An Expert Guide to Ben Wa Balls
Now that you're here, there's a high chance that you know, or at least you’ve heard of, Ben Wa balls. These little magical toys made recent appearances in erotic movies and magazines, and they’re for sure a sex staple. While they may seem simple, there's much more you need to know about Ben Wa balls than what you’ve seen or read in the movies and books. This article is a detailed eye-opener on Ben Wa balls that will answer everything you ever wanted to know.
What Are They?
Ben Wa balls are little balls which you slide into the vagina, whose primary purpose is to exercise and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which in turn aids in improving sexual pleasure.
Ben Wa balls date as far back as 500AD, but thanks to recent sex trends, they are slowly gaining popularity. They can be as little as marbles and vary in size up to about an inch in diameter. While there are narrations of women bringing themselves to their big Os while wearing these balls, many more women are finding intense stimulation because of wearing these balls.
Ben Wa balls are also known as Orgasm Balls, Geisha Balls, Love Balls, Venus balls and among others.
What Do They Feel Like?
As you are aware, Ben Wa balls are slid into the vagina. Therefore, just as during sex, sensations are different for everyone, depending on PC muscles strength, medical history, sensitivity levels, whether you have kids or not, and other factors. Therefore, depending on the size, and the above factors, some women will feel a lot of pleasure, and some will feel little to nothing.
However, you're sure to feel something in your vagina, and if the ball has a notable weight, you're bound to feel a gentle sensation of it moving inside your vagina.
Recent trends and advertisements have brought about bullet vibrators on a string, which they have renamed “Vibrating Ben Wa balls.” While this is a perfect addition to the pillow time, it doesn’t bring about the same idea of exercising the pelvic muscles as the Ben Wa balls do.
How Far Deep Can I Put Them?
During sessions, the lower tip of the toy should be just fine going inside. However, if you have sexual intercourse with them, they can go all the way back as long as you and your partner are comfortable. Also, if they have connector cords, get thin ones since the thicker ones could be a bit uncomfortable.Are There Material Concerns?
Just like with other sex toys, Ben Wa balls are made from different materials, with each reacting differently to everyone. Examples of materials include medical-grade stainless steel and silicon, plastic, and glass. The choice of material is a personal choice considering comfort and ease of cleaning and maintenance.
Do They Have Any Benefits?
These special toys come with a ton of advantages, which are pretty surprising for just a mere sphere. Besides strengthening pelvic floor muscles, Ben Wa balls assist in vaginal elasticity, bladder control and more male and female stimulation.
Final Thoughts: Are Ben Wa balls Really Worth It?
Ben Wa balls are a must-have addition to sex as long as you and your partner are willing to give it a go. They have many advantages, especially increased sexual pleasure and, indeed, better orgasms. As long as you choose the right size and material, this should be a fun ride for you, and yes, Ben Wa balls are worth it!
Have you ever heard of or tried Ben Wa balls? Is it something you'd consider? Please tell us in the comment section box below.
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