Naughty Ads Wins Best Escort Directory at the XAwards 2019!
The Naughty Ads team is extremely proud to announce our win for Best Escort Directory at the X Awards 2019!
Naughty Ads was also a proud sponsor of the event held at Chaser's Nightclub in Melbourne being represented by the lovely Daliah Amor. Look out for more of Daliah on Naughty Ads from December.
We are grateful for the acknowledgement as Australia's Best Escort Directory which has been achieved through hard work day in and day out from our team here at Naughty Ads to continuously improve our site and service offering.
We were also proud to sponsor 3 awards categories at the awards which were best female escort, best male escort and best trans escort. The winners were Daliah Amor, Dragon Night and Danika Deep respectively. A massive congratulations to the winners who you can check out and book on Naughty Ads.
A big thankyou to Sweet Release for putting on a great awards show at the innagural X Awards and for taking so many great pics of the event.
Check out our acceptance speech here on youtube:
#xawardsau @xawardsau #naughtyads @naughtyads
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