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Natalie Beauford

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Name: Natalie Beauford
Username: NaughtyNat
User ID: 80235
Twitter: @Wyldest_Dreamz
About Me: I'm an easy going, country chic who knows what the history of sex work is all about, and continue working in that tradition today. I love diversity, and welcome men of all ages 18+ and backgrounds. I'm better known as Melbourne's Best Kept Secret - I'm known for having the sweetest, tightest pussy around and delivering an exceptional, fully-dedicated, unrushed service, so if you book a 30min appointment, you get 30min of service time in bed. You don't pay to shower and freshen up so keep this in mind and allow yourself however long it will take you. I don't rush service like a maccas drivethru, instead I allow you to take your time to fully enjoy our time together There's a lot that goes in to being someone who understands what a man REALLY needs, what drives you and gets you going. Coming for service is your 'me time', and you do deserve it!! You work hard, you make sacrifices, you are brilliant and I dare say not appreciated nearly enough so please let me be the first to recognize all you do, and thank you in a way that only a skilled & experienced woman can., to ease your stress and worry and take all that frustration away I bet I know my way around your body better than you think, and I have the bedroom skills to exceed your expectations when we're in the bedroom, satisfying every part of your hot, throbbing hormone driven body and empty every last drop of sexy hot cum from your balls My focus & attention is on you - mind, body & soul. Its in our nature to share the mood we're in. Without intentions, our mood can make or break those around us, so being aware of this when delivering my service, if it makes you leave a happier healthier man, then lets do it!!

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Posts by Natalie Beauford

Grounded In Mackay

February 1st, 2025 by Natalie Beauford
So I woke up this morning to an absolute drenched Mackay and news that the airport had shutdown due to the sudden storm and subsequent flooding. Notethe importance of travel insurance. I sprt of had a chuckle when I thought this place is as wet as my knickers No idea when the airport will repoen and flights will resume, I imagine I'm not the only one worried about the pending weather forecasting more storms heading this way, I do know I've had to postpone my tour to Parkes, NSW hoping only for a couple pf days but who knows.. clientsare waiting and I'm sure they don't want a rain-check, they've waited long enough AsI writethis I can hear the thunder in the distance, its looming on dusk and I still need to race to the supermarket to get a few things amd where is my umbrella? Back in Melbourne.. the one place known world-widefor unpredictable weatherso you think I'd be ised to it and always be prepared.. but nope, not me. Not this time. Nope, I expected lovely, sunny, delightful Queensland weather and maybe get ahead on a full body summer tan.. instead I get wet in the wrong way with no sexual satisfaction. Whoever's in charge of the weather needs to chill and not be so angry and let the sun shine sweetly Thanks in advance for clearing this up and letting us all fly where needed Natalie xx
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December 24th, 2024 by Natalie Beauford
Not As Stupid As I Let You Think I Am! So hereI am stuck in the midst ofall the Christmas Eve crowds when I get a call from this number 0285248720 and a male voice on the other end tries telling me he is in town and would like to see me. I ask which town and he tells me Melbourne so I ask him why is he calling off a Sydney landline number (flagged as a scam number) and he tries to convince me he just landed in Melbourne and bought the sim card and is now calling me, I call him out and hang up on him whilehe tries telling me he will get another sim card to call me from. Not even a minute after I end the call and hang upon him, the same guy calls from this number 0285219477 trying to convince me he is in Melbourne and its a Melbourne mobile number.. I have zero tolerance for idiots on a good day so I bluntly tell him to call me froma number not with a Sydney prefix.. both numbers have been blocked and reported as spam through my caller ID app and I thought it best to give heads up that these nuff-nuffs will try and confuse and convince and scam you in the midst of chaos to be mindful and double check each call or blind text.. Stay safe and be merry within responsible limits.. while you will be spending tomorrow with loved ones, I will be eating roast lamb for one and offering appointments with a Christmas bonus and bells on my nipples 😳 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ„ Nat xx
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My Little Advent Calendar Gift To You

December 11th, 2024 by Natalie Beauford
So its silly season again.. I swear it was Christmas last week.. and it means that people lose their wits, become all 'covid toilet-paper' in the last minute rush to buy gifts for family they never spend time with, roads are chaotic and fuck knows why the local council shires all decide its a great time for extra roadworks.. all this extra stress puts a toll on you. You become exhausted and drained (not in a good way) and you're itching for the work break up party and a couple days off to get extra merry and battle a hangover on boxing day (Vitamic C helps immensely) so in amongst it all I thought I'd do an advent calendar of sorts with new services being added to my extensive list of satisfying services The first is Mini Elite - 2 options from the Elite list for 20min or 3 options for 30min The second is 10% off rates 30min+ for a limited time Stay tuned for more gifts as the Christmas countdown continues
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It's That Time Again

November 9th, 2024 by Natalie Beauford
....gahhh I could think of at least a half dozen other ways to be spending my down time but its one of those things that if I don't do it, you will most definitely notice that it needs to be done. So tell me why it is that when I do it (and I definitely do it well...) that you never notice? Because its for your better enjoyment, that's why. There's a simple method to madness that applies here. The closest I came to anyone noticing was a "I'm loving your new towels Nat, love the colour choice. So much better than the standard white, black or blue ones)" followed by a " I'm pretty sure this girl I saw once used the ones her Mum had for the dog so I bailed" from someone else, but neither noticed the time and effort spent in ironing all the sets of bed linen and bed covers, bathrobes, towels & wash cloths. Yes, if I'm short for time or had another argument with the clothes dryer (I'm getting better at accepting I lose arguments with inanimate objects) then yes I will iron them once the bed is made but geez guys.. lets not get pushy about why I can answer the phone yet not be 'available right now'. I am making my little office a perfect haven to release your stress and get all of your angst out of balls without the frills amd flowers. Keeping an on-trend off-load zone requires a little background work mixed with a lot of effort so for now if anyone wants me, I'll bemaking friends with the washing machine
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Responsibilities & Awareness

September 18th, 2024 by Natalie Beauford
I'm really not sure how to go about writing this but here goes something.... As an escort, I get up close and right into your personal space, I spend significant time getting to know you and what you like, I get to know your body and all its individual uniqueness that makes up you. I also have spent a lot of time around men's appendage and as much as they are unique to the individual, they are also very much the same This is where it becomes a touchy but very real yet delicate responsibility of mine. The majority of the population are aware that should one notice any difference or changes of the skin surface, that one should seek medical advice for melanoma or skin cancers, but what of the more delicate regions. I find it of upmost importance for men to be aware of their own bodies, and the same for women, to regularly check for anything that doesn't feel right or is different from what it used to be like. It could be as simple as the skin on the scrotum is a lot tighter in a particular area or a little beanbag bead-sized lump hiding behind the testes. I feel like I would be irresponsible to not make mention of it if it were something I noticed, which can make for an awkward conversation if we'd only just met.. "Hi I'm Natalie, by the way did I felt an odd lump when I licked your balls" but so many men are not aware of having a set of balls until the soldier at the front of the troop is standing hard up at attention ready to shoot his way out of a wet pussy, and on the same hand knowing what freckles or other skin markings look like and mentioning it if over time I notice any changes. Not being a qualified medical practitioner means I can't give medical advice but I can make experienced recommendations. As much as some days it would be nice to just be that slut on her back with legs spread, I have an educated and experienced awareness and my consciousness won't let me ignore if there is something worth mentioning. This is one of the responsibilities I'm not fond of, but I have none the less, and if anything, I hope this brings awareness to you to just go check your best mate for anything different. It only takes 5 minutes and can be done in the car while waiting for the lights to change or in the bathroom at work. It takes less time than drinking a coffee and potentially can save a lot of distress if you notice something early, and if in doubt, see a GP or even your local pharmacy if they have a nurses clinic (I think most of the major chemists offer free nurse appointments) For anyone unsure about how to check, please see the links below and I do offer free appointments for anyone wanting to learn how to check themselves. This is a very real yet not so common topic that needs awareness and should be discussed. Please note that this blog is completely unrelated to me role playing Nurse Natalie
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Thankyou whoever posted my ad in Darwin

August 5th, 2024 by Natalie Beauford
Seems like whoever it was posting my ad in Darwin did me a mad favour.. so far I've now been invited to two different places with all expenses paid, and have a new list of patiently waiting clientele. I really do need to reevaluate my 4 appointments a day policy because there is only one of me and so many brilliant, amazing men to please.. maybe I could run a 10 day week with 36hr days to enable more service availability Thoughts to ponder, break over now back to it - bonus time for the first one who can guess what colour I'm painting my nails (general colour, not exact shade or colour title) Natalie xx
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March 20th, 2024 by Natalie Beauford
With the advancement of AI, technology is becoming easier to self-manage and escorts are an easy target. There are numerous 'escort' sites popping up all over the place copying advertising from legitimate sites like NaughtyAds but the AI gives a completely different location or using an ad thts weeks old, and the only way to have the ad removed is by signing up to the site and paying either a membership fee or advertising fee. Problem is Escorts, that once you sign up and think problem solved or great for new clientele, you then see the moment you edit or place a new ad on a legitimate site, the phishing site changes their ads for you also Punters please support us legitimate escorts by checking if the site you're on is real. Look for EROS logo or other Australian Adult Industry logo on these pages, just like the ones you find below here on NaughtyAds. If the site looks cheaply made or almost a computer generated basic scroll format, then chances are you're on a site designed with intention to scam money from legitimate escorts, while mimicking them or worse, some sites have been found to be supportive or advertise escorts forced to work in illegal sex trafficking Best way to be sure is stick with NaughtyAds for real escorts with the verified logo Happy Punting Natalie xx
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Things I Thank Escorting For

March 8th, 2024 by Natalie Beauford
This is a comical take on some of my experiences and things I've learned over the years that I've been an escort. Some come from good times, others not so great but either way, there have been some memorable moments and once in a lifetime experiences I would never of otherwise had There is no vanilla flavoured sex. There are lubes and condoms in vanilla. A handful is not necessarily everyones handful when it comes to breast size or my attitude toward my outlook on life. The word 'average' does not apply to penis size, however the words 'snug', 'just', 'not a hope in hell will it' and 'are you kidding me, like fuck it will' preceding the word 'fit' are actual penis sizes People can be predictable yet suprising at the same time Melbourne has the shittest weather but I still wouldn't trade it for all the places I've been Melbourne has more adult stores than any other city I've been to, and by far the best stores of any that I've been to Adelaide had the friendliest and most helpful taxi, Uber and Didi drivers, and they were the most appreciative of receiving a tip Brisbane is too laid back and like sparkly glittery shit. Glitter can still be found in lingerie you didn't wear in Brisbane 6 months later Sydney self segregates which only divides itself There are whole suburbs in different cities that don't even sell bacon. Bacon in my opinion is its own food group and a major food group all in one Investing in good luggage is a well spent investment Having multi-use items is a well spent investment Buying lingerie is not a well spent investment but it is tax deductable 2 hours sleep to catch up on nearly 2 weeks of minimal broken sleep is not advisable but is possible Coffee helps Don't leave the house without checking mascara and lipstick Finding bbq cleaner is the secret to getting silicone stains out of linen , lingerie and clothes without damaging fabric and quicker than soaking Don't mix up personal and work phone numbers Coffee in the morning is a smart move Everyone you meet is not the last person you met, and deserves to be taken on face value and be respected. However the persons behaviour and character should decide whether they are worthy of your time and presence Coffee is sooooo underappreciated A phone call conversation can tell you so much about the character of ones self Penises are their own person and have their own personality, learn to communicate with them There is no place like home Did I mention coffee? A cuppa tea is more likely to perk you up than coffee Don't wear my heart on my sleeve Eat where truck drivers recommend. They know and appreciate a good hearty well-cooked meal so trust them on this Fishnets actually keep your legs warmer than stockings which is illogical but factual be continued
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May 28th, 2023 by Natalie Beauford
PUNTER ETIQUETTE & MANNERS I'm writing this blog today directed for what I wish was the minority of all you punters out there. Manners are not only using the words please & thankyou, or excuse me. Manners are not a complex mathematical scientical engineering equation, they are free to use, free to display, show true charcter and morals, define ones self. They can give gratification, show appreciation and respect. Respect, courtesy, patience and common decency are also manners. The manner in which we behave shows our true self. Courtesy would be letting your chosen lady know that you will not be attending your appointment, please have patience when waiting for your chosen lady to respond to a call or message - she might be getting herself ready, she might be dedicating her present time to someone or she may be trying on some very sexy lingerie so she can wear it for you when she presents herself. So please do not send rude "????" texts, I personally find them distasteful and inconsiderate of my working hard in my profession, and you will most likely (when sent to me) be politely told you are not the kind of punter I accept as a guest, thankyou for the time taken to have messaged and I wish you well in your punting elsewhere. However, a gentleman who shows distinguished manners will find himself favoured and possibly even prioritised should another punters preferred time overlap. He might possibly recieve extra time or a discount maybe, however it may be, his well-mannered nature will not go unnoticed. It does not take much effort at all to be chivalrous and noble, and behave in a mature manner tantrum-free, and I can not stress this enough that our manners reflect who we are, and do reflect upon those around us. I encourage patient, compassionate & respectful behaviour, the same as you wish to recieve, along with the due care I give to you, and to my remarkable, spunky, handsome & well-mannered punters.. Thankyou! Its the little things that matter, so do not underestimate the importance of good manners! β™₯️ Natalie xx
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Sleep is sooooo underappreciated

February 12th, 2024 by Natalie Beauford
Last night, for the first night since I don't know when, I actually had a solid, went to bed before midnight and slept close to 8 hours sleep. I can not begin to tell you how much difference it made to me waking up, instantly I noticed my body felt good, like really good - no aches, no stiff anything (sadly I woke up alone so no stiff anything 😞), I was alert before coffe so my decision making and brain to body functionallity was at its peak - no spilling my coffee this morning, winning!! Seriously though, until today, I never really valued a good nights' sleep and I am definitely looking forward to my next one. I've decided to set time aside each week for a night of phones off and no early appointments because I now believe what they say about needing a proper sleep. I've always been a workaholic, and sleep was usualy the first of my sacrifices but now I will change it to a priority and will be something I am looking forward to!
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This Is For You

April 2nd, 2023 by Natalie Beauford
A Shoutout To All You Sexy Genuine Peeps Here's to the ones who don't waste our time, who genuinely appreciate our trade, our craft of you will.. our efforts to satisfy you and keep you happy after our time together. You are the reason I continue to put in effort in my daily duties, you are the reason I wake feeling devious amd the reason I'm dripping wet right now.. Thankyou
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December 24th, 2023 by Natalie Beauford
Merry Fckn Sexmas and bah-fckn-humbug. I hope all you idiots who think ots ok to fuck people around have a happy & joyous day because I'd rather be. Instead I chose to stay here and offer services to those of you who value great service, and deserve it. For the rest of you.. all thise scammers and fake profiles and bitches who rip you off and f*ck you over? Have a re-think how they came to be. Personally I wish I could change this profession back to they way it used to be - ladies knowing why and how to offer true services. Knowing the true history of this craft. It is an aquired skill that isn't easily taught and certainly even harder again to teach ladies how to service weary men. I'm often asked how long I've been doing this why I do it and the truth is nearly all my life and to make a difference for the better. Its far from easy and always unpredictable. Its probably one of the most stressful careers known to man. I'm not doing this to make a quick buck or to roll someone. I do this so a husband goes home a better, happier husband. To boost serotonin in a gentleman who may be depressed and needs something to smile about. To give relief to the guy who is a workaholic and falls asleep as soon as he gets home. Ultimately, to make the world a better place
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August 26th, 2023 by Natalie Beauford
Having spoken to fellow working guys n gals, it seems to be a common theme this month for fake bookings or people who turn up and claim you are not ythe same as your ohotos on your profile, then procede to show you a completely different NaughtyAds profile then leave after you show them your profile. I don't get it, on one hand you have people complain that they've turned up to find the peerson is not the same as the ad but then when you are the same as your ad, they pretend they tried booking someone else - who's not even in the same state! Grrr so fristrating.. I really am beginning to see how good women turn nasty after having little aptience for this sort of juvenile behaviour. Seriously, if you're man enough to book, at least have the balls to follow through with the appointment otherwise childish behaviour will be treated as such, and you'll be told to go home to your Mother. Only real men need servicing, they know what they want and I know how to service with passion
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July 13th, 2023 by Natalie Beauford
I've heard many stories from people about negative experiences when having made a booking and arriving only to find the person in the profile is not the same person or worse, having been assaulted by surprise visitors, have been robbed, rolled and worse. Understandably it leaves a bad taste for these punters and unfortunately I'm finding an increasing number of Punters' retaliating on legitimate girls like me, creating an unpleasant experience for all, and the only result is the continuation of a nasty circle. Where does it end? I take each new Punter on face value, yet so many have no consideration for the negative impact they have when making appointments for outcalls to fake booking address, or book an incall only to not show up but still message as if they're coming or 'just parking the car' or my latest favorite (denote sarcasm) is telling me they are waiting in at reception for me when I am the only one there. All it does is create negative energy when there is absolutely no need. Speaking just for myself but knowing the effort I put in to give an outstanding experience only to be let down by shameful Punters with no second thought that they could be a contributing cause to another Punter having a ghastly & horrible experience. I am all about you having a great amazing experience with me whether it be you wanting to try a new kink or continue a BDSM partnership or just be pampered fully with massage & sexual pleasures. It doesn't take much effort to be decent, genuine and a legitimate Punter. Its also not fair that I need to make up the slack for the fake bitches who let you down. Lets make love not war. I try to be as reasonable as possible, I try to help and happy to come up with a solution when it comes to time or location, don't let my efforts be in vain
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This Is A Shoutout To You

March 28th, 2023 by Natalie Beauford
This shout-out is for all you sexy, spunky hunks that visit with me, and I want to say a very big welcome to my first blog post, and thankyou for being you!! You deserve a bonus on your next visit - remind me that you read about the bonus here in-case I'm so caught up with the rest of our visit that I forget *ahhh face-palm!* So many of you have told of the horror encounters, the scammers and the 'not even the same person as her photo' stories and I am glad you find solace and are relieved that I am genuinely me, I am also sorry that so many abuse the oldest and most widely accepted industry in the world. There really aught to be a name & shame site for those fakes, the ones who give this industry a bed reputation, and who make it so much harder for us genuine ladies. I don't understand what benefit anyone can gain from such negative behavior, I am however, proud and humbled when I can give you pure bliss and take you to that orgasmic world of ecstasy, and see you leave blissfully relaxed, & floating on cloud nine!! I do love hearing how one visit can change the world of not just you, but those around you purely for your elated mood, so I want to say thanks for allowing me to help make this better world possible because I never dreamt that making one man happy would have such an impact on the wider community, let alone all for the better, but I guess I learnt something unexpected and couldn't be more proud So cheers to you for allowing me to help make a better World possible!! Natalie xx
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