What a Brisbane Escort Should Do When the Client Is Intoxicated
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Encountering an intoxicated client can present unique challenges for all escorts in the industry, requiring careful consideration and appropriate action to ensure the safety and well-being of both parties. In this article, we'll explore five steps that escorts should take when faced with a client who is intoxicated.
1. Assess the Situation
The first step for Brisbane escorts encountering an intoxicated client is to assess the situation calmly and objectively. Determine the level of intoxication and whether the client's behaviour poses any immediate safety risks to you or the client. Look for signs of impaired judgment, aggression, or inability to communicate effectively. You can do this with intentional and well-curated questioning, that aims to gauge the client’s reasoning. This way, you can easily tell whether to proceed with the date or not.
2. Prioritise Safety
Safety should always be the top priority when dealing with an intoxicated client. If the client's behaviour is violent or poses a risk to your or the client’s safety, trust your instincts and prioritise your well-being. Consider whether it's safe to continue the encounter or if it's necessary to end the session and leave the premises immediately. If the client is not that bad and can handle some simple conversation, let them know that you are leaving the premises and the reason is his current state.
3. Communicate Clearly and Firmly
Communication is key when dealing with an intoxicated client. Clearly and firmly communicate your boundaries, expectations, and concerns regarding their nature. Use assertive language and maintain professionalism while addressing any inappropriate or unsafe conduct.
4. Offer Assistance if Necessary
If the client is severely intoxicated and in need of any assistance, consider offering support or contacting appropriate resources for help. This may involve calling a trusted friend or family member, arranging for transportation home, or seeking medical attention if the situation warrants it. Remember to prioritise your safety and well-being while offering assistance.
5. Document the Incident
After the encounter, document the incident in detail for your records and protection. Note the client's behaviour, any safety concerns or boundary violations, and the actions you took to address the situation. If you work for an agency, be sure to report it to management so consideration can given as to whether the the client needs to be warned or blacklisted. If possible, post the encounter on any escort community, to save the next escort from the trouble.
Final Thoughts
Encountering an intoxicated client can be a challenging and potentially risky situation for Brisbane escorts, requiring careful assessment, communication, and action to ensure the safety and well-being of the escort and the client. The best advice would be to carefully screen the client via phone before committing to the date.
Have you ever encountered an intoxicated client as an escort? Share your experiences, tips, and insights in the comments below. You might save someone!
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