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Sasha Sinns

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Name: Sasha Sinns
Username: SashaSinnsPerth
User ID: 73673
Twitter: @TheSashaSinns
Instagram: @sinfulsashasinns
About Me: Canadian Milf down under. Professional intimacy and pleasure provider.

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Posts by Sasha Sinns

Valentine’s Day Visit To Perth!

January 26th, 2025 by Sasha Sinns
Hello lovers and friends! It’s been far too long with I have toured Perth (Rivervale) and what better time than Valentine’s Day? I will be arriving on Thursday, February 13th and leaving on Saturday, February 15th. I can extend my tour if I receive a couple of Pre Bookings for Saturday 15/02. So get in touch quickly so I can make the adjustments to my accommodation.  I have booked a space in Rivervale with free parking and easily accessible between the CBD and the Airport. This space is larger than most places I’ve stayed and has a spa! I am very excited to spend some time in the spa with some lovers to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Availability is as follows; Thursday 13/02: 3pm - 12am Friday 14/02: 10am - 3pm | 5pm - Late Saturday 15/02: 5am - 10am  Pre Bookings are essential, so get in touch so we can indulge together.  Touring Rates; Cock Worship Blow N Go - 15 minute Blow Job Only Service CBJ: $150 BBBJ: $200 Massage with a Happy Ending: Includes: Full body oil massage with a pleasurable hand job for an explosive finale. 30 mins: $200 1 hour: $350 Standard Full Service: Includes: light kissing, intimate touching, hand job, natural oral on you (bbbj) and protected full service (sex - in missionary or doggy style positions only). 20 mins: $200 30 mins: $250 1 hour: $450 1.5 hours: $650 2 hours: $850 Sensual GFE: Includes: deep French kissing, intimate touching, mutual natural oral (bbbj/daty), rimming on me, protected full service (sex) with multiple positions. 20 mins: $250 30 mins: $300 1 hour: $550 1.5 hours: $800 2 hours: $1,050 Naughty GFE/PSE: Includes: deep French kissing, intimate touching, mutual natural oral, rimming, prostate massage, toys, pegging ($100 extra if at short notice), cof, cim/cimws, protected full service (sex) with multiple positions and some kink/fetish ($100 extra if at short notice). 20 mins: $300 30 mins: $350 1 hour: $650 1.5 hours: $950 2 hours: $1,250 Text or Email the following information when sending your enquiry; Name: Mobile number: Date and Time: Incall or Outcall: Session type and duration: Where you saw my ad: Preferred deposit method: (Beem it, bank transfer or ATM cash deposit) Thank you, Sasha Sinns xxx
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!! November Special !!

November 7th, 2024 by Sasha Sinns
!! November Special !! Get $50 Off! Book a 30-60min massage or GFE session for this weekend! Get $100 Off! Book a 90-120min GFE session for this weekend! Get in touch so we can touch. Text: 0401 832 724 Website: Sasha Sinns 💋
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Pre Book NOW and Save!

September 15th, 2024 by Sasha Sinns
Pre Book NOW for any of my upcoming availability and get $50 off your booking. Get in touch so we can touch. Text me: 0401832724 xxx
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** WEEKEND Availability **

June 24th, 2023 by Sasha Sinns
Rare WEEKEND availability - Only happens during school holidays. Book in quick before I’m fully booked up. ** July Weekend Availability ** Fri 30/06: 12pm - 12am Sat 01/07: 12pm - 12am Sun 02/07: 12pm - 10pm Fri 07/07: 12pm - 12am Sat 08/07: 12pm - 12am Sun 09/07: 12pm - 10pm Fri 14/07: 12pm - 12am Sat 15/07: 12pm - 12am Sun 16/07: 12pm - 10pm Pre bookings with deposits are preferred and highly encouraged
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This Week…

November 21st, 2022 by Sasha Sinns
Lets have some fun 😏 Availability… Pre Bookings are preferred and appreciated. Limited availability remaining for incalls, get in touch to book in now. Outcalls Only; Tuesday 22/11 and Wednesday 23/11 Incalls (South Perth); Thursday 24/11: 3pm - 12am (PreBookings Only) Friday 25/11: 12pm - 12am Saturday 26/11: 12pm - 12am Check out my website for all the experiences I have on offer.
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Screening & Deposits

February 24th, 2024 by Sasha Sinns
What is screening? Screening is process a lot of sex workers do in order to vet clients (especially new clients). This is for safety reasons, as even though I choose to do this job, knowing the risks involved, I should still be able to feel safe while working. Screening can be asking for ID, asking for references from other sex workers a client has seen before and now a days even requesting to see someone’s Covid 19 vaccination certificate. Personally I rarely ask for ID or references, especially if a client makes their booking at least a day in advance with a deposit. Deposits are a whole different ball game. For me, I prefer bookings made in advance (even if it’s only a few hours) with deposits. These two aspects help to put me at ease and assist in making me feel more comfortable in taking a booking. It also says a lot about the person making the booking. When a client books in advance and sends through the deposit promptly with no dramas it tells me a few different things; that they respect me and my time, that they want me to feel safe and secure with their booking, that they are an ally who believes sex work is work. So if you want to make a good first impression, this is definitely the way to do. Plus the anticipation is amazing on its own too.  I have found many clients (especially in Perth) do not like the idea of prebookings or deposits. So sometimes I have to put my own boundaries and comfort aside as I still need to make money. This is a horrible feeling, my anxiety fucks with me up until I meet the client in person (which is usually fine), at times even during the booking I am still on edge and weary. This does not make for a good time for me at all. Just to give some insight into what I feel with short notice/no deposit bookings, and I’m sure a lot of my peers may feel the same.  So just take this information into consideration. Being an independent sex worker is already a lot of work behind the scenes. We at least want to enjoy ourselves when we have bookings. So please follow the workers booking procedure, as that’s the way they prefer to run their business. Comfortability and safety are very important for us. You can at least respect that and do your part to help.  Thanks for reading, Sasha Sinns xxx
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Women… Need I say more?

January 13th, 2024 by Sasha Sinns
Women, all women, anyone who identifies as a woman (on any given day) are just amazing, beautiful and magical goddesses. Femininity is a super power that I hope you’ve all experienced in one way or another. Not even sexually… it can be being in the presence of, having a lovely conversation with, receiving kindness from, a cheeky little smile, a warm embrace or a beautiful intimate moment.  I have been attracted to women for as long as I can remember. As time has gone on, I can now confidently say that I’m pansexual so I‘m definitely attracted to much more than just the outside. But a woman has always held a certain power over me, because as I said, they are magical. Most recently I have been spending time with a truly extraordinary woman. Where we’ve had many different types of experiences but there’s one in particular I would love to share with you (which I have gotten consent from the goddess to share). For a bit of context — one of my love languages is to spoil and pamper — in this case it was surprising the goddess with night that was going to be all about her. Everyone deserves to experience this, and should happen more often than it does, in my opinion. On arrival I presented her with a little run down of my plans, a variety of bath products and accessories laid out in a beautiful bouquet to the eyes, a couple of fluffy gifts for her to take home and I then showed her the spa bath oasis that I had elegantly decorated with a candles. Our evening began as most of our evenings had before. Some lovely conversation and a few drinks. Once the sun began to set, I started filling up the bath (unfortunately it takes a while, damn water pressure!) while we sat out on the balcony having some intimate and personal conversations while sipping our drinks in between. Once the bath was almost full, I put the bath bombs of the beautiful ladies choice in and I began lighting all the candles spread out along the edge of the bath and on the table in the corner of the bathroom. It looked amazing, better than I thought it would, especially after I turn the bathroom lights off. As candlelight filled the space, watching her slip into the bath was absolutely breathtaking.  While the majestic goddess was submerged in the warm blue water, I positioned myself at the end of the bath where her feet lay. I washed her feet and calves with body wash and then body scrub while massaging at the same time. Paying close attention to every inch of skin my hands touched. The angels moans of relaxation filled my ears and heart with complete joy, smiling every second. The next part required me to be a lot closer, so I submerged myself in the oasis spa with the phenomenal goddess with the moisture on her skin glistening in the candlelight. I proceed to continue focusing my efforts onto washing and massaging the rest of her stunning body. Knowing she was feeling relaxed, appreciated and cared for was absolutely incredible. Then we laid there as one, her cradled in my arms, feeling her skin on my skin, was inconceivable bliss.  These experiences will always be unforgettable, not only for me, but for the lover I have the pleasure of experiencing it with. I truly cannot wait to do something like this again, I don’t think it’ll be too long though. I feel so grateful that I can experience pleasure from giving, just as much as I would if I were receiving. Thank you for reading. Sasha Sinns xx
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How it all started…

January 13th, 2024 by Sasha Sinns
We all have a ’in the making of’ story. But I think people within the sex industry get asked about theirs more than most people. I’m not entirely sure why or if my peers can agree on this, but for me I have been asked this question many times over the years. “What made you get into sex work?” or “Why did you become a sex worker?”. For me, there were a lot of different things that put me on the path that led me to the sex industry. Which I’m glad it did. I think it started when I was a teenager, I knew at a young age (younger than most) that I was bi-sexual and was a very sexual being. By the time I turned 18 I was very aware and accepting of my sexuality and my sex appeal. I absolutely loved it. As a waitress and bartended in Canada, you earn a lot of your money via tips. Which I was very good at. A bit of flirting, cleavage and the good ol’ fuck me eyes, men were tipping left, right and centre. The instant validation and gratification was euphoric. Starting at a sports bar in a smallish town, then working at a place that was a bar/restaurant during the day and a club Thursday to Saturday night was a real eye opener of the fact that sex sells. So I went with it and enjoyed every second of it. From there I decided to start waitressing at a strip club, for obvious reasons, get to see beautiful women and make more tips. It was honestly amazing. I got along with all the girls, the other bar staff were amazing and the regulars that would come in almost everyday were great too.  In Canada the waitress pay wage really is fuck all, hence why tipping is sort of mandatory. Turned out, the dancers, made more than I did including tips (on a slow day) just for doing three stage shows (no lap dances). So I said fuck it and decided to give stripping a go, if I didn‘t like it I could just go back to doing waitressing. No harm no foul. Well I was actually good at it, loved being on stage and loved the hustle involved in getting customers to have a lap dance from me. The money, the outfits, the shoes, everything was just amazing. I did really well for myself, shopping sprees, helping my parents out financially, took my mum on a vacation to Cuba and I even bought myself a brand new car. All before I turned 20.  There you have it, that’s my how it all started story. Hope you enjoyed reading my first blog post.  Sasha Sinns
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Goodbye June Availabilities

June 24th, 2023 by Sasha Sinns
Last availabilities for June lovers ** Upcoming Availability ** Mon 26/06: 10am - 10pm Tues 27/06: 10am - 10pm Wed 28/06: 10am - 10pm Thurs 29/06: 12pm - 12am Fri 30/06: 12pm - 12am Pre bookings with deposits are preferred and encouraged.
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Last Chance To See Me In NSW

February 12th, 2023 by Sasha Sinns
Hello my dearest lovers, It has been a true pleasure being in NSW for the last couple of months. Had some amazing new experiences, meet some fabulous new people, got to reconnect with some wonderful peers and see new places all over NSW. But all good things must come to an end right? I will be leaving NSW and heading back home to Perth WA at the end of this month. I have a few more stops before I leave, so get in touch to book a date before I head home. BATHURST: Monday 13/02: 3pm - 12am Tuesday 14/02: 12pm - 12am TAMWORTH: Thursday 16/02: 3pm - 12am Friday 17/02: 12pm - 12am Saturday 18/02: 12pm - 12am PORT MACQUARIE: Sunday 19/02: 3pm - 12am Monday 20/02: 12pm - 12am NEWCASTLE: Tuesday 21/02: 3pm - 12am Wednesday 22/02: 12pm - 12am Thursday 23/02: 12pm - 12am PENRITH: Friday 24/02: 3pm - 12am Saturday 25/02: 12pm - 12am Looking forward to hearing from uou. Sasha Sinns xx
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