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Mandi Jones

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Name: Mandi Jones
Username: mandijones
User ID: 126246
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Posts by Mandi Jones

First Day Back

October 12th, 2024 by Mandi Jones
in 2016 I was introduced to the Swingers scene as a single woman and for the first few months enjoyed it. This lifestyle and also meeting up with guys I met online was fun for a little while. Ultimately though I started feeling disillusioned with it all. It was all so impersonal and without connection. The men tended towards entitled and I was left feeling empty more often than not. In 2017 a female friend, who I had met in the scene told me she was doing sex work. She said she enjoyed doing it as work and I decided to give it a go. I already had a full time career but figured the energy I put in to online dating could be put into sex work. I got an ABN and set myself up as a sole trader and put up my first ad. From the get go I loved it! The men were so much more respectful and considerate. The sex was, for the most part, great and most unexpectedly the connections made with clients, satisfying. I don’t know if because of the transactional nature of the relationship, that ot felt like it was a levelled playing field. Neither party owed or was owed anything at the end of the interaction. It was carefree and enjoyable and this feeling remained afterwards. I was contacted a few times by text afterwards by clients who expressed a similar feeling. In 2019 work really slowed down and then COVID happened. I moved to the Sunshine Coast at the end of 2020. I have always had in my head the thought of going back into sex work but I was older, had put on some weight and had expanded my day job business so it didn’t seem feasible. I recently dipped my toe back into the swing scene and online ‘dating’ and it took me two whole weeks to decide that sex work was the better option for me. Fast forward to now. I had my first client in five years and it/he was amazing! I know it will be a mixed bag and that I will have to deal with pic hunters and time-wasters still but I also know that the vast majority of my clients will be respectful, fun and definitely worth my time and energy. I’m back and ready DTF Sunny Coast! 💋
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