I'm thinking about becoming an escort
We get this question thousands of times, especially from desperate college students looking for a source of income. Without a doubt, escorting is one of the most lucrative ways of making money, and the beauty of it is that it can be done part-time or full-time. However, many people approach the industry with unrealistic expectations, such as making a million dollars in their first week. Quite frankly, it’s a challenging industry that needs a humble and guided approach. If you’re one of those looking forward to joining the game, here is a simple but comprehensive guide for you to help you find a way in.
Understanding the meaning of being an escort
The first step of getting through this is understanding what it means to be an escort. Many people assume escorts are just that pretty rich face they see. In simple terms, an escort can be defined as a man or woman paid to provide company to events and sometimes advance sexual favours.
Do you automatically become a prostitute?
There is an apparent confusion between escorting and prostitution. A prostitute is defined as a person who exchanges consensual sexual activities for money. There might be sexual activity in the package when it comes to escorting, but not always—in most cases, escorting involves spending time with clients without necessarily engaging in sexual activity, while prostitution is 100% about sex.
Where can I work?
In most cases, escorts are found in agencies or work independently. Being associated with an agency can be a good start since there are benefits such as insurance, safety, and minimized risks. However, we have escorts who prefer working independently and choosing their own clientele. As a beginner, we advise you to start with an agency, and once you find a footing, you can create something on your own.
Is it illegal?
There is no definite answer to whether escorting is illegal or not if we're talking on an international basis. In Australia, it narrows down to the region or state. Escorting is a legal practice across Australia and New Zealand. However, different rules apply in terms of who can take part in a service, where it can take place and what can be provided. In Australia, advertising rules also differ from state to state so make sure you do your research and find out what the law dictates in your country or region. For assistance with this - check out our related links page as a starting point.
Will there be any stigma?
From ages ago, sex work has always been seen as immoral, and in some communities, it's considered taboo. The truth is society will always discriminate against sex workers. As much as escorting doesn’t necessarily mean sex, you need to be ready to deal with such moments, and the best way is to be comfortable with having sex with your clients. On the same note, you have to be comfortable with the line of work, which brings us to the final closing question;
Are you really comfortable with this?
This is probably the most crucial part of the assignment. Sit down, soul search, and figure out if this is really what you want. Many people approach this idea with an easy money mentality, and the truth is it will take a while even to get a stable clientele. To get to the highs, you must be good at what you do, which requires you to fall in love with the profession. So, do you think you got this? It's your call.
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