Advice On Image Theft For Escorts
Advice On Image Theft For Australian Escorts
At NaughtyAds we perform account and image verification to the best of our abilities by checking phone numbers and matching every photograph uploaded to verification selfies before we approve them. The reason we do this is because we want our Escorts and Adult Service Providers to attract the right clients as well as our genuine desire to protect the safety of Sex Workers in Australia.
Chances are that you have probably been cat-fished on Dating Apps or saw your photos being used on Hook Up apps and other directories claiming to be you, nothing can be more frustrating and confronting so we are sharing our advice on how to manage image theft for escorts.
We’re going to be serious on this point. When an escort, male or female, steals your photos and then claims they are their own - YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT because it is not OK. We believe thieves should be punished and made to stop doing what they are doing, that is why we encourage our advertisers to tell us when they see an advertisement that is not right; so we can investigate, delete the account or the ads.
1. See Something, Say Something
We believe thieves should be punished and made to stop doing what they are doing, that is why we encourage our advertisers to tell us when they see an advertisement that is not right; so we can investigate, delete the account or the ads.
We also believe that protecting sex workers from human trafficking is important and so we are very cautious of approving advertisements on our website without having all of the contact details we need to prove someone is serious about being on our website.
So, if you see an advertisement on NaughtyAds that you think has slipped through the cracks or has been missed in our verification process please email us at and our friendly team will investigate this immediately.
2. Seek Legal Advice
The moment you find out that another escort has stolen your identity or photographs and used them without your permission that is when you need to ask for some legal support.
Seeking legal advice can actually benefit you especially if the photographs you have seen being used have not been authorised by you to be displayed. Even photographers should seek your permission before publishing the photographs on their own websites.
Another instance where getting legal advice is smart is cyberstalking and revenge porn! People who steal photos can use them to damage your brand image by publishing them on other sites you would never have thought about. So getting yourself a decent lawyer who can explain the difference between voyeurism and defamation laws can solve your problem fast.
As soon as your thief’s found guilty, they will face some time behind bars or a hefty fine, it all depends on how serious the offence is.
3. Contact Web Masters and Administrators
Just like we mentioned earlier, at NaughtyAds we work around the clock to make our advertisements and listings are up to honestly communicated and However, if you have recently discovered your photos on another escorting website or directory, we recommend you contact the website administrators immediately to investigate this for you fast.
If you can provide proof that you are the person in the photos and anything else you think will help, website administrators will take your request seriously and will take those images down.
However, in the event a webmaster or administrator ignores your email or dismisses your request then speak to a legal person immediately because they can force their hand for you.
Another way to get around these issues is to file a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) infringement. This will protect your image in all copyright issues, so when a web host sees this they will remove your photos or videos immediately.
4. Update Your Security Settings
Like most people in the world you use social media and don't really think to update your security settings so that only people you give permission to can access your photos, details and other media you publish on social websites. Selfies and other kinds of photos should only be seen by you and those clients you trust 100%.
We see time and time again on other directories fake accounts being created and have actually seen some of the escorts we have on NaughtyAds have their identity scammed on other sites using selfies and other photos to promote fake escort advertisements on other websites.
5. Watermark Your Photographs
This is really easy (just like you can see in the photos in this blog post and others), simply by adding your logo, or your name; what is commonly referred to as a Watermark is an amazing protective tool. There are some great applications on app stores for your phone, computer and tablets. Whatever device you are using considering searching for a watermarking app so you can start protecting your photographs before you load them onto the internet.
If you are looking for an escort directory you can safely advertise on, we recommend creating a listing on NaughtyAds today click here to create your account.
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