How to get wet for sex fast- Easy lubrication explained
The result of arousal is always self-lubrication, a way of the body getting ready for sex. In some cases, however, some women find this hard to achieve, and if they do, they find it even harder to remain wet during sex. Figuring out how to get yourself wet is a superpower, and knowing how to get slimy again when things run dry is another superpower. Given that the best sex happens when everything is wet and slippery, it's only wise for us to help and guide you through this. Therefore, here is a short explainer of how to get and stay wet for sex.
Kick away the stress.
According to escorts in Christchurch and health experts, the body’s physiological reactions to sexual needs and arousal don’t always match our lived experience. Therefore, the more stressed you are during sex, the less likely you will feel that natural and wet arousal. So instead, we suggest you get into the mood, stop worrying about self-lubrication and enjoy the moment. That way, the body naturally adjusts without needing any intervention; before you know it, it's all slippery.
Use some lube.
While lube isn’t a necessity, in most cases, it will come through for you in those exceptional cases, especially when you run dry in the middle of sex. Lube makes sex feel better and even safer since it prevents bruising due to friction, which would otherwise expose you to potential disease risks.
Reminder! There are hundreds of different brands of lube in the market made from different materials. We thus suggest doing your research to figure out what is compatible with your body.
Explore erotic content
Erotic content helps set the mood right for sex. Such content includes adult movies, erotic stories and even sultry music. Exploring such content with your escorts in Christchurch increases arousal, which helps with natural lubrication. We highly recommend exploring such content with your partner to improve things.
Introduce some sex toys.
When you want to send the right message to your body, a sex toy is your go-to option. In this case, we recommend toys that have some vibration, such as vibrators. Using a sex toy helps build sexual tension and anticipation, which increases natural lubrication. Combining a sex toy with a lubricant makes things even better.
Drink lots of water
Lubrication is directly related to water drinking habits. Ideally, dehydration is the number one cause of vaginal dryness since our bodies are primarily made of water. Drinking lots of water regularly improves natural lubrication and general well-being.
Final thoughts
There are plenty of methods to help you improve natural lubrication. The write-up highlights only a number of them in a pool of many. Using a lubricant, hydrating and exploring sex toys are the best methods.
What methods do you use to improve lubrication? We would love to read your comments in the blog comment section below.
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