How to overcome performance anxiety?
For most men, the bedroom can be a nightmare rather than a den of pleasure. The pressure for them to perform is sky-high. However, women too suffer from the same problem, which makes it difficult to enjoy sex. If you’re having such issues, take some comfort because you are not alone. For some men, the anxiety is so much that it leads to erectile dysfunction, commonly known as ED. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if your little man failed to rise to the occasion.
If your anxiety has been outweighing your game, take a deep breath, and read through this detailed write-up.
- Try something new thing in the bedroom.
Trying something new is an excellent solution to a musty sex life. Try some more extended foreplay, without even thinking about penetrative sex. Surprisingly, you can derive satisfaction from perfectly done foreplay. Taking things a bit slow and avoiding involving your penis could help. In a nutshell, focus on your partner more, and you’re going to do just fine.
2. Medication
Although this applies in extreme conditions, it can be an good way of relieving yourself of the performance pressure. The medication can work for guys affected by premature ejaculation, which are, in most cases, a result of anxiety. If it suits you, having some pills in a nearby drawer can be a good start. Treatments such as Viagra are a well documeted aid. However, you must be very careful with drugs. Make sure to visit a doctor for proper assesment of your condition.
3. Exercise and practice
Engage your muscles once in a while in an adrenaline-raising activity to keep your body in great shape. Besides boosting confidence, exercise helps by improving your mood and relieving stress. Besides, you also get the energy you’d need for an all-the-way ride. Wink! Wink!
Also, seeing escorts is a great confidence booster. Book sessions with a professional Bunbury escort, and that way, you’ll get some confidence and insights on how to perform better (an escort will never judge your performance)
4. Talk to your partner
Most people shy away from talking to their partners about this. Interestingly, most problems leading to anxiety can be solved just by talking to an understanding partner. Together, you will be able to come up with perfect solutions to what is ailing your sexual relationship. Within a month of opening up, you’ll look back and realize that you were all along worrying about nothing.
5. Therapy
If you can’t find to solve it between the two of you, a professional sex therapist will help. Whether it’s you alone or with your partner, consulting a therapist can help you overcome the concerns burdening your bedroom. A therapist will also teach you better techniques that will improve your sex life.
6. Have realistic expectations
You know yourself better. Don’t think that you can match whatever you saw on TV or in a porn video. Approach your partner with a realistic mind, but not with pornstar expectations.
Lastly, remember that there are thousands of people out there who are willing to help you. Never look down upon yourself and never let the few minutes in the bedroom define you. You are doing great!
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