How To Turn That Situationship Into A Relationship
A situationship can be defined as an undefined relationship. In this case, both partners are in a romantic relationship but not exclusive with each other. Most of these relationships involve physical intimacy, but generally, they are more of a prolonged sexual encounter. While sex is the order of the day, it doesn’t mean they don’t get emotional.
In the end, the casual talking, hanging out and uncommitted sex gets tiring, and it necessitates turning it into a relationship- something more meaningful, consistent and with an important label. This stage is tricky, to be honest, but with the right attitude and guidance, you’ll be ready to try it. Here are some tips on how to turn the situationship into a relationship.
1. Reduce sexting and see each other often
While sexting counts greatly in any relationship, the best bonds are created physically. Texting tends to build a false sense of intimacy, especially if it’s done excessively. If consistency was in the situationship, then in your to-be relationship, it must be a building block. Spending more time together and consistently shows the willingness to start something serious and makes it easy for the relationship to grow.
2. Introduce each other to your best friends
According to escorts Auckland and dating experts, social interactions between two enthusiastic people with feelings for each other helps make the bond stronger. Involving each other in your social lives is a recipe for a committed romantic relationship. Try mingling beyond what you do privately. Go out there and see people together and you’ll the benefits.
3. Manifest serious couple dates
Rather than the casual “knowing each other dates,” try turning them into more serious and meaningful meet-ups, where you even get to dress up. Dating experts suggest that the best way to bring something into your life is by acting like you already have it. Manifesting these real dates will be a great start.
4. Talk it out
This is a difficult conversation to have but an essential one. If you haven’t defined your relationship, this is the best time to do it. We recommend being open, transparent, open-minded and speaking your heart out. Don't hold back if you’re not ready to take that relationship to the next level.
5. Keep checking in
You can’t have this relationship-defining talk once and expect things to change. Make your relationship a conversation topic and slowly usher yourself into deep and difficult conversations. Keep letting the other person know how you feel about them. However, we suggest reading the feedback and avoiding insisting.
6. Be patient and open-minded
If you’re really for it, the other person may not be interested or need some more time to think it out. Therefore, you should learn to practice patience, and you should also be open to rejection. If they say no, it's not the end of the world.
The bottom line
That said, it's crucial to recognize when you’re stuck with someone who is not ready to take things to the next level. We recommend constant and open communication to figure out what you two want from each other. Otherwise, the above tips should be a perfect start.
What’s your opinion on situationships? Do you think they’re healthy? Please tell us through our comment section box.
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