ sacred sex, or even the subject of Tantra as a whole, you would know that the previous paragraph is the furthest thing from what Tantra represents, and what Tantric sex is about. Tantra is love; pure, unfiltered, deep love. The word Tantra is thrown around like internet coaches selling you their ‘life changing’ course. “Tantra is free sexual liberation, express yourself to the world, have massive orgies, and have sex with me to also become a Tantra master”; just how the coach will say, “You just have to believe in yourself, sell your car, divorce the wife, and buy my course that I pay actors in the room to sign up for”. Tantra is a religious/ spiritual practice & belief system from ancient India that worshipped the power of the feminine, the physical beauty of the female, her spiritual intellect, her life-giving capabilities, and had goddesses who believers of this faith worshipped. It is a sub-religion of the Buddhist and Hindu belief systems. To know what REAL TANTRA is, you will be par-taking in religious studies. “So if it’s basically bible studies how did sex become intertwined so deeply?” Great question. I could be wrong here, but all religions place importance on sex, it’s just the beliefs around sex that complicate some people’s beliefs. Sex is vital to the creation of life. Every religion, including satanists know this. I’m going to take a guess that you are not a test tube baby, if you’re reading this from the year 2040 maybe another story. Even then, unless the sperm was artificially created, a test tube baby would have been created through an element of sex. Masturbation. Sex is more than just intercourse. Because of the poor sexual education here in Australia (Maybe it has changed) most people do not know or understand that sex is so much more then just cunnilingus, a blow job, and penetration. And until I became an escort I did not have this deeper understanding of what sex really is either. I had the basics, and knew the importance of sex, but had no deep appreciation for the WHOLE experience of sex. I now understand why masturbating daily for no reason other than to ‘release stress’ is a waste of energy. Using a vibrator every time you want to flick the bean yourself can make stimulation from another human less enjoyable. Understanding that a lot of sexual health problems can be fixed. Learning about the importance of sexual health from the perspective of the foods and supplements you consume. Learning that a man can grow his penis. Learning that we all have unique parts of our body that turn us on or off, for example one person loves having their ear lobe played, nibbled, and blown on; while another person will tell you to never touch their ear. How to have good communication around sex. The variety of reasons someone may use an escort service. The list goes on, and on, and on, and on. The conversation of sex is just like religion; what type of sex are we talking about, what topic of sex are we discussing, what are your values around sex, are you going to respect my view of sex, and so forth. That being said sex should be a lot more comfortable to talk than religion because we as humans can no believe in a religion if we do not have sex. Unless we create artificial sperm and use artificial sperm to create life we need sex to procreate. If nobody had sex and no babies were created anymore we would slowly die as a species, what happens when we are all dead, the belief of God(s) and higher beings no longer exists in our minds- those who still have their soul may be moved onto the next part of the simulation. And additionally, I do not believe we should be screaming about sex at the top of our lungs on the train or at the coffee shop, not because it is taboo, but because it does hold sacred significance to some people. For example, Christians are no against sex, they just believe you should be disciplined with sex, and as I have learnt withholding sex until marriage holds a lot of power for a couple, and I respect couples who stand by this belief and strengthen other parts of the relationship first. That being said, personally I will not be waiting for marriage to have sex – well I can’t I’m a SEX WORKER. A dirty, unintelligent, man whore. Some people also do not need or want to hear that you were hung from a ceiling by the dungeon master/ mistress and whipped every time you forgot what you were meant to remember. They do not want to hear you talk about the milk that just oozed out of your body as your pussy became his personal fuck hole. So while you should feel comfortable to have a room level conversation about the subject of sex, always be mindful of your surroundings, there is a time and place. Sex is more sacred for most women. Sex is what allows them to create life. From carrying the fetus, nurturing a child inside of them for nine months, the birth experience, then the breast feeding. Sex from this perspective creates a much more sacred experience for the female. So for a religion that worships the woman it would be only fitting that the sacred practice, the scared meditation of deep, deep love making has a high level of importance. Though as we have evolved and share love, and practice sacred sex without the necessity of reproducing I believe that sex can be and is sacred for both man & woman – providing that reproduction is not a part of the equation; otherwise spiritually sex holds much more significance for the woman.   My experiences I have only had two tantric sex sessions in my life. For me, a real tantric session is an entire day of love making, an entire day of slow dancing with each other physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. A spotless clean environment, a mind emptied of everything except the person I have the pleasure of making love with. She doesn’t need to think about anything and does not feel rushed. she feels cherished, she feels beautiful, she feels like a goddess, she feels loved. As the leader I am unconcerned with time and I go to the part of the soul that has a deep desire to care & nurture for someone – the inner masculine that thrives on love. This is part of the reason why I will not offer a complete tantric service to clients unless I am forty-years of age, decided on being a bachelor for the rest of my life, and have REAL yoga & tantric certificates. This is my own personal enjoyment, my own personal gift, and is not something I want to share with just anybody. This being said there is one person who offers sacred sexual services who piques my interest, and unless I have the partner I desire to explore this style of sex with, I am interested to see how a transactional tantric experience would feel for the emotions & soul. I may very well have slow, deep, passionate, sensual sex with someone, I appreciate the female body, the human body in of itself is a piece of art to be admired. But to provide a full tantric experience I have to know a great deal about you and who you are. Because even within my own personal experiences there are a couple minor negative memories connotated to it.     What is sexual energy? What is sexual energy?!?! Simply put sexual energy is our life energy, it’s our libido, our estrogen & our testosterone, our dopamine, our focus, our clarity. Sexual energy is the energy that professional fighters use when they engage in a competition. Sexual energy is the energy women use to glide through life instead of walk. Sexual energy is the energy a man harnesses to desire and satisfy his woman. Sexual energy is what a woman harnesses to seduce her man into a world of pleasure. When you have more sexual energy you are more focused, you are clearer with your thoughts, you are stronger, and you are more appealing. Just like everything else that holds energy, you can add more to it or you can deplete it. You can deplete this energy through consumption of bad foods, not exercising, not moving the body or stretching, masturbating excessively. You can create & store this energy by consuming good healthy food such as nuts, fruits, vegetables and non-processed meat; moving your body and stretching it – go for a walk in the sun, start yoga, palates, martial arts are excellent for sexual energy; and seaman retention. It’s common knowledge that steak, broccoli, carrots, brussel sprouts, and mashed potato is more beneficial for you than a large double quarter pounder meal with extra pickles, extra onion, and an orange juice. It’s common knowledge that moving your body is essential for healthy joints and bones. It’s common knowledge that receiving sunlight correctly is healthy. Martial arts like JuJitsu, boxing, and kick boxing work wonders for your mental & sexual health. All of this is basic, simple, common knowledge you learn when you begin studying subjects such as health, wellbeing & sexual health. All the healthier choices give you more energy. One of the biggest ways to deplete your energy is excessive masturbation & porn consumption. At the time of writing this I have given up porn for good. And yes I still do my solo penis exercises. I thought that I would need the extra stimulation to jelq my cock or do weighted kegal exercises but I was wrong. Thanks to a good diet, everyday supplements, and water; I can use my mind to do what I need to do. As an ex-porn addict (up to four times a day), I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that masturbating for a ‘stress release’ or to ‘just blow your load’ depletes your energy. Masturbating of any sort to completion will drain & deplete your energy. When you learn how to transmute the sexual energy that you are about to flush down the toilet or gift your vibrator, you will start to see incredible results in your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual world. Sexual transmutation or seamen retention is a practice where you with strain yourself from ejaculating. Doing seamen retention alone can be done by avoiding masturbating altogether which is the easiest method, or when you do masturbate you do so without porn and do not orgasm, this is what sexual educators call edging. When you put the porn down and learn to pleasure yourself with your own thoughts you can begin to explore your body with a lot more detail, finding out what other sensations you enjoy. You might find pleasure in running your hands through your hair, or gracing the bottom of your feet, or asphyxiating yourself; you may find pleasure in tapping & smacking your balls as a man or breasts as a woman; things I can guarantee 99% of porn consumers would not do when they have a screen in front of them that contains high intensity porn. When you put the screen down your focus is on yourself not the people on the screen, this allows yourself the brain capacity and room to breathe deeply, explore yourself, and take control of your orgasm. Should you be practicing sexual transmutation with a partner your mostly like not going to masturbate at all unless mutually practiced together or extreme scenarios where you are travelling afar and are forced to have digital sex. Should you have a partner I advise against solo masturbation most of the time. So yes, as a couple practicing transmutation you can still have sex, neither of you come, and you both learn to control yourself. And while there are heaps of people who say blue balls will give you cancer, blue balls are bad for you; there are an equal amount of studies and papers that say delaying your ejaculation will not do any harm and can even be beneficial for you, providing you redirect the energy. When you have real sex with a partner it is easy to direct the energy away from your erogenous zone, just cuddle for ten minutes and gift the other person some affection. The energy from your erogenous zones now has a pathway to your heart, which is then pumped to the brain, which connects to the soul, which fuels positive emotions. Compared to artificial porn, there is no way on any playing field that the energy from your erogenous zone is going back through your heart. Now look I am not a health professional so the information above is just from my perspective, if you need porn in order to get things going, I have no understanding and I cannot comment; All I know is that from my experiences and my knowledge that you will not transmute sexual energy consuming porn. Should you be practicing transmutation and still masturbating without any added artificial stimulation, there are multiple ways that you can redirect the energy from your erogenous zone to other parts of your body. Because when you are masturbating with nothing but your mind you will be much more conscious and sensitive to other parts of the body. When you are consuming porn your attention will be on the sexy, perverted, naughty things of your screen.  Should you practice transmutation and seamen retention it is at your own accord, and I hold no liability at all! I shouldn’t have to type that last sentence but I must. I learnt and attest to this piece of knowledge that I acquired a few years ago from a pickup artist coach, now industry podcast host ‘Marcus Wolf’. If you have a partner or play mate, and you tell her that she is not allowed to have your come because you’re transmuting for a month, she will go ballistic for you. *GENERALISATION INCOMING. Women like seeing a man come. She wants to get off too, that is very important (sometimes); but women thoroughly enjoy seeing a man ejaculate for them. They are that hot or that good at what they are doing that they can make their man come. So when you say, “No babe I’m not coming for a month” you may have a little bit of war on your hands because she wants that hot load of spume out of your ball sack. It is incredible to see the effects that happen when you refrain from ejaculating. Let’s use the quote from above Making love is like inflating a ballon. Having an orgasm is live popping the balloon. But if you finish without an orgasm, you are like a balloon that takes several days to gradually deflate. Leaving you much longer to enjoy that inflated feeling. ~ Testimony from the book ‘Cupid Poisoned arrow’   Imagine the bag of balloons is your sexual energy. You blow up a balloon and play with it for a day, but than you become board with said balloon because you do not want a red ballon anymore, you want a yellow one; so you pop the red balloon and inflate the yellow one. You then keep repeating this process, and soon enough you have an empty packet and will need to go buy another packet to continue the fun. If you keep ejaculating your energy down the toilet, you’re going to be like a packet of ballons. The empty packet is a symbol for you being completely tired, grumpy, and lazy. How you ask; because if you have been playing with said balloons, chances are you are addicted to those ballons, therefore when it is empty you will mostly cry, whing, and really want more balloons. Whereas if you inflate one ballon, you play with it, and then say enough is enough for today, coming back to the ballon in a few days, you will still have a ballon that you can use. Unless the dog ate it. And because you have patiently emptied your packet (the symbol for energy) you will most likely be more patient with ‘NEEDING’ another packet, and not be so concerned when it is empty. You will most likely be happy because you have just finished playing with ballons for the last six months not six days. Using the balloon analogy above you should be able to clearly see how holding onto your sexual energy through delayed ejaculation and sexual transmutation keeps the energy positively stored within your body, allowing you to be more focused, have more clarity, feel stronger, look sexier, smell sexier and even feel sexier. When you start to become more in tune with your body and its senses, you can increase the intensity of the delayed ejaculation by getting yourself as close to orgasm as possible, before ceasing everything and trying to prevent yourself from going overboard. It’s heaps of fun! You will learn that you can release seamen and still have the mental state of mind to maintain an erection and maintain the energy to continue on with the sexual session or your day. The feeling for a guy is incredible! If you can get yourself to the point of no return but withhold yourself from going over the edge, you’ll feel like a million bucks. Just be careful not to get excited too quickly, let everything cool down, breathe, take a two-to-five-minute break to have some water, stretch, and breathe if you need; once you are one-hundred percent calm and focused again, rekindle if you so wish. Let me paint you a picture and tell yourself if this sounds like a pleasurable break. You’ve been making slow, passionate, penetrative love for twenty minutes and one or both of your need a break to prevent orgasming. You have a five minute break of enjoying water, stretching and catching your breath. Would you enjoy just looking into your partners eyes, or admiring their entire naked body, spiritually telling each other that they are the sexiest piece of art you have ever seen? How would that feel to give? how would that feel to receive? Would you even care if you just admired each other for your beautiful bodies, intricate souls, and wonderful minds for another five minutes? This ten-minute break could lead to the next two hours of deep, soulful penetrative sex that melts every part of your beings.   Bringing your attention back to the point of no return edge; with the amount of energy you have just withheld and stored, you may feel like going to the gym for a few hours, or running a marathon, or writing a book. Maybe a little bit of an exaggeration but you will feel pumped if you go to the edge and then refrain from orgasming. This particular practice does require conscious training though. *GENERALISATION INCOMING. Women hate being denied orgasms. My arbitrary belief is that because females are usually more receptable to multiple orgasms compared to males; they hate being taken to an orgasm and denied a come a little more than man. *GENERALISATION FINISHED. If you are a man reading this, deny your woman from coming for an entire hour of sex, tell her she must communicate with you when she is close to coming and then you pull away from her; relax, breath, let the sexual chemistry of the room settle, and then SLOWLY build things back up again. If you denied her three orgasms and then let her have the fourth at the one-hour mark, she would explode! Think one of those XXL ballons at full capacity popping. If you are a women reading this, educate your man on the subject by telling him you read an article about delayed ejaculation for women and that you want to try it, that way he can still lead the experience and feel like the masculine. If you are a couple reading this, do I need to say anything……. If you want to experience an edging experience with me, LEXX SOULE; I am happy to come with you through the experience (pun intended). Just SMS 0411 316 973. Squirting can be included. I empathise with the fact that there are a range of different medical conditions, and/ or life experiences that make orgasms a game of chess or a game of snap. Meaning, for whatever your specific reason, practicing edging may be more difficult than the way I have worded this practice. There are plenty of sexual health professionals out there that could possibly help you start your journey of sexual transmutation if you fall into this category; two all-round sex educators I always recommend are Caitline Victorious & Esther Perel. Sexual energy is more than just the fire of the bedroom. Sexual energy is more than having a sex appeal. Sexual energy is our life energy, it is what allows us to go through the day, it is what allows us to have a clear mind. Sexual energy is deeply rooted in all that we do & what we consume. Learning what sexual energy really is, how to control and improve your sexual energy is important to having a healthy life mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and sexually.   What might a tantric/ sacred sex practice look like? I will not be sharing my two personal accounts, but what I will share are some concepts around what may make a tantric/ sacred sex session fulfilling and fun for you and those you wish to share the experience with. One of the biggest things during the entire love making session is the appreciation and worship of the body. The body is a work of art and so you must ensure that you show your appreciation. Compliment your man’s strong arms, his round shoulders, thick neck, scruffy hair, maybe his booty, his eyebrows, his lips, his scars. Complement your woman’s collar bones, her eyelashes, her eyes, her smile, her breasts, her cellulite, her tummy, the softness of her skin, the roundness of her soft feet. Conferring love to the other person for the vessel of art that they were gifted. We all have imperfections on our body, these insecurities play at our mental view of ourselves, hearing another person find and detail everything that they love about our body is extremely alluring and soulful. While there may be one person leading the session, there is a much more fluent flow to the sex the allows the leader to also be the follower, like a Yin Yang. During tantric/ sacred sex there isn’t any pressure to change positions, you are not thinking about a finish line, the leader does not need to be the dictator, it is just a slow meditative style of sexual intercourse. Tantric sex is a great form of meditation. Obviously with the style of intercourse that sacred/ tantric sex is, there is a huge emphasis on breath work; deep controlled breaths that you try to sync together. Breaths that come from the deepest parts of your diaphragm. Timing your inhale perfectly with your partner and exhaling as one. Just how two women who are regularly together can sync their menstrual cycle, just how two peoples’ steps will sync when walking together; you and your partner will join in a meditative sync that will connect two lovers in ways you never imagined. This is where the leader may have to demonstrate his leadership, counting, “In 1….2….3…. hold….out 1….2….3….” and repeating the process in a calm quite tone until both are breathing together, simultaneously the man glides his penis in & out of her magnificent vagina. When you are with someone that you love deeply, making this type of love, feeling their body pressed against yours, their erogenous zones exciting yours, and your breaths are not a second out of beat; you will feel one of the most incredible emotions and experience a moment of spiritual transcendence like no other. That is love! Before you engage in sacred sexual acts you may just share space together. Sitting face to face holding hands; maybe you touch each other’s heart while breathing; maybe one sits in the lap of the other face to face and you just embrace each other, supporting each other’s posture, using your energy to protect their energy; maybe you just lay down, cuddle and gently stroke your partners face. You might take a shower together prior to the sharing of space, taking your time to clean each other and as commonly said, “Wash all the negative energy from your lives”. Post intercourse it is best to wait at least ten, fifteen minutes before showering again, you have energy radiating around you, showering straight away washes all the energy away too quickly. Just lay, cuddle and caress each other, talking about the session, more worshiping of each other, compliments, and admiring each other. Some people will go as far as monitoring what they eat and how much they eat during a tantric period, and practice a range of different fasts. Some people may only eat three portions of meat during tantric weeks compared to seven. They will not consume any artificial sugar or fatty fast food, consuming fruits and nuts instead. The aftercare for tantric sex is just as vital as it is within BDSM because it reassures your partner that you meant the words of love that were said. If you have just been complimenting your husband for how much you love his feet, his shaved head, his thick dad bod, his dark brown eyes, and chest hair; reassure him of those things during the cuddle. Rather than just saying, “That was great sex, I love tantric sex” you might say something like, “You have no idea how attractive your chest hair looks with your body when you stand in the kitchen without a shirt on”, “When you look deep into my eyes during sex, you make it extremely hard for me to control my orgasm”, “Please never grow Jesus hair, I love your short, shaved, prison styled hair. You look so bad and sexy!”. Do you see the difference in how that would feel to say and receive. If you’re a guy admiring your woman, rather than saying, “You’re so sexy baby, and so good at sex” say something like “You have some incredibly sexy legs baby, every time you’re walking away from me they steal my attention from everything”, “You have the most beautiful eyes in the entire world. I could stare into them all day if I didn’t have to pay bills and survive!”, “When you lay on top of me and just grind your perfect pussy along my cock, you give me the biggest rush of goosebumps”. Again, do you see the difference in how that would feel to say and receive. Maybe neither of you need to say anything, you both just admire each other’s bodies and sexual offerings. You’re going deeper than just the physical realm of sexual attraction, you are saying that I love this about you, you are sexy because of this, you make me feel things I have not felt before. Do you see how Tantric/ sacred sex is an equally powerful type of sex to which BDSM is, and how if practiced wrong serious psychological, emotional, and spiritual damage can occur. This sex is the furthest thing from meek. Just because the practice puts an emphasis on love does not make it soft, and when you even look at the surface level of Tantra the religion, there are stories of goddesses beheading other goddesses. Tantric sex is a meditative style of sex. Tantra is love. And love is powerful! For those who have been following my educational blogs over the last couple months, could you imagine having an experience where you travel from one sexual realm to the other. Extreme BDSM to Tantra; or would you travel from the sacred world to the kinky world. Either way, that is a lot of work, a lot of preparation, and a lot of thinking. But would be one of the most fulfilling sexual experiences a couple could share from my perspective, a once-a-year treat.   Conclusion The word Tantra is so much more than what most common people know. Tantra is a way of life, it is a belief system, it is a form of spiritual transcendence. Tantra is not an excuse to liberate yourself and have five orgies a week, be promiscuous, and feel connected to everything that has an erogenous zone. Tantra is an ancient Indian religion. This blog has not even discussed things like red, white, black, pink & grey Tantra. Tantra is huge, Tantra is a religious study and a lifestyle. Tantra has NOTHING TO DO WITH SEX; but everything to do with sex. Tantric/ sacred sex is a form of offering, giving, and receiving love. Tantric sex is a slow dance of intimacy that could last days or weeks, focusing on preservation, discipline, oneness, fluidity, and a deep appreciation for ones self and others. Tantric/ sacred sex is a meditational style of sex that allows two spirits to bond, and bodies to be truly appreciated. Tantric sex has no distinguished finish line, and promotes consciousness with the mind, body, soul, and emotions. Tantric sex is not about having eight hours of sensual sex seven days a week because you are addicted to sex, rather learning to control the waves of sex and let the acts of sex happen naturally and fluently. Tantric sex is a dance, a slow intimate dance of the soul, and a worship of these art vessels we call the human body. I encourage you to learn about this magnificent lifestyle and style of sex, because when you consolidate Tantric/ sacred sexual practices with BDSM practices I believe that you can truly start to develop a deeper appreciation for what sex is, what sex represents, and how to enjoy sex on a much deeper level. And in the next blog that I post ‘Let’s Just Copulate’ you will learn that you can bring some of the knowledge from these two polar opposite realms of sex and use them in the simple day to day vanilla sex. The education of Tantra, Tantric/ sacred sex and BDSM sex create a perfect Yin Yang for sexual education.   Hopefully you have learnt something today, maybe you have now become interested in the practice and will continue further studies. If you are a couple reading this, please try this style of sex with an open mind & heart, make it special, make it romantic, it can be a lot of fun. Should you have any questions for me about this blog please just email and I will do my best to point you in the right direction if I can. Like I said though I do not offer tantric services to clients at this stage of my career and it will be many years before I do. That being said if you do want a more SENSUAL service where we take things very slow I am happy to accommodate.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule. Mobile: 0411 316 973 Email: Further education YouTube 1.    Demystifying Tantra: The Secrets of Sacred Sexuality   2.   What is TANTRA? Introduction for Beginners with Mahara   3.   How to Practice Sexual Alchemy / White Tantra / Karmamudra / Karezza Explained (Awaken Kundalini) 4.   Demystifying Tantra: The Secrets of Sacred Sexuality 5. Misconceptions about tantra yoga, Sadhguru about Technique of extreme discipline   6.   The Secrets of SACRED SEXUALITY & How To Practice It! [7 Tantra Tips]   7.   Vidya Dehejia on the Yoginis: goddesses of Tantra   8.   Act as If You Are Not Possessive About Sexuality || alan watts black screen || alan watts no music Books 1.     Dear Lover by David Deida The female equivalent of ‘The Way of The Superior Man’. This great book talks about a woman’s purpose from a traditional but spiritual perspective, and when the origins of tantric/ sacred sex stem from Tantra, an ANCIENT religion that worships the feminine and female, you may want to take some notes from a good traditional source. David has a lot of great value within the world of sex, and so the word ‘traditional’ should not disgust or scare you. David Talks predominately from a heterosexual viewpoint. 2.    Women Don’t Owe You Pretty By Florence A feminist book. WHAT!?!?! Yeah!! Here is the thing, real feminism is great, what feminists have fought to achieve for females is PHENOMENAL. No longer does a woman have to be a stay at home object on the shelf, she can choose to go out into the world and build her empire if she so chooses, she can choose to have kids or not have kids. Within Australia women will not be paid less due to being female. This all being said men & women are not the same. We do not operate the same. We think differently. We have different hormones and organs. The problem is not feminism the problem is extremists. This conversation is too deep and big for this blog, if you want to talk about it put me on a podcast. I dislike red pills views, and I dislike feminists that say Jordan Peterson is a psychopath. If you want to make ten million dollars you’ll probably listen to a millionaire. To become a high value man of modern society who truly loves the feminine, sometimes you have to shut the fuck up and listen to her. Good book.   3.    Come as you are by Emily Nagoski PhD Currently I am three quarters of the way through this book. It is a book of accepting yourself as a woman and appreciating your own beauty, navigating stress around sex, mood, and trust. This is a great book for women to start learning how to accept themselves; their ‘imperfections’, their turn ons and turn offs, how to trust themselves and their own judgment and much more that I can’t remember off the top of my head. For men; again if you aspire to be a high value man within modern society sometimes you have to listen to the feminine, even if it is to learn her indirect messages, emotional rollercoasters or her need to talk for the sake of talking. She needs to be heard, appreciated, and feel like she matters. Men are from mars, women from Venus, basic stuff. Women are still people, and while they are generally more emotional thinkers than men (excluding 74.52% of today’s men) they still have a brain in between their ears. Learn the feminine, learn the masculine. Good book. 4.    Atlas Of the Heart By Brene Brown A book about healing from trauma. The journey of the spirit is about learning how to let go of that which no longer serves you or brings about negativity to your life. Tantric/ sacred sex can have healing capabilities if done correctly & consciously, studying a little bit about trauma will do you no harm when embarking on a spiritual journey like Tantra; or experiencing the sacred spiritual form of tantric sex 5.    Tantric Orgasm for Women By Diana Richardson Currently listening now and enjoying the information within. 6.    The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida. From a heterosexual point of view women do not want sissy’s. Men do not want to date a boy. This does not mean men have to be violent, aggressive, and trying to fight every guy that looks towards his girl. “The best way to win a war is one without violence” Sun Tzu ‘The Art of War’. This does not mean girls can not play footy, learn how to rebuild a car, or be a tradie. This just means from a spiritual perspective the feminine wants the masculine and the masculine wants the feminine. And there are feminine & masculine qualities in all of us. Most of us lean one way or the other. This is even pointed out early in this book “This could have been called The Way of The Superior Masculine”. This book is a phenomenal book for all. I believe the book has the exact same intellect level of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. Practice the basics. 7.    Hard Times Create Strong Men By Stefan Aarnio THIS BOOK CHANGED MY LIFE! THE BEST BOOK I HAVE EVER LISTENED TOO!   Harden up snowflake. Work it out. Grow a pair and deal with your shit. No one cares about you. Tantric/ sacred sex stems from Tantra. Tantra is an ANCIENT religion, therefor the traditional beliefs of MASCULINE & FEMININE are crucial to exploring this area of sex. NOT MAN & WOMEN. MASCULINE & FEMININE. Stefan talks about how the masculine and feminine is in all of us. As we have discussed the FEMININE GENERALLY SPEAKING IN A SEXUAL TERM wants the MASCULINE. I have even had countless people who are interested in the same sex, agree with what I have just said. This book may be hard for some people to swallow, it is direct, it cuts to the point, he talks facts, he is respectful. Like I previously said in the ‘Come As You Are’ review. Learn the feminine. Learn the masculine.     Make deep, full, hearted love.     Sexual educators My top all-rounder picks are Caitlin Victorious. Esther Perel. David Deida.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E9 (Rose)

October 29th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting my website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 9 (Rose), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “OH……MY…….GOD!” Rose’s jaw drops as her emotions run aghast at what she has just walked into. Lexx stands behind her, the cheesiest smile completing his face “Do you like it?” he curiously asks. With her jaw still wide open, she turns, her emote feelings resisting the tears of joy that are puddling behind her eyes, “This is the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever done for me!”. Lexx walks his client into his arms to finish the romantic setting with a warm, strong hug, and kiss on the cheek, his planning earns him an A+ response. Lexx & Rose have had a professional relationship for ten years, a rare case for Lexx, this month marking their tenth anniversary. Rose reached out to Lexx two years after she walked in on her ex having sex with her best friend in Roses bed; this led to a spiral of negative thoughts and affected her mental health greatly. After deep work with her therapist, she was recommended reaching out to an escort; choosing Lexx based off his genuine, charismatic appeal, with an appearance completely opposite to the man who broke her heart. Since their first booking they have seen each other every few months, and in the last 2 years with her promotion and pay rise she has spent a lot more time with Lexx, hiring him once a month for eight – sixteen hours. Unbeknownst to Lexx though, this could be one of their last experiences together as Rose has recently found a very handsome man that treats her the way Lexx has, she just wants to hold her innocents with this new guy a little longer. Tonight, Lexx treated Rose to an incredibly cute picnic at Mermaid beach that had candles in a heart shape surround the extra-large soft picnic rug. For dinner Lexx prepared a home-made recipe of honey chicken, vegetarian noodle stir fry, Thai yellow curry, spring rolls, and a couple steam buns. This took him quite some time & preparation as he is not your natural born cook. While enjoying the delicious homemade restaurant food, a man & women show from no-where and start playing the guitar together while singing & humming – something Lexx will never admit too – the  serendipity. What sealed the romantic knot at the hotel and made Rose emote was the large bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table with a card in front; red & white rose pedals, with contrasting small candles littered over the entire room; the lights were dimmed; two caramel scented candles (her favourite) filled the air with sweetness; a small ultra-soft novelty fat stuffed puppy was sitting on the couch; and 3 photos from their time together were framed on the coffee table. Lexx went above and beyond for his amazing & beautiful client tonight, a perfect human in his eyes; never argued with his boundaries, was always prompt, made him laugh more then he did her, sometimes even made Lexx feel like he was the one being taken on a date.   Without a word, without a whisper, Rose pulls herself away from Lexx’s warm hold and kisses him; she puts both hands on his face and gives him the sweetest kiss a pair could enjoy. She breaths, looks down; has her chin pushed back up by Lexx, before hearing the words every woman would die to hear, “you are one of the most gorgeous women in the world, you deserve this!”. Their lips meet again. Rose grabs Lexx by the hand and walks her fine gentleman to the bedroom where she again is met with more romantic surprises: Plenty of rose pedals, more small candles, a small bouquet of flowers, and another card. The card reads “Thank you for the last 10 years! You have made me feel like sometimes I am the client, you are truly a remarkable woman and with the most respect hope that our time will come to a close one day soon, because you are truly remarkable Rose. Happy 10 years of whatever we call this xoxo. Much care, L. Soule”. Now the flood gates open, Rose turns back and squeezes Lexx with everything she has, the thirty-eight-year-old escort now fighting his own tears.   Rose starts to unbutton Lexx’s blue & white checked shirt, before removing his light brown Hermes belt. “You know, even if we have to say goodbye, I don’t want to ever lose you from my life. Will you keep in contact with me if this relationship must end?” she sobbingly emotes, unable to look at her escort in the eyes. “Look at me” his voice calm & soothing. She obeys, “Should you find the man of your dreams I will break one of my rules for you. You can have my personal number & add me on Facebook”, this response garners another kiss from his client. “But you have to promise me something” Lexx interrupts, “mmmm” is the sulky response he hears back, “You must invite my partners & I to the wedding. We love weddings” Lexx replies with his cheeky, uplifting smile. “I already thought that was occurring” Rose replies staring deep into Lexx’s soul. Lexx makes the first move, passionately making out with Rose like they have 10,000 times before; the energy goes from sensual & romantic to electrifying and passionate, “Wait! The flowers & the card.”, Rose moves the flowers & card out of the room to the kitchen table and returns to her man of the night, resuming the strip of his clothes, and indulging with adult fun.   Thank you for reading, L.Soule
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2. E8 (Erica)

October 22nd, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting my website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 8 (Erica), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “What an incredible view!” Lexx tells his tour guide/ client as they lay in the back of Erica’s van admiring the view of the city on this beautiful, clear, slightly chilled, Autum Wednesday night. “It really is…. I lost my virginity up here” Erica nonchalantly confers, “Are you wanting to re-create the memory??” Lexx replies, “Hahahaha god no. He lasted twenty seconds I think, might have been ten. Just one of many memories I have from up here”. “So is this where you intend to dispose of my body after you eat me?” Lexx’s dark humour does not register with Erica; “What do you mean?” Erica replies marginally aghast at the dark repartee. “You’ve stolen my heart, attacked my neck multiple times, have beaten my cock, and taken skin from my back; man eaters need a safe place to store their victims” Lexx’s repartee breaks the tension as forty-seven year old Erica registers the joke and cracks a small grin. “No Lexx you’re not my victim. You’re my cover up, I use you to get away with all my mortal feasts. I’ve been using escorts for one-thousand years. You’re too important to eat”, the pair mutually chuckle at each other’s wicked sense of humour. Lexx having prepared a small picnic bag for the evening with a sweet tasting white; capsicum & onion dip; cheese; and crackers; confers the pair a comfortable, relaxing evening of stories, laughs, and sex.   The unhurried mood of the night is thoroughly enjoyed by both, the first kiss coming after a strong ten second stare into each other’s eyes, being followed by a long session of tender, slow pashing, lip biting, light tongue touching and erotic body touches – graces of the arms, finger gliding up the available side of the body, scratching of the hair & scalp. A beautiful, sensual moment that sets the tone for the night. With a blanket to project Erica from the chilled breeze, Lexx is able to remove her skintight jeans and begin pleasuring her erogenous area with his mouth & fingers. To warm the area for a more intense pleasure, Lexx kisses & nibbles Erica’s inner things; blows a warm, continuous stream of air onto the fabric covered flower; and squeezes at the sensitive areas of her body sexually. The little wet spot on the fabric signifies her readiness for Lexx to finger & orally pleasure. Lexx places his arms under Erica’s legs and grips her at the hips, and using his wide placed relaxed tongue, laps upwards from the bottom of the labia majora to the top of the clitoral hood; a relaxing yet fulfilling stimulation. Exploring his clients physical pleasures’ by using his hands to feel the sides & torso of her body intimately. “You’re amazing Lexx! What ever you’re doing, just keep doing that!” Erica encouraging Lexx not to stop the side-to-side motion he too is enjoying with his tongue. Simultaneously Lexx has three fingers deep inside the streaming canal rowing back and forth; the lascivious pleasure has a perfect rhythm that is not overly intense, and is far from meek.   *Audio sounds (Female moans. Wet fingering noises).   Erica’s mind, pussy and soul are highly aroused, and luscious for a deeper, more penetrative aphroditic pleasure. Erica grabs Lexx’s face with both hands, “Look at me Lexx!” Lexx stops what he is doing with a disjointed expression. Erica’s instructions are said with a puffed breath “I need your cock to fill my pussy right now please”, Lexx smiles at the reassurance of his actions. While he receives the condom Erica moves into a position that will confer both a view of the beautiful night sky, and pretty city lights – side on.   *Audio sounds (M/F moans. Slow penetrative thrusts).   The sensual temperament continues into the penetrative missionary sex. With the entire night on their side, the duo have no need to hurry. While filling her gorgeous, warm apple pie with his thick, rock-hard dick Lexx pleasures his clients’ desire for physical touch: Kissing, sucking & nibbling at her neck; massaging her well-aged natural melons; caressing her gorgeous face; squeezing at her hips; gracing her fantastic legs; making out with her soft, manicured feet. Lexx also has is lascivious desire for physical touch met, with Erica feeling all the muscles that Lexx has to offer: strong rounded shoulders; curved soldier-like arms; sculpture like torso; a thick, wide back; and an incredibly desirable booty. The oldest & most simple sexual position has now become a magical memory that will never be left behind.   *Audio sounds (M/F moans. Thrusts).   For three hours the pair enjoy each other’s company sensually, meditatively, and completely; full of Ludus Love. Both souls tango in the dance of intimacy, while their physical vessels augment with mirth and sexual desire for the other one’s body. The most beautiful type of sex that takes both to another galaxy; a place of tranquillity; a place of fulfilment; a place of pureness. Good, strong, thick dick meeting soft, pink, velvet pussy. The masculine meeting the feminine. Two souls becoming divine energies of pureness.     Thank for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2. E7 (Taylor)

October 22nd, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting my website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 7 (Taylor), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). The sensual aroma of vanilla fills the lounge room while small candle lights compliment the relaxing essence of this erotic evening; Lexx’s massage table set up in the middle of it all. The massage oil is perfectly warm, helping Taylor relax deeper into the evening as Lexx glides his strong hands over his client’s entire backside, head to toe. Recently Lexx completed his masseur qualification and now offers clients remedial & relaxation massages; of course, Taylor has paid for his full service which includes a happy ending of good cock. Taylor is a thirty-eight-year-old woman who has been seeing Lexx for just over two years, she is a tall women with a thicker build (six foot tall and a size sixteen). *Audio sounds (Mediative music in the background).   Lexx begins the game of teasing at the conclusion of the backside work, massaging her slightly saggy booty, spreading her legs wider to confer his hands access to her precious, erogenous zone – he does not penetrate her though. Lexx massages, tickles, cups, and rubs Taylors pussy into a warm, aroused state. The woman’s flower starts to blossom and ripen with blood flow. Before requesting his client to roll over Lexx places his head close to the vibrant flower and lightly breaths warm air onto the erogenous zone – all the way from Taylors vagina to her anus. The sensual feeling causes Taylor to start sexually fidgeting; pushing her hips up, curling her toes, rolling her ankles, gripping the hand rests. “Just focus on your breathing. In……… Out……… In……… Out………. In……… Out………. In………. Out……….. In……… Out………” Lexx meditatively guides.   Taylor has the oil wiped from her body and is instructed to roll over, the front of body massage always begins more sexual for these types of bookings. Lexx drizzles the warm massage oil on his bodacious client head to toe; then begins massaging the breasts calmly, bringing his client to a highly aroused state of mind – he then continues to massage the oil over the artistic sculpture – head to toe. Lexx takes his client out of this world with the way his hands move & explore, releasing all the built-up tension that Taylor holds; refilling his client with love, calmness, fulfilment, and satisfaction. “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh” Taylor moans as Lexx guides his hand over her erogenous zone again, this time he puts his middle finger a fingernail deep, a tease that will have his clients mind luscious. Despite the alluring desire to sit upright & take her man, she continues to be a good girl and stays focused on her breathing, the sensation and fulfilment of cock will come soon enough. Lexx gently pulls his client down the massage table, careful not to ruin the aphroditic  aura of the sensual pleasures, spreading his clients legs he begins blowing warm, soft air onto his clients leaking, oil covered hole. “Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh. Thank you”, Taylor calmly moans as Lexx augments her flower with two fingers, simultaneously placing his mouth over the entire clit & labia, bringing it to a soft close on the clit. Lexx fingers his clients flower while sucking and making out with the clitoris, stopping occasionally to continue blowing a soft, warm breeze of air onto the sensitive zone; the troubles of Taylors day to day life dissipate with every penetration. Lexx finds the most pleasurable point for cunnilingus and focuses all his energy onto the voluptuous area, causing pussy juice to flow out of the fuck hole freely, creating a puddle on the towel that lays underneath. *Audio sounds (Wet, dripping pussy. Fingering. Female moaning).   “I’m going to come. I’m going to come. I’m going to come. Lexx. Lexx. AAAAAHHHHHHHH” her body fidgets and squirms as Taylor’s body releases a fulfilling clitoris orgasm; one hour of massaging, combined with ten minutes of foreplay and oral, and Taylors’ stresses have been dismantled. Lexx gives his client the time she needs to recuperate before continuing with the physical pleasure, during this period he rolls out a cushioned exercise mat and prepares the rendezvous of sensual pleasure. “When you’re ready Miss. Rochel” Lexx extends his hand to aid his client up & off the table and guide her to the mat for more sexual pleasure. Once she is laying down flat on her back Lexx requests she stretch her hands and feet as far as they will extend – aiding with blood flow and a deeper relaxation. Taylor is now in a spiritual place where tranquillity is the only state of mind. Lexx wraps his nice, thick cock with a thin layer of latex and rubs it up & down his client’s vagina gracefully before stretching her tender life giving hole with his piece of meat. “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh” Lexx finds the perfect rhythm that his client needs, his cock goes deep, his cock stretches her wide, his cock makes her mind, body and soul scream with mirth. *Audio sounds (Slow thrusts. M/F Moans) Lexx lowers his body down onto his oily client, conferring her the ability to hold him tight – hold him tight she does! The feeling of a strong, athletic, aphrodisiac thirty-year-old man holding her close, appreciating her, giving her pleasure, makes her feel desirable in her own skin. *Audio sounds (Slower thrusts. M/F Moans. Squish sounds). “You have this for another two hours Taylor, two hours of pleasure, two hours of fulfilment, two hours of Taylor time…. You deserve this, you need this, you desire this….. I want to take you to a place that you never knew existed. Does that sound good to you gorgeous girl!” Lexx whispers seductive words deep into the canals of Taylors ear. “Please sir. Please take me with you to this magical place!” Taylor whispers back. Lexx sensually fucks his clients’ mind, body and soul for another two hours. Gifting this beautiful woman a fresh soul for the month. *Audio sounds (Slower thrusts. M/F Moans. Squish sounds).   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Questionable Kinks: The Gangbang & Reverse Gangbang

October 14th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
All those dicks around you. You’re a dirty cock slut & you know it. The more the merrier. Maybe you’re a white woman with a fantasy for five big black cocks circling around you, filling your entire body: Pussy, asshole, mouth, and one in each hand while one guy waits his turn masturbating to your sluttyness. Maybe you’re a kinky slut who wants all the colours of the rainbow: a black one, a white one, a brown one, a yellow one, a purple one, the one that looks like an alien tentacle. You dirty, dirty, dirty cock slut. Are you wet thinking about it? “OH MY FUCKING GOD! HOW MANY MORE TITS AND ASS CHEEKS CAN I FIT ON MY BODY” you think to yourself as six girls swarm you with their perfectly sized female bodies. You choose; what bodies do you find perfect? Tight bodies, voluptuous bodies, black bodies, athletic bodies, lean bodies. You’re visual fantasy right now, you choose! I do not have real life experience of a gangbang or reverse gangbang. After reading stories on Quora & Reddit, my own personal understanding of human sexual nature, and vicarious knowledge that I have attained from industry professionals within sex, psychology, and relationships; I would like to discuss how & why these kink dynamics can be appealing to both men & woman, and talk about the hot debate of promiscuity from the modern day population and if you could have a closed/ monogamous relationship and still enjoy these kinks.   Before we start, this must be emphasised and will continue to be emphasised throughout the blog. There is a huge difference between a CONSENSUAL gangbang, and a nonconsensual rape bang. You can have a gangbang where the submissive relinquishes control completely within the confines of the boundaries that are respected by the tops. Or you can commit one of the worst imaginable crimes and have one of the worst experiences where someone is raped by people who have no consent. Please if you or anyone you know has experienced such horrific trauma do not interrupt what is said within this blog as a promotion for violence, or such horrific acts. This is a kink that when executed correctly can be fun for all involved. Just like mentioned already in previous ‘Questionable Kinks’ blogs this kink is not for everyone. Just like some people like dogs, some like cats, some like reptiles. Some people are vegan, some people are carnivores, some people just eat food. Just as some people are Christians, some people are Muslim, and some people are Buddhist. You may read this and know within yourself that you will never want to explore this kink. I am a firm believer when it comes to the world of kink that you do not always need to try something to know if you like it or not. Should you be someone who does have this fantasy or fantasies around this kink then always be safe, sane, and consensual. Having those open & honest conversations with those involved, setting boundaries, and using safe words are paramount to a HEALHTY, FUN, SAFE experience.   What is the difference between a gangbang & a reverse gangbang? Very simply put a gangbang is three or more men sexually pleasuring one woman. A reverse gangbang is three or more women sexually pleasuring one man. Usually within this kink there is also a higher level of the power exchange we talk about, where the three or more obviously have the power over the one. Though in a consensual environment this is where the submissive or bottom role has the power. The person who has the bottom role may give permission for the tops to throw them around, call them selective names, and to not stop unless the word red is used. But may disallow anal, hair pulling or may even disallow certain words from being used e.g. cunt, piece of shit, filthy grimy whore etc. The tops then have a responsibility to follow such rules. Depending on the exact situation and the dynamic these boundaries and rules may be discussed the weeks and days leading up to the event with someone leading the gang, or might just be a good conversation for five to ten minutes before the commencement of the act. Just because a guy wants to submit to a gang of women does not mean that he does not have limits & boundaries. Just because the woman wants to submit to a gang of men does not mean she has a rape fantasy.     The gangbang and why would someone participate? For some woman it may be as simple as she loves cock, the more the merrier, her kink and fantasy is to just have as much cock around her to suck, jerk and fuck. No consensual rape fantasy, just her pretty body and a gang of cocks. She may appear innocent, she may be married, she may be single, she may have a great deal of control and be quite demure with putting her thoughts into reality, but she loves cock. And so the thought of pleasuring a gang of cocks at once get’s her pussy wetter than an active water slide. She may never act on these impulses, she may never have the opportunity too, but in the back of her mind she has that perverted thought. This is quite a simple thought to digest because if men have thoughts about having as many titties in their face at one time, why would some women not have the thoughts of having as much dick on their face at one time. She may very well have the rape fantasy of a group of men having their way with her. What would it be like to have no control? What would she be able to do if she said no and those men did not listen? Would she fight back and resist until she had a moment of freedom to run away or would she give in and just let the gang have their way and try to enjoy it? That sounds fucked up, and is the thought processes of some woman. This consensual nonconsensual ‘rape’ FANTASY may be confusing to some, so let’s delve into it from a historically biological point of view. I intend to explain how a woman’s deep desire to succumb to the gang is also directly linked to the reason men want to be the gang. She will do whatever she needs to survive and keep her offspring alive, maybe if she submits they will protect her; He wants to destroy, conquer and take ownership of her body.   Throughout time women have typically been the physically weaker of the two – men & women. A full grown, athletic man is biologically stronger than a full-grown athletic woman. If you put the best male basketballers in the world against the best female basketballers in the world, on a court and played standard basketball the men would most likely win – could you imagine the full force of someone like Lebron James going for a dunk, the women wouldn’t stand a chance. If you put the best male swimmer in the world against the best female swimmer in the world, the male will mostly likely win – according to chat GPT the current female world record for the 100 metre freestyle is 51.71 seconds, set in 2016 by Sarah Sjostrom from Sweden; the current male world record for the 100 metre freestyle is 46.91 seconds, set in 2009 by Cesar Cielo; that is seven years apart and still there is a five second difference which is huge within a pool. If you put Francis Ngannou’s a heavyweight UFC champion against the heaviest weight category female UFC champion Amanda Nunes, the chances of Francis winning are quite high. If there were no rules and it was a fight to the death Amanda Nunes might actually stand a better chance if she knew how to fight to Francis weaknesses. She is more agile, she could probably still put someone the size of Francis on the ground if her life depended on it, and she would be cunning. Science says that the male body has developed in a more physically capable way, where the females became more intellectually and socially capable. For a long time the male brain has been wired to conquer, fight, and destroy; while the female’s brain has been wired to analyse, empathise, and keep order when necessary. If you as a man cannot overpower, outthink, or be more capable than your woman in any way than how can she expect you to provide and protect her. This overpowering could be as simple, and fun as picking her up and throwing her around the bed; she laughs, she giggles, it’s fun, she loves it, she feels your strength. Outthink, you have a date night once a month, have you made reservations? Do you know where you want to eat? Do you know what food she likes to eat without asking anymore? How are you going to get there? This demonstrates your competency to plan and think ahead, if you can’t plan something as simple as good date night how can you be expected to work with her to raise a good, strong family household. “We don’t want kids”, okay how will the woman be able to trust that the man could plan a vacation to Japan together, or plan anything of value together if he can’t even get something as simple as a date night together. She wants to feel a mans strength, she wants to see his competency. What about the man testing the woman’s capabilities? I can’t answer that for you sorry, if you do the right internal work you will be able to define what you believe to be a good, strong, capable, loyal woman. This all being said I would like to take a moment to demonstrate how cunning, calculated and strong some women can be, educating some one way thinkers that woman are not just this soft, little, innocent being that will just do as they’re told or follow a bad leader. In ancient times there were some women who were captured and forced to be the new kings slave, these women would play along as long as they needed, earn the trust of their ‘new lord’ and then execute him at the perfect moment, avenging the man or tribe she once belonged too. Women may be physically less capable than man on a lot of occasions, but she can manipulate and seduce man in ways unimagined. After one year of sleeping in a bed together the lustful man finally trusts that this woman has now fallen in love with his reign & power, he goes to sleep easily after some sex that feels real. The captured woman slits the kings throat and watches him suffocate on his own blood. It’s violent, it’s strategic, it’s barbaric but a good woman is not to be fucked with. A good woman is not a snowflake, a good woman will not tolerate your bullshit, and if you just so happen to marry a good woman but do not meet your actions with your words she may very well go else where to have those needs met while she keeps you tied to her through law. Good women are strong, capable, and intelligent. Should you be a young man reading this and think to yourself, “Fuck me, way to put the pressure on me” that’s okay, pressure is good. Additionally a good woman will see when a man is genuinely trying, improving and learning. You may not be a black belt in karate, you may not be able to start a fortune 500 company, but you could punch someone in the face if you needed too, and you have some capacity to think for yourself and about others.   I type all of this to demonstrate my level of knowledge of female & male human nature. We will evolve, there is such thing as a healthy equality, women are competitive, men can think for themselves, women can bring in more money than the man and still be happy, some men may not date a woman unless she has her own job or career. Good men have the capacity to dominate, destroy, and conquer; Good woman are not meek, stupid, or incapable of thinking for themselves. Men & women are not the same though.   Where this rape gangbang fantasy stems from is the thought of “what would I do if….” fight, flight, freeze. Your objective in a real-life dangerous situation may just be to survive, is it easier to give the gang what they want and try to find some fucked up pleasure in the situation? Are you willing to risk your own life, die with honour and fight your way out of the situation? Can you calculate a way out of the situation that means you may not have to go through with the entire act? Within the consensual non-consensual gangbang FANTASY, you as the woman are most likely succumbing to the first question. This gang want to take you and devour you, and so to make the process less painful for yourself it may seem most logical to just go with the flow. Maybe you are extremely kinky and within a consensual nonconsensual realm you want to put up a fight, and want to see, feel and experience just how strong these men are. Maybe you’re just a perverted slut deep down and want to know what it feels like to have men want your body so much they are willing to commit one of the most horrific crimes someone can do, but you want it without all the trauma and real violence that comes with real rape; and with some ice cream and cuddles, while watching Netflix for the come down. GENERALLY, women have enjoyed submitting and following man. GENERALLY, women have seeked protection from men when in danger. Maybe if she gives the gang what they want, they will give her what she wants, protection and security. If a group of violent men had a well-behaved sex slave they would most likely protect her with their life. Forget a violent group of men; if any good man had a well behaved kinky ‘sex slave’ who would suck his cock on command, follows orders and is not the most obnoxious, bratty, annoying pain in his ass, he will most likely protect her with his life. Think ‘50 shades of Grey’; Mr. Grey has an obedient, submissive, who is willing to try just about anything because she is a single virgin and this sexy, handsome, billionaire, who lives in the penthouse of New York, who can fly helicopters wants to possess her, he wants only her, he is willing to stalk and follow her every move. It’s fucked up and yet so many wives and women found themselves touching, exploring and imagining they were the ones who were Anastasia. I only use ’50 Shades of Grey’ because it is a great example of woman wanting the man who has the capacity to be barbaric, the capacity to take charge, the capacity to go after what he wants, and the capacity to protect.   For the men who are interested in this kink, they are simply playing at their biological nature to destroy, conquer, and possess. Obviously there are a lot of modern day men who might be quite demure, though they themselves are aware of this violent, destructive nature that they possess and know the amount of fun that can be had within a CONSENUAL realm. If he cares for this come slut appropriately, she may be his personal ‘sex slave’ forever. She knows he has the capacity to be ruthless, to be barbaric, and to take what he wants; she knows if someone threatened her life he would protect her. This sounds crazy but it’s true, if you as a man show your barbaric nature consensually within the bedroom by throwing her around, pulling her hair, and maneuvering her into different positions without saying, “Should we try doggy now” like a whiny little bitch than she will have a sense that you can protect her. That all being said, this same man, a respectful man, a gentleman, also knows that doing this to an unwilling participant is completely wrong and is one of the worst things a man could do to a woman. LEXX THIS CRAZY, YOU ARE CRAZY! YOU ARE PROMOTING VIOLENCE, RAPE, AND MISOGYNY. I was working a regular job with this guy once, and he had some stories to share. He told me about some of the things that some groups of people make other people do to become initiated to this said group. Apparently a woman once presented herself to this group and told the men that she could take every single one of them right there. If a woman approaches most males and says, “Fuck me like a whore, I want to be your dirty slut, fill my every hole” the males brain will go wild with anticipation. Even a fairly meek man may think, “Are you crazy, I will fuck the shit out of you like I did Abella Danger last night with my hand” (she is a Porn star for those unaware of the reference), meanwhile he may verbally say, “I’m okay thank you”. So when a woman walks up to a group of men who have the capacity for violence and says, “Fuck me like a whore, I want to be your dirty slut, fill my every hole” she will generally receive exactly what you asked for. That being said, just as women would rather ‘be stuck in the woods alone with a bear over a man’, there are plenty of men who would also rather be stuck in the woods with a bear than a female. I give this example to illustrate that a lot of women want to feel protected; they want a man or group of men to say that we will protect you. Again, this may sound fucked up but a man who has the capacity to be ruthless in the bedroom with his woman demonstrates his capacity for violence and affection for her simultaneously. He or they could tare her apart right now, they could trample her, he could do horrible things to her, but he or they control themselves and provide the overpowering and/ or ‘masochistic’ pleasure she desires. When you look at history, look at the fact we have sadists & masochists, look at the fact we have leaders who order people to death & followers who will serve those leaders until their last breath; it is easy to see why & how some women & men may fantasise this kink.   This is quite dark for a lot of people, and some people just will not understand. Because all that you can think about is a woman being violated, and sexually harmed. Which is fair enough, the idea is quite dark and unless you have the emotional intelligence and sexual intelligence to understand the darker sides of psychology then I recommend staying clear of this kink completely…. Because otherwise you may put yourself and/ or others in serious danger. If no one is controlling the gang, or boundaries are not discussed things can turn south quickly.   The reverse gangbang and why would someone participate? The ultimate role reversal! the ultimate power exchange! Like we previously discussed the man has traditionally held the ‘power’ position within society; he has been viewed as the one with more physical capabilities; he has typically been viewed as the one that enforces order through violence, through tyranny, and his capacity to conquer. So to have that role reversed and submit to a gang of women would be extremely alluring to both man & woman. He does not have to think, he does not have to fight, he just let’s himself go into the control of the divine feminine. She has the opportunity to order, enforce, and conquer her man At the end of this blog I will link a twenty-minute video that talks about a professional dominatrixes who ‘abducts’ high paying consenting clients. Powerful, strong, independent men enjoy the element of not being in control from time to time. He is usually the big bad guy, he is the one that tells people what to do, he is the one that leads his family. Now he has the opportunity to let go of all that control, he doesn’t have to make decisions, he doesn’t have to think, he doesn’t have to lead; just follow and do as he is told. And for the men who enjoy following others, this is just doing what they already enjoy doing, being a good follower and doing as the girls tell them to do. Now just because you are a guy, doesn’t mean you don’t have boundaries. You still have every right to discuss what is and what is not acceptable, you may not let anything up your ass, you may not enjoy having your mouth gagged or hands tethered, maybe you won’t wear leather. Maybe you’re a total submissive masochist who wants the group of girls to just fuck you like the little bitch you never show the world, “Gag my mouth, tie my hands, spank my ass cheeks, and shove an eight inch dildo deep into my asshole while I try scream you’re my mummy, you’re my mummy, you’re my mummy”. You dirty, dirty boy. There are also very few single, heterosexual men I know who would turn down a reverse gangbang. A gang of boobs, a gang of ass cheeks, a gang of pussy, a gang of moans, like come on; if you’re a bisexual or heterosexual man would agree with me when I say that it would be extremely difficult to turn down all that ass, and all those sexy bodies if a gang of girls came up to you and said, “We want you now, be a good boy and do as you’re told!” Maybe not though, maybe you freeze and say no. I have a couple memories where I froze and said no to a sexual encounter. And it is because of these encounters that I know what I would be saying in this situation if I were single.   What about the girls, why would girls want to gang up on one boy? Um do I really need to answer this? In the spirit of good fun do you as a woman believe you would have pleasure ganging up on one man sexually? If you were single and with a group of good girlfriends would you enjoy making a bitch out of a consensual man? The ultimate power exchange for a woman! It is this reversal of power that I believe would appeal to women interested in this kink.   Could you have a closed relationship or monogamous relationship and enjoy this kink? VERY RARELY! I say very rarely because one in a hundred million couples or throuples might know how to navigate this style of kink fun. Most closed or monogamous relationships would not be able to handle this type of sexual fun and here is why I believe so. In the words of Sadia Khan, “Most modern day men are dumb”. If you’re nuance to group sessions and kink with a partner, and your girlfriend says okay let’s do a gangbang, I would argue that a large portion of guys would most likely invite the boys over and start banging. You’re mates now might believe they have the freedom to slap your girlfriends ass whenever they please, maybe they might try slide into her dm’s without your knowing, maybe a few of your mates are over for drinks, you leave the room for a shower or something and now those mates are tagging each other in & out of a gangbang without you. Have you set boundaries to both your girl(s) and gang members. Because if boundaries are not discussed your woman will most likely think that she is openly allowed to be slapped on the booty by your gang ‘mate’; and she may think there are no issues having a threesome while you’re in the shower. Even if boundaries have been discussed can you really trust your ‘boys’ to never make a move again, can you really trust your girl(s) to be one-hundred percent faithful, would your girl(s) tell you if one of the guys did try to make a surreptitious move. The exact same thing applies for women who want to let their man be ganged by her and her friends. Would your man tell those girls to, “Piss off” if they tried to make a surreptitious move, would your man then tell you about said move? You have a reverse gangbang and all your girlfriends are staying the night because you trust them, it’s midnight and so you give them a place to stay. Some how one of your ‘girlfriends’ sneaks to your man surreptitiously and wants more dick because she is still hungry, would your man be faithful? would he tell you? Exact same scenario for the guy, if one of the ‘bros’ was sleeping over would he try put his dick in your girls mouth, would she succumb and cheat or would she scream and punch the dick so hard that he may never be able to use it again. what would you as the relationship entity do? There are people who have a kink for cheating and having an affair, I’ve been contacted multiple times as an escort to participate in this fantasy. Unfortunately so many of us would not remain faithful and would succumb to lust and cheat. My best advice for experimenting with this kink as closed relationship is to become experienced with kink as a whole first, build an extremely high level of trust first where you know without any shadow of a doubt that you can trust each other. This might mean a few years of back & forth conversations to really establish what you both feel comfortable with, where you will do it, how you will do. Establish the trust that your dominant partner will lead the gang and keep it within the confines of said boundaries, establish the trust that your submissive will be loyal to your every command.   This is an extreme kink for a reason and as a man do you honestly believe you could still look at your partner(s) a week after taking a gang of cocks and say, “I love you” trusting in all your heart that she will be faithful? Do you as a woman have the self-control to respect what your man has just given you and scream if anyone dare cross your intimate boundaries, and promise to never go outside the relationship for the experience or singular dick? Could you as the woman trust your man with your girlfriends over to not pull his pants down and accept the blow job that Tiffany is begging for in the kitchen? Could you as the man trust yourself not to seek out a tryst with Rebecca the plump blonde that your wife let be apart of the girl gang? The way she sucked your cock was nothing like you have had before, the way her pussy melted when she was on top was incredible. Could you as a woman trust yourself to tell the smoking hot model Derrick with ripped abs and a thick eight-inch cock to go shove it when he hit’s your DM’s trying his luck, Derrick was at the gangbang. Could you as the man trust your woman to never, ever, ever chase or accept another dick as long as long as you are together, after knowing she enjoyed six juicy dicks being rammed down her holes? I think for most closed or monogamous relationships this kink may just have to be something you miss. How good are you? How loyal are you really? How well do you communicate? Because it would be like getting married while in a marriage, and most people can’t even handle the responsibilities of a normal marriage. If you are that one in a hundred million couple fantastic, I do believe that there are some couples that are not just for show and know how to get kinky.   Would I participate in a gangbang or reverse gangbang? I think that being a part of a consensual gangbang would be fun. About a year ago I was offered to be a part of a filmed gangbang by some respected industry workers, but I declined because I was not interested in the filming part. I don’t know about a reverse gangbang. Because to really enthrall myself in the experience I would have to be with a gang that I trust a great deal, it’s one thing to just have a gang of ass & titties around you, but to ultimately submit to every woman’s commands & wishes; damn. Would I participate in a gangbang or reverse gangbang while in a relationship? I do not wish to answer that question. There are always three sides to a coin.   Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, I hope that you have learnt something or at the very now know that there are normal everyday people who enjoy this kink in a safe, sane, and consensual way. Stay safe in your exploration of sex; educate yourself on the kinks or sex you wish to explore; learn about yourself, even just reading a blog such as this may turn you on or turn you off something; be consensual; try not to judge; and be respectful. Professional dominatrix abduction festish LA Warm regards, L. Soule.
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Questionable Kinks: The DDLG & MDLB (Daddy Dominant Little Girl. Mummy Dominant Little Boy)

October 12th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
A mothers nurturing touch, a fathers disciplined love. Something that we all crave in one way or another at some point in our life. We crave being accepted, appreciated and acknowledged by these two figures the most because they are the two beings that created us and meant that we have an existence within this universe. DDLG & MDLB stands for Daddy Dominant Little Girl & Mummy Dominant Little Boy; and is a dominant submissive kink relationship dynamic where the daddy or mummy dominant acts as a nurturing figure to lead the relationship & dynamic. Within this blog I intend to educate you on how this dynamic can be great for people who may have experienced some minor – moderate levels of trauma in relation to their relationships with their parental figure(s); how playing the role as a little can help you connect with your inner child – which I believe plays a pivotal role in being a mature adult; what the dynamic could look like; remove stigma’s behind the dynamic; how you could have a kinky, fun DDLG or MDLB relationship as an adult; talk about the lines that are being blurred and are borderline promoting some very dark behaviour.   I am a heterosexual man and the contents within this blog will be used in the context of a heterosexual Daddy Dominant Little Girl, and Mummy Dominant Little Boy. I do not know if the information within this blog still applies to the homosexual demographic, please leave a comment below if you believe what I have to say still applies to such demographic.   This blog has also been written from a generalised societal view. If you have experienced EXTREME levels of trauma such as rape, molestation, being beaten as a child, growing up in harsh environments where heavy and/ or hard drug use took place, or experienced extreme levels of abandonment, than the information within this blog may not apply to you. Regardless of the severity of any trauma you experienced or have, from minor - extreme please do not use the information within this blog as a mechanism to fix, heal, or overcome any trauma without doing your own research, evaluation, and speaking to a professional. I have shared my story of abandonment after experiencing what most would call a fairly good, standard Australian childhood. I have had multiple psychological sessions with a well-trained psychologist/ sexologist; incorporating my own research and experiences with these sessions has given me the knowledge about this subject and how it can be a fun, beneficial, great kink dynamic, and when executed correctly can make you both better adults.   The child Innocent, pure, free spirited. Just like dogs I do not believe there are such things as bad children, just bad parenting. Obviously there are psychopaths – people who are born killers, but those people are few and far between. The child really is the symbol of innocence, purity, and the free spirit. They will tell it straight as they see it without any bullshit, they are the worlds greatest negotiators, they have no concept of the greater picture, and they just live in the present moment. On the other side of the coin, they are pains in the arse, they require caring for a number of years – if you left a two year old outside alone in your backyard there is a chance that they could get seriously hurt or die; they are also an added responsibility to think about and plan for – they do make life harder to enjoy adult things as an adult. Until the nineteenth century the childhood was barely considered an important phase of life, though I would argue that it wasn’t until the twentieth century that the term we know as a childhood really cemented it’s place as a societal phase in life. For a long time though philosophers had raised the debate that we need to nurture the development of children, and place importance on this phase of their lives. Some people may believe that children should be out working as young as possible as there are plenty of ‘strong’ societies within history that put children to work as young as possible, or welcome to life you may as well start now. And while I do believe that the education of responsibility, maturity, mannerisms, right from wrong, and slowly learning what it means to be a mature adult are vital through adolescence; I also strongly believe that being able to experience a childhood is equally or even more important to the growth, development, and the improvement of the individual and society. The reason I started this blog off with a brief description of the child is because obviously this conception of childhood, this period of life, this ‘character’ if you will is obviously a big part of the dynamic. And unfortunately some people seem to forget the difference between an adult & a child. And so when you enter into this dynamic it is not about being a child with an adult, but connecting with that inner child and being a nurturing, caring yet disciplined and strong dominant. For example; do you feel like a princess when you go to a beauty treatment? Do you like tiny things and tiny collectables? Do you like plush toys? do you collect football cards? Collect comic books or figurines? Do you still thoroughly enjoy video games? Did you used to be a really good BMX rider or surfer and now are unable to find the time? Do you have fond memories of playing basketball down at a local basketball court? For the dominant; do you enjoy improving people and helping them become better? Do you have a big teddy bear inside of your regularly ridged personality? Do you genuinely enjoy caring for someone or something else? Answering yes to any range of these questions or those associated are the hallmarks of a good HEALTHY DDLG & MDLB relationship because you are connecting with your nurturing capabilities as the dominant and bringing back positive memories, experiences and emotions that you may have lost through the everyday tribulations of life.       The child is vital to the survival of society! Quite literally no children, means no adults, means no society, means the end of time. And if you hate society that much that you’re trying to end it all, you have a range of other countries, species, and civilisations that will happily let you end your society so that they can build theirs. Either the whole world blows up, one society will take care of their next generation to prosper and survive, or a unity can be formed. Imagine a world where everyone actually cared about the next generation. As we mature, grow and age through life, we can lose touch with ourselves through adult responsibilities: Being at the office by 9am; spending half the day in traffic; listening to other people’s success while you feel like you’re drowning; taking your kids to school, classes, and training – if you have kids; you have been single for five years now and think your cats will eat your dead corps before you find the love of your life. Finding and reminding yourself of those little things inside that make you giddy, evoke nostalgia of great memories, and make you feel young again, are essential to a less depressive and mentally straining life. The truth is we all need to grow up, we all need to mature, that doesn’t mean that we can’t bring some of those old memories with us. These things could be: glitter; football cards – guilty; tiny collectables; plush toys; visiting significant places like a go kart track you and your mates use to always race at.   Lastly; not everyone likes kids per say. Just like some people don’t like cats, don’t like dogs, don’t like brussel sprouts. Simon Cowell said in his book ‘I Don’t Mean To Be Rude, But…..’ something along the lines that he thinks kids are cool, in other people’s houses, he can handle a friends kid for twenty – thirty minutes but then they go back. I say this respectfully as someone who does aspire to have kids of my own one day, they have a period of being useless, naïve, clumsy, and require a lot of attention, care and work; and there are people who do not want to spend the time, money, and effort putting up with this period.     The parent As someone who was fortunate enough to experience a parent’s genuine love from both mum & dad, I must say that it is one of the most wholesome forms of love to receive. Should you have experienced that genuine care and love too you would know exactly what I am talking about, and would you agree that you do not always value it until you are an adult? The sacrifices, the pick you ups when you’re down, the punishments of when you were a little shit – obviously you don’t think to yourself, “The time I was grounded for a month was fantastic”; but you are thankful that some order was established because now as an adult you have an understanding that there are consequences for bad behaviours. In Australia it is quite common to talk to people around my age (26) and older who copped a belt, a slap across the face, and a smack over the head. I heard from one acquaintance in my time that his brother started smoking cigarettes and so his parents sat him down at the dinner table, gave him a fresh packet of smokes and said you’re not leaving until you finish that packet of smokes. Is that bad parenting? That’s not really mine or your place to say; he never smoked cigarettes again. That’s how I quit smoking, smoking a packet of 25 Peter Jackson menthol hybrids while driving for two days. Being a parent can be extremely difficult & stressful in today’s society because you have one person saying you can’t do this; another saying you must do that; another saying how dare you do that; another person is telling you that you’re doing great, meanwhile your kid is the one running the household not you. Through this process and the day to day tribulations mentioned above it can be quite easy to lose touch with yourself and enjoy some time being an adult, which is pivotal to your own wellness as a parent. If you have no kids what is preventing you from being an adult & enjoying life as an adult? Not a lot. Personally I do not believe there is a right and wrong way to parent as such; providing that the structure of who is in charge, who sets the order and rules, and who is the adult and who is the child is understood. Not through malicious and malevolent intent, but through rewards, punishments, and habits. They finish their homework for the week on time they receive $20 into a savings account they are gifted for their eighteenth birthday. They wash the dishes all week you buy them their favourite drink at the end of the week. They exercise three times a week for the entire month and you take them to the beach. They swear and they go to time out – if you’re the one that’s inducing that language you have to find a way not to be hypocritical, kids are smart sponges. Maybe they are found to be a bully at school, ground them, make them do extra chores and take away their phone while they’re at home. They sneak out to a party without your permission make them cook dinner for the month and ground them from going to social outings with friends for that same month. Once punishments have passed forgive and move on. If they are repeat offenders that is above my pay grade. The reason for both of these discussions of ‘The Child’ & ‘The Parent’ being discussed before diving into the kink side of things is to demonstrate my level of competency, emotional intelligence and where my head is at with respect to this conversation. If I was to just type the mummy & daddy dominant role just plays at our natural hypergamy for someone to care for us then this blog would be pointless and a waste of time for everyone and not actually educate people on how to have a HEALTHY DDLG & MDLB relationship as adults. What I believe is important to a happier, less depressing, more fulfilling life is accepting the fact that we must grow up, we must mature, we must take on responsibility, we must be adults and be able to respectfully enjoy adult things; while also maintaining some of our earliest memories that positively impacted our lives. I do believe that both nuance and experienced kinksters will learn and/ or agree with what I say in this blog.   Daddy & his princess (little girl) I’ve chosen to paragraph the dynamics with their reciprocal opposite (Daddy Dominants & Little Girls, Mummy Dominants & Little boys) rather than the top dominants together & the bottom submissives together because I believe that the roles of DDLG & MDLB are slightly different. While both mummy & daddy are the tops, I do believe that the lessons and rewards that most daddy’s confer their princesses are different to the ones that mummy’s confer their princes’. The traditional role of a Dad. To be the disciplinary, the strong, the protector, the problem solver, the rectifier. The traditional role of a good dad is the man of a daughters dreams, just as the mother is traditionally the perfect archetype the son is always chasing. So put into kink language and this dynamic, a daddy is the one that enforces order, educates, structures, protects, helps solve problems; while also giving his little a more nurturing type of affection, attention, and care compared to other dominant relationship dynamics. This affection, attention, and care is without the sex. This may look something like washing your littles hair for her; this may be taking two minutes out of your day to look at the new shoes or clothes that your little has brought home; maybe it is sitting down with your little to help solve a problem they face in their life; maybe it is paying for her coffee date with her girlfriends. “Okay I’m reading this and my man already does some of those and we do not identify as daddy dominant & little girl?” Awesome, that is wonderful to hear, that could just indicate that you have yourself a man who takes genuine interest in what you enjoy, and realising or not you have a healthy relationship with your inner selves. I want to take the focus of the dynamic away from the sex for the time being and focus on other areas of the relationship. For now I want to focus more on the non-sexual activities, the rewards & punishments around the DDLG dynamic. What reminds you of being a little girl? Going for a leisurely drive to a café for ice-cream? Cuddling up to daddy for a Disney movie? Making a castle out of chairs, sheets, and pillows? Forcing your dad to put on the princess Tutu and play tea cup party? Going for a picnic? What were some of your favourite toys? Did you like collecting things? Do you have a favourite place to visit? Maybe a certain beach, or going for a bush walk, or a drive to a café for ice cream. Did your dad take you shopping and help you style appropriately? When you enter into a Daddy Dominant Little Girl relationship this is the type of thing you must openly & honestly discuss. This is how the woman playing the role as the little communicates her childhood memories that lighten up her life or that she wishes she did more of, conferring the daddy dominant knowledge of things to do for fun, rewards, and punishments. Now let’s say that one of the littles favourite memories was when her dad would dress up as a fairy princesses and go for a picnic at the park, you as an adult dominant may say that you are not going to dress up in a fairy princess outfit for her, that is your hard no limit, nor does she as an adult want that. Though you could still go down to a local park and have the picnic with one of those feminine wide brim hats and some feminine glasses and play some fun games, talk about nonsense, enjoy some tea, and embrace the inner feminine on some level. And look you don’t need to wear the silly hat and glasses if you really don’t feel comfortable, just find a way to show the big teddy bear inside. I’ve posed the question to a couple masculine fathers, “If your daughter wants you to put on a fairy princess dress and play tea cup party, what would you do?”, “You put the fucking tutu on” is what most said, there are also countless memes of this exact question with a dad next to his daughter at a supermarket with a tutu on, they are off in some imaginary world…. So in this adult scenario the hat and glasses is a symbol of doing what you must to put a smile on your girls face. So put the biggest smile on your baby girls face. Maybe you have a littles picnic party where you have a group of littles that you take on a picnic party. As the daddy it would be your responsibility to do an allergy check – that may be a task for your submissive to find out; It would be your responsibility to pack the picnic for your little girls, games included. These games could be a game of dodgeball, or soccer, or hide and seek, tiggy, go fish, uno and so forth. Maybe you bring Mr snuggles along too, a giant stuffed bear that you won for your little at last years local show.   Maybe the drive to a café for ice-cream is used as a reward to incentivise your little to do all her tasks. She completes all of her tasks for said week and so you drive her to the café, buy her ice cream and enjoy an ice-cream cone with her. Tell her she has been a good girl this week and that if she keeps up the great work you’ll continue to be enjoying the ice cream together. This sentence alone will stir most littles crazy! All princesses want to be a good girl for daddy. Maybe I’m being naive here, I am only twenty-six, but for the right man would you agree every woman wants to be viewed as their man’s good girl? Am I right when I say that even ‘bad bitches’ will be good girls for the right man? Conversely what if your little’s biological dad kept falling through on his word to take his daughter bowling. This may sound strange to some readers, but if you as the dominant knew this information and spontaneously planned and escorted her to a few dates of bowling it may have a wonderful healing affect. You may both create lasting memories for yourselves. Again, I am not a train psychologist, that is just a view point. Maybe for a date night you plan to build a pillow castle out of chairs, a sheet, and pillows, ordering local Chinese food for dinner; creating the perfect palace for a few hours of story telling or to watch a movie that the little chooses. The stories don’t have to be childish either, you could incorporate adult themes into the stories, you are adults for fuck sake, yes you are playing at the inner child but that does not mean you need to revert back to being a complete an utter child with no competency. The movie you watch doesn’t have to be a Disney movie either it could be something like ‘She’s The Man’, or ‘The Princess Diaries’, ‘The Notebook’, or ‘Alvin & the Chipmunks’, or even ‘A Dogs Purpose’. She cuddles up to you in the make shift castle and you enjoy the movie like any other film – the princess cuddling her big teddy bear. Maybe you’re having sex for half of it, maybe your little really wants to watch the whole movie because it is their absolute favourite childhood movie and they want you to give them attention and affection in other ways like head & body tickles and warm comforting cuddles. Because not everything in life is about putting your cock inside of your partners pussy. Nail all four of those – watch whole movie, cuddles & body tickles, feelings of being a princess, and sex; and your chances of having a happy women increase quite a lot. Maybe daddy is choosing the movie and decides that you are watching an ‘irresponsible’ movie like ‘300’, or ‘The Gentleman’, or ‘Kill Bill’, then she gets even more ‘scared’ and cuddles up to you more. Maybe the experience of cuddles with her biological dad is exactly what she is missing, you would learn this through respectful communication; and so you putting on a G or PG movie that she use to watch alone while she cuddles up to you is highly appealing to her.   You’ve mentioned tasks a lot in this Questionable Kinks series and I’m still wondering what tasks are? Tasks are exactly that. They are chores and things that one must do to work towards a goal or for rewards. In a general dominant & submissive sense a task might be to perform cunnilingus on your dominant for two minutes everyday for the month, or to give your dominant a neck massage for ten minutes three times throughout the week. Completing these tasks or series of tasks should lead to some form of reward and/ or improvement for the submissive. If the dominant is not specific with the times the sub must do those acts the submissive might try to do all three neck massages in one day, or the cunnilingus for two minutes may be whenever the submissive feels like it. So as the dominant you must be clear with your instructions, because otherwise the submissive’s inner brat may test you. If you want to have cunnilingus for two minutes every morning before you jump out of bed you best make that clear. So when we talk about tasks within a DDLG dynamic you will usually find that the daddy is setting tasks around improving his little in the area’s of life you have conferred. If your little wants to learn a new language you may set tasks around learning that language. For example always greeting each other with the new language, or having your submissive ask, “Where is the bathroom?” every time they need to go to the bathroom, or making sure they say, “Thank you” in the new language every time you do something for them, give them something as a gift, and so forth. This also means you as the daddy dominant may need to learn how to answer the question, “Where is the bathroom?” in said language to help your little girl know how to understand the new language. How could you as the dominant help your submissive memorise and learn the new skills? Maybe your little is a bit lazy, she wants to do more exercise to stay fit and healthy, but she hates the standard gym and struggles with motivating herself. You may set the task that she has to do fifty sit ups, fifty squats, twenty assisted push ups every day, and go for a thirty minute fast paced walk twice a week – for conversations sake this time your submissive won’t try to brat out of the walks and wants to choose when she does them, perfectly fine. The incentive to do the exercises may be that you will do some baking with her at the end of the month because she really loves to bake. You as the daddy could go one step further and during that month find the banana bread recipe that you too are going to bake; maybe she already has an encyclopedia of recipes stashed in her cook book and you have to make the choice of whether or not you bake your recipe or hers this time. Remember there is always next time, this is her reward, and she may throw a little tantrum if she really wants to bake her recipe. Over the course of the next few months you may create a personalised workout for your submissive, where you include skipping ropes, maybe some light kettle bells, resistance bands, yoga and so forth. The reward for exceptional work over a three month period may be taking your little out for a day of pampering at a professional massage parlour, dry needling, a professional face cleanse, and salt bath – do you see where having time, money, and focus plays a pivotal role in providing some dominant & submissive services. And this is not to say that you can’t set sexual tasks or receive sexual rewards while experimenting or living this dynamic, but be an adult. Because I can not stress the importance of emotional & sexual intelligence that you must bring to all forms of kink. Because otherwise you really can find yourself in a horrible situation mentally, spiritually, and physically. With the right education; with respectful, open, honest, judgement free communication you can have a great HEALTHY kink dynamic.   Whether you join the community or just have a group of friends that are also into this kink lifestyle there are sexually based activities that can be had. Similar to the picnic’s you can have ‘sleep overs’, where a group of littles will stay at one littles place and play a variety of games, and participate in activities that may have been organised and over watched by the daddy. These activities could include baking some healthy muffins, building a fort out of pillows, putting a movie on for all to watch, maybe you read them a bed time story etc. Again you could read ‘The Hunger Games’, ‘Harry Potter’, or even ‘Erotic Writing by Lexx Soule’ and you would still generate the same affect. So just a standard girlfriends night over? Essentially yes. And if you have a husband or partner without labelling it a ‘DDLG’ that also cooks for you & your friends, and organises your girls sleep over, I’m going to dare say and take a guess that you jokingly saying, “Thanks daddy!” when he delivers the food. Maybe not, maybe it is, “Cheers babe”. Let’s not over complicate it, you are well aligned with your inner-selves if this is the case.   Should you be in a polyamorous relationship with the other littles and their daddy’s (if they have one) then goodnight may turn into a “Hey daddy, before we go to sleep can we all please play with your cock”. “THAT’S FUCKED UP!” You say.     See not exactly, because within the world of kink and BDSM, a HEALTHY daddy & little know that they are adults playing at an adult fantasy. Adult women would also love a good sleep over party. They get to gossip, show each other their new Peter Alexander PJ’s, do their nails, practice styling each other’s hair, drink wine, eat crackers and everything else. So when you convert an adult sleep over to a littles sleep over the only real differences may be as simple as the way the man is keeping track of the night, preparing the food for the littles, helping with the games, ensuring that the littles go to bed by a certain time. Maybe he doesn’t let them watch a movie that is over MA15+ because those ‘irresponsible’ movies are for daddy and his little only, he would hate to send the others home with nightmares. The littles may want to decorate each others nails, plat each others hair, run around the house screaming stupid sounds because one of the littles snuck in a bag of red frogs. NO COCAINE FOR LITTLES! (Girls love sugar. Just as much as they hate water. IYKYK). The whole time they are just wearing fully clothed cute Peter Alexander PJ’s. Do you see how done correctly you could create a littles sleep over where nothing insinuates an actual child’s sleep over. So when you get to bed time and your little(s) says “Can we please have your cock daddy” you feel comfortable knowing that you have ADULT women pleasuring you sexually. Again this is where emotional and sexual intelligence is paramount.   And look maybe you a have husband or partner that loves cooking for you and your friends, puts on a fire for you to gossip around while he sits inside, he puts up with everyone’s drunk behaviour late in the night, and you ladies play whatever games you so decide. FANTASTIC! You have a healthy relationship with your inner selves and have maintained ‘youthfulness’ if you will. May I ask though. Do you still drop a, “Thanks daddy” once in a while? Does the man know that he is the daddy. Are you still following with me?   I do believe in rare cases you could have a littles sleep over where you are monogamous and do not sexually play as a group. And I say rare because it requires a deep level of trust from your submissive, your dominant, and all the others involved. If you were a dominant who had agreed to the boundaries discussed between you & your little; that you cannot sexually play with anyone else and one of the other littles comes onto you or sneaks into your bed while you’re sleeping, what are you going to do? Do you trust your submissive to call you & ask to be picked up if the ‘daddy’ at the sleep over is attempting to cross those boundaries or makes her feel uncomfortable? Do you as a submissive trust yourself to say no if a daddy at another’s host was to come onto you? If that boundary had been openly discussed between those involved and he was crossing the line would you leave the sleep over straight away? Would you tell your man? If you are monogamous and going to parties where cheating regularly occurs from other people? Why put yourself in that situation if you know what is going to happen.   If you are monogamous with your little or maybe polyamorous but your little has said no sexual play with the other littles for this particular event, she may throw a curve ball your way at bedtime and say, “Daddy, can we pretty please have your cock”, your job as a daddy is to see through the bullshit being tempted and say, “Um no” or, “Sure. You can have my cock when your friends leave tomorrow”. It’s the shit test, and she will get mad at you the next day if you give in because you broke the trust. There are numerous ways that the night could play out, respect each other, communicate and be adults. The DDLG dynamic can be so much fun. You get to be a part of IMPROVING your princesses life and helping them grow in the areas of life they desire. You have the opportunity to connect them respectfully to their inner child that can sometimes be lost through the tribulations that life throws every one’s way. There is a different glow on your woman’s face when she is your queen and when she is your princesses. Having a little princess can be so much fun and rewarding within an adult setting, just as having a good daddy can bring you a world of smiles & joy.     The MDLB & her prince (Little boy) The MDLB is very similar to the DDLG dynamic except I believe as an adult man, being the little boy in the dynamic means that your behaviours and the things you want to do for fun are slightly different. “Obviously!” He may have loved Hot Wheels cars growing up; he may have collected all the different track pieces to create the ultimate race track; he might have sat there for hours on end playing with his toy cars. But now that he is older and mature he does not have the enthusiasm to sit and watch a Hot Wheels car do a loop the loop followed by a jump. Please leave a comment or email me if you believe this to be wrong, but boys brains develop and mature a little differently as they grow into men to that of girls into woman. Where a girl could go through her entire life enjoying plush toys or tiny things; a boy may go from building and playing with a Hot Wheels cars set to playing the Hot Wheels video game, or just collecting the Hot Wheels cars, or learning how to drive a real super powered sports car. He has an added expectation to mature. If I made an Instagram page of me sitting with a Hot Wheels track, building it, playing with it and reviewing the cars in great detail I would be labelled as weird; conversely if a woman my age was to create a page talking about her plush toy collection, and walk throughs of her going to the shops to buy said collection she would be labelled as cute. Discursive note, as someone who has played the Hot Wheels video game for a creative project, I must say that game is pretty cool to play. If the Xbox was hooked up for pre-drinks with the boys Hot Wheels would easily come out; If you were a parent you could probably enjoy an hour of gaming with your kid even if you don’t like gaming yourself. Low key great game on a level! Your man playing the role as little boy in the dynamic may have loved playing Nerf wars when he was younger, but now unless you have adulted the gameplay they may not be as interested – create some sparkle bombs or smoke bombs, add some beer. Maybe rather than Nerf, your little boy goes to paintball with mates to reconnect with that inner child. While paintball is enjoyed by everyone, it is a temporary distraction and escape from what a ‘man’ should be doing. His purpose, his work, his family duties. Hence the saying, “Boys & their toys”. For men who may have been forced to grow up to fast and never experience a childhood, these vices and temporary distractions can play a role in helping them connect with that inner kid. While a man who was forced to grow up ‘too quick’ may not ever think of making a Hot Wheels track and watching it go loop the loop, he may find his inner child release & escape by playing video games – GTA could be the game; going to the local basketball courts by himself once in a while to shoot some hoots because he likes the sport as an adult but never had the opportunity to play or follow it as a kid; even fishing could be that thing that his dad never taught him and so now that he is a man he has found pleasure in that thing he always wanted to do growing up but couldn’t. Bringing your attention back to the loop the loop and Hot Wheels, there are a lot of scenes in TV shows and movies where a man loses touch with himself and reverts to these behaviours & emotions that he never experienced growing up. It even happens on a small scale with the billionaire in the movie ‘Pretty Woman’. I believe this demonstrates the importance of a childhood, so that when a man does go through a stage of losing or questioning who he is as a man he has a positive ‘vice’ that he may revert back to. For example he knows that playing with kids toys is for kids, but may go on a video gaming spree for a day or two while he solves his problems; or he goes for a ride on the push bike or BMX bike he has; maybe he just goes for a drive to a significant location. “What’s the difference between playing with toys to think and playing video games” you ask. The stages of being a kid for males. A thirteen-year-old is a kid, but will enjoy video games the exact same way a twenty-eight year old man would enjoy video games (maybe different games of course). Though both the thirteen-year-old and twenty-eight year will most likely find playing with toys a seven year old plays with very boring. When it comes to task setting, the roles & systems of the MDLB & the DDLG are similar, though the rewards and punishments may be different (as mentioned above). Your little boy may want to learn another language, so like previously mentioned in The DDLG section you put steps in place to help them learn the language. “Hey, how was your day?”, “Where is the toilet?”, “Please & Thank you”; using rewards and punishments to encourage your submissive boy to keep learning and speaking in the other languages. Maybe your little boy wants to become a black belt in a martial art so you set the task for him to find a corresponding dojo to said martial art that he likes and would enjoy training at. Then to keep him consistent you buy him five new Hot Wheels cars every month that he does not miss a training session – if collecting Hot Wheels cars are his thing. There is a huge difference between collecting cars and playing with cars. Having the right collection can be a huge financial asset. Think about Gary V and how he collects I think it’s baseball or NFL cards. As punishment you take his Xbox away from him when he misses 25% or more of training sessions, or maybe giving you a foot bath & foot massage is adequate punishment. Maybe one area of your boys life that he wants to improve is his sense of fashion, so you go window shopping and help him style an outfit or two that you buy as a reward when he hits a target. Maybe you’re his financial dominant as well and the outfits are tied to financial goals & rewards. While mummy’s play a nurturing role I personally believe if you are to embrace and label yourself within this kink dynamic that mummy’s should be pushing their little boy to become more of an independent, better man. That way you have a man who can handle himself, and still come to you when he needs a moment or two of being a teddy bear. And yes, I suppose to some extent the same could be said for a daddy & his girl. The history books talk about a lot of ancient rulers who taught their women how to be strong & independent, but they were still princesses.     Most boys & men likely crave the nurturing touch of the feminine - mummy. That soft gentle hand running through your hair as you lay your head in her lap, that warm cuddle and soft gliding of her fingers down your arm while you lay watching a movie, those forehead and cheek kisses that infect the mind, having your body and hair washed in the shower, maybe he just wants to roll his head over in his mummy’s lap and suck on mummy’s nipples – I actually feel cringe typing that last sentence. Thankfully I have the emotional intelligence to know where I’m going with this. There are a lot of men who would love all of the acts mentioned above without the label of being MDLB, because while a man can be a big, tough, weapon of destruction there are usually a couple or handful of women that can bring out the biggest teddy bear. These women are usually daughters, wives/ great girlfriends, and mothers. Like mentioned in the DDLG section there are some girls who made their dad put on a princess fairy costume and play tea cup party. When a man loves his wife or girlfriend so much that he would go to the end of the earth for her he will be a big softy at times. And mothers, well they brought you into this life. It’s funny to hear the number of men who know the relationship I have with my mother, and have told me I won’t hate my mother forever because she brought me into this world. I find their comments very intriguing.   The nurturing touch and love that a mother is supposed to provide her children at a young age makes a child feel safe, loved, and cared for. So when an adult female partner plays the role of this feminine with these nurturing acts the man receives that feeling of love, safety, and being cared for, he can escape into a more peaceful state of being. No war, no destruction, no conquering, no problems. Just the pureness of what is supposed to be unconditional love. This is where a man could have some level of trauma associated with his mother on a minor – moderate possibly even high scale. What if he never received a warm welcoming I love you buddy hug; what if his only memories are being told from the age of four to get off when all he wanted was to put his head on the lap of the woman who birthed him and receive some head scratches; what if he has never experienced a mum tucking him into bed and saying, “Goodnight buddy, I love you”. He may become hyper masculine, and he may also love when he finds a woman who he can rest his head on while she gives him head tickles. The woman playing the role of mummy doesn’t need to be a messed up crazy woman craving the love of her innocent child again either. She doesn’t need to be depressed that she can’t have children of her own. And she doesn’t need to pretend that her thirty-year-old husband is laying on the couch pretending he is an infant sucking for milk. I am aware that some woman who lose their child or may become infertile and crave raising a child so much that they can become psychologically ill, and so nurturing someone may sometimes aid in the healing process. Obviously without a great deal of experience and knowledge on this distinct subject I will not comment at length, because in these circumstances there would need to be psychological assistance through the process. Likewise if you were a grown man wanting to revert back to infancy and pretend you’re sucking on ‘mummy’s’ breast for milk, I can’t comment, personally I think that’s fucked up and psychological assistance should be attained. Anyone who wants to revert back to infancy for any pleasure does need psychological assistance.    If a woman thoroughly enjoys giving gifts, has a nurturing personality, likes to be a leader, then she may thoroughly enjoy being the dominant that leads her little boy. If she is someone who aspires to have children of her own one day this might be a way for her to test out some of her skills e.g. keeping your little in a schedule, helping them stay focused towards their goals, teaching them how to cook, how fair are your punishments and rewards, and so on. She may not want kids but like a lot of women still has that deep-rooted desire to care for something and/ or someone, so she may very well love having a little boy to improve and raise.   Why is it socially more accepted for girls to say daddy than boys to say mummy? I personally believe it comes down to the traditional belief that boys need to grow up and learn to become men while girls can stay princesses even when they are queens. If you are on a sinking boat who typically gets saved first. The children & the women. If someone comes up to a man and women while they are out, who is expected to solve the issue? The man. Even if the woman is a black belt in Karate she is going to at least expect her man to have some competency to try deescalate, exit or solve the situation before she kicks the crap out the intruder. Like previously mentioned there were some ancient rulers who taught their women the way of man, the women were trained how to fight, how to bid & negotiate, how to handle a weapon, how to take a punch, and the art of war. So if there was a modern day father who ensured his daughter was a black belt and would vivisect any person who dare present a threat to her, and she just so happens to fall in love with a man who may not be a skilled fighter but can handle his own to an extent, there would respectfully be no issues with the relationship from my perspective. I say all of this because I do not want a red pill dipshit or extreme feminist jumping to conclusions about what I am trying to say. Biologically and in a lot of traditional history the boys have been expected to grow up, fight their wars, deal with their problems, while the women could respectfully be princesses most of their life. I do not raise this to start conflict, only state scientific fact to give reasoning to the debate of the term, ‘Daddy’ being generally more accepted then, ‘Mummy’. So just as a daddy may say to his little, “You love when daddy feeds you his cock don’t you”, there are theoretically no issues with a man sucking a woman’s breast and her saying, “Does mummy’s nipple feel good in your mouth”. Obviously providing all are comfortable and consenting with those words and phrases. There are plenty of women who do not like the term daddy, there are plenty of men who do not like the term mummy. Please bring emotional, and sexual intelligence to any form kink or dynamic; if need be look for a sexologist that you feel comfortable with. If you can’t be an adult, if you can’t think for yourself then either do the work, do the research to educate yourself; or do not enter kink. Because will you hurt someone else or yourself.     Have you started to put the pieces together how being in a HEALTHY dominant and submissive DDLG or MDLB dynamic has a lot of psychological benefits to both the dominant and submissive. The basis of this dom sub dynamic is usually focused a little more on improving the person as a whole, and for a lack of a better term ‘raising’ the person. While there are different sexual components that can appear perverted, that is kinky fun. I believe the real benefits and fun of this dynamic are had when you put an emphasis on the other elements outside of the sex. You will have couples and people who just call each other, ‘daddy’, ‘baby girl’, ‘sexy mumma’, ‘mummy’ for some fun, they may not even be in a kink dynamic or even know about the kink lifestyle. And yes of course you may switch roles at different times, for example one month one person is the dominant and one is the submissive. Maybe for three months you are the little to your daddy but one afternoon daddy doesn’t feel like being daddy for a few hours and needs to be nurtured. Bring some intelligence and you can have a lot of fun.     The lines & social issues Obviously there are a great deal of stigma’s and social issues that are associated to this kink and relationship dynamic. Look if you’re smart enough, or within the scene/ community you’ll know the sorts of problems that could arise, and how some people may take things to the extreme and cross that line – a couple examples have been given throughout the literature. Rather than give you my full insight, you should do some thinking for yourself. I will prompt some of the issues and extremities within this dynamic and let you be an adult to make your own conscious choices whether this dynamic may be fun to explore or damaging. The age play; do you already have a negative relationship with things like ‘Teen’, ‘daddy’, ‘mummy’ porn and the rabbit holes that they can take you down, school girl and teacher, would you enjoy pretending to be an infant with a nappy? There are not a lot of kinks that I judge, that last one does raise my eyebrows. Do you understand the line? Where do you draw the line? Incest behaviours; I jelq and have exercises for my penis, and as a man who finds older women attractive it is very hard to find a x-rated film of an older woman without some form of step-this, or without words within the clip referring to some dirty shit. Do you like older women? Do you watch porn? I dare say that you would be seeing a very similar thing? While some guys I have talked to over my time about porn say that they have control of their vices and comfortably joke about the step, there are a very large portion that do not have control. And even industry professionals (sex, psychology, relationships, and human behaviour) talk about the effects of the porn you consume. So when you put all of those negative relationships together, you have one giant negative relationship that can do a lot of damage to everyone. Do you understand what I am trying to say now when I say that kink, can encourage emotional and sexual intelligence. Right from wrong. And has benefits to improving yourself and others. But if done poorly, with no intelligence, no desire to learn, and without respect, without communication, and immaturity, you will land yourself & others in psychological, spiritual, and physical trouble. This has been a great blog to write, and I hope that you have learnt something. If you wish to continue exploring the different worlds of kink, dominant & submissive dynamics, BDSM, Tantra then I encourage you to do the research and take the necessary steps to a HEALTHY, FUN, SEXUALLY FULLFILLING, ADULT life. Take things slow, stay safe, stay sane, be consensual.   If you have any further questions please just email or leave a comment below.   Warmest regards, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E6 (Yasmin)

October 8th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting my website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 6 (Yasmin), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). Yasmin is a young twenty-eight-year-old women who broke up with her boyfriend after walking in on an affair one year ago. Since then, she has struggled to build intimate connections with other males; with seven years of trust betrayed she has felt so alone and invaluable. Lexx a thirty-three-year-old escort has heard this scenario all too much; and has a deep empathy for people who experience this; especially when the events take place in couples sacred palaces of love. Yasmin loves sex; she is a classy girl and will not jump on any old cock. Obviously struggling to establish trust in males she experimented with other females, enjoying the experiences too. Something is missing though; she desires the attention & affection of the masculine from a male counterpart – Lexx Soule’s genuine aura was very appealing. Performing a due diligent snoop, she saw that he had a very flirtish sexual energy augmenting his profile, however nothing lubricious. While his profile was face out and quite popular, she had come to the understanding she would rather pay for great company and sex, then waste time with people who did not meet her needs - a good, high value man that will love her unconditionally, is educated, maintains his health, and fulfills her sexual, emotional, and spiritual needs. She does not need a drop dead handsome ten out of ten model – though she would not turn down the opportunity if presented. She just wants a genuinely good gentleman. Speaking with Lexx over SMS she felt comfortable, and sexy; the freedom to leave the arrangement at any moment without saying goodbye added value to the service. Lexx notifies his client that he is in the hotel lobby, the nerves force an instant reply from the new client “Be right down”. A simple hug and kiss on the cheek keep the interaction discreet before they journey up to the four-star suite on floor fifteen. Being extremely nervous Yasmin suggest that the pair sit and enjoy a drink & some fruit first, buying a six pack of guava vodka cruisers to settle the nerves. Little does she know that first encounters have a short grace introduction period to become more acquainted and help both people become comfortable. “Would you like a cruiser?” her words and actions are permeating anxiety. “Thank you, but I will just have a glass of water please” Lexx replies nonchalantly as he seats at the round wooden dinner table. “Would you like a cold bottle?” she offers in her nervous reck, “Just tap water for me please” Lexx enjoys room temperature water and seen as there is a fitted filter, he requests the tap water. “Do I seem nervous? I feel very nervous!” Yasmin paces while setting the table, with nibbles & drink, tinkering with small items like keys, phone, hair, ornaments. “Yasmin”, “Yeah”, Take a deep breath and please sit and talk with me” Lexx’s voice is soothing, calm, and lead with him taking the cruiser out of her hand, and gently holding her hands, nourishing the space. Yasmin stops pacing for a second, “you’re right, you’re right, you’re right”. *Inhale…… Exhale…….  She reaches for the cruiser and devours half the bottle. Yasmin then seats with Lexx at the table.   “Are guava flavoured cruisers your favourite drink of choice?” Lexx confers calmly. “Yeah. They take me back to twenty again” Yasmin replies still permeating nerves. “A good time for you?” Lexx enquiries. “That was the time I met my ex, I was partying, my friends weren’t all getting married and having kids, and life was easy” Yasmin opens. “Aaahhhh yes, I too am familiar with the partying era of one’s young twenty’s. Some wild memories. With regards to your friends though, you don’t make the opportunity to go out for dinner or do anything social with them?” Lexx maintaining the calmness of the room while learning more about his client. “Not for the last six months, everyone keeps making plans and then they bail at the last moment or want to rearrange plans” Yasmin confers. “You know you don’t have to be here; you can leave.” she un-rationally blurts to Lexx. Lexx cordially chuckles before replying with repartee “I haven’t heard that one before”. “What do you mean?” Yasmin’s anxious nerves getting the better of her judgement. “What I mean is that I am here because you are paying me to be here. I am here because I want to be here. You are a very gorgeous young woman. And look if you tell me to leave and really do want me to leave, I will leave, and I will still be paid for the full two hours” Lexx commands the leadership position with his calm, strong words. Unfortunately, he has had a handful of clients tell him to leave and that they do not know why they hired him in the first place, all due to nervousness. Lexx has usually only taken half the payment as he feels empathy for their nerves, and understands it is a big investment. Most of those clients re-hired Lexx within the coming weeks, paying him in full as a deposit, and becoming on going clients of Lexx.   “Okay. I’m so sorry! I don’t actually think I can do this; you need to leave. I’m so sorry” The anxiety getting the better of Yasmin. “Okay. Are you really sure that is what you want me to do?” Lexx comfortingly asks. “I’m sorry! Please leave, you can keep the money. Just please, I’m so sorry!” Unable to make eye contact with her escort, her anxiety continues to emote. “Okay…” Lexx stands from his seat grabs his belongings and leaves one last message. “Should you change your mind, you may message me. I have a three-strike rule for these scenarios, I will be keeping the full payment today and you will still need to pay a deposit and the hourly rate should you desire re-hiring. You are gorgeous girl. Have a good day Yasmin” Lexx walks for the exit. Just as he pushes the door handle down, he feels the ground echo, and a hand on his left shoulder pulling him back. Lexx is pushed against the wall “Don’t go please! Just take me right now and fuck me like I need!” Yasmins eyes glitter with the desire for Lexx to have his way. He can see her innocence; her soul is screaming for him! Lexx puts his hands to her oblong face and lights the fire of passion with his lips! Lexx stays and fulfills Yasmin’s luscious desire for good, high quality male attention.   *Audio sounds (Thrusts. Claps. M/F moans).   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Questionable Kinks: The Dominant & The Submissive

October 7th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before reading this blog take into account that the information contained within this literature is of a general & nuisance nature, and has been compiled through my own experiences sexually, psychologically, spiritually, and studies of human nature. Currently I am not a dominant, and I am not a submissive, I am not even a switch. I am currently just a bachelor who understands the fundamental basics of this dynamic and believe that the knowledge I have can educate people on the benefits of this lifestyle and relationship. As a heterosexual man I will at times use references of a heterosexual relationship, however the dominant & submissive relationship can be applied to all sexualities as it is a representation of leader & follower. Masculine & feminine. This is an educational blog that has been tailored predominately for singles & people in monogamous relationships or aspiring to be in monogamous relationships. That being said if you have the emotional intelligence and believe you could transcribe this knowledge into a polyamorous relationship the principles outlined in this blog may still apply to your relationship desires. I will be discussing the difference between being a leader, a dominate man, and being a legitimate dominant with a submissive; how the dominant & submissive relationship dynamic brings order, direction, more freedom, and promotes development within each other; and how the dynamic can still be applied to a family household. I do believe that a HEALTHY dominant, submissive dynamic can bring about the change people want within their relationships and lives. More fulfillment, more order, more direction, better communication, better sex, better connection, a better understanding of eachother, a lower rate of divorce, and a better education and knowledge of what sex really is.   The dominant and submissive dynamic basis itself around the traditional relationship system that one person leads and one person follows. Though unlike traditional relationship roles where the man is the leader and bread winner, and the female follows suit; within a dominant & submissive dynamic both males & females can play the role as the dominant and the submissive. Female dominants are referred to as ‘domme’s’; males referred to as doms; submissives are just subs. With the popular narrative of equality that is pushed in today’s society, you may be wondering how and why anyone would want to submit to another person in a relationship sense. Why would anyone want to have another person direct them through different areas of life. Why would anyone want another person to order them around and tell them what to do. We have bosses, governments, and powerful people already telling us how to live our lives; why would someone want an individual that is close to them to do this as well. This all sounds like narcissistic behaviour to manipulate and control other people into our own perverted pleasures. So why was 50 Shades of Grey so popular? Did you pleasure yourself to the thought of Mr. Grey being that crazy about you? I know there is a hot debate about this book, but we are not going into that right now. Because when you have a HEALTHY, consensual, openly communicated, boundaries set dominant submissive relationship; you open yourself up to the best sex you & your partner(s) have ever had, you understand your responsibility within the relationship, and will grow into more mature, sexually conscious adults.   Just like previously mentioned in the blog ‘Questionable Kinks: The Sadist & The Masochist’. A healthy, consensual dominant submissive relationship requires boundaries and limits within the relationship. A good dominant is a leader, a good submissive is a respectful follower – respectful of themselves and their leader. As a submissive if you do not respect yourself, you open doors to being used, abused and having no boundaries to enforce; leading to hurt mentally, spiritually, physically, and sexually. Should you as a submissive not respect yourself then you will most likely attract a dominant who will not respect you and your boundaries. Throughout this blog you will see that on some levels the submissive holds the power. A submissive can say no, and a submissive has boundaries, if you as the dominant want your submissive to trust you to do the dirty, perverted things you like within the bedroom then you must listen to those boundaries. As a dominant you have a responsibility for your submissive, RESPONSIBILITY! Depending on your relationship and how much power you have agreed to exchange is how responsible you are. This could range from setting chores; sexual services; setting study schedules, side hustle schedules, enforcing your submissive to attend their hobbies, paying for said hobbies. Compared to most western world relationships, when you assume the role as a dominant you have more pressure to follow through on your words because this is what demonstrates your level of competency and leadership, and establishes the trust you and your sub need to explore the realms of sex. If you said you’re going to do something you will be expected to do it. If you said you were going to fuck, have sex, or make slow passionate love in a certain way or at a certain time then make it happen. If you said that you are going to take your submissive out for breakfast do not spend the previous night out partying if you know you will be mentally & physically unavailable. If a relationship, and or marriage is about responsibility and commitment to each other then why are there so many unhappy, unfulfilled, sexless, bored, lifeless couples. And why are the divorce rates so high. Because no one has a clue what their responsibilities are, and no one is having the dirty kink sex that they fantasise about. When you enter a dominant submissive relationship responsibilities must be talked about, boundaries must be talked about, safe words must be established. If there are no boundaries, if there are no on-going conversations, if there are no discussions of responsibilities then there a few red flags being raised. So far would you agree that the core basics of a dominant submissive relationship should be apart of a standard equal relationship? Open, honest communication; consent; boundaries.   Before we talk about a what separates a dominant & submissive relationship, Let’s look at a few different types of submissives and dominants.   Dominants Hard Dom – Hard doms are going to be quite domineering and strict with enforcing order within the relationship. They may be more strict, more ‘mean’, be more firm, inflict more harsh punishments compared to your entry level dom, or daddy/ mommy dom. Do not let the word ‘hard’ frighten you, some submissives need and desire someone being firm with them. These types of doms can be great people to follow if they have respect for others and themselves, and the submissive embraces the dynamic correctly and respectfully.   Daddy/ mommy Dom – Usually a softer kind of Dom, they are a little more nurturing, they will play at the little prince or princess inside of us – maybe wash the hair of their sub while bathing, taking the sub out for ice cream as a reward, buying gifts that remind the sub of their younger self - like a plush toy or collectables. I intend to discuss this style of Doming & relationship dynamic in greater depth in the ‘Questionable Kinks: DDLG & MDLG’ blog. From my own experiences and beliefs this style of doming & submitting works on a deep-rooted psychological level. However there are a few issues surrounding this kink that need to also be brought to attention. We are adults and need to grow up!   Financial Dom or Fin Dom – Quite self-explanatory, the power exchange of ones financials. THIS IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT FOR EVERYBODY! I do not believe being a financial Dom is just about being a sugar mummy or sugar daddy, if the sugar top is just giving their bottom money to do whatever they want, the top is not exactly taking responsibility for the welfare of their bottom. Thus not doming. To me if you want to financially dom/ domme someone you must be overlooking your subs financials, enforcing good spending/ savings habits, teaching money techniques, rewards & punishments around the use of money.   A Master or Mistress – Fuck me! if you are not either retired, or financially, mentally, and/ or time abundant do not call yourself a full-time Master/ Mistress. If you are not prepared to think 2, 3, 4, 5 steps ahead for your submissive slave then do not claim to be, and do not attempt being a master. Full-time Masters are people who literally control every aspect of their submissives life. Full-time Masters choose what their submissives eat, when they eat, when sex happens, what type of sex happens, how they dress in & out of the bedroom and much, much more. If you read that and think “fuck me, why would anyone do that.” There are boundaries and open communication that must be established before engaging in this relationship dynamic. E.g. You as the slave may still have an occupation that you are not willing to jeopardise and that you enjoy, so obviously you would have to let your master/ mistress know they can not jeopardise such thing. Maybe you do not want to relinquish control over your financials and do not exchange the power of such. Remember in the world of consensual kink this is fun and all people involved must be on the same page otherwise there are complications and the possibility of trauma. Usually, master slave relationships are only temporary because of life commitments. You must be really switched on and focused to be a master. In the right environment and with the right person, submitting to a Master would be extremely fun, just as being the master would be equally as fun. But both would be equally tiring. Do you think you could coordinate your own life while controlling every detail of someone else’s? If you are new to the world of kink and being a dominant & submissive do not enter a master slave dynamic, it requires psychological intelligence, emotional intelligence, a strong understanding of human nature and sex. People can and will get hurt very badly if this dynamic is executed poorly, even more so than a ‘standard’ dom sub relationship. Should the master/ slave dynamic appeal to you, experiment with your partner for a day. Discuss your boundaries and have some fun.   The Submissives The Brat – They will test you, they will push your limits, they want to be tamed and they want to see how good of a dominant and leader you are. Will you put up with their misbehaving, how much trouble will they get away with before you punish them. These types of submissives are not for every dominant, some dominants like the challenge of taming a brat, making them a loyal servant; others find them annoying. From my readings, apparently brats can either become some of the most loyal submissives, or they leave once they become bored and tamed. If you are in a long-term relationship/ or marriage and you have a brat, they may never even think of leaving you, but you will have to endure their cheeky games. These games do not always mean flirting with someone else to get your attention, it might be as simple as knowing what your favourite underwear is and wearing it around the house while enforcing the safe word of red all day. The brat is testing your patience and you as leader must demonstrate that you are the leader who is in control, they said red, red means stop everything do not pass go, do not collect $200. If your submissive is wearing your favourite lingerie set, has done her hair just how you like it, is wearing your favourite scent of hers but says do not touch, how are you going to handle that. What will you do? All you want to do is take her right there, bend her over the kitchen table and drill your meat into her succulent life-giving hole, and she is putting a boundary up. How are you going to make her remove that boundary and beg for you to put your meat stick inside of her. Maybe you reverse the power of seduction and have her begging, “Please. Please. Please” but now you do not feel like her anymore, so you tease, seduce, and deny her for a couple hours. Imagine the kind of sex you would have if you both playfully danced with your boundaries respectfully for eight hours. On the first minute of that eighth hour you can almost guarantee that the submissive will be biting the pillow. The scenario above is just a basic example of how a bratting act can turn into something passionate & sexy. Other forms of bratting may be ignoring the chores for as long as possible to see what you will do or doing the chores but doing them half arsed and wrong deliberately; nagging; annoying you just to get your attention; disobeying your instructions. Some people find brats a lot of fun, others find them a pain in the arse. But I think to have fun in this life we all need to develop a little bit of playful cheek every now and then.   The Perfect Submissive – Oh what a submissive to have! Smart, capable, and ready to serve their dominant at any moment. They will follow the directions of their dominant without hesitation, they will do everything they can to please and provide for their dominant, and they are accountable for their own responsibilities. Every submissive has the capability to be a perfect submissive, but before anyone becomes the perfect submissive they must know that the dominate leading the way has their best interest at heart; would never betray them; would do anything to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and happiness of the submissive. They sit when instructed, they move when told, they are proud submissives, and they do whatever is necessary to keep their dominant happy because they know it will be returned tenfold. With the right dominant, this pair would be a house on fire with a bucket of gasoline being carried by helicopters to ‘extinguish’ the flame.   The Sadist Submissive – The dynamic behind a sadist submissive is a little complex for most nuisance kinksters to wrap their heads around, because they would inherently require a masochist dominant, and when you read sadist sub; masochist dom, you may find yourself in a little bit of confusion. I did at first. Without too much deep knowledge on this exact dynamic – sadist sub & masochist dom; I believe that the rolls would ultimately reverse during ‘play’. If you are experienced within this area, please educate me and all others reading by leaving a comment below.   The slave submissive – The name says it all; these submissives enjoy having everything dictated for them, relinquishing control and serving their master/ mistress to the fullest extent.   You can be a dominate man, and not a dominate. Kinky sex. Dirty sex. Raw honest, deep wild desired sex. What distinguishes a traditionally dominant man, and being a dominant with a submissive is the responsibility behind caring for the submissive. The use of rewards and punishments to encourage your submissive, and the emphases on sex. Kinky, hot, wild, untamed, perverted sex. Additionally, like stated at the beginning of this blog, a dominant can be man or woman with a man or woman submissive. You could be the man of the house. A good man who provides, you lead and run the household, you know how to have good sex, you’re protective etc. But if you were to tell your wife to “Come here right now and suck my cock” would she? Or better yet under the circumstances would she have too…..*Respectfully of course. IYKYK. If your submissive has an incredible month and completes all the tasks that you have set: they go to all their hobbies; done their household chores; they have aroused, teased and pleasured you every night because of how hard you work; have you planned a reward for their good work? Did you tell them at the beginning of the month “If you hit all of your targets this month then you will receive a reward, if you slack off and succeed less then fifty percent then you will be punished”. You can get creative, kinky, dirty, and mean. But remember taking things slow in the beginning is the best policy. Do you see that slight difference in the dynamic and how the brain of both people would operate differently. You’re consciously working towards targets and goals because you know that there are rewards and punishments for both the dominant and submissive if you both succeed or fail. The kinky sex is also a huge element in this dynamic, you might be able to fuck your partner really well; but if you’re partner opened up to you, could you put their head down the toilet while you fuck their arse; would you be capable of a gangbang if all were interested; how would you feel making a submissive vomit on your cock? How would you feel gagging on a cock to the point of vomit? look there are some really messed up kinks that people have, but kinky sex is thought about more than you think and can be a lot of fun! The kinky sex is probably the biggest part of what separates a household leader/ follower & a Dom, Sub relationship. Now as a dominant you have the responsibility to make sure your submissive comes back to earth and understands that what you did was consensual adult fun. If you have just dunked your subs head in the toilet, plugged her arse hole with a butt plug, and pounded her while calling her horrible names; they need to know that it is all just part of the perverted kinks you share. As a submissive check in with your dominant as well, because while it is their responsibility to lead, they may have just broken a comfort zone and tried something completely new, they need to know that you do not judge them, that they are not a bad person and so forth. Eventually you will both understand each other and the check ins proceeding the days of the session may be as simple as, “Hey baby, are you feeling okay after our session the other night?” and replying appropriately. Should you try something new and hate it, communicate with your partner and think about why and what triggers made you not like it, it will help both you and your partner have a better understanding of yourselves. But again, take it slow, really slow. Staying with the example above, if you have never been extremely kinky before maybe don’t start with the toilet bowl. One stigma that must be cleared is that all dominant & submissives have BDSM, kinky styled sex 100% of the time. That is simply not true! Vanilla sex and sensual sex are also thoroughly enjoyed by dominant & submissive couples. You’ll probably find that you enjoy those sessions even more then previously because there will be habits that follow – like after care cuddles or discovering what your partner loves. You may have never known that your partner loves when you are on top in missionary nibbling their ear, but now that you communicate about your pleasures, you know what toppings your partner likes with their vanilla ice cream.   I believe there are 3 main things that separate a good relationship, and a HEALTHY dominant & submissive relationship. The power exchange, the use of rewards & punishments, and the wild kinky sex that you explore. And when executed well I believe those things create stronger, more fulfilling, more passionate relationships.   Rewards & Punishments The use of rewards & punishments are to encourage certain behaviours, tasks to be completed, and sexual services to happen e.g. having your submissive man eat your pussy for five minutes every morning before leaving the bed may garner the reward of unlimited blow jobs for a day at the end of the month. Rewards and punishments need to be thought out and given appropriately. The rewards and punishments need to match the action. If you have asked your submissive to make their bed every day and they do it, do not go buy a $10,000 Chanel bag for them, give them a three-hour massage, or eat their pussy/ suck their dick for an hour. Conversely do not punish your submissive irresponsibly or out of emotion. If your submissive has worked overtime all month, has had external family commitments, and were genuinely sick for five days of the month and so was unable to complete a select few tasks then do not punish them for ‘not completing all the tasks’. You may have to analyse the tasks and the circumstances and show your submissive how they could have and should have used their time better, educating them on which tasks they should have prioritised. Make a deal/ compromise, or even let them off the hook because you have a clear understanding and emotional intelligence for the situation. You can learn a lot about your partner through the use of rewards and punishments. Do they respond better to the highlight of a reward, or the fear of punishment? What is their love language? Do they like delayed gratification for a bigger reward, or smaller more frequent rewards? Does your punishments act as an incentive for bad behaviour or will they do exactly as they are told? You may have masochist submissive so there will be some forms of physical and mental pain that they enjoy, how long until you realise which punishment is real punishment? Cheeky submissives will not let you off the hook. If you’re partners love language is quality time and you just keep buying them materialistic things, your rewards will start to bore and not feel like a reward. You keep buying them all these nice things but they were the best submissive they could be in order to receive eight hours of your quality time. We all live busy lives, that eight hours may have to be spread over a week; you may travel for work so that eight hours may have to be video calls. Communicate, negotiate and work it out. If your submissive is impatient, giving very small gifts as stepping rewards may keep them engaged in their tasks and goals long enough to complete them and receive the big reward they want. As a submissive you will start to learn your dominates behaviour, and when you may need to reciprocate some love and rewards. Let’s say your dom is under the pump in life, you’re both on target and all is well but you can just see they need a little boost, you may need to work out how you can relieve that stress. It may be as simple as a blowjob or cunnilingus, or keeping all additional stress and distractions out of their mind, or evening going as far as booking something like their weekly sauna for them. You want to keep your dominate at peak condition so that they can provide for you.     Here are examples of rewards: -       A massage -       Sexual pleasure -       Body worship -       A kink they have wanted to do, or really enjoy. E.g. paying an escort for a threeway. -       Oral pleasure for an extended time -       Whatever sex they want -       An additional date that month -       One day of pampering -       One day of quality time -       Paying for their nails -       Paying for their haircut -       Writing a poem -       Giving them a day completely to their own devices -       Taking them to the movies -       Taking them to their favourite restaurant -       Taking them on a holiday -       Buying the shoes they have wanted for a couple months   Here are examples of punishments: -       Giving a blowjob or cunnilingus -       Making them attend your extended weekly family event. -       Writing lines -       A spanking or whipping -       Ice bath -       Being a slave -       Cock and ball torture -       Clitoral edging and denying an orgasm for a day -       No sex for a day or week. While you tease dress seductively. -       Made to wear latex or cross dress down to the supermarket -       Time out’s -       Being put in a cage -       Receiving a golden shower   This is where communication is vital. At the beginning of the relationship if you as the submissive agree that ice baths or cold showers are an acceptable punishment for being lazy and a few other things. And you only complete 25% of your weekly tasks due to being lazy, and your dom tells you to get in the tub or to only have cold showers for the following week you are too do as you’re told! Otherwise it defeats the whole purpose. Sure you might put up a little bit of a fight, “But this”, “But that”, “I don’t want to” which your dom must handle appropriately; but ultimately if you have consented to the punishment and you are just saying you don’t want to do the punishment because you don’t feel like it, you are going to create more conflict then necessary. Bring some adult intelligence to the situation and understand you were lazy and your dom is punishing you for that. As the dominant if your submissive complains and gives you 101 bullshit excuses as to why they were lazy: There was a new season of their favourite show on Netflix; Their friend called them everyday and gossiped for 2 hours every time; They were ‘sick’; They were looking for the missing cat that has been missing in the suburb for the last 5 months; then you have a responsibility to call them out on this bullshit and enforce the order and punishment. Otherwise they will not see you as a leader and the slippery slope slowly begins to snowball.   Maybe you’re trying to clean up the filthy shit, piss, fuck, cunt, arsehole type of course language that is coming out of your submissives mouth. You might agree that when your submissive gets to ten strikes that they must gag on your cock for a five-minute blowjob. Maybe it’s time for a swirly while you plug their arsehole. This is where communication and consent must be emphasised again. Continually talking about what your hard limits are, what your boundaries are, what you consent too and what you don’t. Both of you need to understand the difference between I really don’t like that punishment – because it sucks. And if you do that this the relationship will start to dissipate. For example you as a submissive may say that if you are ever cucked the relationship is over, where another person may hate a cucking just enough that it is a great form of punishment. As a dominate if your submissive hates pain, and really hates pain, and has said that whipping or spanking is a hard no then obviously you do not use physical pain as the punishment, maybe they love watching Netflix though and so putting a ban on Netflix may be the perfect consequence for bad behaviour. You may need to change the password to prevent some sneaky indulgence.   As a dominant if your submissive does all that they have been asked, earning their reward, you best have the rewards. Otherwise they will become pissed off and lose trust in your word. We all drop the ball at times, life will sweep us away, we may forget a thing here or there, just don’t make it a habit. And so if your submissive turns to you and says, “You’re being a piece of shit! I’ve done all that you asked, I’ve been good, I’ve put in my work, now keep your end of the bargain” you best internalise all their words and rectify the situation. You said you would take them out on an amazing dinner last week, bring them home for the best tantric sex of their life and you forget the dinner and tantric sex; but have had normal sex and been out with friends for a couple drinks, your submissive has every right to be pissed off at you.   And lastly, if you are in a long-term relationship you will still need to have a date night or do activities that are not viewed as rewards, and are just time spent with each other. This is how you build a bond and grow together. Start small, start slow, communicate honestly and with intent to grow, improve and learn, and this rewards punishment system of a dominant submissive relationship can and will fulfill all involved.     Most modern-day relationships vs dom/ sub dynamic From my own experiences there are plenty of examples where there is no leader and no one taking charge in the relationship or family. No clear rules, no clear roles and responsibilities, no growth, no learning about the other person, no leading, no directions. Just plain fuckery that makes me feel generally empathetic for a lot of couples today. I see both woman and men being let down by their counterpart. The diversity that we have today is incredible. Women can earn more than there man and still have a good relationship. Gay people are legally allowed to marry. And at least here in the west you can usually marry and date someone of a different ethnicity without being judged too critically. But if no one takes responsibility; no one leads; there are no on-going discussions about the future or your boundaries; and no on-going discussions about the relationship; and no real date nights, the relationship will crumble. Relationships are work! Relationships are responsibility! Relationships are meant to bring joy not absorb every last morsal of energy you have left! Will it always be sunshine and rainbows, no! Will you want your partner next to you of every waking moment, probably not! Do you need your own hobbies and alone time, 100%. A lot of modern day relationships & marriage are boring; void of roles & responsibilities; low in real love; and are just a societal passage that says “You’ve made it!”. You’ve made it to the most boring, sexless, intimacy deprived 40+ years of your life, WELL DONE! I don’t know about you but a dinner date where you both sit on your phones scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, your emails, TikTok waiting for your food does not sound like a date. Sex where you ask for it every time sounds like crap. Sharing an intimate space for as little as five minutes after a good round of sex should be a bare minimum – yes of course there is exceptions, and I should not have to explain them. But unfortunately, this is the truth for so many couples and is why the divorce rates in the west are at an all time high, and why escorts will continue to have work. When you enter into a good, healthy dominant submissive relationship all of that bullshit kind of has to go out the door. Because in order to have rewards & punishments; in order to have the kinkiest, dirtiest, perverted sex of your life; in order to exchange power; you need to start communicating more; you need to voice your frustrations and what you enjoy; you need to be seducing; you need to be adding some form of excitement; someone needs to lead; you need to respect each other. If you have a family or are in a long term/ life arrangement then you need to be planning, talking, and organising your futures – basic things that should be practiced in standard relationships. Being in a long-term relationship should mean that you are either in love or have some level of love for each other, meaning that both of you will want more than just perverted, kinky, sex. She may love being your dirty cock slut, but would probably love some cuddles and a movie once in a while. He may love the opportunity to have sex with you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; but would probably love you just giving him a random neck massage. It’s a responsibility thing; you’re consciously thinking about how you can make your partner better, and how you can be a better partner so that you can have the sex you both desire, and receive the rewards that you worked for.   Does this example sound familiar to you? Women: “What would you like for dinner?” Man: “I don’t know, what do you want” W: “I’m asking you” M: “I’m asking you” W: “I’m asking you” M: “I don’t care whatever” For five minutes. Like fuck sake, if you have the masculine role in a standard household and you can’t choose what to eat, you are going to annoy the living shit out of the feminine. It is okay to say “I don’t care, just order whatever you want” or, “Just order whatever you think I want” but for the life of your relationship and the world, do not whine like a little bitch when food is put in front of you and ‘it is not what you wanted’, you said “order whatever”, and you received whatever say thank you and shut the fuck up. If you cannot make choices around what you are going to eat then how can you be expected to make a decision. Choices are small, decisions impact your life.   Here are two healthy and simple examples of how ordering dinner should be done.   Sub: “What do you want for dinner?” Dom: thinks for 30 seconds because he is allowed to think. “Indian. Coconut rice, naan bread, and butter chicken please” Sub: “I don’t feel like Indian” Dom: “You asked me what I want for dinner and that is what I want. Please make my order, and if you do not make a choice for yourself I will do it for you” Sub: Orders the Indian and then also has Indian because Indian is delicious and she can’t be bothered wasting time on the thought of food.     Example 2: Sub: “What would you like for dinner” Dom: “I don’t care order me whatever” Sub: Orders vegan lasagna and poke bowls Food is delivered to the Dom Dom: “Cheers baby girls, this looks delicious”  Again I would like to point out that this sort of communication should be the norm in a house hold but unfortunately is not. Should you as the submissive already know what you intend to order and eat say something like “I’m ordering xyz, what would you like?”   Monogamy is not dead This will be a short paragraph. Monogamy is not dead. Evan in a dominant, submissive dynamic. If both of you enjoy threesomes, but either pay for an escort or only let people into the bedroom for special occasions and rewards; but do not share any level of deep romantic intimacy with the third, are you monogamous, I think yes. It’s just your kink. If you both like gangbangs and reverse gangbangs and have one a few times a year, are you still monogamous if all contact to patrons stays within the bedroom only? I think yes. It’s just your kink. If anyone exterior to your monogamous relationship tries to breach and disrupt the relationship it is the responsibility of the partners to talk about it and act accordingly. Within a dominant submissive dynamic the dominant obviously assumes leadership and handles the problem appropriately. Should either partner breach this boundary then it is obviously cheating. Obviously any form of swinging is polyamorous. Though if you and your partner travel to a swinging hotel/ club a few times a year for some negotiated fun then I could reason with you that you are monogamous providing all fun and contact stays at the hotel and neither of you see anyone outside of your kinky holiday. But if sexting, wife & husband swaps, private meet ups with people outside your marriage/ intimate bond are a part of your relationship than you are polyamorous.   I am not judging polyamory, swingers or people in open relationships. Just giving my insight into the hot debate that monogamy is dead, when it is not. People just need to have the conversations, sexual education, respect, self-awareness, and discipline.       Okay this all sounds hot, fun, kinky, wild, interesting. But I/ we have kids? Great point! Because depending on their age bracket, your children should not think that shoving someone’s head down a toilet is generally a good thing to do, or that calling someone a whore is acceptable, or letting mum punch dad across the jaw is okay. How do you explain why dad didn’t have a black eye yesterday but woke up with a golf ball sized bruise this morning….. Parents have a very important role when it comes to teaching their children about sex, what sex is, and what it can be, and unfortunately in the western world not every parent has the knowledge, tools and skills to teach & talk to their children about what sex is and can be. So the idea of bringing this lifestyle into the house could be daunting and taboo. But you’re an adult and deserve to still experience life as an adult. This entire paragraph is 100% vicarious because I do not have children of my own yet, though I look forward to that challenge one day because I know that both my wives and I will still want sex when we have kids. I understand that women have hormonal changes during and post pregnancy, their perspective changes; that just means I too would have to adjust. I might have to work smarter and harder, to free up time; I have to be more considerate to their bodies & emotions – maybe I just make out with them for two minutes with no intention of sex; I understand that after they give birth their pussies are going to be out of order for a little while, and that I will have to pleasure their mind & body in the number of other ways there is to pleasure a body. Maybe this is just me, maybe I am completely wrong, maybe I have no clue what I am talking about, time will tell. Something that I have continually conferred with different parents and pondered for myself is that fact that adults who are parents need the time & space to be adults. As a parent you live for your kids, you love your kids unconditionally, you put them above yourself, which can lead to the loss of self and your relationship. Obviously with the cost of a baby sitter rising, friends and family not wanting to help, and predators being the closest people to you; it can be hard to plan alone time, date nights, to have spontaneous kinky sex. I have an empathetic view point, and look forward to those challenges should that day arrive. If you are a couple with kids and want to explore this nuisance world of being a dominant and submissive then this is where I believe you can strengthen your bond even more as a couple. Using the swearing example previously mentioned, maybe the ten strikes for swearing are not disciplined straight away, and you as the dom just give that look to your sub that says you are in trouble later, and before bed your sub is gaging on your cock for five minutes. There doesn’t always need to be sex that follows either, though there is a higher probability that it could, your sub might thoroughly enjoy the fact that you remembered to punish them and reward you by continuing the pleasure. If things are loud and there are curious ears that interrogate you in the morning then think of what an appropriate thing would be to say. You’re the parent not me, work out what you need to say to the age appropriate child. If you want to indulge in adult fun, then use the thing between your two ears and be an adult. Maybe the parrots take the conversation to school, again be a parent, be an adult and work it out. You are an adult, you deserve to be an adult that has fun, and you deserve to have to sex with the one(s) you love. If you can work out how to do everything else in your life, I’m sure you can work out how to integrate sex into your life. If your tribulation in life is working out how to have sex and navigate the raising of a sexually healthy child you’re doing alright. Find a good sexologist, find other parents that are also in a similar dynamic to you, do the research (a great sexual psychologist that I will link below is Esther Perel, her book mating in captivity is a phenomenal place to start for information on this paragraphs subject – the hardship of connection, intimacy and mating as you progress through different stages of a relationship). Obviously if you are a single parent you have a few tribulations to face, and there are lot of variables account for with that scenario. If you have got yourself this far you can and will work out something for yourself.   My experience as a dominant & submissive Unfortunately the one and only experience that I have had with a dominant submissive relationship failed. I was the dominant. And it is because of this failure that I understand what is required within the dynamic, the importance of taking things slow, the importance of open and honest communication, the importance of adequate rewards & punishments, the need to have resources like time, money, and focus. Through this experience of a long-term relationship failing, and a dominant submissive relationship also failing I see no point in dating for short term gain. I would only enter a short-term relationship if it was a dominant submissive relationship, because it at least gives some form of direction and clarity. If I was in a dominant, submissive relationship with someone I would get off on seeing them grow and become better, such is the saying always return something how you found it or in better condition. To me the most basic, fundamental dominant & submissive relationship has core systems that make a great ‘standard’ relationship. Clarity, direction, order, understanding, open judgement free communication. As I have matured these elements of a relationship have appealed a lot more to me then hook up culture. Because at the time of writing this I am time short and not bringing in $250,000 a year, being a dominant is not on the table. And for me to submit to someone I would have to know that I could trust them as I have businesses to run, career aspirations, and would be quite picky with who gets to reward & punish me. Though maybe exploring the kink world/ community more next year is something I will look into, and maybe find myself a part time submissive.   Conclusion This dynamic, this lifestyle is not for everyone. Just as not everyone likes apples, not everyone eats steak, just as some people like soccer, and some people like basketball. And just because you have the label Dominant & Submissive does not mean you can not explore other areas of sexuality like tantra, or that you can’t enjoy some good quality missionary vanilla sex, like I previously stated you would probably learn to love vanilla sex on a deeper level, and ignite an extremely high level of passion during a tantra experience. When you have a HEALTHY dominant and submissive relationship you can have a beautiful, fulfilling life emotionally, sexually, spiritually, and physically. This blog has obviously been tailored to nuisance people of BDSM and kink. We live in a world today that is void of wanting responsibility; void of respect; void of genuine love; void of connection; void of communication. Adversely people are over having responsibility; over fake love; over fake connections filled with selfish intent; over boring, banal, sexless relationships. There is a snake eating itself in society and becoming sexual conscious and aware is one step closer to stopping this cannibalistic act. When you enter a dominant & submissive relationship you are forced to become sexually conscious. Being sexually conscious is understanding that sex is the reason you are alive and reading this blog and the reason I am alive writing this; being sexual conscious is understanding that sex is so much more than just a reproduction method, it is fun, it can bond people in a way that is indescribable, it can be used to heal, and it can be naughty and dirty; being sexually conscious is being aware of your own sexual desires and fantasies owning them, and deciding if you want to bring those fantasies into reality through a role play or arranged agreement; being sexually conscious can help you distinguish right from wrong; being sexually conscious is maturing and learning what adult fun is. Being sexually conscious is not exposing yourself to the world and expecting someone not to judge or stare at you. Being sexually conscious is not an agenda to push everyone to be the same. Being sexually conscious is not liberation to be free and do whatever you want with no repercussions. Being sexually conscious is not judging people because of who they are dating. Being sexually conscious is an adopted mindset. Being sexually conscious is being educated and not opinionated. Being sexually conscious is understanding that we as adults shape, mould and subconsciously educate the next generation on what it means to be an adult, what sex is and what is acceptable within sex. Being sexually conscious is the way forward.   And I believe being in a HEALTHY dominant submissive relationship forces you to educate yourself on sex, intimacy, pleasure, human nature, yourself & your partner(s).   I hope this blog has been insightful to any BDSM new comers. Should you be an experienced dominant or submissive who would like to leave their own experiences, notes, points of view, advise or links to further research please do so in the comments. If you would like to get in contact surrounding anything within this blog please email   Warm regards, L. Soule.   Further research Texas Dom - Depraved ASMR - Esther Perel - Read the book ‘Mating in captivity’  
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E5 (Isabella)

October 1st, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting the website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 5 (Isabella), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “I am waiting in the lobby now” Lexx sends an SMS to his long-standing client Isabella who is eagerly waiting in the sexiest light-blue one-piece lingerie silhouette, in her one-bedroom, five-star hotel suite. Isabella puts on her long beige trench coat and skips down to her escort. The warmest greetings ignite the alluring, cordial, excitement - a perfect kiss on the cheek and a warm five second hug. Once inside the privacy of their sexual palace Isabella removes the trench coat that hides her seductive piece of art - her luscious body covered by lascivious fabric. Lexx is in awe as he turns to witness the goddess before him; a bodacious smile goes from cheek to cheek, “Wow, you look incredible in this piece Isabella! You have never worn light blue for me before”, Lexx compliments as he places his bag on the floor and meets his client in the middle of the room. “I thought being our one-year client, escort anniversary you would like a small surprise. I’m glad you like it” Isabella confers, eager to undress her sexy man. Lexx wears a red, white, and dark navy-blue button-down shirt, covered by a black sports jacket; paired with silver chinos, and a dark brown belt to match the dark brown leather monk strap shoes – to say he looks lascivious is an understatement. Isabella slides her hands under the sports jacket to feel the athletic body; gliding the smart looking silhouette off Lexx’s shoulders and down his arms, throwing the jacket to the side. She then places Lexx’s hands on her hips as if he did not know what to do – obviously he does; a goddess seducing her god; their eyes traveling to the deepest parts of their enigmatic souls; their hands exploring the artistic sculptures that both possess. The sound of a nickel would echo through the room as the pair’s lips connect, igniting the start of the fire. After a couple minutes of exploration Lexx’s hands find themselves travelling down his client’s back side, reaching the rendezvous of her voluptuous thick cheeks; a good strong squeeze, followed by a ten second massage, leading to a few small smacks – small moans leave her voice box with every tap. Lexx lifts the sexy piece of art and takes her to the large sofa right behind him. Being a true gentleman, his lady will be pleasured first. Kneeling upright Lexx seductively unbuttons his handsome shirt while staring deep into the enigmatic soul of Isabellas beautiful dark brown eyes – Lexx’s favourite. The bulge in Lexx’s pants increases greatly as Isabella simultaneously massages the erogenous zone, she wants that big, hard cock in her right now; Lexx has other plans though. He grabs her wrist and removes it from his crouch, “Aaaaawwwww, but he likes it!” Isabella sulks, “Soon” Lexx orders. Keeping his eyes on hers he positions himself at the bottom of her hips, pleasuring the inner thighs right down to her wider, soft, cute feet; licking and making out with the silk bottoms and toes. Her vibrant, pink, small, open outer lipped pussy deserves the utmost attention next – she is always well behaved, she is fun, she is yum, a deliciously curved thirty-seven-year-old women. Lexx does not just eat her cookie, he devours it slowly, enjoying every morsal of liquid that lubricates the hole, treating the cookie as if it were the very best cookie in the entire world! *Audio sounds (Oral. Fingering).   And when Isabella does not smoke, drink alcohol, eat poorly, and takes on the advice given from Lexx: consume pineapple, cinnamon, be well hydrated, and enjoy lots of fruit in the days leading up to their times together; she does supply Lexx with one of the best tasting cookies – conferring an irresistible pussy. Lexx kisses, sucks, pashes, and fingers his client into a wonderful orgasm.   *Audio sounds (Oral & fingering building up to an orgasm)   The blowjob that Lexx receives is just a pleasurable, beginning with something sensual and slow, progressing into something dirty, slippery, and wet.   *Audio sounds (Sensual blowjob building into something slippery, dirty, and wet). *Silence. *Audio sounds (Thrusts. Claps. M/F moans).   Isabella still wearing her sexy new silhouette has been bent over the back of the couch and has Lexx penetrating her in the best way possible; one hand on her nape, one hand on her hips, banging her silky, warm, gooey apple pie. Isabella just let’s herself go, falling limp as Lexx drills his seven inches by six inches deep into Isabella’s desert. “Please don’t stop Lexx, your cock feels incredible. You fill me so well. Please don’t stop, please don’t stop, please don’t stop” are the moans leaving Isabella’s voice box. “You like the way that cock fills your pretty soft hole. You like being filled with a thick meat stick. God you’re so damn sexy Bella!” The pair exchange in dirty remarks while copulating each other ardently, Bella aiding with the sexual pleasure by pushing her ass into Lexx as he thrusts forward, a world of ultimate fantasy. Good dick meeting soft velvet; moans created with empty lungs; and sexual passion igniting the entire hotel floor. Lexx and Isabella copulate, fuck, and make passionate lust for four hours!   *Audio sounds (Thrusts. Claps. M/F moans).   Thank you for reading, L. Soule. 
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Questionable Kinks: The Sadist & The Masochist

September 30th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Please be aware that the information contained within this blog is of a general nature based on my own personal research and experiences. These are psychological frameworks that can either provide a great deal of pleasure for all participants, and can also be psychological mindsets that bring a great deal of pain and trauma. Please be safe and cautious should you experiment within the physical realm. There are people who will provide you a safe, comfortable environment to explore and there are dangerous people on both sides that can bring a great deal of pain and trauma to your life. Should you need professional guidance, I recommend doing the due diligence required and finding a good sexologist; taking this paper as your reference point if necessary to explain where your interests started. This is an ADULT form of entertainment and fun. Always be safe, sane, and consensual. Should you be an educated, experienced and respectful individual within this field and believe anything within this blog to be misleading or false please reach out and educate me; I love learning and expanding my view. Both the sadist & the masochist receive a bad reputation by the public and general society today. The sadist is a hidden psychopath or sociopath just trying to find a way to hurt, abuse and harm other people; the masochist is just someone who is addicted to the feeling of pain because that is all they have ever experienced. To the general public and society they both need therapeutic help, medication and Jesus. And look yes, sometimes trauma can lead to, or stem from these tendencies of kink, however you will come to learn that some of the psychological ways of thinking behind these forms of fun have been engraved in human nature since we were bacteria, and that enduring pain can be therapeutic to some people. For those of you still laughing at my remark of Jesus, well there are some Christians who have embraced the kink lifestyle and it has kept their marriage & life in-tact. Just because you have consensual fun inflicting and receiving pain, does not mean you are a devil worshipper. Using his name off face value and the few videos I have watched of him, I would like to reference ‘Texas Dom’, an American who became a Dominant with his Submissive wife to apparently save their marriage. He talks about loving his wife and kids, accepting responsibility, attending church, and being a good strong man. And when kinky sex, war, chaos, painful initiations, leaders and followers have been around since the dawn of time you will see that these ways of thinking have always been a part of human nature. Both the ‘good’ & ‘bad’.   The Sadist The sadist – A person who gets pleasure, sometimes sexual, by being cruel to or hurting another person. (1)   When you read this you probably think of the most horrible person; maybe a psychopath, sociopath, someone evil, someone who treats everyone like dirt. And while psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and down right bad people do fall into the category of a sadist there are a lot of kind, empathetic, good hearted, nurturing people who enjoy inflicting pain on willing masochists who consent to the fun.   As I have matured mentally and spiritually I have learnt two things about human nature. We have a huge capacity to belong, to be apart of a community, to look after someone or something else – maybe a plant, an animal, another human etc; to act in a way that is relatively good. Provide, Protect, Preserve. Though on the opposite side of the coin is the desire to conquer, hold power, be important, and to self-indulge. Let’s say you believe in science and the fact that we have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years and started as a microorganism - a bacteria. We had to fight the other bacteria to continue surviving, then we evolved into a more primitive species of animal where just like chimpanzees we had to fight and kill other animals to survive and conquer. It was and is the animal kingdom, no different to a tiger killing a deer today. We have had violence engraved within our minds long before our great, great, great, great, great grandparents were a spec of sand in their parents mind. Thankfully and said respectfully, the evolution of a conscious society has meant this violent tendency has been removed or mitigated from the normalities of everyday life. We no longer have to hunt for a kangaroo, a deer, or a rabbit. We now have supermarkets and farms that allow us to safely buy this food and consume or provide for our homes. The over consumption, and waste of these foods is something for another blog. While there is constantly war happening around the world, everyday ‘good’ people – of Australia at least; do not have to fight with a spear, bow & arrow, or gun just to keep their house or suburb from being invaded. The residences of Chermside are not plotting to invade and conquer the residence of Newstead. ‘Woke’ people will see invasions happening all around the world, spiritually, mentally, and physically. Fundamentally being an Australian resident means you have water, food, and a place to live. Yes I am aware that there are people who live in tents at the moment, there are people struggling without warm water to shower or filtered water to drink, and barely enough money to provide for their families. But that is political conversation for another day. Just stay with me please. Since we were a micro-organism, we have had to fight to either defend or conquer, and while I do believe we live in a time now where as an entire planet we should be able to live together without trying to conquer someone else’s land, there are some people that just won’t get the message. Which goes down a whole other rabbit whole, and we are not about to dig a discursive burrow. The point that you need to be aware of about sadism from a scientific and psychological point of view is that we have been violent creatures for a very long time. So the enjoyment that derives itself from seeing someone else in pain or fear is just as inherent as the enjoyment that we receive when we care, love and nurture someone or something we care about.     Now let’s look at a religious point of view. The Christian New International Version (3) John 3:36 (NIV) "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them."   Nahum 1:2 (NIV) "The Lord is a jealous and avenging God; the Lord takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The Lord takes vengeance on his foes and vents his wrath against his enemies."   Hebrews 10:31 (NIV) "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."   Matthew 10:28 (NIV) "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."   Now this is just from Christian Bible. I know from brief studies, that the Buddhist belief system preaches peace and non-violent actions, though acknowledges that in certain situations wrath must be taken into your own hands. The Quran is also filled with strong actions of violence towards those who are to be punished. From heaven, earth, to hell, violent acts are talked about in all religions. If God created humans in the image of himself, and God has wrath, then humans too would inherently attribute wrath. “So we can go around destroying everything, killing innocent people who don’t believe in our beliefs, go take over our neighbours to conquer our street?” hahaha NO!   When you understand that both science and religion prove the mere fact that we have the capabilities of violent actions, it is much easier to see how some people find pleasure in CONSENSUAL sadism. In a consensual scenario a masochist communicates with a sadist and they both talk about boundaries, what they enjoy, what they set as a hard limit. For example, one Sadist might really enjoy flogging the ass cheeks of a masochist with a leather whip, but hates bodily fluid and would never be able to give someone a golden shower or use fake blood to enact a fear based scene. The Sadist may enjoy domineering the submissive masochist by using them as a footstall, ordering them to make them food and drink, or ordering them to suck their penis/ eat their pussy on command. But may never want to fist the willing masochists arsehole. Some masochists will tell you to cleanly put a closed fist across their jaw; you as a sadist may not feel comfortable doing that so you will not do it. There are some things some sadists are willing to do, and things that some sadist are not willing to do. Some sadists just like the psychological control, some like inflicting physical pain. There are different types of sadistic & masochistic pleasure. Experienced sadists who have fun within the consensual realm can be some of the nicest people you ever meet.   I would like to acknowledge that before you do experiment with these extreme acts of adult fun to do a little bit of research in how to have fun safely, even something as simple as choking can be done very poorly; pulling someone’s hair can feel incredible or it can feel like torture. Communication is key and if the person you are experimenting with is not respecting your boundaries get out of the situation! Because otherwise one, both or all involved could end up hurt mentally, spiritually, and/ or physically. Using safe words is the best way of communicating your comfort level; a very simple red, yellow, green system is the easiest way. Red means stop everything immediately; yellow means slow things down or turn the intensity down; green means resume. Obviously as you become more experienced or develop some form of relationship with your partner(s), you might come up with different safe words. I have different safe words in my personal life to my professional life, for work I will always use red, yellow, green. Another thing I would like to put forth to any sadist having fun with masochists is the simple act of applauding your masochist when they say red or yellow. There are masochists who like to push their limits and do not want to let the sadist see them as meek, and so by giving them a simple “Well done”, “Good job”, “You did well”, “Good girl”, “Good boy” etc, when they use the safe words, gives the masochist the safety to know you (the sadist/ top) accepts their limit. Conversely as the sadist, when they hear the masochist express their limit the sadist can trust that masochist will communicate their limits without putting themselves in danger. Because the truth is, in the world of ADULT fun, consensual sadists and masochists enjoy the experience a great deal and do not want any real harm to come to the other person.     The Masochist The masochist – A person who derives sexual pleasure from being hurt or controlled by another person. (2) “Pain is just a feeling to let you know you are still alive” – Hellraiser. As you may know the human body can take a beating and keep on going. People survive car accidents; concussions; broken arms heal; you could smoke cigarettes for five years, quit and then over the course of five to ten years the body will heal itself. Conversely you can also die in less than a second. When under extreme stress, or a life-threatening injury presents itself, your body floods with adrenaline. You will feel less pain, maybe have a second life, have more energy; it’s remarkable really. From my experiences and knowledge that’s what excites a masochist, you’re in a consensual space where you can push your pain, stress, and psychological threshold, while trusting that the person inflicting the pain will not push you over the edge. The pain does not have to be subject to the physical realm either. You could install fear into someone which will mentally stimulate the fight or flight response, you could degrade someone and make them feel powerless with your words – imagine a powerful individual who usually has everyone ‘fear’ them, they may enjoy someone making them feel inferior in the privacy of the bedroom. It’s a mental, physical, and spiritual experience to see just how much your body can endure, how much your mind can take, how strong you are mentally, physically, and spiritually. It is and can be form of meditation for some people. It feels empowering. It makes you feel strong.   Through out the centuries there have been initiations for boys to become men, painful initiations that have sometimes caused death. Think of the Papua New Guinea tribe that wear ant gloves, think about the Spartans, there is an African tribe that cut their skin repetitively so deep that they shower in their own blood – The Crocodile initiation (4). The scars look like that of a crocodile’s back. As a man, being a masochist could be appealing because through the times enduring some form of pain has been your transcendence into manhood. From a female perspective, you may enjoy relinquishing control to a stronger, more destructive body because you as the feminine inherently want to serve and please your superior. Let them have their way with you, let them do whatever they want, hungry to devour you. But you want it in a way that means there are roses, chocolates, and cuddles at the end from someone who actually cares about you. Childbirth is an extremely painful experience, women are not meek, and so female masochists may to enjoy seeing how much pain they can physically endure.   Historically there have always been leaders and followers, but I think that the term of being a leader or a follower would just play into the parent category of Dominant & Submissive. Because you could enjoy following and serving someone, but hate pain. And really has anybody ever loved pain, I would argue that it is the mental conditioning that makes people enjoy pain, or at least not fear pain. No sane everyday individual will say to another individual, “Would you please grab a whip and whip me until I’m crying and bleeding on the ground”. When soldiers are put through extreme training and beaten to a pulp do you think they just stand there and take the beating – if instructed to of course they will do the best they can to not move, but otherwise they will fight back so that their body gets away from the pain. If you put two signs in the middle of the busy area with one saying give a free punch, and one saying receive a free punch I personally believe you would have more people line up to give a free punch. Usually humans want to take for themselves and not give, but in this situation I think a lot of people would become the most generous givers the world has ever seen.   There is a lot of fun that can be had as a masochist, only if you are in the right environment with the right person.     Conclusion I personally identify as a switch. I like to be a top sadist, and I like to be a bottom masochist. Though my masochist kinks will stay in my private life and are not things I would let just anyone do. You may find it strange that I know I have a masochist side without an overtly large experience in being a masochist, but I’ve just done some things to know what I like and what I don’t and why I like what I like. I have experimented with my top side more and enjoy that dynamic. Two things that must be emphasised if you are going to be a top is learning the importance of your own boundaries and aftercare. You do not need to do everything, and you are allowed to decline certain acts should you not feel comfortable. Aftercare is about you and the other person. Whether that is cleaning your subordinate, showering with them, cuddling, body tickles and affection, bringing your masochist back to the safe space of reality and letting them know that they are now safe. Even in the days proceeding, check in to make sure they are okay mentally and physically. Take the time to bring yourself back to reality; meditate, watch a movie, stretch, hydrate, workout, eat some good food; do whatever you enjoy to bring you back to a level head. Should you be experienced within this realm you may not need a lot of time if any to bring yourself back to reality; you may just need a shower or bath by yourself to feel grounded. You understand yourself and the situation enough to know that it was all just fun. Now while I have openly disclosed the fact that sexually I identify as a switch for this kink I do not always recommend everyone else publicly do the same thing. People will judge you, they will make remarks, and yes some people will be curious and ask enthusiastic questions, but may also have a big mouth and share your new experimentation with the entire floor that you work on. This may sound obvious, but if you do extensive research and learn more about this world you may want to openly share it with your world, which is not always the best. I am a sex worker and so the conversation of kink is very easy and comfortable for me, people already judge me because I am an escort. While I am about bringing a positive change to the conversation of sex, it needs to be done in a smart way. People will tell you that you should just openly express your sexuality and your kinky desires, you’ll turn around and say, “I want 10 people to piss in my mouth while my hands are tied behind my back” and all of a sudden no one wants to be your friend anymore. Sometimes sex needs to be kept subdue and private. Hopefully this has been educational to any new comers or people who have never researched into kinks. Should this have installed curiosity, do extensive research, find out what you like and don’t like and have some fun. Enjoy the new world that is opened to you! Always remember to take things slow, moving to fast in the area of kink can do damage to everyone involved including yourself, always be clear with your communication, set boundaries, respect yourself and respect the person you are having fun with. Below is a link to a YouTube kink educator that started me on the journey. Very friendly normal looking dude, welcoming to all, and a great entry level to kink.   Should you want to find a community FetLife is a great place to find other kinksters, going to events is a great place to explore as well. Should you not like communities for any range of reasons, I do offer a selected range of kink services for your own private pleasure. From spiced vanilla to extreme. Just send me an email outlining what it is you desire, and I will let you know if I can bring that fantasy to life. Email:   Stay safe. Stay sane. Stay Consensual.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.       References 1)   Sadist – A person who gets pleasure, sometimes sexual, by being cruel to or hurting another person. 2)   A masochist – A person who derives sexual pleasure from being hurt or controlled by another person. 3)   Now let’s look at a religious point of view. The Christian New International Version  “Please give me 10 verses from the Christian bible where the wrath of god is talked about. labeling each verse correctly” 4)   The Crocodile initiation
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E4 (Chloe)

September 24th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting the website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 4 (Chloe), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “Oh my god this place is so cute!”, “Snug & cozy” Lexx replies. The pair enter their Airbnb home of two nights; adoring all it’s features. Simple, cute, and timeless would be the three best words to describe this studio cottage. Books and little nick knacks giving the home antiquity value; a small thirty-inch tv with surround sound and a library of DVDs gives the cottage it’s modern touch. “A pair of nymphomaniacs must have been here before us” Lexx’s bawdy repartee is gestured towards the slightly broken arm rest on the couch. “So why don’t we break the bed” Chloe puts her bag on the ground, prowls to Lexx, takes the bags he holds out of his hands, grabs him by the collar and throws him towards the bed. “Well at least we know it’s not bad furniture that broke the couch” Lexx devilishly smiles at his client, who nods with agreeance seductively while undressing from her oversized crème colour T-shirt, and prowls towards her meal. Things are taken slowly with a cordial make out session lasting 20 minutes: booty taps, neck kisses, tickles, cock teases, pussy rubs, are a handful of the play that the couple share with each other before becoming more lascivious. *Audio sounds (Kissing. Giggling. Booty taps) Lexx kneels on a forty-five-degree angle to his client, conferring him access to her entire body, and conferring her access to his veiny, throbbing cock – a win-win situation. The female art piece has all five senses aroused; while the male art piece is being visually enjoyed, with a sexual massage of his jewels simultaneously – the sexual foreplay priming both people for good sex. *Audio Sounds (M/F moans. Thrusts. Bed moving sounds) Lexx penetrates deep into his clients’ flower, blossoming natures gift; lubricating her naturally, augmenting her with all the emotions a woman in her space craves – mirth,  excitement, arousal, and self-sexiness to name a few. For 20 minutes Lexx gives Chloe good, deep, passionate, sensual sex in the missionary position; manoeuvring selected body parts as needed: a leg to the side, ankles under his armpits, having Chloe hold her legs, Chloes feet behind his head, Lexx laying dead weight on her and whispering sensually pleasing comments into her ear, “You’re a gorgeous girl Chloe. Your flower feels incredible. Your smell is delicious, and so addictive”. Pulling away Lexx hydrates his body with water before giving Chloe the half-full-chilled -bottle; then as if he was warming up for athletics begins stretching – quads, hamstrings, groins, glutes, hips. “Hahahaha, I find it so funny how you do that during sex sometimes” Chloes grin is cheeky. Lexx is the fourth person she has ever had sex with, and is the first to teach her about what sex is & can be, including the importance of stretching & hydration. “Now come here” Lexx pulls Chloe to the edge of the bed, rolls her onto her stomach, helps her to her knees and penetrates her from behind. Her tushy nothing glamorous, a small thing, but still a great place for Lexx to squeeze as he penetrates deeply. *Audio sounds (M/F moans. Thrusts. Claps) “FFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK” Chloe moans as the thick foreskin covered head augments her wet, succulent hole. Increasing the speed gradually over five minutes, Lexx works his client’s pussy up to a beating. Having short water breaks between each full set. Ardently Chloe grabs Lexx’s cock, pulling him back, and deep throating the whole seven-inch length – Lexx’s balls sitting as a triple chin. She does this ten times before Lexx lifts his client from her kneeling position and bends her over the back rest of the couch, proceeding to fuck into his cute thirty-year-old client with deep passion; his balls flopping forward with every thrust and slapping the clit of Chloe – a very hot fuck. The clouds that were forming earlier now release all the water weight onto the earth, a breath-taking view to marvel while enjoying cock, balls, pussy and ass. *Audio sounds (M/F moans. Rain. Couch creaking. Clapping) Lexx takes a few steps back to sit on the edge of the bed, tapping Chloes tiny tushy as a signal to join him. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHH” she moans as Lexx’s cock augments her sweet, not so tight fuck hole. Facing away from her bodacious aphrodisiac she uses his legs for support and grinds her hips back & forth. Back & forth... Back & forth…. Back & forth…… Back & forth…... Back & forth. *Audio sounds (M/F moans. Rain. Bed moving) “Oh my god your cock feels amazing!!! You’ve already made me come twice!” Chloes passionately emotes. She grinds her hips faster, and faster, and faster; harder, and harder, and harder; until Lexx cannot take the pleasure anymore, his balls are screaming! “Okay, I’m coming!” Lexx announces; Chloe ardently jumps off Lexx’s cock and prostrates, supplying a runway for come to be shot onto – which he does with extreme volume! Hot white come shoots out of the Lexx’s knob and down the backside of his client. “That was fucking hot babe!” Chloe verbally awards. “Yeahhhhh, your hot little chicka” Lexx smothers the come with his hand all over Chloes back, before preparing the bathroom with steam via a hot shower. Creating an intimate warm palace for the pair to kindle intimately after a long day of travelling.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx S2.E3 (Mihya)

September 17th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting the website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 3 (Mihya), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “My, my, my, my. You couldn’t be anymore delicious if you tried!” Mihya flirts with Lexx who lays on Mihya’s large wooden dining table, a large plastic sheet has been placed underneath and around the surrounding area. Lexx lays an aphrodisiac covered in fruit & chocolate with a shot of tequila in his mouth. Honeycomb chocolate drops riddle his body; white chocolate covered strawberries aligned with his Shakra; watermelon, rockmelon, Greek yogurt, and a cherry ripe spread across the human plater; banana hides his flaccid rocket. Seductively & with a skip the thirty-year-old client moves closer to her twenty-eight-year-old escort. “Where do I start!” admiring the tray of sweetness she takes her time with a couple laps around the table, ending at the base of Lexx’s body. “You better not spill my drink”. *SQUISH. *Audio sounds (Squishy, messy hand job & blowjob).  Mihya uses both hands to squeeze all the succulent fruit and chocolate that covers Lexx’s cock, massaging the natural & artificial sugars from his pubic area to anus; then grabbing what she can and shovelling the mess lusciously into her mouth. Lexx’s cock now beginning to rise to the occasion. The kinky, dirty, and sticky thirty-year-old women takes joy in sucking all the food from Lexx’s cock, pubic area, & groin; her entire face becomes a saturated mess of sticky sugar. The blowjob feels incredible for Lexx, chunks of chocolate and banana fill the space between Mihya’s warm cheeks & Lexx’s rock-solid log. While blowing Lexx’s seven-inch by six-inch pipe, Mihya is rubbing the mush into Lexx’s gooch, syrup from the succulent fruits ooze down Lexx’s cock, over his balls & into his anus. Lexx is helpless, he can not speak, he can only moan. She climbs up her dinner tray, being sure not to have Lexx’s raw cock penetrate her, the last thing she wants is for Lexx to stand and bring the booking to a close. However, what she can do as she eats the treats from the dinner tray is grind her sticky, wet, velvet up and down Lexx’s thighs. Back & forth she rubs her pussy along Lexx’s legs, pushing her quad with perfect compaction into the bulging hard cock & balls. Both client & escort are becoming more & more aroused; both want to fuck now! Mihya jumps up to Lexx’s bodacious torso, squishing strawberries & chocolate bits where they should not be found; both of Mihya’s lips are saturated with chocolate & fruit juices. She takes the shot from the aphrodisiacs mouth, swallows every drop, spits the glass to the hair conditioned carpet and passionately makes out with the man under her. “Don’t you fucking move Lexx!” she commands while holding her hand on his throat; ‘slightly terrified’ Lexx does as he is told. Once returned, the horny devil rolls the thin piece of plastic onto the very erect penis and jumps onboard straight away, straddling Lexx like a stallion, pushing her hips back & forth effortlessly. The curvature size 16 body a sexy sight for Lexx to see, incredible DD tits bounce as she moves back & forth. “Oh, fuck that’s great cock Lexx”, “You have incredible cock”. The moans flow as effortlessly as the straddle. *Audio sounds (Squishy. Wet. Moans. Claps). Mihya shows little table manners as she lays herself down onto the dinner tray and begins bouncing her hips up & down. Over time the trampoline style sex becomes a hip rolling motion; the sound of food, fruit juice, and pussy juice brings joy to both parties. *Audio sounds (Claps. Moans. Squishy). In an unexpected course of events, Lexx regains control of the dynamic by tethering his client close to him, one hand on the nape of her neck, the other around the small of her back; he then thrusts his hips up hard and fast; over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Allowing twenty seconds of synchronised panting from set to set. *Audio sounds (Claps. Moans. Breaks. Thrusts). “Get up!”, “What?”, “I said get up” Lexx commands, forcing Mihya to move swiftly. Bending her over the same table that Lexx lay, Lexx drills his foreskin rocket into his clients fruitful, wet, milky way from behind. *Audio Sounds (Claps. Bangs. Moans. Thrusts). As Mihya lays helpless, Lexx is shovelling food towards her mouth; she loves it but spits most of it back out to allow for oxygen and moans. She loves what Lexx is doing, he is unreluctantly force feeding his cock & food slut, he knows he can keep funnelling it down her throat; they have discussed their safe words & boundaries. “You are such a dirty, kinky slut. I enjoy it so much, you just let me fuck & feed you. You’re such a good girl!” Lexx rewarding his client with seductive words of filth. “Thank you Lexx; please keep fucking me, I want to be your dirty whore” She flirts back. “Your ass is as juicy as the melons that were on my body before, your so damn sexy baby!” Lexx continues. “Oh, my fucking god! You’re the hottest man in the world. Please do not stop!” she flirts again. *Audio Sounds (Claps. Bangs. Moans. Thrusts).   The aphrodisiacs fuck on & around the table of food for two more hours. Using the chairs, using the table, feeding each other; having the time of their lives. After the messy fun they tidy themselves up, tidy the mess & cuddle on Mihya’s couch to watch Netflix before having a more mundane round 2 in bed.   Thank you for reading, L.Soule. 
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E2 (Zoe)

September 10th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting the website shop, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 2 (Zoe), For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). “Good morning handsome” Zoe gently greets her gentleman into the day; his eyes flicker open, still tired and with horrible bed hair his husky voice returns a warm, welcoming “Good morning pretty lady”. The pairs eyes gaze at each other for a few minutes, losing themselves in the enigmatic aura that surrounds their warm cushioned palace. Lexx stares deep into the ocean of Zoe’s blue eyes; while Zoe searches the galaxy through Lexx’s light hazel, blue ringed eyes, his naturally long bodacious eyelashes allure her with jealousy, forcing her to make the first move. Leaning forward she kisses Lexx with the same passion they shared the previous night, moving her body closer to his without losing touch with his lips, “You look so peaceful when you sleep” Zoe gently whispers, “Do I not always look peaceful?” Lexx whispers back, “You do, but everything scary about you dissipates when you close your eyes”, “Hahahahaha” the pair softly chuckle cordially. “Well, you better not hire me when the moon is full, things get hairy” Lexx continues, “It was a full moon last night” Zoe smiles, “You must be my saving grace” Lexx replies, “But my name is Zoe” Zoe smiles with her repartee, “Stop talking now” Lexx concludes the conversation and returns to the kiss. Lexx scoops his client in tightly, bringing an extra layer of warmth to his curvaceous size 16 client. Lasciviously squeezing her pyjama covered peaches, and lusciously moving his fangs to her neck; “Hhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh” Zoe sighs as Lexx’s warm mouth begins exploring the delicacies that are her neck & collar bones. Lexx throws his client on top of him, rips her bedtime shirt in half, throws it to the ground and continues to pleasure his client to the full extent. Her breasts receive an ardour massage full of masculine love, her collar bones and upper parts of her chest receive kisses and nibbles; her back side & booty still receive massages and fingers of grace. “This is what’s going to happen Mr. Lexx. You’re going to stay right where you are while I kiss my way down to your beautifully large cock…..”, “Ah huh” Lexx whispers, “Then I’m going to feed your cock to the back of my throat so that I gag, I’m going to suck on those perfect balls of yours while I stroke your cock….. and then when I want you to fill my tight, wet, silky fuck hole, I am going to explore my way back up your bodacious body and slide your piece of meat into my beautiful, screaming flower”. Zoe seductively stares deep into the escort’s soul, her hand wraps its self around Lexx’s neck, “Any disagreement?” she teases. Lexx does not say a verbal word, while his eyes plea for the pleasure, “Good” Zoe takes her hand away and begins the trail down to the bulging piece of meat. The blowjob begins softly, and tenderly; Zoe’s mouth lubricates Lexx’s cock, ensuring she swallows the entire stick; gaging subtly with every full motion; she loves sucking Lexx’s cock, it tastes delicious, it smells hot, it’s thick, it makes her gag, and it fills her throat perfectly. When Zoe is ready, she begins the sloppy, dirty, saliva filled, pornstar style blowjob that Lexx loves. With plenty of time spent with Lexx, she knows the perfect technique to pleasure her escort; his balls are cupped, spat on, massaged, sucked, and tapped; his bodacious cock tugged, blown, and filled with sexual desire. After a short break the pair rekindle on the cushioned palace exactly how they were, the morning chill creates the eagerness to stay where the most warmth resides; no excitement is lost from either participant. Zoe rides her stallion upright, grinding her hips back and forth with good, long consistency; the kind of pace that is a fast walk compared to a three-kilometre race. Lexx uses his hands to explore, grace and grip all of Zoe’s erogenous areas’, showing her that she ought to feel sexy with the body god gifted her.   *Audio sounds (Moans. Moving bed sounds. Grinding noises).   With Zoe still wanting to stay in control she changes the position to begin her daily squat routine. Using Lexx’s chest for support she bounces up & down, up & down, up & down, up & down, up & down, up & down, up & down, up & down. A good rhythm of dick to begin the day.   *Audio sounds (Moans. Claps)   The curvaceous girl showing her desire for good long cock as she eagerly keeps bouncing on Lexx for 5 minutes, Lexx aiding his stunning client by supporting the thick round cheeks & hamstrings, helping the exercise be less strenuous. With signs of fatigue presenting themselves, Lexx knows his time to exercise has come. His time to fuck has come. Lexx uses his arm strength to lift Zoe off balance and push her backwards onto her backside, he throws her leg to the side, teases the pussy a little by deliberately guiding his nice hard cock along the clitoris and vaginal opening, before sliding the rock deep into his client. “Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh” Zoe moans with mirth as Lexx’s pipe fills the pipeline, thrusting into Zoe as deep as physically possible, he too keeps the pace of sex at a fast walk. When he knows the time is right Lexx drills the screaming, wet, pink hole of goo with sets of sprinting.   *Audio sounds (Moans. Claps)   The warmup is complete, Lexx gives the women cock the simulates the feeling of a good, pure dose of cocaine. Hard hitting, breath-taking, soul filling sex that every man & woman dream of having. Lexx fucks, and fucks, and fucks, and fucks, and fucks his client’s tight hole, holding her down with a strong, tender hand; his masculine strength showing his desire for this beautiful woman. The pair continue great fulfilling sex for the next hour before embarking on the remainder of their time together.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Season 2. Episode 1 of Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule (Abbigail)

September 3rd, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Before continuing I recommend visiting the Lexx Soule website shop (, and buying yourself the Erotic package Season 2, episode 1 (Abbi). For the price of a movie ticket you will receive a copy of this blog, a narrated MP3 file with special sound effects (more then just sex), a narrated MP4 file with some naughty visuals of myself, 2 posters, and 2 thank you screen savers (new screen savers every episode). Additionally would you please follow my blog page, this shows a great deal of support towards my creative endevours. *Audio Sounds (Blowjob). “Your mouth feels incredible!” Lexx moans. “Thank you” Abbigail replies. *Audio Sounds (Blowjob). Her sloppy, saliva filled mouth lathers Lexx’s cock with a thick layer of bodily fluids as her hands caress & massage the base of Lexx’s cock & bag filled balls. Just like a dirty porn film, Abbigail devours the large piece ardorly, and with a perfunctory care for the mess dripping onto the hotel carpet - Lexx’s cock drips from tip to scrotum, his favourite way to receive head. After ten minutes of pleasure Lexx knows it’s time to give back to his client. Standing from his chair Lexx has his client bend over the wooden table in the middle of the onebedroom, four-star hotel room, and proceeds to give this cutie some much desired booty worship. He removes the belt from his trousers and places it next to himself as he kneels before his client and begins his worship: ass grabbing, ass smacking, ass biting, pussy licking, hamstring tickling, hip pulling; Lexx is worshipping this girls tushy the way it needs to be worshipped. Beautiful, squishy, soft, tushy. The worship comes to a close, and the real pleasure begins. “Put your hands behind your back” Lexx commands – a gentleman like tone augments Abbigail’s ears; she is a good girl – submitting to Lexx’s commands. With the belt, Lexx binds Abbi’s hands together; giving him a handle to grip as he penetrates into the wet silk hole. Lexx fucks into his client well, hard, and slow; she is breathless, and unable to control herself. “Give it to me. don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop. Your cock feels so good!” “You like having an older person fuck you properly!” Lexx rhetorically asks – of course she does. “Yes. Yes I do. I like having you fuck my tight pretty hole”. Audio sounds (Thrusts. Moans. Claps). Grabbing at the nape of her hair Lexx raises his client up, keeping her hands bound he moves her to the chair he was sitting on; however, instead of being deferent Lexx orders Abbi to put her mouth on the wet patch she created twenty minutes prior. Putting a pillow on the floor for her knees Lexx orders Abby onto the ground – she gags on the wet fabric of the chair while Lexx continues to fuck into her pink, wet, velvet. Her screams would make all neighbours aghast, but in this room of lustful passion, they are anything but bad news. Her screams and loud moans are the sound of a wild beast being let free, a demonic sex freak coming to life! Standing eye to eye, the pair catch their breath intimately for a moment before the tables turn. Abbi grins and then latches her hands onto Lexx’s neck, directing him onto the bed, where she pushes Lexx down “STAY!”. Abbi fetches another condom before returning to paradise, she takes her time rolling the latex down Lexx’s hard cock and then climbs up the tattooed model eagerly, sliding her pussy along his seven–inch x six–inch shaft. “Aaaaahhhhh” Abbi rejoices as the plastic covered penis augments her hole, pleasuring both width & length. Lexx’s hands support Abbi’s hips as they speed walk back & forth on Lexx’s meat stick – simultaneously she massages her own breasts; come from Abbi’s pussy trickles down Lexx’s ball sack. When Lexx attempts to sit up and enjoy Abbi’s breasts orally, he is met with an aggressive, “NO! STAY!” paired with a soft female hand around his throat. “Oh… fuck” Lexx’s eyes roll to the back of his head as Abbi sexually asphyxiates him. Have you ever had the kind of sex that is so good, so intense, so pleasurable that both of you have eyes rolling to the back of your head? The kind of sex where your breathing synchronises to a heavy beat, and you can just keep going & going & going & going & going & going & going. Penetration after penetration after penetration after penetration. Fuck after fuck after fuck after fuck after fuck after fuck after fuck. Lexx’s cock feels so fulfilling, and so amazing; Abbi’s pussy feels like a constant flow of silky slime mixed with freshly baked apple pie. Abbi moves from her cowgirl position to a squatting position, finding extra length from the cock that fills her, these extra cm’s make a small and intense difference. The moans become slightly louder, breaths slightly heavier, his cock slightly harder, her pussy slightly lighter. Audio sounds (Thrusts. Moans. Claps). When given the opportunity Lexx man handles Abbi into the missionary variation the acrobat and continues to fill the flowing waterfall, pumping his cock into her well, over and over and over and over and over and over again. Abbi’s eyes roll to the back of her head as she again submits into a dead weight fuck hole, drifting off to a tranquil state of mind. Audio sounds (Thrusts. Moans. Claps). Lexx feels his bodily sensations tell him he is about to come; he is reaching the ultimate climax. He fucks harder and harder and harder and harder and harder; deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper. “Come for me Lexx. Come for me Lexx. I want to see your come fill that plastic bag of yours” Abbi seductively moans. Lexx pulls away from the acrobat position stands over Abbi, loosens the grip of the condom and continues to stroke his cock overboard. Thick, white, creamy spume augments the bottom of the condom; a huge smile of joy fills Abbi’s face. “That is a lot of come!” Abbi joyful confers. “Yeah!” Lexx replies while still in the blank state of mind after a males climax. The pair cuddle for a short time before Lexx dresses himself and leaves for another day Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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The One That Was Left Behind

August 27th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
*Disclaimer, some readers may find the contents in this blog confronting.   Before talking to you about my experience of abandonment from both friends and family I would like to discuss why & how people who experience mental difficulties, have mental diagnostics, or work through their trauma CAN make great service providers to those who use the services.   Workers within this industry tend to get a bad reputation, with the mental health umbrella being associated to all of us. And while yes a lot of people with in this industry are managing some form of negative mental health past or present, not everyone who works within this industry has a poor mental health that they are managing. As an escort we provide one on one services to people we have never previously met, we are paid to create a fantasy and be the person that the client wants. Some of these clients have their own trauma, poor mental health, and are lonely. For these reasons I personally believe having experienced trauma to a degree or having experienced periods of poor mental health can aid escorts be good at their job, due to their ability to have an empathy or even sympathy for others. Allowing us to establish affinities on a deeper level. Do not mistake empathy or sympathy for meek emotions, because while people of negative experiences may have more compassion, we tend to have thicker skin too. Should you have followed people in the industry and done so for a while you will constantly here people bringing up negative experiences with clients, or other industry insiders; experiences and scenarios that add additional difficulty to their mental state of mind. While most providers learn to settle the nerves through industry experience; we all still experience anxiety when we are meeting our clients. Who are you, how are you going to treat us, are you going to rip me off, do I look okay, will you be on time, will you show up, is this a prank, what do I do if…… happens, will you blackmail us; in some Australian states the threat of you being a police officer about to arrest us is real, am I about to be on the next Netflix psycho killer documentary and turned to stew, and a range of other thoughts. Clients probably have similar thoughts. Will they blackmail me, will they steal my money, do they do regular STI screenings, will he be good in bed, will she be good in bed, will they treat me like a human or just a monetised object, what happens if the condom breaks, am I about to be abducted etc. Anxiety is a normal part of day-to-day life for EVERYONE in ANY OCCUPATION – the endless to do list, the work you are behind in, the work you want to stay on top of, your partners doctors appointment, your doctors appointment, the seedy looking guy on the bus, the most hypocritical girl you work with for 8 hours a day, the traffic, if you provide for a family how will you care for them throughout the week, your nagging boss, your kids footy game, the new puppy that you left inside with a couch. The list goes on and ranges from one extreme to the next. What is bad about uncontrolled and poorly managed anxiety is that it can lead to irrational behaviours, irrational thoughts, panic attacks, and poor choices. For people who have past or present mental difficulties, these poorly managed anxieties can trigger a range of different responses that can affect your life in a negative way – short term and sometimes long term. Maybe you give up on quitting cigarettes and just buy a packet, maybe you cancel all bookings for a week, maybe you indulge in all your vices and lose all your money, or maybe you just curl up in ball on your couch thinking about how ‘shit’ your life is. The snowballing affect exacerbates into the long term. So if trying to create positive experiences for other people leads to potential poor mental states for us, why do people with mental difficulties outside of anxiety still work as sexual providers? If it is a ‘snake eating it’s own tale’ situation why do we not prohibition the industry and make a stand saying that this industry needs to stop? The truth is that while some snakes may be eating their own tale, for others this work becomes the realisation to stop eating our own tales. As is the case for me. Had I had not become an escort I ponder whether I would be the man I am today. Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. Sex, intimacy, genuine human to human connection will always be valued and desired. SEX. THE ENTIRE SUBJECT OF SEX. Is a fundamental component of human nature. Taking prostitution out of civilisation is impossible. All that can be done is management to provide a professional and safe space for the adult experience. When someone learns to manage their negative mental experiences there is the possibility of developing a greater compassion for other peoples’ experiences and tribulations. They can develop a greater depth of empathy and sympathy for what people have or are going through, with a greater acceptance for the experience of being human. A couple great examples from movies of how negative experiences CAN make someone be more compassionate are, ‘The Blind Side’ a black boy who despite growing up with no real home, hung around with thugs, and in bad neighbour hoods, matures into a protective kind-hearted, family man. In the movie ‘Spilt’ towards the end of the film when ‘the beast’ is about to break through the bars and kill the girls he abducted, he sees the scars on one of the girl’s bodies from self-harm and leaves them all alone because he has an affinity for that emotion.   Secondly there is an extremely important need for sex workers – good escorts in particular. I will get some hate for this, and please understand I am not trying to put the line of work down, or cause a feud, but we do not NEED copious amounts of pornstars. Without proper sexual education the negative effects of free, easily accessible porn can be detrimental. One on one connection with another person, having physical touch from another person, interacting with another person physically does so much more psychologically, spiritually and physically then batting yourself off or finger bashing yourself to an artificial movie. This in part is why I say that if you are not an escort for the love of people please fuck off. Right now in the world there are a lot of lonely individuals, people with their own mental difficulties, families breaking apart, and relationships becoming a dismal bore. There are sexless marriages, women who haven’t experienced the big O, men who haven’t been genuinely touched and held for years, a lack of understanding for others, horrible communication, a poor education of what SEX is, and – excuse my French; a fuck tone of know it all’s with no respect for another opinion or view. While you do not need to get along with every single person you service, or be a yes man; you do have to generally like people and people to people interactions. Otherwise you’ve entered a career that you are going to hate and complain about every time you finish, leading to spite and negative emotions – the snake eating it’s own tale. There is tremendous upside financially and lifestyle wise to being a successful escort, but the same could be said for a copy writer, a digital marketer, a graphic designer, a real estate agent, a special needs carer (they deserve more credit and need more support), even as a tradie you can live a really good life – get your shit together, look after yourself and you can have a long prosperous career and fun life. My very first roofing boss (a G) travelled around Europe for 3 months with his mates.   With prostitution not going anywhere, and society screaming for more intimacy, better connections, and better, deeper human to human interactions; one could debate that those who learn to manage their mental difficulties, and still genuinely enjoy the experience of being human tend to have the mental ability of connecting with others and bringing joy to their lives; even when the temperament of the conversation or time together may become uncomfortable. This is not to say that people who have very little mental difficulties/ negative experiences or none at all couldn’t make great escorts or be your regular client. There are an abundance of single people who opt out of the dating and relationship realm because they have had bad dating or marriage experiences and for lack of a better term, pardon my French, can’t be fucked with anyone else’s bullshit. One gentleman I spoke with in life, said now that he was single, he was never going back into a relationship, his former partner was a bitch, his children had grown up, and his exact words were “why eat at one restaurant when I can just pay to eat at any restaurant I like” – he was referencing female escorts as the restaurants if you didn’t get it. There are business professionals who are more focused on their careers than a relationship and family. Again, referencing a Tv series, look at someone like Harvey Spector. There are plenty of real-life Harvey Spector’s in the world There are kinky couples that want to explore shared activities and feel more comfortable paying someone, then entering the community, or ‘publicly’ announcing their kinky interests.   And there are workers who have had great, relatively normal lives – whatever normal means; who will provide exceptional services. If you are well educated, like and are good at sex, emotionally intelligent, and enjoy people, you have the potential to make a great provider. Anybody CAN become an escort. NOT everybody should become an escort.         Now for my story. Originally I wasn’t going to write the who and the what, and while I will not disclose some personal information this next chapter of the blog is going to become quite personal. Before continuing, please understand that I do not write this for sympathy, I do not need ‘fixing’, and should we spend time together we can confer about this section should you desire the conversation taking that route. Providing we do not re-create a ‘Good Luck To You Leo Grande’ scene. I have done my healing and as I have come to learn this sort of scenario is all too common, which is part why I will openly speak about it. Most of you would be familiar with the term ghosting. Have you ever been ghosted by your entire ‘friendship group’? Better yet have you ever been ghosted by your entire ‘friendship group’ two birthdays in a row? Are you the black sheep of the family? Are you so black that you can’t even walk into the house you grew up in to have a cup of coffee or tea? Back when I was a roof plumber, certified dickhead, piss head and eighteen I had what I thought were a good group of mates. We would go out most weekends, crash back at theirs, go through the week with our work and repeat. We always had a good laugh; we had great banter; and got up to mischief. Though there were always some underlining behaviours that I saw where I was the outcast of the group. I would be the last to find out about things, at the clubs they would group off when picking up girls, and occasionally would try to throw me under the bus to impress girls they were picking up. When I would inquire about why I wasn’t invited to events they would say things like, “We knew you had training”, or “You were playing footy”, or “You would have to drive too far”. While some of you may say that this was them being ‘good friends’, from my now mature perspective and other friendship experiences that was not why. Most of them had moved from the same city to Brisbane and so they had their affinities. Though they constantly talked about each other behind their backs, and while they would bring some of these affairs to the surface, nothing would ever change the contentious cycle continued. It was my twentieth birthday, and I wanted to plan something really cool. Paintball, some other activity, watch AFL at the Gabba, Hotel for the weekend, Party. Made a group chat. Not one single person responded. They all saw the message but did not respond. I put out another message a few days/ week later because I needed numbers, and they told me they had to save for Touch Base – a music festival that was a few weeks after my birthday. Unfortunately, I could not go because I am banned from that rendezvous for 32 years counting. Looking back at the reasoning of having to save for a music festival was pathetic. Considering after the game that my girlfriend at the time & I attended, we met with the group out at the valley and partied relatively hard, with them doing more partying in the following weekends. Great saving! Later that year I was working away for roofing, and was meant to be receiving a huge amount of weekly pay. When I arrived at the temporary home away from home and asked about the pay, I found out that I was going to be underpaid five-hundred to one-thousand dollars a week. When you ask the boss, “If we can speak about pay” and the boss responds, “How much did I tell you, you were going to be paid?” you know you’re in for a great conversation. Had I been given that extra pay, I was going to pay for all my mates festival tickets and the accommodation to party down at Ultra Music Festival Melbourne the following year. Thank God I was not paid the amount I was promised and decided to pack up from the middle of Australia to head home early. My twenty-first birthday wasn’t the worst birthday in the world, though I think not celebrating and just chalking it up as another day would have been better. Have you seen The Simpsons episode where Lisa is singing Happy Birthday by herself? For my twenty-first birthday my parents were willing to pay for any accommodation on the Gold Coast, plus football tickets – Lions vs Suns. Booze, food and activities were all our responsibility to buy. Again I made the group chat, and again they all left it on seen. After a range of other horrible experiences, that was the nail in the coffin. That night before going to sleep I opened the group chat to see every single person that was invited had seen the message and not one person had replied. Some of these people lived together. I went to sleep with tears running down my face that night. That hurt, and that was a big punch to the gut. I don’t really want to discuss what happened for my birthday for multiple reasons; part my responsibility, and I feel that it would paint me as ungrateful considering what other people close to me experienced for their birthdays. But the entire weekend of my twenty-first birthday felt like the scene of The Simpsons where Lisa is singing happy birthday to herself.   Being abandoned by friends’ sucks. But being abandoned by family makes you question why you weren’t swallowed. I want to start by saying I am extremely grateful for the childhood I received, the fact that I received what I received makes me question if I should think about the situation the way I do. There are children who do not know what a childhood is; they are raped, abused, grow up in poverty, neglected from birth, or are born into wealthy families but NEVER experience any type of family structure. With this broader world view guilt has travelled with me through this process of abandonment. Different shoes, same place. I was put through private schooling. Played AFL competitively for 10 years, with new football boots and ball every year. My parents would take me to games every week. I Travelled to Melbourne for football camps. Have travelled most of Australia, with one international cruise. Mum did a couple of school assignments for me when I chose to neglect them. I had leniency when I started going to parties, and was always told to call if I needed them, regardless of the time. They were anti-dope so when I was detained for possession of two joints by the police at sixteen and had to go in for questioning, my parents grounded me. I have copped a couple smacks over my time – never beaten. I had always been told I could achieve whatever I wanted to achieve if I worked hard enough. So much positive to look at from my childhood, so much that I intend to give to my children when I have my own. But at some point, that all changed.   During my adolescence my mother had a huge falling out with another sibling of mine - It’s been over well ten years since they have spoken. And at the time I didn’t realise what was happening, but now clearly see what abandonment looks like and how it can affect someone mentally. This sibling was outcasted so bad that they would call or send a “happy birthday”, “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Easter”, message with great wishes to my mum, and I would be given her phone, and asked to answer the phone or check if I knew the number. Looking on my phone I would see who it was and inform mum who would nonchalantly reply “oh okay, you can reply”, or “tell them that I’m busy”. At first I didn’t quite get it, I believe I just pretended to be mum, though I eventually started saying it was from me and that she would get back to them – obviously that never happened. Now with the inside view I know for a fact that my mum would not be like this over nothing. Even my sibling owned up to me about saying some horrible things too. When my mum and I last had a good relationship, I even told her how the sibling had admitted to their wrong doings and that they would love to rekindle and start rebuilding the relationship. “Oh well, to bad” were my mums’ words.   Rince & repeat with me. *Warning this may be a little discursive. There is one sibling that ties into all of this. They are a spoilt, narcissistic, lazy, leeching, good for nothing, worthless piece of shit – there is no polite way to put it. I won’t disclose how many siblings I have, but every single one of us hate this sibling. They have single handedly torn apart the entire family. Imagine being thirty-five, no career, no job, have a child that you can’t look after, being the definition of mental health, drinks alcohol like there is no tomorrow, smokes more weed than a chimney, and living back at your parents’ house for 10 years! Never their fault, always because of someone else, something else, or it’s too hard, or it’s this, it’s that. For this reason, I believe that mental health is sometimes a joke! Now being the empath that I am I can look at some of the scenarios that have happened to this leech and think damn, that sucks, you’re also lucky to still be here, or yeah your father abandoned you. But the empathy itself is not there, and we will not talk about sympathy. I’ve seen people with similar incidents go on to do great things and become good people. The reason the paragraph above had to be mentioned is because it adds valuable context to my experience. When I used to live at my parents house the leech and I had our good days, we did somethings together, we hung around the same friendship group for a while (different to the group mentioned previously), and at times I thought they were a cool sibling. Though the bad outweighs the good like an elephant to a tiger. Never was it their fault, and constantly mother was encouraging the toxicity “you should know better Lexx”, “Leave them alone Lexx”, “Just ignore them Lexx”, “You need to grow up Lexx”. This sibling is nine years older than me. When I moved out things only got worse. Being young, dumb, and just having fun at my new share house accommodation I rarely contacted the place I once called home. When I would visit after work, if mum was not home I was hit with the “Why are you here?”, “Mum didn’t say you were visiting?”, “You have to tell us when you are visiting”, even getting a “Mum doesn’t want you here” on a couple occasions, with a range of other things from the thirty-five year that needs a diaper. “No I don’t, I grew up here. I’ll come and go as I please” boil the kettle and have a cup of tea ready for my mother by the time she would be home in ten minutes. These interrogations became threats, and on a few occasions became minor physicality’s; leading to the same old thing “Not their fault”, “You should not have done xyz”, “Grow up”, “You should know better”.  There was this one time that my girlfriend at the time went to my mothers house to get her hair done (mum was an ex hairdresser). Let’s just say that was the second worst experience that girlfriend had with my family. The first being my twenty first birthday. Mum was a good hairdresser but when our thirty-five-year-old toddler needs his real infinite taken care of due to lack of…. Well……. Anything. Your hair turns rusty orange, and you’re included in babysitting duties. I have said some very colourful things to my mother, things that only exacerbated the declining relationship. But after being the messenger and seeing your parent abandon another sibling, after seeing a clear distinction of unjust behaviour, after experiencing levels of abuse – sibling not parents, though some may view the statements above as mental abuse from the mother; and after being told some of the things I was told; you stop putting up with crap and speak your mind. After the very last incident that led to me legally never being allowed to walk on the premise I once called home without asking for permission from the leech. I walked away and I stopped speaking to mother.   Why can’t dad just kick him out of the house? Well, part of me doesn’t know why. But from a mature ‘insider’ perspective the situation is complicated due to every metric of the entire situation. You have finances, parental responsibilities, and a range of other things. He works away so seeing a dropkick live in his house everyday is ‘no problem’ of his. Years ago, we had a huge argument about the situation that led to us not speaking for about six to twelve months.     The rekindle There is so much that will remain unsaid, there are things that have happened, things that can’t be unseen, or unheard, but if you’re someone from a similar situation or been in a similar situation you just get it. After years of conversations and therapy for different things everyone around me – including the ‘OG’ abandoned sibling; told me to try rekindling with mother, reach out to her, unblock her phone and call her. My answer was always the same, “Why do I want to associate with someone who is going to tolerate that crap, and not even move past the past with her other child”. “But she’s your mum”, “She still loves you”, “She might have changed”, but eventually the support system had no answers when I would respond with, “Why do I want to associate with someone who will treat me like that and let themselves be treated like that”. It’s commonly said that if someone does not add value to your life or is dragging you down to get rid of them, and it is true. It is also said amongst a lot of people sometimes need to let go with your and their wrong doings to move forward, never forget, forgive the past and reach out, because people do change. You wouldn’t know to the full extent but look at me for an example of how people change. Plenty of people change. So I did. I reached out via email and updated her on my life before we organised to meet for a walk, tea & coffee. It was great, we had great conversations. Good spirits. Though I knew that there were questions I needed answers too, and conversations that needed to be had. I was going to wait a little while longer, or just bring the questions up in person, but she wanted to bring someone along to the next meet which meant I had to inform her the direction I intended to take the conversation and would rather that person not be there. Her schedule went from being available 3, 4 days that week to busy for the next couple months instantly. The very next email. Gone. There were emails that I proceeded to send, a couple garnered a few word responses. But that was it. Gone. Goodbye. Have not heard from her since. Have no intentions of ever seeing her again. Have not shed one tear. Speaking with my old man the house situation has only become worse.     She knows what I do, I told my family within the first month of me starting this career. I ponder if she has ever looked at my informative blogs or taken a surreptitious interest in this life I have. I hope she has not read any of my erotica. I will throw up – please never ask me to call you mummy, mumma, and never call me daddy. I do use the phrase ‘Sexy Mumma’ but I try to be tasteful, I am comfortable with you referring to yourself as ‘A Sexy Mumma’. Should my mother be reading this, I wonder how she sleeps at night, good, happy, healthy. And if she is reading this, I actually fear for her, she has put herself into the worst possible scenario. I ponder if the narcissist sibling has snooped my profiles and blogs, wouldn’t surprise me, he has enough time on his hands and he mostly definitely would know what I do. And if he is reading this, well this might be the end of the fuse for that ticking time bomb.   But why Lexx? Why did you just open up about a part of your life that so many people would never dare to publicly bring to their business? Being abandoned, and the feeling of being abandoned is quite prominent in today’s society. Each case is different, each has a different storyline. Sometimes it is the grand child that is neglected by the grand parent, sometimes it is the child & their parent, sometimes it is the Grandparent that is abandoned by their spoilt children, sometimes it’s the friend who doesn’t ‘fit in’ to the group and is slowly pushed to the side.   As an escort & client how do you build a long standing relationship with someone if you don’t discuss your life. Mature people know that an escort & client agreement is a form of relationship. Just as you have a relationship with your friend, colleague, and neighbour. Escort & client is a personal business relationship. I’m still quite a young man for this industry and may be wrong with what I am saying here, so if any successful, full time male professionals are reading this and have some advice that they would like to share I’m all ears. How do you have a 5+ year relationship with a client that you travel with, go to dinner with, build trust, explore, without sharing your own stories. Maybe I’m wrong again by saying, “I understand how that might make you feel” will only get you so far, without your own experiences to comfort people with. You don’t take the attention away from the experience they are sharing with you, you add value to it. Yes, I am aware that a large portion of clients just want their sexual/ intimate moment, transaction done, see you again soon. Awesome, that is fine and easy to mentally, physically & spiritually facilitate too. And it will bring me joy when & if a client says “this is the last goodbye” – though like discussed in the blog ‘Why You Should Never Be Embarrassed To Hire An Escort’ you have no obligation to say goodbye, just delete my number and never speak me to again. I’m use to it by now 😉. I also understand there are women who pay escorts long term rather than committing to a formal relationship. There are a lot of things that I won’t talk about with clients. You might ask a question about this blog that you are reading, and I will respectfully not answer that question. The relationship dynamic that I aspire to have; the most you’ll get from me is that I want 2 wives, I want kids, and I want a home. While there are some common hallmarks of a great relationship, successful relationships are subjective. You have Dom/ Sub, Monogamy, Polygamy, A-sexual, prenups, marriage through the government, religion etc. I like talking about relationships from a general perspective while respecting each relationship individually.   Speaking with other providers there are clients who seem to think that we as escorts are looking for love through this work, and unfortunately that is generally not the case. I say generally because maybe some are, I’m certainly not. Lexx Soule is only a percentage of who I am, the very best percentage of who I am. As an escort my intention is NOT to find love and I do NOT intend to bring you into my personal life. My intention is to bring you something that is missing from this entire world. Genuinely good human connection. I may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I am a good shot of whiskey with cinnamon spice. To add a little enigmatic energy to the closing of this blog, I have seen the back of one of my wives legs, all other information will stay surreptitious.     This experience that I have shared with you is my strong point as to why I am good at what I do, and why I will continue to do the work that I do. Because while I’m just from a standard Aussie home, I have experienced, good, great, bad, horrible, ugly. I have been put through good schools, had a childhood, didn’t starve, experienced genuine love from my parents, have experienced being in love, stayed active, fit and relatively healthy most of my life. I have also lived out of my car, lived in another city, experienced serious break ups, lived by myself, been in trouble with the law, told my boss where to go, been fired within 20 minutes of starting a new job, and so much more. These experiences have conferred me the humble view that there is always something better, and there is always something worse. This view allows me to have deeper empathy for people’s experiences and greater joy for people’s success.   Should you wish to talk about this blog when you make a booking you are more then welcome to ask questions. All I ask is that if my response is, “I do not wish to answer that” or, “I do not want to talk about that part” please respect my boundaries.     Should you wish to contact me to share your experience or make a booking, just email I hope you have enjoyed the read and have a newfound courage & self-belief.   Thank you for reading, Namaste, L. Soule.
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Preparation for the best erotic experience

August 26th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
1. Set the mood of your intended masturbation or enjoyment area. Dimmed lighting, candles, light uplifting music that YOU enjoy, temperature. 2. Organise the reading, the listening, or the viewing. Load the Erotic Writing on your device, and load the audio however is convenient for you to listen. Should you choose to watch me stroke my cock while listening to the sound of my words penetrating your ears, then load the video onto your phone with headphones ready (high quality headphones recommended). Should you have the capabilities, I highly recommend watching the video on a big screen. 3. Shower. Wash your hair. shave, scrub and hum all your stress away. 4. Do your face care routine, brush your hair, brush your teeth, moisturise yourself. 5. Check yourself out, you are sexy baby girls and sexy mummas! Find 5 things that make you sexy! Think deeper than just your physical appearance. Do you talk sexy, walk sexy, stare sexy, just look sexy, maybe it’s as simple as you are the definition of sexy. 6. Touch yourself. And it doesn’t have to be the erogenous area’s either. Grace your collar bones with a gentle touch; asphyxiate yourself; run your hands through your scalp; feel the curves at your waist; give your booty a little shake. If you wish, touch those sensitive zones – both the top and bottom. 7. Get yourself comfortable in the pleasure rendezvous. 8. Take yourself to the exotic place. Ponder over the photos, thinking about how my body would feel pressed against yours. Use your imagination to paint the pictures of my words. Close your eyes for a moment and envision us together living out the erotic story. 9. Explore your entire body! You have 10-20 minutes before the story ends. That is plenty of time to explore yourself, tease yourself, and pleasure every inch of your sexy body. Do not concern yourself with how you finish. Just breath and enjoy the erotic journey into your imagination. 10. Finish the Erotica, say thank you sir, close your eyes and go to sleep. September 4, 2024
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Bookmarks or screen savers?

August 25th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Bookmarks or screen savers? COLLECT THEM ALL 12 thank you collectable to collect September 4th. 2024
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Season 2 episode plots

August 22nd, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Erotica with Lexx Soule Season 2 plots Episode 1 (Abbigail) ~ Just a normal hotel booking. Episode 2 (Zoe) ~ Good morning handsome.   Episode 3 (Mihya) ~ Make me the fruit cake. Has a high level of comedy through the sounds and voices.   Episode 4 (Chloe) ~ The Cabin in the woods. Not a horror film.   Episode 5 (Isabella) ~ 1 year client anniversary.   Episode 6 (Yasmin) ~ Nope, can’t do it.   Episode 7 (Taylor) ~ Sensually pleasing.   Episode 8 (Erica) ~ A van, a look out, a man eater & her escort.   Episode 9 (Rose) ~ 10 year client anniversary. I cwy erry time.   Episode 10 (Bianca) ~   Episode 11 (Dorothy & Jacob) ~ MMF threesome.   Episode 12 (Monica) ~ Virgin to a submissive. Episode 1 Available 04.09.2024 here:
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Why You Should Not Become an Escort.

August 14th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
*Disclaimer. Some of the information in this blog may be found offensive to some people. This blog has been written based on my experiences as a heterosexual male escort for the previous two years. I do not write this out of disrespect to anyone, people, beliefs, or things. If you believe you are easily offended or triggered, please do not read this blog. Thank you, Lexx Soule.   For the previous two years, I have been working as a heterosexual male escort. Within this short time frame, I have learned that this line of work is not for everyone. If you think you will come into this industry and women will just flock to you, think again. If you think that all we do as male escorts is take old ladies, divorced lonely women, or fat mummas out for dinner think again. We service a wide variety of women (some also service men), single women, older women, tattooed women, thin women, thick women, divorced women, virgin women, past and present sex worker women, the list goes on. If you think that by becoming a male escort the female escorts are just going to want to jump on your dick for free then think again. Maybe there is a top tier next level stud that can or has walked into the scene flopped his cock out and bam he has free pussy, chances are it’s not going to be you. Most of the female escorts are smart individuals and will not just jump on your cock. Female clients are selective and take their time, you will not be able to prance around telling people you’re an escort and expect them to want your dick or to straight up say alright I’ll pay you. Most women that I have told I’m an escort follow with the line “I would fuck you, but I’m not paying you”. You need a decent level of emotional intelligence, tough skin, and a genuine desire to work with people to make a good male escort. Being an escort you learn the skills of human interaction, human nature, and human behaviour. Being a high-class, full-service escort requires you to be a psychologist, a sex worker, a ‘boyfriend’, incognito, and at times an actor. This can be a lot and does take its toll mentally. With the growth of sex work becoming prominent within Australia over the last two years, sex work & escorting is becoming more and more popular for clients and providers. But should you become a sex worker, should you become an escort, why do you want to become one, what value do you bring to clients? In the following pages you will discover that this work is not all that it is propped up to be.   Why do you want to become an escort? “To fuck and get paid doing so!”, not actually a bad answer. As a former industry professional, Aussie-born Stirling Cooper once said, “What single man wouldn’t want to get paid to have sex, travel, and be taken out to the nicest restaurants”. And look if that’s as simple as your reason, fucking oath brother, please keep reading though so that you at least do it professionally. So you have a dick, you’re single, want to get paid to fuck, travel, and eat great food. What’s you’re brain like? Notice how I didn’t mention anything about looks. As I have learned, looks are subjective. There are a lot of women who will pick a thick guy without abs over the gym junkie every day of the week, especially if they sense half of the gym session is spent jerking himself off to the size of your biceps and 0.4% body fat. Presentation matters, personal hygiene matters, health matters, personality matters; but being bald, short, muscly, tall, hairy, curly hair or straight hair, long hair or short hair, age, tattooed are all subjective matters. Just because you stand in the mirror and marvel at yourself for one hour every day, and have other guys & girls in your gym say that you look good, does not mean you would make a good escort. It means you look good; you train hard; you’re making gains. If that is your goal, then be proud of the compliments and keep going. Your brain. Do you work your brain? Do you know how to hold deep conversations about a variety of topics? Do you know how to listen? Do you know how to flirt? Do you know how to take criticism? Can you still have a great time if you reach a disagreement within a conversation? Do you have empathy for other people and their experiences? Do you know how to ask the right questions at the right time? When you have sex are you thinking about their pleasure or yours? Work sex is different from personal sex. Do you know how to set boundaries? Do you know what confidentiality is? Would you tell your friends & family that you’re an escort? How would you react if they found out? Do you want a relationship? How will you manage that relationship? How well educated are you in the realm of sex? How will you respond when you receive an influx of homosexual requests? Will you be a rude piece of shit or respectfully set your boundaries? If you service men as a man, but your friends don’t know that you service men, how will you feel when/ if they find out? I have a little joke, “If I was gay and doing what I do I would be rich by now”. I have had a lot of male inquiries and turned them all down. You might be comfortable servicing other men with boundaries in place; you may be in the closest gay or bisexual. There are a lot of providers who market themselves as heterosexual but still sexually service men. Some male providers don’t offer sexual services to men but do offer companionship. You need to know yourself. Will you be embarrassed if you’re hiding that service from your personal life and then found out? Your mental health will take a toll if that is the case. These are things that you should consider before advertising yourself as a high-class full-service male escort. There are smart, lovely people paying top dollar for your time, and while it may be your time, it is their money, it is a Ying & Yang. Without the consumer you don’t need the product, without the product there are no consumers. Some of these women have been through horrible divorces; overcoming trauma; are widowed; are cheating on their husbands; are lonely; are highly successful individuals; and are industry workers themselves. With all of these women comes a range of different situations, conversations, and emotions that you never thought you would experience. How will you navigate the interaction? There are also some gorgeous, single, happy, fulfilled women who are just not putting up with the bullshit of the dating scene and would just rather pay a man to have fun with no strings attached.   Clients are paying for the fantasy that you create. You are a business. The brand that you put into the world is what women want when you arrive. Mine has changed a little over time -Lucifer The Perfect Gentleman. Those who have followed my journey for a while or who now endeavour to snoop, will see that I put a little more personability into my business than most. Blogs like ‘Bad Boy Lexx’ open me up to judgment, while also allowing readers to see that I too am a human who has made mistakes, and has a little bit of a ratbag in him. Lexx Soule is only a percentage of who I am and is still someone I am trying to perfect. How would you present yourself to this world? Would you create a completely new alias and be someone you are not, or would you be your very best authentic self that you feel comfortable sharing? Women are quite good at reading through the copy and paste bullshit that so many newcomers post. If you create a completely new alias how deep have you gone, interests that you have never studied? Hobbies that you have no clue about? Born in a country you have never visited?   What will you do when you can’t get hard because you already nutted that day? True story. About a year into this career, I received a booking at the Sunshine Coast, gorgeous women too, she was respectful, a seamless booking. But because I nutted earlier when having sex with my girlfriend at the time, with no prior knowledge of how to become multi-orgasmic, and was in my head I struggled to get my man up. I used a couple toys but it was not what she wanted. I have not seen or heard from that client since. I recently read a negative review from my very first client from two years ago. TWO YEARS LATER! I stopped seeing her because I felt uncomfortable. At the time I thought she wanted to much contact. Looking back from where I am now, probably just my inexperience. How would you handle these situations?   And before we continue. Lexx Soule still is The Perfect Gentleman.   What do you think the ‘industry’ is like? All the providers are having massive orgies; banging each other; just booty calling 24/7; you’re a worker, I’m a worker so it’s just free sex right? Maybe for some people and groups of people, but if you aren’t accepted into the ‘groups’ tough luck. Like I previously said a lot of female workers are smart individuals and have their own responsibilities, just because you start advertising yourself as a worker does not mean other workers will flock to your dick. Most of the male providers at the top also have a high level of intelligence mixed with testosterone; so you’ll find a mixture of testing you out and big dick contests.   Maybe this is just my luck or the way that I have presented myself, but for an industry that preaches, “Individualism”, “Expression of self”, “Helping others”, there is a lot of arse kissing, judgment, tall poppy syndrome, lying, deceiving, psychological games, selfish gain, backstabbing, gossip, big dick contests, entitlement and much more. I had my inbox blow up because I shared my views that a male should never be able to conceive a child. Someone with a penis should never be able to conceive a child – apparently science is trying to see if that is possible. If you were born a female – have a vagina and ovaries, and take hormone blockers and testosterone you should not be giving birth. One debate was that the hormone blockers and testosterone does not affect the child in the womb. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! With that amount of intelligence, we may as well start telling mothers-to-be that drinking a bottle of wine a week, smoking weed, and doing cocaine while pregnant with her brothers' child will produce a perfectly normal human. I also once asked a directory to promote my page for a tour. Their response in short was, “We don’t promote tours or men on our social pages”. What should I see in the coming days, tour promotions and a male provider advertised on their social pages. That would be an A+ for being Sexist and hypocritical. Providers do not want to help either. I’ve reached out to a few over my time and only one gave me high-quality valuable information and it was not where to find clients. With the top of the game receiving messages like “I have a big dick, would I make a good escort”, “I have fucked over 100 women, would I make a good escort”, “Where do I find clients?”, “How do I become a successful escort”. It is clear to see why they ignore most want to be male escorts. For those who are seriously considering this line of work, having read this far, and are still attracted to the work; sex work & escorting is great because you do not need to be a part of the industry to provide a service. You can do your own thing and not get dragged into all the political crap. If you provide the high quality, good, professional service that you said you would, you will be fine. In Brisbane alone there are roughly about five to ten million potential clients – over eighteen, men & women that MIGHT use a provider.  If you have a great dick and want to bang the hottest women go become a pornstar. If you genuinely like people, have a deep understanding of sex & sexual pleasure, have some fundamental knowledge of psychology, and have the desire to be a lifelong learner; be an escort. The one provider that gave me some insightful information also gave me some time to sit down for lunch, one thing that he said was, “Not all escorts make good content creators (pornstars), and not all content creators make good escorts”. Yes, some people have the fortunate skill & talent of being able to do both, but they are still different games with different requirements. With this paragraph being said though, you could learn all these skills and live a sexually, financially, and emotionally fulfilling life as a real estate agent, lawyer, entrepreneur, tradie, or any other occupation. More food for thought if you just want to get paid & have sex.    I will be the first person to say anybody CAN become an escort, just as anybody CAN become a surgeon, a lawyer, or a millionaire. BUT not everyone should become an escort. I’m a kid who was suspended on the first day of grade twelve for getting into a blue at the front of the school; gave a history lesson on drugs to my English class; barely passed school; worked at McDonalds for a period of time; lived to chase a ball around an oval field for ten years – the best kind of ball I must add; and filled my body with cigarettes, weed, and alcohol most weekends from seventeen to twenty-two. Now I am a man who has a direction; has a desire for lifelong learning; is more creative than ever; has a sense of self; understands the importance of mental, physical, and spiritual health; has accepted my flaws; takes responsibility and accepts accountability for my actions; and appreciates life. Before you bring joy and wealth into other people's lives, you must first bring joy and wealth into your own.  I share this to show you that anybody CAN become an escort, but not everyone should become an escort. Like anything, if you want to be good at what you do you have to sacrifice time, energy, and effort. Very few people are naturally gifted at what they do, but being naturally gifted can also be a curse.  Escorting is learnable. But you need to consider the what, why, and how of your business. Because becoming an escort is not a free fuck for all and mass orgies. The modern-day escort is a business. The modern-day escort provides an individual service & experience. The modern-day escort is work. The modern-day escort is a brand. The modern-day escort is a human – maybe a few aliens and mutants floating around too. The modern-day escort is trying to build connection, empathy, and genuine experiences in a world of shallow personalities, a lack of empathy, and fake shit. Do you really want to be an escort or is it just your false reality of the lifestyle that makes you want to become an escort?   My inbox is open to all who have any questions and genuine interest. I will not be responding to everyone, stupidity, or hate mail. Simply email   Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. I hope you found it helpful, educational, or at the very least somewhat entertaining.   Kind regards, Lexx Soule.
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The 2 Cutest Dates Of My Life So Far

July 21st, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Today I would like to share with you two personal life experiences of how I created a simple atmosphere of romance using a few cute steps. Romance is not dead, people are just not educated on the subject, men & women are not educated on how to create romance. Romance is not complex either, while yes you can go big and extravagant, sometimes it’s the smaller things that leave the biggest impact. Romance requires thought, effort, and a little time. And yes. A romantic evening can erupt into a wild untamed zoo. My first anniversary My first official girlfriend, and our first official anniversary. Even as just a girlfriend & boyfriend it has been interesting to learn the importance of an anniversary, most guys do not care about it, but to a lot girls it can be a big deal. And as I have matured erotically & emotionally, I see why too. I booked a table at a restaurant in Southbank, Brisbane on Little Stanely St. She wore a long, black, cotton pleaded dress that accentuated all the right areas, showed an alluring yet playful amount of cleverage, make up on point as always, hair straight and smooth, she looked even more delicious than the food. During the week I had gone shopping to buy her a gift - a small pair of gold, green-stoned earrings. During my walk through the centre there was a guy busking with a guitar, I went up and pitched him my idea. He agreed. I gave him the 3 songs I wanted him to play and a deposit. Once my girlfriend & I had finished our dinner I messaged the guitarist informing him of our next rendezvous, The Goodwill bridge. When we sat at the little seating area on the Botanic Gardens end of the bridge, I had to try unsuspiciously text the guitarist our exact location, excusing myself from the present moment to ‘send an important message’ to mum or dad. Five minutes later this random guitarist just appeared from nowhere and started playing acoustic songs and singing. We laughed at the serendipity, though she did not grow suspicious until I had to pay ‘tip’ this random guitarist. With the remaining $50 ready I gave him his pay nonchalantly and he walked on his way. I tried to hide how much I was ‘tipping’ but she may have seen, because when I rekindled with her the repartee of interrogation began, “Was that $50?”, “You planned that didn’t you”, “That’s who you were texting wasn’t it”. Of course, I had never seen this stranger in my life and was only a $20 tip. We cuddled for a little while longer before walking back to our car and driving home. We bought our favourite Hungry Jack frozen drink on the commute (Bubble gum), enjoying a good night of sex once in the warmth of my bed. The VIP Cinema. Home Made. Every princess’s dream, a homemade cinema. This was with a different girl from the one above. We hadn’t been on a date for a little while, life had been a little rough for us both, and so we needed something cute. During a doom scrolling moment I came across this reel where a guy had made a home cinema with make ship movie selection, snack bar & tickets – instantly I knew this was what needed to be done. I decided on a date and told my girlfriend at the time not to plan anything else for the scheduled afternoon. During the day I cleaned the entire apartment, made it smell incredible and feel clean. On my shop to Woolworths, I bought her favourite chocolate, kombucha, Honey Soy Chicken Chips, a microwave bag of popcorn – side note there was a local cinema but unfortunately it was going through renovations at the time otherwise I would have gone for the good stuff. I also bought a teddy that was holding a small bouquet of flowers. There were a few hours of grace between her arriving home & our home styled date so there had to be nothing out of the ordinary that would give away the surprise. When it was time, I told her to have a shower, put some comfortable cute clothes on, and not to open the bedroomdoor until I say so. I was about to go buy Japanese from a local restaurant we had tried recently so I alluded her to fact I had to leave & come back as well. On return she was exactly where she was asked to stay, and was dressed accordingly, now to set everything up. Coffee table at the perfect position for a seated dinner in front of the big screen, set with 3 cups – wine glass for the kombucha, water glass, and a soft drink glass if requested; the 3 movie choices on the dinning table, air-conditioner set to the perfect temperature, snacks to the side of the coffee table – the bear was a surprise for when she arrived home from work; candles lit, salt lamps on, lights off, curtains closed; Japanese food given a quick reheat; and the entry of a waiter. Being a VIP cinema of course there is a waiter. I changed into a button-down shirt, dress pants, and some black suede dress shoes. “Hello Madam, your husband has just informed me to come get you, are you ready for the movie?”, the look of aghast pleasure will forever be engraved in my brain. She has a beautiful smile. “What the fuck!” were the words that came of her mouth though – if you know you know. Playing the role of the waiter I gave her the tickets and showed her to the movie selection, we enjoyed the terrifying movie that is Gremlins 1. Playing the role of the waiter very well, pouring her a drink like a gentleman, even testing her by seeing which drink her ‘husband’ would like – she got it right. I was cheesy at times with the role of the waiter but I did not break character. After changing back into my comfortable clothes I entered the room like a loud obnoxious aussie guy who always has something to complain about, carrying on about something in the bathroom. We enjoyed the dinner and movie together before playing with each other and sleeping. Romance is fun. As the man in the equation, you have the opportunity to show your sensual energy and soft demeaner. A truly romantic experience is more then just flowers, and gifts. It is about being completely present in the moment, putting a little thought, effort, and time into your date. Have you ever wanted a romantic experience? A really special moment that you will hold forever. Give me an email or SMS and let’s arrange something that will have you feeling like the princess or queen that you so deserve to be. Contact details: 0411 316 973 Warm regards, L. Soule. DISCLAIMER. This is not princess treatment.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule (Lisa) SEASON 1 FINALLY

July 16th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
“Do you mind if we just sit & chat before we do anything sexual? I just need to calm my nerves, this is the first time I have ever done anything like this”. “Of course, please do not feel you have any obligation to do anything sexual, you have paid me for my time, and while you have hired me for a sexual service you have the freedom to change your mind”. After being single for two years Lisa has decided that maybe an escort will give her the spice she once had. Previously being in a five-year relationship; now thirty-five. Her relationship did not end through any form of trauma, the couple just simply grew apart; but due to her deep love for this man she has struggled to find meaningful connections with other males. Lexx, a thirty-seven-year-old male escort has heard this scenario all to much in his career. With plenty of experience he politely gestures his new client to the couch for conversation – she has hired him for a two-hour booking. “Have you ever experienced a hard break up?” “Yes, but a long time ago” “How did you deal with it?” “Well…. I have been fortunate enough to have only had 2 break ups in my life. The first, was my first love who later in life found me as an escort; she was special, maybe it was the timing, maybe it was just being young & dumb, but that hurt me for a long time…..” “The second girl, wow. She changed my life. Like really changed my life! She is part of the reason why I am heavily spiritual, have faith in God & the higher beings, she gave me purpose, she helped me get off my ass and started me on the journey of becoming the man I am today. We broke up after 2 years, but we just didn’t let go. 8 years later after constantly trying we ended our relationship….” A slight tear appears in Lexx’s eye as he reflects on his past. “Oh my god I’m so sorry! Here let me get that for you” Lisa retrieves a tissue from the side table, dabbing the tear away. “You don’t have to continue, I’m so sorry” Lisa is sincere as she sympathises with Lexx “This is meant to be about my breakup, not your history”, the beautiful soul of this heartbroken woman shines bright. “hahahaha….. That’s okay, I can keep going if you would like; It is just an unfortunate habit that happens when I talk about us” Lexx laughing off his emoting sadness. Before answering, Lisa silently admires Lexx for a moment, a man she has never met before tearing up about his own heart break “Only if you feel comfortable” she confers. Lisa feels much more comfortable with Lexx now, having seen the genuine sadness in his face, and she does want to hear more. “She was incredible, but once my career in both music and escorting took off, it was to much. I came home from a three-month American music tour had a two week break before flying to Europe for a month with a client, she sat me down & said that I had a choice between sex work & my aspirations of a second wife; or her. She didn’t care for the music career……” “and you chose your work….” “Yeah. That day had always been in the back of my mind; I did everything I thought was right, I would spend time with her when returning from tours, I would call her at least once a day when on tour – escorting & music; but at the end of the day we all crave physical touch, emotional connection, and a spiritual bond, and I guess that slowly faded with my fast past lifestyle.” Lisa inquisitively nods as she too now shares a tear with Lexx, “now it’s my turn” Lexx using his tissue to wipe her tear. Before the pair chuckle into a mutual state of nostalgia “I know how she feels. My husband was a lawyer; he didn’t want two wives; but he would always be working, always. I loved him for it too; from my perspective I think you can tell a lot about a man from how much he values his work…..” Lisa stares up at the roof with nostalgia flicking vivid memories through her eyes. Lexx just holding the space with her. “When we started it was fantastic, he had just finished his degree, been employed by a top law firm, and surprisingly he had more time freedom too… But because of how good he was at his job, he was promoted quickly; so good that within 5 years he had become the head of his firm….” “excuse my French, but holy shit, that is quite fast” “Yes it was… A month after he received the promotion I told him that we could no longer be together, I had seen him for maybe four hours that entire month, and so one evening when he came home I was sitting at the dining table with two cocktails, some crackers, cheese, and dip…” “Cocktails, crackers, cheese & dip. Never have I heard of this for a breakup tactic” “hahaha, well it must of worked because the other day I bumped into him when I was running some errands, we had a good 10 minute chat, he recently started dating someone new, they were talking of getting married, he even complimented me on how hot I still looked hahaha” “That’s beautiful to hear” “Yeah, and here I am hiring escorts!” Lisa unintentionally insulting Lexx’s career. It takes a few seconds before she realises what she has said. “Oh shit, fuck. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean that. I’m so sorry” Lisa showing her sincerity with a warm hug and brushing Lexx’s chest, Lexx see’s the light of the situation and does not take it personally, adding his own repartee. “Just say I’m the hottest escort and we will call it even” he chuckles cordially. “The sexiest, most gorgeous, handsome, young escort I have ever seen!” “Not what I asked, and I’m older then you…. But I’ll take it” Lexx winks to conclude his repartee. The pair stare at each other for about 30 seconds, saying nothing, just admiring each other’s beauty. Lexx’s mature, yet chiselled facial structure, Lisa’s bold brown eyes. “You really are the hottest man I have seen in a long time!” and with that Lisa moves herself forward and ignites the evening of passion with the kiss. Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule (Barbara Pt 3)

July 9th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! Subscribe to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts, there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! *Previously. After a 10-minute passionate blowjob Lexx pulls himself away from the sensation and moves towards the rectangular, glass dinner table, using his finger to signal come here; clicking once and pointing to his feet; she is a good girl and does as asked. When she is in the company of her current daddy, she is fed his 7-inch x 5.5-inch penis and then made to walk around the table 2 times, not letting the penis out of her mouth. “You really know what you’re doing” Lexx confers as they near the end of lap 2, “I know how to take dick babe. “I had a gangbang for my 32nd birthday”. “Red & yellow?” Lexx suggests, “give it to me hot shot”. Her stare is seductive, his menacing. Lexx bends down and helps his client up swiftly; swinging a chair from under the table and moving to the closest bare wall; Lexx puts the chair against the wall, sits and again clicks his fingers once, pointing to his penis without saying a word, “I like this click thing” she admits before skipping to the rollercoaster. “AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH.” Barbara is screaming with mirth as she throws her hips into Lexx, riding his meat stick with everything she has, simultaneously suffocating Lexx with her beautiful breasts, “Come on baby. Show me what you got baby. Keep going baby. Keep going baby. Come on, faster, faster, faster, harder, harder, harder”; Lexx alternates between grabbing her basketball cheeks and curvy hips, assisting his client move as fast, hard, and as deep as she possibly can. They pant, they sweat, the yell. She comes. Lexx stands, keeping a hold of his petite client at the same time; she being a 5 ft, 47 kg girl Lexx has an easy time fucking her in the standing position for 2 minutes before putting her down. “Come with me!” Lexx commands as he grips the nape of his clients hair, “YELLOW. YELLOW, yellow, yellow, yellow……. Sorry you just grabbed it wrong” Barbara informs. Once the correction has been made the pair continue their play as was, Lexx leading his client to the kitchen bench. “Stay!” Lexx commands as he walks to the duffle bag he brought; “We didn’t get the opportunity to discuss these things, but are you okay with me using a vibrator and dildo to make you squirt across the kitchen?” Lexx asks professionally, “If you can make me squirt across the kitchen I will give you another $100” she winks at the repartee in her sentence; “I won’t make you broke this week” Lexx returns with his own repartee. From the bag he pulls out two towels, a black vibrator, and a pink & yellow silicon penis. Lexx places the folded towels on the white bench, one for Barbaras elbows, one for her knees; “Get up” Lexx clicks again. The good girl hops up to the bench and bends over on all fours, exposing her beautiful life-giving organism; it is breathing. It is pulsating. It is leaking. With the vibrator, Lexx uses some of the come from the leakage to lubricate the soft silicon; “use this on your clit” Lexx hands the vibrator to Barbara who follows orders; with the purple & yellow dildo Lexx again uses Barbara’s come to lubricate the toy, massaging it down the shaft with his hand. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH” the sigh of relief as the 8-inch by 6-inch dildo penetrates the vibrating pussy. 10 minutes of vibration & penetration pass before Lexx removes the dildo in use and has Barbara insert the hooked G-spot vibrator into her hole; being warmed up & highly aroused it only takes 1 minute of the vibrator being inserted before a fire hydrant blows across the room. “You’re such a dirty little slut Barbara. You’ve been so well behaved tonight, so you will be rewarded with multiple orgasms”; “You’re so gorgeous, so fucking gorgeous. Eyes of gold, lips like clouds, silk like pussy. The. Silkiest. Pussy”, then woosh, come shoots out of her pussy hole. With her background experience, Barbara knows to keep stimulating her G-Spot through the orgasm, forcing the juices to just keep flowing, and flowing, and flowing, and flowing, and flowing, and flowing; Saturating the towel that supports Barbara’s knees. During this process Lexx is squeezing and slapping her perfectly round basketball, turning the skin red in the process. “Roll over” Lexx commands before climbing onto the bench himself and dipping his draping, clean shaven ball bag into his clients mouth. She loves it! Doing all the work Barbar has the G-Spot vibrator leisurely stimulating her insides, 2 testicles filling her mouth, and a juicy cock in her hand. “Back to the chair” Lexx commands. Obliging, but slowly, Barbara pulls herself up “woah. Head spin”, the blood rushing from her brain as she becomes seated causes a light head spin. Once she is standing on both feet, Lexx picks her up and carries her to the chair; manoeuvring her into a doggy position with her face pushed into the back of the fabric. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. As Lexx thrusts forward, he pulls his clients hips back, creating a floor shaking, back breaking sexual experience for this client. “Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD.” Barbara screams with mirth as her glorious, beautiful, pink pussy takes it’s beating. Leaning forward Lexx fish hooks both cheeks as he pumps into his client hard.  The pair pant heavily together for a moment; still connected; and eager for more. Barbara gets off the chair, commands Lexx to lay on the tiled floor before proceeding to squat up & down on his juicy dick while sexually asphyxiating him. Up & down. Up & down. Up & down. Up & down. Up & down. Up & down. Up & down. Again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. and again. This petite girl does not want to stop! After about 15 minutes of various speeds and types of bouncing & grinding the pair are spent, they both agree that a 5-minute rest is required before they continue on with their night. Lexx is grateful at the hospitality he receives when Barbara returns from the kitchen with 2 orange Powerade & some fruit for them to share during their quarter time break. Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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July 8th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Do you need some time spent on you and only you? Would you like to indulge with your sexual fantasies? Do you you need an entire night of sensual, romantic pleasure? Do you just need some good sex followed by margaritas by the pool? With a 5 star INCALL rendezvous available & the ability to hire me for an OUTCALL, you have the PERFECT opportunity to experience high-quality time with Australia's cutest escort - Lexx Soule. Available for Women & Couples July 26-28 SMS 0411 316 973 or email NOW to secure your booking!
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule (Barbara part 2)

July 2nd, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! Subscribe to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts, there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! *Previously. As Lexx uses his hand to explore, massage, squeeze, and glide; he is met with some physical instructions. Barbara moves Lexx’s hand to her throat, and demands he gives her the cock she needs “I want you to fuck me harder, and dirtier than any man ever could”; her eyebrows raise as her eyes widen, a challenging gesture Lexx is about to enjoy. “There you go Barbara…… this the cock you are asking for?” Lexx panting as he gives this woman what she asked. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes Keep going, you’re pounding me so good” Barbara moans back. “You want this all night long do you!” Lexx already knows the answer. “All night Lexx, fuck me like this all night long please” Barbara replies. The simplicity of the basic missionary position can never be underestimated; The giver can stay upright, they can get close & intimate, they have a world to explore below them; and the position can bring the most pleasure to both people. While maintaining his strong, thumping thrusts Lexx lowers himself to the sexy Barbara, her C & CC breasts acting as cushions for Lexx’s strong muscular chest. Placing his forearms either side of his clients’ face, gently resting his hand in Barbaras hair; he penetrates his client deeply in the mind, body & soul. “You’re such a good girl and your pussy is incredible”. “Oh my fucking god” Barbara’s pussy adds 10ml’s of pussy juice to her hole because of Lexx’s words; her hands enjoying the short haired scalp of Lexx, before exploring, scratching and digging into Lexx’s back. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP……….CLAP………..CLAP………..CLAP…………CLAP………CLAP……… CLAP……….CLAP………..CLAP………..CLAP…………CLAP………CLAP……… CLAP……….CLAP………..CLAP………..CLAP…………CLAP………CLAP……… CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP……….CLAP………..CLAP………..CLAP…………CLAP………CLAP……… CLAP……….CLAP………..CLAP………..CLAP…………CLAP………CLAP……… CLAP……….CLAP………..CLAP………..CLAP…………CLAP………CLAP……… CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” 10 minutes of good long sex before Lexx aggressively throws his client to her side, using one foot to grip the floor Barbara continues to lay on the couch, allowing Lexx to penetrate her fuck hole; her sweet, wet fuck hole! Lexx pounds hard at his clients pussy; gripping her cute basketball as a handle while he drills into the sweet dripping hole, Barbara screams with mirth. “fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. When Lexx brings himself to a break, he is met with a very horny client who wants nothing but his dick, and his dick now. The new client pushes Lexx back onto couch and attempts to start devouring his cock, ripping the condom off of his penis; but she is met with a rejection. “Sorry but this was not discussed in our messages. And unless you have a medical certificate, bare back blowjobs are not available” Lexx is professional and consistent. “I’ll pay you $200 extra, and send you a medical certificate within the week” “Let me look inside your mouth” Lexx serious but gentle with his request. Lexx inspects her mouth for any cuts, sores, or ulcers and allows the added service. “I swear on God that I have had one dick in this mouth for 2 years” Barbara informs Lexx as she lowers herself down to his groin. And the reality is true, Barbara has been well behaved. “OH CHRIST!” Lexx’s sensitive penis becomes hypersensitive. “Is that okay?” Barbara stops what she is doing with concern. Like a lovesick couple their eyes lock spiritually, “That. Is. The. Best. Blowjob. I have ever…..received in my life!” Lexx complimenting his client openly. “really?” Barbara asks inquisitively, “Yep. Without a doubt” Lexx confirms. Barbara looks at her escort for a few seconds and then when she is about to continue the greatest blow of Lexx’s life, he asks for a cold glass of water from the jug that is on the coffee table. Barbara obliges before continuing her sloppy, slippery, saliva covered, deep throating blowjob. This blowjob is so wet, a layer of saliva starts to form over Lexx’s public area and balls; Barbara makes incredible love to Lexx’s cock. After a 10-minute passionate blowjob Lexx pulls himself away from the sensation and moves towards the rectangular, glass dinner table, using his finger to signal come here; clicking once and pointing to his feet. She is a good girl and does as asked. When she is in the company of her current daddy, she is fed his 7 inch x 5.5 inch penis and then made to walk around the table 2 times, not letting the penis out of her mouth. “You really know what you’re doing” Lexx confers as they near the end of lap 2, “I know how to take dick babe. “I had a gangbang for my 32nd birthday”. “Red & yellow?” Lexx suggests, “give it to me hot shot”. Her stare is seductive, his menacing. *To be continued next week. Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule (Barbara)

June 25th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts, there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! Lexx is the most nervous he has ever been on his way to his appointment. At the ripe age of 28 he is on his way to meet an Australian super model, business owner, and influencer Barbra Wilson; a tanned Italian, Greek 35 year old women who doesn’t look a day over 25, she is incredibly sexy, has an incredibly successful social media marketing company, and with a following of more then 1 million people across her social media platforms, Lexx knows the impact of this experience. “What happens if she is judgemental? What if she tells me I’m not what she expected? What if we fall into a banal conversation, what if I blow my load in one minute because she is legitimately the sexiest women in the world”; these are the anxieties racing through his mind, All of them dissipates when he meets Barbara at her 15th story apartment; the most relaxed, gentle smile, warmly welcomes Lexx into her home. Walking past the kitchen and straight to her extra-large, grey, cushioned sofa; she seats herself about 1 – 2 metres away from Lexx, legs crossed, ready for conversation, wearing nothing but a double XL white printed shirt. A tall glass jug of cold water with 2 glasses next to it, sit on the dark timber coffee table with an open envelope of cash. Barbra pours them both a drink while Lexx does a quick count; everything is there. Handing a glass to Lexx she begins to confer about why she is seeing Lexx. “You’re probably wondering why someone like me is paying for an escort”. “I try not to think about that sort of thing, and don’t feel you have any pressure to tell me”. “Must just be my over thinking again…… recently I broke up with my boyfriend, we had been seeing each other for 2 years, he kept telling me he wanted kids, wanted to get married one day, even said that the new house he had bought would be for us, and I could rent out this apartment”. The room goes quiet. “Then he dumped me! he wrang me, told me that he was going overseas and that we could never work out……” Lexx sitting aghast, just listens and shares the space with his new client. A sense of gratitude comes over him, knowing full well about the tribulations that come with relationships, having recently taken on his first polyamorous second girlfriend in his personal life. “He left 2 months ago & already has a brand-new Spanish girlfriend. I was prepared to give up this pussy; I was prepared to build a family from home, and slow down my own professional life. And then gone!” She starts to emote sadly. “What do you make of that situation?” She softly and inquisitively asks Lexx, hoping he can bring some relief with his words. “That he sounds like a wanker who was leading you on and……..” his sentence is put to a stop by her lips; a strong 10 second lip lock. Then like gasoline & fire they erupt, buttons are popped, her top is thrown across the room, her well designed nails start making tracks all over Lexx’s body, his lips finding her neck & collar bones extremely delicious; his nose is enjoying the sweet, smooth, vanilla aroma that Barbra is wearing. 5 minutes later, Lexx has this stunning super model bent over the back of her sofa fucking her how she needs to be fucked! Her athletic tight booty a squishy basketball for the escort, one hand on her perfectly round ass, the other has the nape of her hair scrunched in a fist “UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UH. UUUUUUHHHHHHHHH. UUUUUUUUHHHHHHHH. UH. UH. UH. UH.” CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. “You’re such a beautiful woman, a super model, a sexy babe. You deserve this sex, you deserve this pleasure!” Lexx strong with his words, all that Barba can do is slump onto the back of the sofa and continue to moan; she needs this. “Tonight, will be all about you. Making you feel good. Making you feel appreciated. You deserve tonight”, Lexx making this woman feel aroused, and confident. While in the same doggy position variant Lexx slows down his thrusts to give more emphasis on the sensual types of pleasure: massaging & pleasuring her back & behind; reaching around her front to give a sensual breast massage, simultaneously giving his client a good, slow dicking. The lean back muscles that this woman have are lubricious to say the least, her small, rounded shoulders channel down to her toned arms. Barbara turns her head to the left side to enjoy the relaxing view of the night city for a few minutes. Lexx runs his hands up Barbara’s back as his hips thrust forward; penetrating Barbara’s vagina deeply; holding his penis inside of her, Lexx pulsates his cock while slowly but firmly exploring Barbara’s body with his hands. When the dead weight in her arms begins to bare to much, Barbara requests to move from the back of the couch; Lexx moves and allows his client to stretch out for a moment. The sex reignites passionately when Barbara grabs Lexx by the penis & tugs it towards her, a gesture of I want this now. Slowly he pair shuffle back to the couch pashing, then just like a vibrator, Barbara uses the knob of Lexx’s meat stick to rub her clit, the penis head pressing perfectly against Barbara’s pretty ball. A gasp of air leaves Barbara’s lungs as she pushes the knob of the cock from her precious clit, to the wet, cock desiring, pink velvet hole. Her hands running through her own hair, exploring her own body. “AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH.” CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. Lexx penetrates his client well. “FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK………….Your cock is fucking amazing!” Barbara moans As Lexx uses his hand to explore, massage, squeeze, and glide; he is met with some physical instructions. Barbara moves Lexx’s hand to her throat, and demands he gives her the cock she needs “I want you to fuck me harder, and dirtier than any man ever could”; her eyebrows raise as her eyes widen, a challenging gesture Lexx is about to enjoy. Part 2 will be posted next week. Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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June 19th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
POEMS POSTED TWICE DAILY ON MY INSTAGRAM PAGE! ORIGINAL LEXX SOULE POEMS! Here is one from last week: last night our lips touched, I was asleep. The thought of you is something i can not keep. you make me crazy, you make me mad, probably a good thing i'm really not that bad. I want all of you, a special treat. Maybe one day our souls will meet, until that day i'm just going to lay here asleep. ~ a Lexx Soule Poem ~
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule (Tamara)

June 18th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts, there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! The 20-minute taxi drive back to the hotel is the perfect place for the naughty fun to begin; with flirtful conversations and lots of touching, this couple are exploding with sexual energy to explore each other.  "Hey you two need to......" the taxi driver is quick to shut up when $100 is put in front of him. Tamara currently taking top position over Lexx, demonstrating she is the one in control of the hard bulge curving at Lexx's crutch; within 1 minute that bulge is a raw piece of meat being gripped by its next beating. Tamara wraps her warm, soft hand around the escorts dick and tenderly starts to enjoy every inch of the foreskin rocket. The taxi driver gives Lexx the most devious look as Tamara begins her blowjob; Lexx shrugs his shoulders and looks out the window as his client continues to suck his dick across the gateway bridge. By the time they reach the hotel lobby, her shoes were off & and she was giggling as Lexx chased her; kisses as the reward every time he caught her. During the elevator ride home, floors 8, 12, 13, 15, 17 all had to make a choice to join the sexy hot box or wait for the next elevator; no one disturbed the pashing. Clothes were left in the hallway as the pair undress each other to the room. Tamara is a new client of Lexx's. She is a 31 year old women who has been single for 6 months, seeing Lexx (29) 3 times already, tonight being the 4th. She is a curvy girl at size 16, tonight will be the first sexual encounter since her breakup. A sigh of relief from the pair as they enter the cold, airconditioned room. As Tamara twirls herself away to from Lexx to lead the direction, Lexx grabs her at nape, before pulling her back, and gliding his hand softly onto Tamaras face, sealing the deal with a tender kiss. With only their bottoms on: hers being a long white skirt, his black slacks; Lexx tugs her over to the lounge area, both instinctively knowing which step to take next while keeping their lips together. The energy changes when they hit the couch; a calmness enters the room, time does not exist, they kindle on the couch nude, making out & just stroking, caressing, enjoying, and exploring each other’s beautiful bodies. Lexx gently strokes up the side of his clients leg while supporting the back of her head with his other hand, using head tickles to arouse Tamara highly. Tamara exploring the sexy 29-year-old sculpture by squeezing his back muscles, grabbing Lexx’s booty, caressing his strong well-defined arms, running her hands through his short black hair. The pairs mood now a lot more sensual than the playful attitude of 30 minutes ago; when exploring each other’s erogenous areas’ they are slow; Lexx only moving Tamara’s cute blue lingerie to the side when he feels her juices leak through the fabric; Tamara does not take Lexx’s penis out for five minutes, massaging it within the confined space of Lexxs pants. Eventually pre-come juice lubricates Lexx’s tip & Tamara’s fingers. When he feels the energy is right Lexx moves himself away from his position gracefully & seductively, his eyes not leaving his clients the entire time. He undresses what is left on his client, retrieves a condom and re-kindles in a non-penetrative missionary variant. “I want to do it” Tamara excitedly wants to wrap Lexx’s dick. She rolls the plastic slip down her escorts penis, eyeing the piece of meat, like a dog eyeing a piece steak. *Sigh. A stress releasing sigh from both client & escort as Lexx inserts his cock into his client deeply. Being 12 months since she last enjoyed cock she is slowly letting herself free. Neither are in any hurry, so the thrusts roll gradually into Tamara while Lexx’s hands comfort & explore her body. The moaning is slow but passionate; strong, but calm. with a couple of breaks to stretch the two have sex in this missionary position for twenty minutes. Returning with water, he offers his client the cold glass, she takes a few small sips before placing it back on the coffee table. She then moves herself closer to the standing escort, wraps her hands around his waist, before subtly tugging him back down, Lexx loses his balance and falls on the couch without bruising either patron, “Could we please do that again?” Tamara sweetly asks; their lips lock for 5 seconds, “Of course”. Lexx re-positions himself in the exact same position he was in before and continues to do the same hip thrusts, exactly as his client has asked. Tamara is now letting herself free; through her passionate moans, the way she freely touches Lexx, the way her hips welcome Lexx’s, this is a beautiful sensual fuck the two enjoy intimately long into the night. Thank you for reading, L. Soule
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule (Margurite)

June 11th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts, there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! Saturday as Margurite boards her flight back home. “That was an amazing week Lexx, thank you so much for spending time with me. I look forward to our international holiday together, look after yourself”. Full of mirth Margurite gives Lexx the biggest hug & kiss as she says goodbye to her long-time friend & escort Lexx. Previous Monday morning in Western Australia: The couple arrive at their luxury Airbnb in Goode Beach, Western Australia. A luxurious brick & wooden home with views of the surrounding forest & nearby beach; a sight that is truly breath taking. Once the pair have surveyed the views of their home the romantic antics begin. “Now what I have been waiting for this whole time” Margurite walking seductively towards her hunk; grabbing his collar and sealing the deal with a passionate, strong kiss. Pushing him down onto the crème coloured leather couch, she saddles onto her clothed man; with only a knee high dress on, Lexx’s hands find themselves underneath squeezing and pleasuring Marquerite’s squishy tushy. The pair make out for 10 minutes, slowly undressing each other in the process; with a week of time on their side they are in no hurry. After another 20 minutes of foreplay, “AAAARRRRRRgggggghhhhhhh” Margurite releases a long passionate moan as Lexx’s shaft augments her warm, slippery hole; and with the help of Lexx, she comfortably rocks her hips back & forth, back and forth, back and forth; 20 minutes of good, nice riding. Near the end of 20 minutes Margurite orgasms lightly. Once she orgasms, Lexx gives his client a more intense experience; clapping his hips upwards, pushing his cock deep into his clients pussy. “AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH”. Margurite’s moans are the sound of complete enjoyment, the 45-year-old showing that she can still take dick as good as younger women. While the stallions owner rides his piece, the escort explores all that is front of him: the flat double-C cup breasts; the soft, mature skin; the lightly toned back muscles; the soft-straight-shoulder-length-blonde hair, “You are incredibly beautiful young lady” Lexx compliments; “Thank…….” “CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP”. Lexx interrupts Margurite’s manners with more hard, deep thrusts. Picking her up, Lexx ravages his clients desire for feeling young again by tossing her back down onto the leather couch, launching himself on top of his client, his penis easily & unexpected filling the warm hole. Going with the flow Lexx continues to pleasure Margurite all over; this time Lexx is the one with the view of nature, conferring Margurite the sexual exploration of her man. His strong bulging arms; his round shoulders; his cute face; his tight booty. Their week could not start any better if they had tried.     Thursday evening After a long, but leisurely day the pair begin to wind down. While Lexx is showering himself Margarite primes herself for pleasure. While Lexx massages soap all over his body, Margarite uses a vibrating wand to tickle her pussy. While water runs down Lexx’s ripped muscles, pussy juice starts to ooze from Margarites erogenous area. Unaware of what is happening in the next room, Lexx removes all the water from his body with a chocolate-coloured-soft towel; ensuring that she is at peak arousal, Margarite explores her entire body with her available hand. “AAAAHHHH” Margarite is caught off guard when Lexx begins kissing her inner thighs gently; her escort has silently entered the room of passion. “I thought you might want me to be ready when you came back” Margarite moans, “mmmmmm. I was touching myself in the shower in hopes you would be doing the same thing” Lexx flirts back, slowly, gently massaging his cock simultaneously. With Margarites second pair of lips already leaking, Lexx is rewarded with sweet tasting nectar as his tongue hits the clit. Both man & woman moan passionately. While Lexx passionately makes love to the hole of goo, his client enjoys all the physical pleasure she can: massaging & exploring her own body; gripping and feeling through Lexx’s hair; squeezing the doona and bedding; feeling her toes stretch & curl. “Lexx, would you please let me suck on your cock before we have sex”, “of course you may” Lexx seductively stands before his client, before gracefully joining her on the bed. Kneeling beside her face, conferring access to his erect penis. Maragrite feeds the cock into her mouth while she caresses the balls that hang underneath, while Lexx explores and pleasures margarites entire mind, body, and soul. Tapping her labia, gracing her arms & legs, massaging her breasts, caressing her face. “Put your tongue out for a second” Lexx gently says, obliging Margarite opens her mouth, and puts her tongue out, staring up at her man ready for his next instructions, “good girl” Lexx softly rewards. He begins stroking his cock slowly, the knob resting in the middle of the textured surface; with every forward stroke a lather of seamen hits her taste buds, Lexx’s foreskin helping lubricate the knob; his hand feeling the wet tongue with every stroke. “close your mouth, but only on the tip”; Margerite follows Lexx’s instructions while she slides her hand down onto her erogenous area. She sucks the tip of Lexx’s cock as she fingers herself with one hand, Lexx massaging his dick into the clients mouth gracefully; with 2 salt lamps illuminating the room, a peaceful blow job & fingering take place for 10 minutes. Margarite taking back full control of Lexx’s cock after 5 minutes. The pair go long into the morning, with waves of slow & fast; soft & hard sex. Falling asleep at 3am and waking 8 hours later, continuing their fun weekly adventures of Western Australia.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule (Rachel)

June 4th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts (the links can be found on my profile), there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! Lexx transitions from kissing to full body contact swiftly, catching Rachel breathless. The 45-year-old client has quite simple taste when it comes to her sexual fantasies, the ability to do the simple things well is what attracts Rachel to Lexx. The duo usually not acting out more than 4 positions, rather focusing their attention to each other’s body, each other’s energy, each other’s rhythm, why reinvent the wheel if they have the winning solution. Rachel has her loose button down blouse thrown to the floor, leaving her cute orange coloured skirt and pink bra for show. Starting at her neck he nibbles, snaps, kisses & breathes; while his lips linger down her chest, his hands are grabbing all the right places: Lightly around her neck, firmly over the smooth lingerie, and tightly at the waist; goosebumps find themselves riddling Rachel's skin. Lexx breaths down on the pink lingerie fabric, his hand lightly pleasuring the sides & inner thighs of Rachel, occasionally gracing his fingers over the sensitive zone. He puts his mouth directly on the panties & begins to breath slow, warm air onto the entire erogenous zone; regulating her pretty ball to a warm temperature, and high state of arousal. Now that she is leaking onto her panties Lexx knows just how much she wants it. With a strong 2-year professional/ fun relationship, and medical clearance; Rachel receives the A-grade pleasure. After warming up the silk with his prelove touch, Lexx begins to pleasure Rachels pussy raw; Passionately, with tender lust. Lexx fingers Rachel while beautifully sliding his tongue up the vagina, sucking the flaps at the top, before beginning the process again. Slowly, tenderly, and passionately, Lexx makes love to Rachel's pink hole, flicking his tongue to the left of her clit brings Rachel the most satisfaction. An example of the most simple thing Bringing the most pleasure; a young stud pushing his fingers in & out of the Oracle, while his mouth helps pussy juice ooze from its waterfall edge. The fingering is not fast either; it is strong, smooth, and glides in & out effortlessly; it is deep, and it is good; the audio pleasure making both peoples erogenous pieces more alive. After 10 minutes of pleasure focused on Rachel, Lexx pulls himself away to fetch a few ribbed condoms. Once wrapped Lexx positions himself over his client, gliding his beautiful piece over Rachel's clit while having playful sex conversation. "AAAAARRRRRRrrrrrggggghhhhhh", the release is long and rejuvenating, while the cock begins augmenting. Lexx thrusts his hips forward, pushing his 6.5 inch x 5 inch cock deep inside of Rachel. Continuously Lexx thrusts his hips back & forth, rolling good cock into wet, silky pussy; his speed increases, but not so fast that their arousal is uncontrollable; that perfect rhythm of dick that makes any girls pussy melt. Still performing the missionary position, Lexx now stands. Rachel's ankles are locked underneath his arms as he continues to thrust into her pink velvet. "Her pussy is so warm, so wet, it takes every inch of dick perfectly", these are the thoughts running through Lexx's mind as his cock pulsates into of Rachel's vagina. Rachels view rewards her with a 27-year-old tattooed, athletic man; holding her, and staring deep into her soul. From Lexx’s view he confers a hot 45-year-old women, moaning, feeling, exploring, and bouncing; they each get a sexual reward. The pair rumble around on the bed for an extended amount of time, trying different variants of the missionary position. Side missionary, intimate/ close missionary, kneeling missionary; whatever comes most natural to them in the moment.  "Time for you to take a break" Rachel informs Lexx while tapping the pillow as a signal for him to rest; after 30 minutes of penetrative sex Lexx is content on receiving the blowjob he is about to receive. 27, this young man is a physical sculpture to be touched, 6 pack abs; strong, thick, well-defined muscles are clear attributes of the buck. Taking her time Rachel kisses, sucks & licks her way from the lobe of Lexx's ear; down to his ankle; her hands enjoying every centremetre available. Scratching at the abs, squeezing at his pecks, caressing at his Jaw. His body now the one to augment with goosebumps. "Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug. Glug." Slowly and tenderly, the experienced women shows her escort how real women suck dick. Rachel isn't just sucking on Lexx's cock, she is making love to it, she is joyfully shovelling everything perfectly down her throat. "AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!......That really is a perfect cock" Rachel moans, sounding like a pornstar before shovelling the dick back down her throat. "Holy fuck I am one lucky guy" Lexx thinks to himself before falling into his own state of trance for 10 minutes. He is given no say in the next position, with Rachel rushing to his lap before he has the chance to refuse; could he, even if he wanted too; she is a cute 45-year-old women who knows how to move. On top of her stallion this cowgirl glides her pussy back & forth over the meat stick, filling her perfectly, overflowing juice from her hole like the Nile River, "AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH" , "That's it baby girl! Keep riding me like that. Move those hips, just like that. You fuck me so well!" Are the compliments that Lexx gives his client, the words seem to be encouraging Rachel a great deal, her hips showing no signs of slowing down tonight. As she lays down on Lexx's torso to rest and grind slowly, she is given a surprise, "BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG." Lexx claps his hips up fast & hard, "BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG." Lexx thrusts hard again. Taking time to rest in between each set. Lexx fucks Rachel well in this position for 10 minutes. After a good long 2 hours the pair feel satisfied, "Let's start to close things up for tonight handsome man. you have me ready for sleep" she kisses her gentleman's cheek as a gesture of intimacy. Lexx, who is on his side kindling and embracing Rachel's intimate body, roles his client onto her front, embracing her from behind. His penis finding the used hole with ease. "Naughty, naughty, naughty" Rachel seductively whispers. "Would you like me to stop?" Lexx whispers back, "You have 1 more minute", "I need 5" Lexx closes the conversation while continuing to roll his hips into the laying client. No objections are filed. Lexx continues to slide his cock into Rachel, bouncing up & down on her small, mature booty. He reaches climax, pulls his cock out, and with milliseconds remaining, pulls the condom off of his penis to ejaculate a large load of come onto Rachels backside; Rachel aghast at volume. Falling down next to his client, the two kindle; Lexx enjoying the sensual pleasure of embracing, tickling and caressing his older counterpart. Rachel enjoying such a young sexy hunk, showing her this much affection. The pair slowly shut their eyes and fall asleep without cleaning their mess. Waking to a dirty surprise, and more fun. Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing With Lexx Soule (Maddison)

May 28th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts (the links can be found on my profile), there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! Swiftly Maddison pulls the post man driver into her Airbnb house, having spoke with him a few times now the pair are ready for their tryst. Maddison is a 50-year-old, 5 ft 10 inches, retired women, with Spanish & Chinese heritage; her athletic build & healthy lifestyle keep her looking 35. She inherited her wealth; started her own wellness store & product line, became a hairdresser, owns a successful hair salon, built & sold multiple online business, and owns properties across Australia; She travels the world retired, having been divorced twice with no children. On this week’s travel to Melbourne she has brought 28 year old Lexx Soule along with her; her male escort of 2 years. Their cosplay today, “sexy babe takes a fancy to the post guy”. Swiftly Maddison pulls the post man driver into her Airbnb house; pushing him to the side while she shuts the front door simultaneously. “You are so damn cute, I’ve wanted this for so long” Maddison expressing her deep desire for the post guy; her eyes glitter with joy as she helps undress Lexx’s top half. Maddison wearing nothing but a light orange, black, white, and green floral silk gown; with a sexy pink pair of panties that covers a lot of the front but little at back. The pair make out on the wall for a good 5 minutes, they love to make out. They roll with ease, each having the opportunity as top. Lexx spins his client 180 degrees, putting her torso to the wall, and with his fingers of grace he slides the gown off Maddison’s shoulders so that it now drapes from her wrists. Lexx begins kissing, sucking, & nibbling all over the back of his client: tapping her small tushy, grabbing at her waist; making her laugh & giggle, making her moan, and making her want to bone. With her high sense of arousal now exploding, Maddison grabs the escorts wrist takes him to the stairs, sits him down, spits onto his cock for lubrication, gives a quick 10 second blowjob, then perfunctorily turns herself away from the real-life toy, and exposing her sexy round cheeks, lowers herself onto his good, thick, cock. Before she can straddle, or bounce on this mans cock she must stretch, and loosen her hole; this is done by moving her hips back & forth, and around & around. Now that she is ready Maddison bounces herself up & down Lexx’s cock, using his quads as support for her vigorous exercise, “your ass looks so hot stretched like that” Lexx flirts, “Maybe you should film it for me to watch later” Maddison flirts back; Lexx reaches into the pocket of his pants to retrieve the phone, “AH. ah, ah, ah. AH. AH. AH. ah, ah. AH. ah, ah. AH”, the rolling & filming of Maddison hips send both into a moaning frenzy; the kinky couple creating sexy memories for a later date. With the aim to have Maddison’s pussy dripping & Lexx’s cock to be a steal pipe; the escort & client are having great success; drips of female come oozing down onto Lexx’s pubic area as Maddison stands, “catching me if you can” she giggles running through the door-way across from them. Lexx follows, finding a cute mature aged women laying on the bare bench, legs spread & bent, formulating a M shape, “fancy a snack?” Maddison playfully asks, eyes to ceiling as she gently massages her sagged C cup breasts. Lexx slows his gentle walk, enjoying the entire view, “it’s called MMP. Maddison’s McPussy” Maddison confers as Lexx’s warm hand graces her legs. Lexx looks up and down the dinner tray with an eager stare, “I’ll take a double MMP, Large meal, extra fries please” his tone getting lower with every word. Standing by her side Lexx makes out with his client passionately, using 2 fingers to rub Maddisons silky clit simultaneously. The leakage unable to be contained; even with Lexx’s fingers augmenting the pipeline; her pussy just won’t stop oozing. His fingers go deep into his clients hole: back arching, toe pointing, hair pulling, arm grabbing, foreplay. With the bench being too high for Lexx to penetrate, Maddison is helped off the bench before being positioned into a standing doggy position, using the bench as her arm rest. Lexx penetrates Maddison pink velvet well: Good, strong, thick thrusts continuously driving deep into his clients pleasure point; the cellulite presenting itself on Maddison squishy ass cheeks with every clap; a major turn on for Lexx. For 20 minutes Lexx leisurely penetrates his client, taking both to a tranquil state of mind. “Okay I want it hard now” Maddison informs Lexx, who obliges by pulling his cock out, retrieving a kitchen chair, sitting on it and telling Maddison “come & get it baby!”. Without any hesitation Maddison skips to Lexx, places one leg either side of him and starts to ride him like a bull. “AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. HA. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH.” Wild like animals, the pair moan for the world to enjoy; Lexx pushing & pulling his clients waist & hips, aiding with the intensity of this sex. “Come on, baby. Keep going. Come on, baby Come on, baby. Come on, baby. Keep it going baby.  That’s it just like that baby, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” Lexx encouraging Maddison not to stop her passionate ride; the old gal showing her experience with the way she rides Lexx’s cock long & hard. She fucks & fucks & fucks & fucks & fucks, until Lexx busts his load into the plastic wrapping; Maddison feels the thick cock pulsate at his conclusion, “That is hot!” she pants to Lexx. “Back again in 10 minutes?” she excited asks; “How about a massage for 20 minutes?” Lexx replies, “a massage for 20 minutes sounds incredible!”. After an extended 40-minute massage the pair return for 2 hours of good long sex.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule
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Erotic Writing With Lexx Soule (Molly)

May 21st, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts (the links can be found on my profile), there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! “Such sweet pussy” Lexx moans before going back to his main course, “mmmm” he moans loudly as the juices continue to flow down his mouth. For the clients who are willing to show a valid, up to date, doctor signed, STD certificate with a negative result (negative referring to no disease present), Lexx offers raw cunnilingus, and he loves to eat pussy!   “AAAAAaaaaaaaahhhhhh, right there, just keep your tongue right there” Molly moans into her relaxed state of mind; eyes closed, arms spread, legs bent & wide open. With his own unique technique Lexx can locate the exact pleasure point with every client, making the trip to the doctors worth its weight. With his face submerged deep in the pond, Lexx uses his left arm to grip Mollys hips, and his right hand to penetrate Mollys warm, hole of goo. He makes love to the life-giving hole, pashing the clit tenderly, enjoying every silky sensation that surrounds his mouth. With pussy juice flowing down the trail and off the cliffs edge Lexx knows he can increase the intensity of his foreplay. He has found that for this 25-year-old client, a light but fast side to side tongue movement gives the best results for high intensity satisfaction. Gradually over the last 10 minutes Lexx has built his client up to a highly aroused state of mind, now standing over her at the beds edge fingering her with 3 fingers deep & hard, watching the come ooze out of Mollys pussy; her moans are uncontrollable, her body unable to stay still, while her cream, cloud coloured fluid fill Lexx’s palm. “Holy shit!” Lexx excitedly emotes as he pulls his fingers out from the mess, “OH MY GOD WHAT!” Molly’s concern is short lived when she see’s Lexx standing before her, with a devious smile & hand saturated in come. “What am I going to do with all of this” Lexx rhetorically asks, “Wipe it on me, massage it all over my tits” is the kinky response he receives, as Molly throws her head back onto the bed awaiting the feeling of her warm fluid, breast massage. Both DD breasts are given an even amount of come followed by a strong, love filled massage, that is cupped from the bottom and massaged upwards. These breasts are some of the best DD’s anyone could ever be graced with; symmetrically perfect, proportionate nipples, a rare pair of natural breasts; Lexx has a hard time letting go of them. He moves to the top end of this beautiful women, allowing her to suckle on the knob of his cock while he continues to massage the beautiful rockmelons; ripening to a point. Lexx rolls to the side and commands Molly to lay on top of him to create a 69 position. Grabbing her ass cheeks at the same time Lexx devours Mollys silk again, passionately making love to her erogenous zone, proving a little more focused then his female counterpart who finds herself constantly stopping the sucking motion of her blowjob. “His tongue is just so fucking good” the devil on her shoulder whispers as Molly struggles to fill her mouth with cock. Without notice & hesitation Molly pulls away from the pleasure momentarily, only to rekindle with Lexx’s cock 5 seconds later, she slides Lexx’s dick deep inside of her vagina; both letting out their individual sighs of pleasure: for him a warm, wet smooth sensation wraps itself around his erogenous zone; for her, a strong cylinder shaped piece of meat stretches the second pair of tender lips that this woman has. The intimacy is glowing as Molly lays her bare chest against his muscles, her hips rolling up & down on Lexx’s cock, the pair tenderly making out; and as the passion in the kisses grows, so too does the intensity at which Molly straddles her man. “AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH” these are the moans that are forced out of her voice box as Lexx’s 6 x 5 inch cock hits the deeper parts of her hole. Just like wild animals the pair moan, howl & growl as they fuck each other well. *CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP* Lexx pulls her close again using his right hand to hold her head close his, while his left hand holds the small of Mollys back in place, his hips thrust his beautiful, perfect sized cock deep into Mollys soft pussy. His body starts to reach the climax as the moans & pleas of pleasure from Molly reach the back of Lexx’s eardrums; “aaaaaahhhhhhh”, “You have such great cock”, “I want your come all over me”, “please come all over me”, “I want to be your dirty come rag”, inflating the ego of any man. Lexx throws Molly to the side and continues to penetrate her well, closing the gap between their bodies he now humps into her oozing waterfall, back arched, hands supporting her head, whispering dirty things to her while he stares deep into her eyes, “You like being my fuck doll don’t you”, “you’re such a good girl”, “Your pussy feels incredible”, “You make me so fucking hard baby”. He is reaching his limit, his climax, he feels his balls start to tingle as he reaches the point of no return. “Come on Lexx, wipe come all over me like a dirty slut” those finals words of seduction from Molly force Lexx overboard, he pulls out his rock and aims it towards the target. The spume oozes out of Lexx’s cock gradually onto Mollys chest as he points the hose downwards, releasing his piece of meat forces one last little shot of come onto Mollys closed mouth, a little unexpected surprise for the wannabe come rag. “Whoops hahaha” Lexx emotes nonchalantly for his accident as the pair connect through a mutual laugh. Lexx steps away & out of the room to fetch some toilet paper & wet wipes for the mess. “Leave that!” Molly commands Lexx to leave the seaman on her body, only the mouth requires cleaning for the time being. The pair lay, kindling, talking for 30 minutes about their eventful day (8 hour booking), before sharing a hot shower together & saying their goodbyes.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing With Lexx Soule (Niqqi & Jade) UPDATED.

May 15th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts (the links can be found on my profile), there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! Niqqi enjoys the feeling of mirth filling her soul; while Lexx fills her mouth with cock simultaneously to her girlfriend Jade fucking her from behind, with a lime green 7-inch x 5 inch strap on dildo. The trio have been enjoying each other’s company for 45 minutes now, Niqqi taking first rotation at the spit; bending over the couch’s arm rest while Lexx stands & Jade fucks. “Do you like that baby! Do you like having a big strong man offer his cock to you while I fuck your pretty tight hole from behind” Jade seduces. Niqqi moans but the cock in her mouth prevents any words from exiting. “Look up at this man & thank him”, “T-H-N-K U” Niqqi moans with a mouth full of dick; “No, no, no, where are your manners. Don’t talk with your mouth full” Jade commands, Niqqi follows instructions by taking the 6-inch dick out of her mouth and politely thanking the escort “Thank you for offering your beautiful penis to me” the part time slut is straight back to the blowjob, “You’re more then welcome” Lexx content on not having to do very much except enjoy the blowjob.   Jade & Niqqi are best friends withstanding a 20-year friendship, both are 30 years of age, single & professional women. They reached out to Lexx when they both opened up about wanting to experiment with each other. The idea of paying a professional man to fulfil their sexual fantasy was a lot more appealing than dating apps or the bar. While Lexx was shorter than most of their types, his cute facial structure and naturally toned body made him a good choice for experimentation. This is now the fourth time they have hired Lexx for a threesome service, finding him the perfect guy for their job.   Niqqi uses her left hand to start rubbing her clit, heightening her arousal state, this has of course affected the quality of her blowjob, but Lexx is not to concerned, his cock is still in her mouth being drooled on; meanwhile Jade is fucking away at the beautiful sweet hole of nectar. Nothing to hard & intense, nothing to sensual, just a good in & out fuck. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. The green stick is saturated with pussy juice. Without any notice Lexx pulls his cock away to get some water, “Hey I was enjoying that” Niqqi squeals, “I’ll be back, I just need some water”, Niqqi’s face turns sulky despite the green dildo being pumped into her hole. By the time Lexx has returned with water the girls have already changed positions, with the pair now in a missionary variant; Jade is fucking Niqqi into the corner of the couch. “Wow, that is hot. Do you mind if I just jerk my cock for a bit!”, “Oh my fucking God, that’s going to make me come” Niqqi moans, “Good. I’ll keep going then” Lexx says with a devious grin. Lexx watches on stroking his hard, veiny cock as Jade feels herself up: squeezing her small B cups, running her hands through her hair, seductively biting her lip at the site of a sexy, handsome man. The heat is quickly raised when Niqqi composes herself, grabs Jade by the throat and demands to be fucked, “Put your hand around my throat and fuck me like this man wants too”, “Only if you choke me too”. Without any words the agreement is made and the pair enjoy erotic asphyxiation, great sex, and one voyeuristic man. After a hot ten minutes of masturbation and sexual penetration the girls desperately need some water and a stretch, Lexx doing his gentleman duties as the girls recover. “Okay, are you ready to continue”, Lexx’s stare is deep into Jades soul, “Yes…… Sir” Jade quietly submits, “Good. get that dick off now and get into the corner!” To her surprise Lexx starts slowly, the look in his eyes suggested otherwise; Jade is not unhappy. Lexx takes a few minutes to ease Jade into the hard pleasure she is about to receive, rolling his hips, moving in & out with grace. Lexx places his hand around his client’s throat with a firm grip of gentle pleasure, he lowers himself, nose to nose. Jade knows what is about to come. “Do you want hard cock miss?!” “Yes please” Jade moans a whisper “I didn’t hear you. Do you want hard cock miss!” “Yes please sir” Jades moan is slightly higher Lexx increases the intensity of his thrusts slightly. “One more try. Do you want to be fucked hard miss!?” “YES SIR, FUCK ME LIKE I ASKED” Lexx begins to increase the intensity greatly, and within 20 seconds Lexx is drilling Jade deep into the corner; the same corner Niqqi was being fucked moments ago. Gripping onto Lexx’s arms, Jade moans with pure pleasure as her erotic asphyxiation is met with good, thick dick. “BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG.”  “BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG.” This sends Niqqi into a frenzy as she flicks her bean harder, faster and with more intensity, “Fuck me hard baby, fuck me hard” Jade demands. “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming” Niqqi’s body reaches climax, as her body goes stiff.  Jade & Lexx change positions to a cowgirl variant while Niqqi straps herself up. When the trio are all ready, Jade lays herself down onto Lexx’s torso, granting Niqqi open access to her asshole. After warming up the tender area Niqqi can start to pleasure her girlfriend’s asshole well, while Lexx thrusts his hips up & down, pushing his dick deep into Jade’s pink, wet hole. Jade puts her hand around Lexx’s throat as she attempts to make out with him, but the sensations are too good. She is unable to control her lips, with 2 cocks just feeling too good. The penetrations start to increase in depth & strength until Jade is breathless, “Uh…. Uh.. Uh… Uh, Uh, Uh….. Uh” she mutters into Lexx’s ear, loud enough that Niqqi’s audio senses are also pleasured. She gets railed hard for a consistent 5 minutes before tapping out, she does not come but she definitely feels satisfied. “Do we still get the facial that we requested?” Niqqi seductively asks Lexx. The girls sit eagerly on the sofa, begging for come to be shot on their faces. First Lexx aims, fires and hits Niqqi in the forehead, before turning his fire hose towards Jade who receives a hot load to the mouth & nose, sharing the last of the dribble by wiping it on the girls faces. “Thank you for today girls x” Lexx Kisses them both on the cheek before cleaning himself up with his wet wipes and heading on his way.   The girls lay there for a moment, wishing they extended their 2-hour booking. “Next time I think we need to hire him for 3 hours” Niqqi confers. “agreed”. “Want to order uber eats and watch something?” Jade asks. “Let’s watch the new Venom movie & order honey chicken, Singapore noodles, and deep fried ice cream” Niqqi replies. “done” Jade copies. After ordering food, the pair clean themselves, put on their cute PJ’s, ready to enjoy the rest of the night.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing (Melany)

May 7th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts (the links can be found on my profile), there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! “How is your meat?” Melany enquires Lexx, signalling to the 3 gravy-covered lamb chops. “Soft, well-presented, going down a treat” Lexx winks with his sexual innuendo repartee. “Would you like it hard, pumping, and big?” Melany is playful with her repartee. “That would be alive Melany. I like my food dead” Lexx is quick with his whit. “So, you are a necrophiliac?” ~ Melany “I thought we were talking about our food” ~ Lexx “I didn’t” Melany holds her stare for a few seconds before departing Lexx’s enigmatic eyes with a playful grin. …. “So you are a necrophiliac” ~ Melany Lexx looks up smickering at the dark humour.   *An hour later “Doors closing please stand clear” The elevator doors close. After an entire night of flirtful conversations, passionate foot-locks, and cute kisses; Melany & Lexx have secured their privacy; Melany beating Lexx to this spicy opportunity; dropping her bag to their side, she lunges her entire body at her late desert. Grabbing the well-matured, cute face of Lexx, Melany pushes her lips hard against her escorts’ (this 2-year relationship has some hot stories to it). The multiple stops that the fiery pair experience on their way to level 20, are of no inconvenience. Just like a divorced, 1-year-without-sex-couple that have just moved in together; Melany & Lexx fall out of the elevator passionately enjoying one another. The ‘Catch Me If You Can’ game begins with Melany in the lead, but only until the pair reach the suite door. Lexx scoops his client in with both hands, pins her to the wall, and continues the pashing. Lexx being the one to open the door, guides his gal into darkness. Softly, quietly, and delicately the duo make out for 5 minutes against the hallway wall. Stretched out over the chestnut table Melany has the commands to lay & stay while Lexx enjoys delicious cunnilingus. Sweet, syrup-like pussy juice flows between the golden gates and onto Lexx’s warm, textured tongue, “She has the best-tasting pussy” Lexx thinks to himself. With his client at an optimal height, Lexx is comfortably able to finger bash & lick Melany’s pussy: making her wet with less effort; making the moans deeper with more control; and preparing her pussy for the sex it is calling for. Stretching is vitally important during sex so Lexx has Melany reach for her toes. After 10 slow toe touching repetitions, Lexx slides his lubricated cock deep into the breathing hole and begins to penetrate her fluently; nothing fast & hard, nothing slow & sensual; just some fun, good, consistent, thick dick. “AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. AH.” Her moans are quiet but augmented with mirth. With the rush of blood starting to pool in her head, Melany pulls herself away; bending over the chestnut table instead. Leaning over his client, he runs his hands along Melany’s body while humping into her wet hole. *CLAP….. CLAP……. CLAP…… CLAP…….. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP……... CLAP… CLAP… CLAP… CLAP… CLAP… CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP *. “AHH….. AHH……. AHH…… AHH…….. AHH. AHH. AHH. AHH. AHH……... AHH… AHH… AHH… AHH… AHH… AHH. AHH. AHH. AHH”. Lexx interlocks his arms under Melany’s arms, and puts his hand on the back of Melany’s head; Lexx is now in total control, and penetrates Melany all over the Kitchen & dinning area. Once on the couch, Melany places her right foot on the ground, and her left knee on the opposite side of Lexx’s waist; now Melany has all the power & control she needs to drive Lexx’s meat stick deep into her pleasure points, or to tease both people into an orgasm. Multiple speeds & intensities are on the menu today: a wet cock to clit slide turns into a deep thrust of passionate sex. Over the next 30 minutes that is all that this couple experiment with; slow, arousal-building thrusts, into deep wall-busting, orgasm-releasing thrusts.   * CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP. CLAP*.   The sex is long & good, experimenting with small nipple clamps, vibrators, cock rings, and some cute, fluffy handcuffs, but there is one thing that they leave until last. The 10-inch Dildo that Lexx owns. 10 inches in length and 6 inches in girth, this monster toy is not for everyone, and both know that once this extra-large silicon stretches Melany’s hole, the real thing (6.5 inches by 5 inches) will not be as pleasurable for penetration. After an hour & a half of fun, sex, and laughs, the pair are starting to wind down from their high. “Lexx, I want the extra-large dildo in my slutty hole now” Melany softly commands, seducing Lexx with her close intimate stare. Lexx leans in, kissing Melany, “Anything you would like”. Lexx departs from the bed for 30 seconds, returning with the life-like monster named Robert The Surgeon. “AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh” Melany’s lungs are emptied as Roberts Silicon fills & stretches her pussy wide & deep. Robert is pushed slowly in & out of the golden hole, the lubricant making penetration easier. The pushes & pulls begin slowly; developing into deeper, harder penetrations that stretch Melany's hole well. Melany’s full body experience erupts when Lexx is kissing all over, and penetrating her pussy with Robert the dildo; simultaneously she is rubbing herself, and receiving dirty compliments from Lexx. Once her needs are fulfilled Lexx climbs up his client and slumps down next to her; gracing her with some aftercare body tickles, and kisses. Soon the pair find themselves drifting off to sleep peacefully, amid a cover of rain.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule. 
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Erotic Writing With Lexx Soule (Samantha)

April 30th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
BEFORE READING! I highly recommend subscribing to my OnlyFans Or Fansly accounts (the links can be found on my profile), there you will find a narrated copy of this blog to enjoy. The audio version includes raw X-Rated sex sounds. Enjoy! Warm, strong hands find themselves exploring the back of this beautiful women; from the neck to the bottom of her ankles, her man’s hands roam free. The warmth from the water brings both to a calm, yet high state of arousal, the dinner from earlier has now settled well into their stomach’s. As Lexx explores, Sam is released: Released from her day-to-day responsibilities, released from conformities, released of all the stress this month has brought. His warm breath matching the temperature of the steam that augments the room. Kissing, licking, nibbling, snapping at his clients wet backside; while his hands squeeze, massage, tickle, and scratch Samantha’s entire body. Standing behind his 39-year old female client, Lexx begins to explore the front of her delicate sculpture. The “Aaahhs” & “Oohhs” are deep & clear, passionate & uncontrollable; what more would 39-year-old divorced women need on a Saturday night after a long hard week; a young 27-year-old stud always does that trick. With a bench notched out in the wall, Sam has the perfect place for her arms to rest. Once positioned comfortably Sam shakes her bum a few times to signal that she wants cock. However, instead of putting his cock straight into his client, Lexx gets down on one knee and booty worships this thick girl with water streaming down every curve; adding a little soap to his squishy toy. Grabbing both cheeks with both hands, Lexx massages deeply, “Aaaaahhhhhh” Sam moans while shaking her booty from side to side. Booty to face suffocation, some slaps, lots of biting & kissing, are all included in the worship. The booty worship is long, tender & passionate. It is soapy, slippery, and messy; augmented with laughs, giggles, & fun. After 10 minutes of bootyful lust; “Lexx stop playing with my ass now & put your cock inside of me”, Lexx knows it is time to fill his role, and his clients’ hole. Soap bubbles fly everywhere with every clap that Lexx thrusts forward. Lexx penetrates his client well from behind, his 7-inch x 5.5-inch penis bringing a great deal of pleasure to Sam’s pussy. In & out continuously for 10 minutes in one position. The simplest things can bring the greatest deal of pleasure.   Once the water has stopped running from the shower filter, the pair can only make it as far as the toilet before Sam’s pussy & Lexx’s dick start calling out for each other again, the sexual chemistry of this moment is too strong. Lexx seats on the covered toilet while Sam follows by seating herself into Lexx’s lap & onto his big cock. The 39-year-old client grabs the 27-year old’s face and passionately makes out with him while using her hips to roll back & forth on his dick; she just keeps going, and going, and going, and going. Lexx aiding his cowgirl by pushing and pulling her ass cheeks, helping the movement be faster, deeper, and more intense. 2 people synchronising through multiple connection points, fucking each other deeply & loudly.  The seesaw on the toilet is intense & fast, with extremely high passion; even on their way out of the bathroom the pair fuck on multiple pieces of furniture: the towel rack, the bench, the ground, the window bench. As Lexx stands from the cowgirl position on the ground, he uses a little dominant play to pique his clients interest, “keep it in your mouth” Lexx commanding his cock stay augmented in Sams mouth as he walks her around the room, including more booty worship while Sam chokes on the thick piece of meat. “Bend me over the couch & fuck me from behind again” Samantha commands. Lexx pulls his cock out of his clients mouth with saliva drooling from Sam’s lips & off the tip of Lexx’s penis. Lexx helps her to her feet, then leads her to the couch; here she obliges her own request and gracefully, seductively & slowly, bends herself over the couch arm rest; she watches as Lexx slowly strokes his thick, hard penis with anticipation. The wait is over, “What are you waiting for bad boy, come fuck me” The first minutes are slow with mid strength thrusts; growing into deep, passionate, strong, tender, pussy melting, fulfilling thrusts. Tonight, the pair have sex, make love, and fuck for 3 hours, with both people experiencing a satisfactory finish.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule
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Erotic Writing #2 (Niqqi & Jade)

February 18th, 2024 by Lexx Soule
Niqqi enjoys the feeling of mirth filling her soul; while Lexx fills her mouth with cock simultaneously to her girlfriend Jade fucking her from behind, with a lime green 7 inch x 5 inch strap on dildo. The trio have been enjoying each other’s company for 45 minutes now, Niqqi taking first rotation at the spit; bending over the couch’s arm rest while Lexx stands & Jade fucks. “Do you like that baby! Do you like having a big strong man offer his cock to you while I fuck your pretty tight hole from behind” Jade seduces, “mmmmhhhhhmmmm” is all Niqqi can say. “Look up at this man & thank him”, “T-H-N-K U” Niqqi moans with a mouth full of dick; “No, no, no, where are your manners. Don’t talk with your mouth full” Jade commands, Niqqi follows instructions by taking the 6-inch dick out of her mouth and politely thanking the escort “Thank you for offering your beautiful penis to me” the part time slut is straight back to the blowjob, “You’re more then welcome” Lexx content on not having to do very much except enjoy the blowjob.   Jade & Niqqi are best friends withstanding a 20 year friendship, both are 30 years of age, single & professional women. They reached out to Lexx when they both opened up about wanting to experiment with each other. The idea of paying a professional man to fulfil their sexual fantasy was a lot more appealing than dating apps or the bar. While Lexx was shorter than most of their types, his cute facial structure and naturally toned body made him a good choice for experimentation. This is now the fourth time they have hired Lexx for a threesome service, finding him the perfect guy for their job.   Niqqi uses her left hand to start rubbing her clit, heightening her arousal state, this has of course affected the quality of her blowjob, but Lexx is not to concerned, his cock is still in her mouth being drooled on; meanwhile Jade is fucking away at the beautiful sweet hole of nectar. Nothing to hard & intense, nothing to sensual, just a good in & out fuck. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. In & out. The green stick is saturated with pussy juice. Without any notice Lexx pulls his cock away to get some water “Hey I was enjoying that” Niqqi squeals, “I’ll be back, I just need some water”, Niqqi’s face turns sulky despite the green dildo being pumped into her hole. By the time Lexx has returned with water the girls have already changed positions, with the pair now in a missionary variant; Jade is fucking Niqqi into the corner of the couch. “Wow, that’s hot. Do you mind if I just jerk my cock for a bit!”, “Oh my fucking god, that’s going to make me come” Niqqi moans, “Good. I’ll keep going then” Lexx says with a devious grin. Lexx watches on stroking his hard, veiny cock as Jade feels herself up: squeezing her small B cups, running her hands through her hair, seductively biting her lip at the site of a sexy, handsome man. The heat is quickly raised when Niqqi composes herself, grabs Jade by the throat and demands to be fucked, “Put your hand around my throat and fuck me like this man wants too”, “Only if you choke me too” Jade demands. Without any words the agreement is made and the pair enjoy erotic asphyxiation, great sex, and one voyeuristic man. After a hot ten minutes of masturbation and sexual penetration the girls desperately need some water and a stretch, Lexx doing his gentleman duties as the girls recover. “Okay, are you ready to continue”, Lexx’s stare is deep into Jades soul, “Yes…… Sir” Jade quietly submits, “Good. get that dick off now, and get into the corner!” To her surprise Lexx starts slowly, the look in his eyes suggested otherwise; Jade is not unhappy. Lexx takes a few minutes to ease Jade into the hard pleasure she is about to receive, rolling his hips, moving in & out with grace. Lexx places his hand around his client’s throat with a firm grip of gentle pleasure, he lowers himself, nose to nose. Jade knows what is about to come. “Do you want hard cock miss?!” “Yes please” Jade moans a whisper “I didn’t hear you. Do you want hard cock miss!” “Yes please sir” Jades moan is slightly higher Lexx increases the intensity of his thrusts slightly. “One more try. Do you want to be fucked hard miss!?” “YES SIR, FUCK ME LIKE I ASKED” Lexx begins to increase the intensity greatly, and within 20 seconds Lexx is drilling Jade deep into the corner; the same corner Niqqi was being fucked moments ago. Gripping onto Lexx’s arms, Jade moans with pure pleasure as her erotic asphyxiation is met with good, thick cock. “BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG.”   “BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG. BANG.” This sends Niqqi into a frenzy as she flicks her bean harder, faster and with more intensity, “Fuck me hard baby, fuck me hard” Jade demands. “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming” Niqqi’s body reaches climax, as her body goes stiff.   Jade & Lexx change positions to a cowgirl variant while Niqqi straps herself up. When the trio are all ready, Jade lays herself down onto Lexx’s torso, granting Niqqi open access to her asshole. After warming up the tender area Niqqi can start to pleasure her girlfriend’s asshole well, while Lexx thrusts his hips up & down, pushing his dick deep into Jade’s pink, wet hole. Jade puts her hand around Lexx’s throat as she attempts to make out with him, but the sensations are too good. She is unable to control her lips, with 2 cocks just feeling too good. The penetrations start to increase in depth & strength until Jade is breathless, “Uh…. Uh.. Uh… Uh, Uh, Uh….. Uh” she mutters into Lexx’s ear, loud enough that Niqqi’s audio senses are also pleasured. She gets railed hard for a consistent 5 minutes before tapping out, she does not come but she definitely feels satisfied. “Do we still get the facial that we requested?” Niqqi seductively asks Lexx. The girls sit eagerly on the sofa, begging for come to be shot on their faces. First Lexx aims, fires and hits Niqqi in the forehead, before turning his fire hose towards Jade who receives a hot load to the mouth & nose, sharing the last of the dribble by wiping it on the girls faces. “Thank you for today girls x” Lexx Kisses them both on the cheek before cleaning himself up with his wet wipes and heading on his way.   The girls lay there for a moment, wishing they extended their 2-hour booking. “Next time I think we need to hire him for 3 hours” Niqqi confers. “agreed”. “Want to order uber eats and watch something?” Jade asks. “Let’s watch the new Venom movie & order honey chicken, Singapore noodles, and deep fried ice cream” Niqqi replies. “done” Jade copies. After ordering food, the pair clean themselves, put on their cute PJ’s, ready to enjoy the rest of the night.   Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule #2 (#1 continued)

September 5th, 2023 by Lexx Soule
Lexx picks up the 5 ft 2 inch petite Oliva with ease, launching her onto the bed mattress as he walks through the balcony door. Quickly he follows up his throw by crawling on top of his woman and passionately locking his lips with hers before latching onto her neck, licking, sucking & nibbling all the way from her jawline to her collar bone, these acts of intimacy tickling her intensely, she tries to push Lexx away from her neck but this only meets a tethering grip from his hands. Lexx knows she loves the playful act of dominance. His lips linger from the collar bones further down her body, the middle of her chest, her breasts, her beautiful C cup breasts a beautiful piece art, kissing & making out with the whole breast before paying a short attention to the thin pointy nipples that Olivia owns, flicking his tongue lightly but quickly across the tip of her nipple, gently sucking them (She does not like her boobs played with roughly). The whole time he is massaging and pleasure the body fat that is her boobs. His lingering breath continues it’s way down her body, kissing and making out with all the right places, under her ribs, her stomach, her hips, her pubic area, Lexx then greets the outer labia shaped lips with a small pash, Olivias’ heart skips a beat & a breath of air leaves her lungs as she relishes the moment. Lexx performs cunnilingus on the women, and well. Her juices flowing rapidly into Lexx’s mouth, the taste of pineapple and fruit fill his mouth with mirth, the feeling of a tongue going up & down making Olivia’s head go round & round. 2 fingers find themselves deep inside of her dripping silk, beginning with a running man come here motion for a few minutes, before increasing the intensity and speed with straight fingers punching the inside of her gooey hole. Before finishing his cunnilingus and fingering he had one more fingering manoeuvre, hooking his index and middle finger up he continued his in & out motion, the sheet grabbing, toe curling, lung suffocating orgasm starts to brew, the kettle is nearing boiling point.   Lexx pulls away. “Are you kidding me” Olivia groans, throwing her hands down on the bed with a playful frustration. Lexx has given her relaxing orgasms again, and again, and again, and it has been a while since he has edged her. “SSSSSHHHHH” Lexx puts his gooey, soaked index finger over Olivia’s lips, signalling her to behave, “Open” Olivia listens to Lexx’s command, sucking on his delicious, juicy fingers. No words necessary as Lexx glides his 6x6 piece deep inside of Olivia, the veiny cock filling Olivia’s goo, while extinguishing the oxygen from her lungs. Lexx begins his hip thrusts, sliding in & out, in & out, in & out, in & out, in & out, in & out. The good continuous thrusting goes on for 10 minutes, Lexx toppling over his client, fucking her in missionary, side missionary, massaging her feet, kissing all up her calf’s, the sex was good, the moans were consistent, the breathing was synchronised. Lexx Rolls his beautiful client onto her side and lifts her knee up her body, a pretzel formation. leaning over, he nuzzles her ear, her neck, biting down loudly but with no skin contact, Olivia feels cherished, loved, cared for, like the sexy businesswoman she deserves to be. Lex rolls his hips, gaining speed, getting faster, and harder, then Lexx leans back to an upright and pounds her hole *Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. “Oh fuck, Lexx” Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. “Please. Don’t. Stop.” Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Lexx fucks Olivia hard, Lexx fucks her like she wants, Lexx fucks her so hard that Coffee would be compared weak to this morning juice. Another 10 minutes fuck past, before Lexx takes himself away for a drink of water, Olivia lays in the morning sunlight, relaxing, waiting, for more.   To be continued
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Why You Should Never Hire Me As Your Escort

September 26th, 2023 by Lexx Soule
First things first, I’m short. What this means is I am completely unattractive and should never ever be considered as a potential date, short people have nothing going for them, are horrible conversationalists, horrible in bed & every short person has a 2-inch cock. Do you still want to take me on a date? Okay it’s not all that bad, I mean when you inquire I send you a professional form that just asks for your name, D.O.B (apparently this is important), where we are meeting, how long you would like to hire me for, the date of our booking, and then I ask for 2 photos as identification, 1 portrait photo & 1 photo identification. I cross check your name & D.O.B with the photo identification, this is my safety procedure to make sure you aren’t a psychopath or a catfish. But obviously this just too much to ask of any person ever, it’s not like government papers & doctors applications you sign ask for all of this. And they never screw us in the ass. I’m actually A sexual. The exploration of sex with a new person is disgusting and I don’t want to talk about it. The idea of a man touching a woman and making her pussy wet is gross. But somehow I still manage to keep losing my virginity! it’s a horrible habit of mine, does anyone have any good recommendations for loss prevention? This one time I lost it in the cold room fridge of a fruit shop, just like the washing machine eats our clothes, the fridge ate my virginity. If you’re older than 28 it just won’t work. Cellulite isn’t sexy, mature feminine energy does not empower my masculine, shopping with an older woman is ssssoooooo boring, and once you’re older than 28 sex just isn’t for you anymore. I promise I never had crushes on my friends mums. Now let’s have the conversation about conversation. I lack confidence & can’t talk to people, I don’t know how to do it and it makes me extremely nervous. Most of my life I have been a hermit who has hidden in my parents basement trying to become a professional gamer, until 1 month ago I was the number one LOL player in the world, defeated by my arch nemesis KwanZimokomko. Unfortunately, this means my parents are kicking me out of the basement and forcing me into the “real” world, I made a deal with my stepdad that if I lost my title I would leave the basement, turns out he is a “real man” who enforces his word. This last month of the “real” world & human interactions I have met 4 people, making 1 acquaintance. Okay I got a little personal then, sorry don’t spank me. Let’s get back on track about why you should not hire me as an escort. So most other industry professionals that I have talked to recommend I shower before & after seeing every client. I am lucky to shower once a week! Like I’m sorry honey’s I’m not changing my Wednesday shower day routine just for you, I have a 1-hour shower weekly and that’s it! I wash my hair, wash my body, I don’t shave though. I did that once in high school and nearly cut my dick off, I can’t afford to lose another inch, I’m already at 2, if I lose 1 more you aren’t going to experience any pleasure. There is 10 years of quality hair growth, don’t worry though I shampoo and condition it too, it looks like Jesus but on my dick. But I brush my teeth everyday and use the sexiest smelling cologne, Bad Boy by Carolina Herrera. So if I’m such a terrible escort why am I in this industry? That’s a good question, I’ve been thinking about it myself and can’t quite put my finger on it. Apparently, the lingo is to just say you want to please women. Apparently copying everyone else’s biography is a thing too, thank God for copy paste. In a summary you should not hire me as your escort because I’m short, I have a 2 inch pecker, I am not professional and gather more information than government documents, I am A sexual and have a horrible habit of losing my virginity (apparently it’s important), I love my woman like I love my wine (aged well with a fine spice), I have no confidence and am a horrible conversationalist, I only moved out of my parents basement 1 month ago, I only shower on Wednesday, with my 2-inch dick being the nose of Jesus. Wishlist: Just a private jet 1 Tonne of magic mushrooms Carolina Herreraa – Bad Boy cologne $100 Woolworths gift card Favourites: Music/song: Lil Texas – Starships Food: 2-minute noodles with both the chicken & beef sachets mixed Location: The move to my parents couch has been quite pleasant Influencer: Andrew Tate Car: Suzuki Swift Thank you for reading my biography. I hope I never see you again, regards, lexx soule. SMS: 0411 316 973 Email:
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October 9th, 2023 by Lexx Soule
“AH, AH, AH, AH, AH, AH, AH, AH” Olivia moans as Lexx ploughs his meat deep into her delicacy from behind, face down ass up is the way this pair currently fuck. Olivia’s tight, small love handles are the perfect hand grip for Lexx’s hands as he pushes his meat deep. In & out, in & out, in & out, in & out, in & out. With his understanding of what the client likes & her boundaries he pleasures her through ass squeezes, nape holding, light back scratches, and dirty talk. “You like having young cock fill your hole”, “Olivia likes being a little fuck doll”, “You make my cock pulsate so damn hard”, “You’re a dirty, dirty girl”. Affirmations similar to these, echo through the room as Lexx & Olivia enjoy their morning workout. Lexx’s mirth only grows as he watches Olivia’s booty jiggle with every thrust, the petite woman’s booty has quite a lot of cushion for Lexx to push on, with every penetration it extenuates her cellulite, which Lexx finds very sexy. Growing tired & fatigued from the current position Lexx lays Olivia flat on her stomach, with a pussy so wet that water would be considered dry Lexx plays a little game, pausing before he slides his cock back down her hole. Pulling out, holding, then penetrating hard & deep. Pulling out slowly, holding, then penetrating hard & deep. No complaints come out of Olivia’s mouth, only ooo’s, aaahh’s, and ooohhhh’s. Good sex to start the day. After 5 minutes of fun Lexx goes back to a rhythmic thrusting as he bounces his hips on the cushions that lay under him, a puddle starts to form under Olivia as her pussy enjoys it’s protein. *Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. “ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH. ARGH.” Lexx grunts while bouncing up and down on his balloons, laying as a dead weight Olivia enjoys her cock, light moaning that compliment her breathing patten. This is the kind of sex that is just plain, simple, and fun.   With both patrons in a comfortable position this bouncing goes on for 10 minutes, neither Lexx nor Olivia feel the need to change. Olivia has a pulsating vagina & Lexx has a perfect rhythm, why change the winning formula. It is only when Olivia turns her head and see’s the time that she asks Lexx to come all over her “Lexx” Olivia seductively moans, “Yes, miss?” he grunts, “You’re doing such a good job, and if we could lay here all day I would, but I have somewhere to be. Would you please come all over me and make me your come rag?” “That’s what you need is it?” Lexx returns. “Yes, I need you to come all over my ass and make me feel special” she lightly moans, closing her eyes for the last moments of tranquillity. Lexx leans down closer to Olivia, whispering dirty talk into his come rag’s ear, nibbling and biting at her ear & neck in the process. The strength & speed of his hips increases simultaneously, the combination sends goose bumps down Olivia’s body, she starts to feel the rising sensations of an orgasm, leading her to tuck her right hand under her body to rub her wet clit. “You want to be a little come rag do you? You like how Lexx fucks your little cock hole! You like having 26 year old thick cock fill your hole! You deserve this young cock though don’t you, such a good girl, always pleasing everyone else, this is your time to be pleased, your time to indulge! This young cock is about to come all over your ass & you’re about come from having this young cock bounce on your ass!” “Yessss, oh fuck yes, I am, I am, I am” Olivia climax’s quietly as Lexx pulls himself out, the latex coving his meat is thrown to the ground and seamen is expelled from the tip of his uncut piece, dribbling all over Olivia’s behind. “That was a big load!” Olivia laughs, “Yeah hahaha” Lexx replies as he breathes heavily while standing over Olivia. Lexx cleans up his mess, and the pair get ready for their day. THE END. Thank you for reading, L. Soule. xoxo
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Can you encrypt the coded blog below?

October 2nd, 2023 by Lexx Soule
Terhe is ntohnig you cna’t do if you turley set yuor mnid to it. In tihs bolg you wlil dsiocevr if we are cmpotailbe wtih each ohetr. Tihs ltitle mnid gmae was semohtnig taht I larnet a lnog tmie ago from a Fceaobok meme, if you put your mnid to it, you wlil be albe to read tihs wlhoe bolg and be albe to eyrcnpt the msesgae. Let us keep tihs sorht and sewet, bcuaese radenig tihs tpye of txet can be trinig and dfifiuclt. But yuor biarn larens to sikm raed and apdat, as lnog as the frsit and lsat lteters are the smae, all the lteters in the mdlide of the wrod can be jmulebd Waht is it taht you wnat from our cneonitcon, from our pforssenoial rlaetonisihp? Is it sex? Cmponiaohsip? Tavrel cmponiaon? If you tkae me tvarlelnig you wulod hvae all trehe. I wnat you. I wnat to fcuk you! I wnat to ssneullay pasele you! To tease you! I wnat you! NOW! You wlil never frgoet our eperxinece teohgetr, my lpis wlil siatn yuros, the sleml of my cloonge wlil lngier in yuor nsoe for wekes, yuor psusy wlil saercm! Tehn you wkae up bucsaese it was jsut a darem. You hvae been dmaernig auobt me aigan, “I need to hrury up and mkae tihs bkoniog”, at 1am in the mrnonig the eaiml is snet. Two dyas ltear you meet me udenr the hetol sehtes, tgnlaed tghteoer are our feet, it has been an huor sncie yuor dciaely has met my maet. “Gdboyoe” I lvaee lkie I geret, a wram ksis on the cehek, but mroe ccok is waht you paeld. At the lsat mmeont you eentxd our tmie, tihs tmie the roticeepn clal tlnlieg us it is psat the hetol’s bdtmiee. FCUK! I WNAT TO FCUK YOU NOW! Thank you for reading, L. Soule. xoxo
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Erotic writing with Lexx Soule #1

August 28th, 2023 by Lexx Soule
The breeze was cool, the wind light, the morning sun peaking over the horizon. The tip of the flaming ball giving life to the day that is, you would not be able to ask for a more clear, beautiful, morning if you wanted too. Olivia dressed in nothing but her bathrobe enjoying a hot chocolate by herself on the 26th story balcony, watching the day begin while waking in her hotel bed lay Lexx Soule, the 26 year old escort she hired for the weekend. In 4 hours she will say goodbye to Lexx until they meet again, probably in a month. Her body already at comfortable temperature, but the added warmth of Lexx’s bare body around her is eagerly welcomed. “Good morning” Lexx greets as he kisses the back of her shoulder, “good morning handsome” the 38-year-old returns, half turning her body to the man she pays. “My pussy is still tingling from last night” she seductively informs Lexx, closing the gap between the pair at the same time, her intentions clear, and Lexx’s morning wood still yet to dissipate. “It’s also clear you still have more to give” Olivia continues as she grips the 26-year-olds 6 inch cock, no words necessary for Lexx to agree. The pair lock eyes for a second before Lexx grabs Olivia, spins them both 180 degrees, pins her to the glass door and starts passionately manhandling her. Untying the robe Lexx forces a body-to-body connection that sends energy down both bodies, the kisses are as perfect as they were the night before, the sexual energy also giving life to the day. Grabbing both breasts Lexx stuffs his face in-between and starts motor boating them loudly and passionately, suffocating himself is the last of his worries, she giggles, she laughs, she exhales, she is aroused. Before Lexx can give the next instruction, Olivia tries to direct them into the room, Lexx is quick though, grabbing her wrist and bringing her to an instant stop. “Bend over the railing” he commands sexually, Oliva sees the same opportunity he sees, she obeys his command like a good girl, resting her forearms on the railing she extends her hips back for Lexx to penetrate her deep. He rubs his cock up and down the sensitive area a couple times, he teases her, then slowly he glides his 6x6 inch cock all the way into her, the pair simultaneously exhale together. The first few pumps are slowly to make sure that her entire inside & his cock are lubricated, once comfortable he picks up the pace to a good morning fuck! Not hard, not soft, a good consistent thrust into Olivia’s pink hole. “AH, AH, AH, AH, AH, AH, AH” She moans as the birds’ chirp and Lexx breathes, the pair both enjoy the sunrise with their perfect start to the morning. To be continued
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August 21st, 2023 by Lexx Soule
You may of read my previous blog, Why Would Someone Hire An Escort, in that blog I wrote a small phrase referencing ‘selected escorts’, in the context I was referring to travel companions. While a lot of providers may be open to the idea of traveling to another city or country with you, not all are compatible with you, and the same goes for your sexual desires. Some men offer a porn star experience. Some require 10 minutes to get into rhythm and a steady flow, some are sensual tantric masters. Some require you to fill out security forms and pass on photo identification. Some are happy posting their cock for the world to see for free. Depending on the service you are after, is the type of provider best suited to your needs. In this short blog I aim to educate you on how to choose the right male provider for you, while highlighting some safety measures for you to be aware of at the end. All the information in this blog is based off my own knowledge and experience, so please be safe and use some of your own common sense, and knowledge when choosing the right provider for you. This blog will be spoken in the context of a heterosexual male provider as that is what I identify as, if you identify differently and contest what I have to say, please go back and read sentence two of this paragraph again.   The first question you need to ask before searching for an escort is “what do I want out of this?” Do you just want a one night fling, do you potentially want a recuring thing, do you need a social date to accommodate you to all your friends weddings? Have you left your husband of 20 years, have some money behind you and now want a boy toy to fuck you when you need it and reward with holidays & gifts when you feel generous? Maybe you are an older woman who is now A-sexual and would just love some company to breakfasts, hiking, and the movies. Before even beginning to look at the cute, sexy, luring photos of men, you need to ask yourself “What do I want out of this?”   Next ask yourself what you are willing to spend, what is your budget. This is important because when we talk about the next topic ‘looks’, you might find the industry’s biggest and best the most attractive, only find out he is $600+ per hour. Are you taking him to dinner first? Will you pay for a hotel, or will you save money and have the rendezvous at your place, or if offered, their place? These are things you must take into consideration. So again, ask yourself “What do I want out this?” then ask, “How much am I willing to spend?” Once you have established what you want & your budget move onto looks. Not just his photo’s, but also how his profile is laid out, it doesn’t have to be the latest and greatest, but it should be put together in a way that shows the man respects himself & his business. Looks is quite simple, go through the directory of your choice and find the most attractive looking men in your eyes. Now, before you cross check his hourly rate with your budget do this one small step. Read his Biography & look through the social media links he provides. This is important because you might desire someone who has really good conversation for the dinner you’re about to treat him too. Check his grammar and English to see if he appears well educated & has life experience (good emotional intelligence), he doesn’t have to have a bachelors in major English either, but just like the profile, does his biography look like he put a genuine effort into representing himself. You might find a website or blog, similar to this one, furthering your confidence in his ability to confer & connect with you on a deeper level. Social media is a big one today, taking some time to see if the content he posts aligns with his profile and perceived brand, will go a long way ensuring you get what you want. Now! Cross check everything with your budget. The reason you cross check is because you might find the perfect looking guy, who has an incredible biography, but! He is one of the more expensive escorts. Your favourite might be $600 an hour and the next best candidate is $300 an hour, your initial budget was $1,000 for 4 hours, what will you do? You might decide it is worth indulging and spending that little bit extra for this occasion or you might play it safe and go for the next best. Who knows maybe the dollar value turns out to just be a number and the next best becomes the next month.   Okay so you have your goal, you have a date in mind, you have your selected man. NOW WHAT! “Hey, how are you”, “Hi”, “Whn r u avilble”. These 3 examples are a few of THE WORST introductions you could send. Some escorts are okay with a phone call, some only want SMS, some want an email. You’ve done your research so you already know which is their preferred method of contact, now you just take a breath and introduce yourself. “Hello ______(Providers name), my name is ________. I found your profile on_________(Directory) and would like to hire you for a _________(Type of service e.g. sexual service/ companionship/ dinner date) on ______ (date) at _______(time). Are you available?   The template that has been given above would light up your escorts face! It is polite, you introduce yourself, you tell him what you want, when you want it and for how long you want to see him. Professional providers who are serious about their work could not ask for a better message then this, it shows a mutual understanding and respect, it is almost impossible to not be seen. Then just be patient & wait for his response Some escorts including myself have security forms listed in the contact section of our directories for you to fill out. Some, including myself will request for photo ID. This is because just like how you are paying to meet a stranger, we sex workers are being paid to meet a stranger. My security form looks like this: Fall name: D.O.B: Date & day of service: Length of service: Type of service: Location of service: Please attach a portrait photo & photo ID   Most of that is just tailored to the booking. If your initial message doesn’t follow the original template I gave you and you said something similar to this “Hey Lexx, I want to book you for a massage & sex tonight, are you available?”, that is okay, you are still being relatively politely and directly asking for the service you desire. This is when I would say something like “Hey, thank you for reaching out to me, yes I am available tonight and would love to give you a massage & sex. Please complete the security form below to progress with your booking”, I would attach my template and wait for a response to progress with the booking. Now most escorts don’t use their real names while working, so some may not be willing to share their drivers’ licence or identification card, and look that is just the way it works. However, what you have as your security is the directory you found the man on and his social media. If an escort was to misuse your confidential information, try to blackmail you, stalk you or anything else of malicious intent you could simply send an email to the directory, and they would most likely help you find a solution. Because chances are if the provider has done it once they have done it before and/ or will do it again.   Before going onto the final stages of choosing your escort, let’s talk about a travel companion. Now I have not had the luxury of being a travel companion yet, however being a service I provide, I want to talk about a recommended way to plan it. It might seem like common sense, but you can never be too sure. Before committing to a weekend away in the hinterland of Victoria with your boy toy from Brisbane, you should meet them a few time, have good conversation, have a coffee together or a lunch. Maybe you live in Sydney and multiple face to face meetings is too expensive before the adventure, ask to arrange a Zoom or Skype call. This is a cheaper and easier way to get to know your escort before committing.   So you have your reason, you have your budget, you have found the man, you have made the booking, paid your deposit, organised the remaining funds. NOW WHAT?! Get excited! Depending on the service you have asked for will determine what you need to get ready. If it’s a simple dinner date, pick out your favourite dress, provide yourself some more TLC by doing your hair (doing it at home is fine), maybe you want to do a light hydration face mask to brighten your skin and make you feel sexy & divine (don’t risk using a new product), put on some light perfume, and organise your transportation.   If it’s just some fun sex in your bed, make the room presentable, make your bed, open the windows for a few hours prior, put the air conditioner on, put anything you don’t want seen out of clear site, light a scented candle if that’s your thing. Like the dinner maybe you want to have a skin brightening face mask prior (don’t risk using a new product), clean your teeth and apply some light perfume. You can leave your hair, it’s going to get messy anyway.   If it’s a travel companion service you have hired, tell your safest friend or family member the location, the escorts name and his social media and profile details. Know where you are going, how you will both be getting there, what you will need to pack etc. like I said earlier a lot of this comes down to a little common sense. If you’re travelling somewhere that escorting is illegal, for example South Australia, have that brief conversation about who you both are and why you are together. Chances are nothing will happen, but better to be safe.   Now you’re meeting each other, he is walking towards you. Sharp jaw, cute smile, your eyes lock, he knows it’s you, you know it’s him, your butterflies are going crazy. Take a break, take a breath and just introduce yourself as you would anyone else you have just met, “Hi, ________(escort name)?”, greet with a gentle kiss on the cheek and hug “lovely to meet you! How are you?” and from there let the conversation flow. It’s fascinating to learn that most interactions just appear normal if you let them. Do be wary of the questions you ask in public spaces though, for your own comfort & the providers. Questions like “Why did you become an escort?”, “Do you like being an escort?”, “What is the sex industry like?” are questions best suited to quiet, secluded areas. Talk to them as if they were a “normal” person. If it’s a sexual interaction sure sexualise the conversation by saying something like “I’m excited to feel your body against mine”, “I’m a little nervous, I’ve never been with a man like you before”, if it is a social companionship styled date, get to know them as a person “what have you done in the last week, month, year, decade?” “How was their travel to the rendezvous? Did the uber driver want to talk a lot?” “What are you most looking forward to about the experience with me?”. A good escort will be able to flow with these types of questions & reciprocate good questions back. Using words like escort, sex worker, provider, getting paid for sex bring the attention on to the both of you, which I’m going to guess neither of you really want.   Escorts will discuss payments individually, but now that you are in the midst of your booking, enjoy it, and stay present. Learn about another humans life, most escorts have fascinating stories to tell and are excellent communicators, share some of your own. If it’s a sexual booking enjoy your time, let him know at the beginning of the booking if you would like him to lead or if you’re going to be top and want to teach your boy a thing or two. Constantly checking in with each other to make sure both parties are enjoying themselves. And always remember be Safe, Sane, And Consensual (A mantra typically referred to in kink but should be something across all forms of sexual interactions).   After your booking concludes nothing happens until the next appointment, unless you two have privately agreed on conditions of contact. Some people like ongoing contact. Personally, I like to check in the next day and thank the client for choosing me as their provider, and make sure that they feel good. Because I understand that paying to see an escort can take a toll on you mental, spiritually, and physically, while also potentially being one of the most rewarding & fulfilling experiences. But it is also my gesture of good will to show you that you matter to me as a client, and that I respect you as a human being.   Before we conclude this blog I would like to walk through some warning signs to look for in escorts. Some sign you may not be able to work out until you meet them unfortunately, others are pretty standard. Spam follow ups. If you sent a good genuine enquiry using the methods listed above, then before you can reply to their confirmation message, you receive an abundance of spam messages saying, “Would you like to book!”, “Hey are you going to book me”, “I need to know if you are going to book” red flag. A follow up message is acceptable, depending on the message the client has sent I will follow up anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, or even a couple days. Spam messaging is a sign that they do not care about you & have not got anything else happening with their life. Only 1,2 and I even go as far as 3 photos on their profile This comes back to the looks and self-presentation. They are not giving you a clear picture of what they look like, what they’re going to be wearing when they show up, or who they are. You want someone who at least puts 4 clear photos of themselves up, yes faces might be blurred but you can distinctly see their body, their fashion, any tattoos, on some directories their cock. To qualify them simply ask for your own security picture of them. When on a date only talks about themselves Unfortunately this is one of those warning signs that you won’t pick up on until they are right there in front of you. Unfortunately, there are men who carry their egotistic personality into escorting without realising it. You know the type, and it’s not just a good conversation where they are talking about their experiences, but a conversation where you will not speak and you will listen to him brag about how many girls he has had, how big his dick is, or how many times a day he goes to the gym. And no, it’s not just the stereotype I just mentioned that do this. The little Mr. Perfects are fantastic at it too. Tries to befriend you Some clients like an occasional conversation, it’s only natural, you’re paying someone for a service, you might want to check in once and a while, it builds good repour and good connection. Some escorts are against this, some clients are against this. As an escort we must read the conversation to understand someone’s motives, I have a couple girls that are not sex workers, but also not clients, that I talk to from time to time on social media. Usually just small chit chat, or little flirtatious remarks at one another’s post, while this may be seen as unprofessional to some people I disagree. Because in my context I’m just having conversation with another human being, I like to talk to people, I like listening to people, so small conversations between selected people who understand the nature of what I do and show mutual respect for time & energy is perfectly fine. HOWEVER! as a client if you have made a simple booking, date is confirmed, details are finalised, and that said escort is trying to have a D&M with you every day, trying to get personal, that is a warning sign. Maybe I’m wrong (I get things wrong sometimes), it might be apart of their service, but I will go out on whim here and say most escorts won’t have that as part of their service. I always confirm the details again a day before the scheduled date, that is good, but someone who is trying to be your “friend” before the scheduled booking is a warning for me. Save the conversation and repour building for the night.   Hopefully this blog has been educational for you, some of you may have read this and said “DURH”, which is good you already know what is expected and how to find your right man. For other who have learnt something, amazing! You now have some simple tips to help you find the right escort you need. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog, if you have any questions about the blog or would even like to share your views my inbox is always open for respectful discussions. If you are a sex worker yourself and would like to share your views on the knowledge I have shared today, or some of your own knowledge from your experiences please contact me for a respectful conversation.   For any enquires about my services or to make a booking please contact me via SMS or email.   0411 316 973   Until next time!   Warm regards, L. Soule. xoxo
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Why Would Someone Hire An Escort

August 14th, 2023 by Lexx Soule
The chances are that if you are reading this, you have interest in or the thought of, hiring a man for a date, social gathering, travel companion, or sexual exploration. But why would someone like you want to hire a man such as myself? In this blog I hope to inform you of just a few reasons why and what an escort can provide. There are many reasons why you decide to hire an escort. Everyone has their own reasons, and no one should feel shame for using such services. After all it is one of the oldest professions around today. For some, sex is a taboo subject that is uncomfortable to talk about, seeing a professional gives them a space to be comfortable expressing their sexual desires. Sex is normal, sex is prolife, sex is fun, maybe you already know that, and just need someone you can trust to confer you that expression of sexual freedom. Maybe the dating scene is just not for you any more. To many bad tinder dates, to many bad experiences with guys you've recently met, maybe your girlfriends really aren't helping when they try to be the next MAFS match making expert. Whether it's the social & companionship side of dating that you want, or the good sex with cuddles & aftercare that you want. Seeing an escort gives you the ability to have all of this without the formal commitments of a relationship. Should a man come into your life and sweep you from your knees you don't even have to say goodbye. Your marriage has ended, or you have become widowed. Both experiences can be quite traumatic and make you no longer interested in "dating" another man. For the divorced, the idea of falling for someone else again is not something you want to currently endure. For the widowed, the idea for finding someone else may be seen as cheating.  You might not even want anything sexual, maybe you just want someone to go to dinner with, go for a morning walk with, go hiking, travelling & adventuring with. Selected escorts can accommodate that too. I will speak about that term "selected escorts" in another blog Maybe you're just an experimental, kinky couple who want to bring a trusted third party into the mix. Because it can be an anxious experience at first, you want a professional who is clean, respectful & makes you both feel comfortable with the experience.  I touched on it briefly moment ago, some escorts offer companionship services. This may be a companion for hiking & bush walking, this might be a travel companion to a new city or in some cases a new country, or even just something as simple as a person you meet for breakfast & dinner. With human nature needing human to human connection, it is normal to want somebody who can give you high quality connection, through conversation, through their well-groomed presentation, and through the experiences they share. There is an assortment of reasons why someone may see an escort, each individual, each normal, and each should be respected. Take your time, read through the biographies, look at the pictures, scroll through their social media. Do your own little research project and find the one for you and your needs. Hopefully this blog has given you some insight into the world of escorting, and given you a clearer picture of what brought you to this page. Thank you for reading, L. Soule.
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