COVID Update for Sex Workers in Australia
To find the latest health updates and regulations for sex workers in your location, please find your state below.
Virtual Services
Sex workers on Naughty Ads are having great success advertising virtual services such as video chat, phone sex, sexting and sexy images.
There has never been a better time to advertise with Naughty Ads. Our traffic has spiked with over 210,000 users every month looking for adult services.
Remember we are still offering $1 Premium Listings for new users. Whether you are ready to get back to work, or just want to promote your virtual services, you can't lose with this incredible value!
COVID Rules for Sex Workers in Australia
It is important that everyone at this time practice social distancing where practical as well as good hygiene practices to assist in slowing/preventing the spread of COVID-19.
We suggest that both sex workers and punters read the Scarlet Alliance COVID-19 Red book which gives details about virus and how sex workers can reduce their risk of exposure and transmission with very handy and detailed advice.
If you think you may have symptoms click here to use a symptom checker for COVID-19.
Western Australia
On the 24th June the WA government extended its state of emergency declaration for a further 14 days. Perth Escorts as well as other escorts in Western Australia are not to engage in a prohibited activity (outlined on Health WA website) as a gathering of 2 or more people in an undivided space (whether indoor or outdoor) where there is not at least 2 square metres of space for each person at the gathering. Adult entertainment premises including brothels, sex on premises venues and strip clubs are back to work and are still required to avoid prohibited activities but also have further "re-opening" requirements imposed upon them which you should be sure to read about here. We also recommend keeping up to date with @SWEAR_WA on twitter.
Northern Territory
From June 5, personal services businesses including sex worker businesses have been able to resume subject to adhering to requirements directed by the Chief Health Officer (CHO). The requirements are specified here however it's much easier to read this guideline. The requirements include (but are not limited to):
- completing and submitting a COVID-19 safety plan checklist - before reopening or resuming
- provide/make available hand sanitiser unless hand washing facilities are made available
- displaying signage that persons should consider socially distancing 1.5 metres from a person not a part of their family or known to them and where this is not possible limiting the encounter to less than 15 minutes, practicing hand hygiene, staying home or away if unwell and downloading the COVIDSafe app
Again, for the full guide please visit the COVID-19 safety plan checklist. It is especially important to note that for Darwin Escorts, Alice Springs Escorts and other sex workers in the Northern Territory it is an offence to contravene the direction of the CHO and these directions are laws. You can keep up to date with the CHO's directions by clicking the link contained here.
Sole operator sex workers like Brisbane Escorts, Sunshine Coast Escorts, Gold Coast Escorts and brothels, sex on premises venues and strip clubs were ordered not to operate in a declaration by the Chief Health Officer. This was with exception for sole sex workers who were allowed to continue to provide online video streaming or phone service like chat or sms (virtual services).
As of midday July 3 all sex work businesses are able to return to work in line with the government's stage 3 easing of restrictions . Sole operator sex workers and brothels can operate if they are compliant with the Sex Industry Plan. COVIDSafe checklists will be required in addition to signing a statement of compliance and completing a certificate of online COVID-19 training . To see the details on exactly what is required and keep up to date with news and advice specific to Queensland we recommend following @respectqld on twitter and reading their helpful article on COVID Back to Work Requirements. We also recommend staying up do date with the latest news from the Qld Health website.
Remember, In Qld, police officers have the power to pose covertly as clients (undercover) and are checking to make sure that providers are adhering to current rules.
New South Wales
Escort work were never banned in NSW according to this article however public health orders were required to be (and continue to be required to be) followed at all times. From July 1 all sex work service premises were able to return to work as per the NSW government website. For Sydney Escorts and other NSW sex workers we suggest you to follow @SWOPnsw's twitter page for up to date announcements and requirements.
Strip clubs and brothels and escort agencies must remain closed under the current restrictions. We highly recommend that Canberra Escorts and other sex workers in the ACT stay up to date by following @swop_act on twitter and visiting the ACT health website.
Escort services were able to operate from 11:59pm 21st June however adult entertainment services, sex work venues (brothels and sex on premises venues) and services are to remain closed. This is with exception to strip clubs which can have up to 20 seated customers maximum per space, provided that tables are kept 1.5 metres apart. With the recent outbreaks of COVID-19 cases in Victoria and with stay-at-home orders to be imposed Midnight July 1 for some suburbs it is important for Melbourne Escorts and other sex workers in Victoria to stay up to date with the latest information by visiting the Victorian DHHS website and following Vixen Collective on Twitter.
South Australia
According to the SA government website pertaining to COVID-19 all businesses must follow density requirements of 1 person per every 2 square metres as well as physical distancing. For businesses that conduct a "defined public activity" they must have a COVID-Safe plan and following other government directions. The website does not define private meetings held by escorts but would apply to public entertainment venues such as strip clubs. We recommend that Adelaide Escorts as well as all sex workers in South Australia stay up to date with information from the government of South Australia website as well as following SA's peak body for sex workers - SIN (Sex Industry Network) on twitter @sexindustrynetw.
According to the Tasmanian Government's website all workplaces and business are permitted to operate provided that measures are implemented to meet minimum COVID-19 safety standards which are recorded in a COVID-19 safety plan. The maximum density limit is 1 person per 2 square metres. We recommend that Hobart Escorts and all Tasmanian sex wokers get in touch with @scarletalliance for more information.
The material within this article is for general information and educative purposes in summary form on topics which are current when it is first published. The content does not constitute legal advice or recommendations and should not be relied upon as such.
Appropriate legal advice should be obtained in actual situations.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of this material, Naughty Ads cannot accept responsibility for any errors, including those caused by negligence, in the material. Naughty Ads makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy or completeness of the information and you should not rely on it. You are advised to make your own independent inquiries regarding the accuracy of any information provided within this article.
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* $1 promotion applies to first month of advertising, new customers and first ad only
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