Top 5 ways of boosting your sex drive
Sex drive, or libido as most people call it, varies between individuals. A simple term to define libido would be sexual desire, or rather that urge to make a sexual connection. A common misconception is that low libido or low sex drive kicks in in the later years. While some part of it is true (sex drive tends to reduce with the years), people forget that low sex drive can hit anyone. A slight mismatch in sex drive between partners could lead to strain in a healthy relationship. Although we don’t have a standard medical definition of low libido, someone with a low sex drive tends to think of sex very rarely. As discussed, this could be detrimental, especially in relationships. In this short write-up are the top 5 ways in which you can boost your sex drive.
Fight and deal with anxiety
The number one enemy to elated moments in the bedroom is anxiety. According to escorts in Tasmania, most of their clients approach them with unmatched anxiety, and the result is always poor performance. Generally, it’s quite hard to feel sexually satisfied when you're anxious, which has led to anxiety worsening sexual dysfunctions. If you wish to fight anxiety, try meditating, therapy, or talk to your doctor about anti-anxiety prescriptions. You can read about different types of anxiety disorders here.
Figure out arousal and what turns you on
When it comes to sex and intimacy, what works for you might not work for someone else. The desire for sexual connections isn’t there all day for some people and does not occur spontaneously. Such people need to get aroused first so as they can experience that desire seriously. Here are some ways to help you get aroused and ramp up that desire.
• Fantasizing
• Experiment with toys
• Read or listen to erotic content
• Touching yourself
• Controlled porn
Work on your self-esteem and self-confidence
What you feel about your body directly translates to what you think about sex. If you don’t love yourself enough, no one will. Stay away from things such as unhealthy diets that make you have a poor self-image. In a nutshell, consider shifting your focus from your weaknesses to your strengths.
Get enough sleep
Doctors and health experts recommend about 8 hours of sleep in a day. However, due to busy schedules, most people don’t always achieve that, which makes it difficult for them to have sex. The situation is even worse for people who balance between work and stressing issues such as caring for kids. If possible, take naps during the day, and maintain a healthy diet that should be topped by enough night sleep.
There is no single problem that can’t be solved through communication. If you think you’re dealing with low libido in your relationship, feel free to talk about it with your partner. Speak out about the things stressing you, which will ease up the load in your mind. That way, you are in a better position to bridge your sexual desires with reality.
The bottom line
Low libido is a common problem, especially in middle aged couples. If you’re experiencing this, you don’t have to worry, for it’s not a death sentence. All you need to do is fight stress levels, anxiety, and avoid any forms of intoxication. That way, you’re bound for the highs of sex.
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