The ultimate guide to having a threesome
Sex is hugely thrilling but gets even better when you add another partner. Threesomes are normally top of the list for people’s sexual fantasies and take a special place in the collective sexual imagination of many people. Despite them being a common fantasy, they are challenging to navigate. Getting a third person into the mix is the easy part. The hard part is making sure that everyone enjoys the experience, has an orgasm and things aren't awkward. No sex dictionary dictates how things must go however, here is a quick roundup of the best tips for having a threesome.
What threesomes aren’t
Before we even get the tips, it's essential to clear the air regarding the meaning of threesomes. A lot of couples think the purpose of a threesome is to mend the already existing problems. If we can put it plainly, adding another person into an already cracking relationship will most likely amplify the cracks. For a threesome to be smooth, it needs a solid relationship with clear boundaries and honest communication principles.
1. Figure out your intention
This should be the very first step, even before you indulge. Take some time, reflect, and search for why you think you need this. Are you looking for something special to fulfill one of your wild fantasies? Do you just need some fun? Getting clarity on your intention clears the path for this journey.
2. Have a candid discussion with your partner
To be successful, you must be on the same page with your partner. Keep in mind that a lot of jealousy is involved in threesomes; thus, you must be clear and concise on why you want to indulge in this. Stay calm and be open with everything.
3. Find the right person, together
There are several ways of finding the right person for a threesome. You can talk to a friend or even join a dating app. The bottom line is to find someone attractive to both of you.
4. Housekeeping
Once you get someone, all you need to do is housekeeping. Set some sexual and emotional ground rules to guide you through it. Agree on which acts are okay and what you think should be kept between you and your partner. For example, decide on whether or not you want to use condoms or whether or not you need some BDSM play.
5. Get comfortable, communicate, and enjoy
The best way of kicking this off is to set a sexy mood. For example, a bottle of wine or a drink of your choice and some music should be perfect. On that note, consider adding some sex toys into the mix. Essential of all, listen to each other’s needs and watch out for safe words.
Pro Tip! For gentlemen, Male Escorts in Auckland suggest giving more attention to your partner. Remember, jealousy is still in the picture; thus, by giving her more attention, your relationship is getting a significant boost.
In closing
After all, a threesome isn’t as complicated as it seems. The building blocks are trust, open communication, and aftercare. Once you have all that figured out, you’re ready for all the fun. Quite significantly, remember to practice safe sex.
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